• March 12, 2012 /  Old Mail

    To : Tobin Written: Tue Mar 6 03:31:54 2012
    Date: Solisda, Quintilis 15 353

    To the Hand of His Majesty,
    King Tobin ab Samael
    To the Hands of the Knights Lithmorran,
    My Lady Earl Marshall, My Lord Grand Master, and the Court ab Sevoi
    To the Hands of The Reeves,
    My Lord Justicar and Lord Proconsul

    Please forgive me this letter, but I must admit that I fear for my life,
    and so I am returning to Vandago for a time, perhaps indefinitely.
    However, before I go, I would care to make the following statements, though
    I’m fairly certain it will draw the very source of my fears to my door.

    I have been a foolish woman, I must admit this to you, and I hope to seek
    your forgiveness as peers as well as to warn you of what I fear may be
    disaster for Lithmore. If your eyes are not to weary, I beg you to read
    on, and I shall tell my story from the beginning.

    In my earliest days in Lithmore, Queen Gemara ab Harmon died, throwing
    Lithmore into chaos. During the aftermath, I became a secret supporter of
    His Majesty, Tobin ab Samael, but did not openly declare for him with the
    intent of seeing what would happen and how best I could move for my
    family’s advantage. As you likely know, I was nothing more than an heiress
    of my family’s business ventures, and I came here to Lithmore to look for
    my sister, Romana. I did not know she was an Inquisitor, but I was pleased
    to discover it.

    Well, personalities being as they are, Anschel of Amhurst approached me to
    ask for my support. I brushed him off, which earned the ire of a Miss
    Myranda le Argent, whom was well known for her temper. This is where I
    made my first mistake, and I’ve no doubt I’ll rue it forever. Miss le
    Argent, you see, was holding a party on her ship. Out of spite, or perhaps
    for my own amusement, I contacted the Brotherhood of Common goods and
    offered them a sizable deposit to have some of their members crash the
    event, and hopefully, provide as amusing diversion to guests. I should
    never have done so, as it set the stage for events to come.

    The Brotherhood took the money, but never showed. Instead, I livened it up
    myself by hiring the Town Crier to claim the ship was on fire. Meanwhile,
    the Count of Amhurst offered me Amhurst itself should I support him to
    become king. I told Tobin of the Count’s offering, and how I felt it would
    be a betrayal to my family to continue to support him given this. His
    Majesty immediately agreed to match Anschel’s offer, and I publically
    declared the Heritage Building Society for him.

    At about the same time, Myranda le Argent attempted to blackmail me for my
    contacting the Brotherhood. I assumed instantly that she was a member of
    the Brotherhood, and I wrote the Tenebrae explaining that I should never
    have aught to do with the Brotherhood again.

    Some time ago, the Holy Order discovered that the Tenebrae was a mage. Alas,
    I was never a privy to matters of The Inquisition. However, my sister warned
    me to stay away from the Brotherhood, having been aware of my earlier

    So, I suppose at this time, I should tell you how it is that I became the
    patron of Julea Sanguine, the Sapiente of the Brotherhood of Common goods.

    I’ve become a patron of several people of Lithmore, seeking to ingratiate
    myself and become friends with the people of the city. I am a foreigner,
    so it seemed that if I were to be accepted, I should be of use. I visited
    the Theater and saw the Jester perform, so I offered her a role with my
    house. Much the same occurred with Julea Sanguine when I was bathing at
    the Vavardi Bathhouse with the Jester and Herazade op Persela.

    Julea entered the baths, and we all spoke amicably. I cannot remember
    precisely how it occurred, but I do know that I asked Julea if she would be
    able to assist me with posting posters around Lithmore. She suggested that
    I could trust her for more, but I indicated that I didn’t require her for
    anything, though as the Jester was not the typical gossipy Troubadour, I
    would appreciate it if she could keep me abreast of rumors. She agreed,
    and thus began her employment with myself.

    I was pleased with her service when she put out the posters to advertise my
    party, but I daresay we did not spend much time together. The matters of
    the Brotherhood and Remi LeBou were beyond me, however, and I was unaware
    at that time that my comments to Romana around the subject were feeding
    into a greater investigation. Meanwhile, however, my relationship with
    Julea Sanguine progressed in comfort. Though she hadn’t provided me any
    information on the rumors I’d asked for, she seemed loyal enough and fun to
    talk to. I was content.

    Matters seemed to change around the time I saw her when I encountered
    Amdair ab Lassider on his first night of return. I did not know him, so
    when he arrived asking strange questions, I sent for Julea to fetch the
    authorities and bring them to deal with the matter, and also to provide me
    with protection, should it be needed. She came with His Holiness, Remi
    LeBou, and Ariel op Orban.

    Count ab Lassider left with His Holiness, and I sent Julea to protect
    the latter given that I knew he was no soldier, which the Count appeared to
    be. Soon after, Ariel op Orban left as well, leaving Remi LeBou and myself
    alone. He told me how he felt I was foolish as Julea was no fighter and
    could not assist His Holiness if there was a fight. To whit, I heard
    rumors go about that I had threatened LeBou for that statement, but I tell
    you now, ’tis not true. I never threatened him. However, during our
    moment of privacy, I made a comment about Daravi magic, which I had
    believed could explained Amdair’s strange return. He lifted his hands and
    gained the most horrific of expressions – I had thought he was going to
    cast magic upon me – and then he made some poor joke about mages having no
    more oomph than farts. I reported this to my sister, of course, but that
    was my absolute last contact with Remi LeBou, and it was weeks before he
    was arrested. Certainly, I do not believe his arrest was based upon that,
    though I do believe with all my heart that it was a frightening experience,
    and that LeBou did intend me danger for my prejudice against magic.

    Soon thereafter (and honestly, it may have been soon before), Julea
    approached me and asked me if I had heard the news. I asked her what she
    was speaking of, stating that I had not. She told me she was Sapiente of
    the thieves and asked me if I should like to ‘join her family.’ Now, I must
    confess that when she hinted at the matter, she had provided enough
    information for me to guess, but I warned her off as I did not really want
    to know – if I did, according to His Holiness’ words, I would be obligated
    to turn her in to the Holy Order, my very own sister. Needless to say, I
    told her that I was not interested in joining the Brotherhood due to my
    previous falling out with the Tenebrae as well as my understanding that the
    Tenebrae was a mage.

    After a night of restless sleep, unsure of which way to turn, I made peace
    with the Lord of the Springs and contacted my sister. I told her that
    Julea claimed to be the Sapiente, and that she had ‘lied about leaving the
    Brotherhood’, which I had not known she was a part of until she told me
    about her role as Sapiente. Romana asked me to, carefully, find out who
    the Tenebrae was to assist her investigation. Naturally, I began to probe,
    and sent my results to Romana. I believe Julea did not know exactly what I
    was doing at first, but surely she did towards the end as her stories
    changed. I believe that she must have discovered that I exercised my
    loyalty to my sister, and this angered her.

    In any case, perhaps a few days after Julea told me she was Sapiente, I
    received a letter from Tenebrae. He stated that he had not spoken to me in
    some time, and said that I was to do everything he said, or someone would
    die at my party. I immediately informed the Reeves. In retrospect, this
    blackmailing attempt likely came as the result of my refusal to join. In
    any case, my Lord Justiciar wisely noted that whereas there was a threat,
    there were no actual demands, so I dug for them, writing a letter of

    I also went to Julea and presented the letter of blackmail, demanding
    she tell me who the Tenebrae was. She did refuse, and so instead of press
    her further, I asked her to negotiate him to leave me in peace. She
    claimed to do so, and indeed, I received another letter (all three of these
    events were within mere days of one another) from the Tenebrae saying that
    he listens to Julea, and thus there would be a truce, and my party would be

    At that time, Remi LeBou was arrested under suspicion of being Tenebrae,
    and hence a mage. I know little of the investigation because, regardless
    of what people may believe, my sister had no more contact with me during
    that time. She is a busy woman and I have my own affairs. I understand
    from meeting with her later that she had evidence turned over from many
    varying parties, but I believe that I may be being blamed for LeBou’s death
    by the Brotherhood as a whole.

    I do know I received further letters during Remi’s incarceration, though
    one I put down to simply my being late in collecting my mail and the other
    had an oddity about its signature. In any case, Julea later confessed to me
    that the latter mail was a forgery by one of the Tenebrae’s men.

    Here is where things become strange. Julea had been arrested at my party,
    but due to my own intoxication and other events that occurred, I retired
    early and remained secluded for some days to recover. I learned only later
    that she had been arrested, about the same time as I received the letters
    from Tenebrae. Knowing nothing of what was going on, I assumed that
    Julea’s arrest was linked to Remi LeBou’s as she was Sapiente. Also, I
    suppose I should have confessed earlier that I attempted to negotiate
    Julea’s safety with my sister in trying to provide her information
    regarding the Tenebrae, so I became angry with Romana. I approached His
    Holiness and attempted to get him to release Julea into my custody. I
    offered to take responsibility for her behavior and sign papers to that
    effect, but he turned me aside saying it was Romana’s decision, but it was,
    in his eyes, a perversion of justice.

    So, I went to Romana and demanded she release Julea as I felt there was no
    reason to hold her – she had, afterall, provided Romana information on the
    Tenebrae. I was unaware that Julea’s arrest wasn’t Romana’s doing, but was
    being carried out on behalf of His Majesty, and there were treason charges
    as well.

    Needless to say, the next time I saw Julea she was in the presence of
    Deviah ab Dominus, wearing the ring of His Holiness – whom she had once
    told me loved her. I was surprised to see her free, but pleased.
    Afterall, was my retainer not returned to me, and mostly safe? But she
    pointed to her foot where Romana had injured her during her Review, and
    seemingly deeply angry, spat hatred. Ab Dominus told me that he had never
    had to restort to torture during one of -his- Reviews. I said that I did
    not think that it was appropriate for him, as a High Inquisitor, to
    question the Grand Inquisitor’s methods. At this point, he told me that he
    used to be the Grand Inquisitor. I stated that if he held that against my
    sister, he ought not, as the decision was that of the Cardinal. He showed
    me his blade, inscribed with the word ‘Truth’ and said that ‘the truth will
    win out’. I felt this line of discussion was not healthy, so made to take
    my leave, and His Eminence said that he ‘hoped the truth would find me in
    the future.’

    So I wrote his Holiness and said that I did not know why I am being
    threatened, but I recognise a threat when I hear one. His Holiness wrote
    me back stating that I have nothing to fear, His Eminence is merely

    I know this letter has been long, but I have only two more points to make.
    Firstly, Romana came to me and said that she had quit the office of Grand
    Inquisitor because of the lack of support from the Cardinal in her doing
    the Lord of the Spring’s work. She felt he forced her to release Sanguine,
    and every time someone spoke to her, they demanded evidence, which she
    provided, but not only did the Cardinal not support her, he actually asked
    her to re-review Sanguine because the case was ‘close to his heart’ and
    during the event, began to question her himself. She too intends to leave
    Lithmore for Vandago as she feels the Lord’s work has been subverted here.
    She also warned me of Julea Sanguine, saying that during the Review, the
    girl lied – she claimed she had never slept with LeBou, which was one of
    the many parallels I had given her, and further that she claimed during the
    review that I raped Ariel op Orban (a gross and hateful exaggeration of a
    mutually embarrassing, drunken encounter in which no one and nothing was
    injured but pride) and that I made up evidence against His Eminence that
    got him removed from the role of Grand Inquisitor – which I had absolutely
    nothing to do with at all; I didn’t even know his name until he introduced
    himself to me escorting Miss Sanguine that day.

    I believe that the Brotherhood blames me for the death of Remi LeBou, who I
    am not certain if he was or was not Tenebrae, though I believe the latter
    as I know my sister would not make up evidence. Also, I have actually
    heard of the strange events around his burning, which signifies to me that,
    at the very minimum, my sister was correct that he was a mage.

    Julea Sanguine claims that the Knights Lithmorran confiscated her keys, and
    thus that they have the key to my home. She even bashed down the front
    door to prove it, claiming that she had lost the one I provided her as a
    retainer. I believe she still has it, and intends to use it to gain entry
    when I do not expect it and see me murdered in revenge for the death of
    Remi LeBou and the injury my sister did to her during her review – she had
    threatened in private to kill Jei for slicing her face – she is unforgiving
    on these matters. Perhaps I am insane, but I am genuinely fearful of her.
    My sister claimed she was poison, ruining whatever she touches. I have not
    taken her from my payroll as I’m afraid to alert her that I’m packing my
    estate and running.

    In any case, I suppose whether or not the knights returned my keys to
    her is easy enough to verify?

    Your Majesty, I apologize for this long letter and my immediate absence. I
    had attempted to meet with you to explain these things, but I understand
    you were busy – I hope it is not because you are angered towards me.

    In final conclusion, I swear this entire letter to be the truth of all
    matters as well as I can recall them, the Lord of the Springs be my

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    The Countess of Garod

    To : Tobin Written: Sun Mar 4 07:34:27 2012
    Date: Solisda, Quintilis 8 353

    To the Hand of His Majesty, King Tobin ab Samael:

    Your Majesty,

    I have many things on my mind of late, and I hope that you will receive my
    letter in kindness despite your recent strife with my sister. Firstly, as
    per our discussion, I believe I have soothed her ruffled feathers. You
    will no longer find her subverting your activities – I hope you will
    consider removing your subversion of hers as well, given that it affects
    myself, and I am your loyal subject.

    In speaking of loyalty, I do wish to take a moment and confess a mistake,
    as well as offer an apology. When Julea Sanguine was arrested, I assumed
    it was to do with the arrest of Remi LeBou. You see, I had discovered that
    Julea was Sapiente, and loyalty to my sister and the Holy Order ensured
    that I could not be silent on the matter, however so I wished it. Romana
    asked me to discover as much as I could about the Tenebrae through Julea,
    but as Julea was my retainer, I agreed upon the condition that Julea would
    be safe. When Julea was arrested, knowing nothing of Your Majesty’s hand,
    I believed Romana had changed her mind.

    I attempted to force Julea’s release, and failing to do so, slipped her a
    letter that stated I would assist her to escape. I did not know that in
    doing so, I was interfering with your wishes. Thus, I wish to apologize to
    you, Your Majesty, and hope that you hold no ill will towards me.

    Thank you for your moment of attention.


    To : Chloe Written: Sat Mar 3 12:41:37 2012
    Date: Circadi, Quintilis 5 353

    My Lady,

    Yes, though I thought speaking to His Majesty would be needed in this, it
    seems that the Lord Proconsul was able to, thankfully, have the treason
    charges dropped. Afterwards, I was able to obtain a dropping of the
    possession suspicion as well. Dav be thanked Justice and Truth came to

    Now, to the matter of Deviah Dominus, please forgive His Eminence’s actions
    in this case. He’s a good man and we all have been through a lot in the
    Order with these recent cases. They weigh on us, but we know we have done
    the right thing. Still, such things can try a man’s resolve. Though this
    does not excuse what you’ve seen, it offers some explanation. I trust
    Archbishop Dominus. This is why he was given the station he was.

    I’ll again make my offer for a spot of tea. You likely have a very busy
    schedule, as do I, but such chances at a little rest and a chance to better
    know those of my flock are things I rarely get and look forward to.

    In the meantime, do receive my blessing on you and your good work.

    In Faith,
    B. Piuso
    Cardinal of Lithmore

    This letter is sealed with a depiction of Saint Celeste and Saint Aelwyn
    bowing, on opposing sides, of the chalice.

    To : Benedictus Written: Sat Mar 3 05:02:54 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Quintilis 4 353

    Your Holiness,

    My thoughts are scattered as I write this letter to you, and I hope you
    hold my words in a kind light.

    I am ever so pleased that Your Holiness’ efforts to free Miss Julea
    Sanguine were successful. Dare I ask how it happened? I know we planned
    to see His Majesty together and seek to drop suit, but obviously that did
    not occur… No matter however, as the results were quite satisfactory.

    However, there is a matter that troubles me. Please understand, I seek no
    restitution, nor activity on my behalf – rather, I would simply let you
    know what occurred this afternoon. I came upon Deviah ab Dominus assisting
    Miss Sanguine down the street – this is how I learned she was finally free.
    Well, she was, to be blunt, upset and angered that my sister had injured
    her, and made a point of saying that it was because of me. She had
    previously told me that His Majesty arrested her on charges of being a
    Siren. I’ve heard of such things, but do not believe in them. Regardless,
    I fail to see what that has to do with me. In any case, I commented that I
    suppose Romana must have felt obligated to enact her office, and that I
    understand Reviews can become quite invasive. I expressed that I was happy
    that Julea’s case did not appear to be as extreme as others I’ve knowledge

    At this point, His Eminence chimed in saying that -his- Reviews rarely
    required torture. I commented that it tis hardly seemly for a High
    Inquisitor to question the Grand Inquisitor’s work, and he told me that he
    had been the Grand Inquisitor before. I said that if he held ire towards
    my sister for the loss of that position, I felt it was better taken up with
    you as than my sister. He then told me that he held no ire towards his
    fellow priests, but the truth would win out. He then took out his blade,
    being sure to display to me that the word ‘Truth’ was engraved into the

    This in and of itself did not concern me, though I have to admit I found it
    somewhat venial. However, I do know my manners and said naught at all to
    provoke him, even when he pressed the question as to why he would find ire
    with Romana. I must admit, I pretended to ‘accidentally’ bump into a
    passerby to avoid needing to answer His Eminence in a manner that would
    provoke him, and I bid him farewell. This is when he told me that he hopes
    “that the Truth shall find me in my future endeavors.”

    I will be frank, your Eminence. It is possible that he thought himself
    merely playing clever. In fact, ’tis most likely, and I know that he will
    also say I read too much into words. However, I can think of nothing at
    all that I could have done to deserve a threat, and I recognize a threat
    when I hear one. I am mildly offended, but such things can pass. However,
    I daresay that this man shows poorly for The Holy Order.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    Countess of Garod

    (Written in Vandagan)
    To : Romana Written: Thu Mar 1 08:17:58 2012
    Date: Arendas, June 26 353

    Dear Romana,

    It’s come to my attention that Julea was arrested at the order of His
    Majesty. His Holiness claims that she’s been put to The Inquisition.

    I beg you to remember your promise that Julea would not be arrested so long
    as she was in good stead with myself, and her information assisted in the
    apprehension of the Tenebrae. I believe my side of this agreement has been
    fulfilled, and I plead with you to uphold yours. I know His Majesty is a
    powerful man, and I know that were I in your shoes, I would capitulate to
    to His Majesty, afterall, Julea is in theory, no one.

    However, thus far, she has been a loyal retainer. His Majesty has turned
    his interests directly against ours, and I see no reason we would assist
    him until he ceases his subversion, and that is when I am thinking kindly
    on him for he had Julea arrested without a word to me, her patron.

    Can you tell me aught about the charges of treason and possession? His
    Holiness knew more of the latter, but seemed stunningly unaware of the
    reasons for the former.

    I am preparing to publicly approach His Majesty with His Holiness and
    others to challenge the case of Treason with His Majesty. I beg you to
    consider what this might look like if she is not exonerated of possession
    – or exorcised. Perhaps an exorcism can be performed? In this manner, the
    Holy Order retains its authority and has done its righteous duty…

    I digress, my sister. Please, consider my words and burn this letter.

    To : Benedictus Written: Thu Mar 1 06:36:52 2012
    Date: Arendas, June 26 353

    Your Holiness,

    Thank you kindly for your letter. I have provided my sister the support
    that is required as a dutiful Davite, and I understand that the charges
    against Remi LeBou are extreme, but I beg of you, please intercede and
    spare the life of my retainer, Miss Julea Sanguine.

    I know it is a grave sin for me to desire such, but I believe Julea to be
    innocent with all of my heart. She has been betrayed by those close to
    her, but for this, she does not deserve death.

    My sister is a holy woman, Your Holiness. She will do things by the
    letter, and I know she would be right if her investigations led her to
    believe it was appropriate to cleanse Julea, but surely there is some
    intercession that could be made on her behalf with the Lord of the Springs?

    Please, your Holiness, I beg you.


    To : Chloe Written: Wed Feb 29 14:18:29 2012
    Date: Lunisda, June 23 353

    My Lady,

    Your sister, Her Holy Honour, spoke to me about your involvement in the
    inquisitions and Reviews of some of our more recent cases.

    I’d like to extend my personal thanks for any good work on your part. The
    Church always appreciates those who extend a hand to help us in our
    venerable mission. Perhaps, some time, we could get the chance to sit down
    and meet eachother properly. I’m afraid I’ve neglected to get to know you
    in the past and based on the what I’ve heard from my Grand Inquisitor and
    from the little I’ve seen, we should work to correct that.

    Also, I attended your party.. Very enjoyable. I am sorry that I could not
    extend the exemption from Cardinal Red, but I had my reasons which, in my
    mind were good enough. Regardless, it was certainly an interesting night
    for the little of it I was able to stay.

    Yours in Faith,
    B. Piuso
    Cardinal of Lithmore

    This letter is sealed with a depiction of Saint Celeste and Saint Aelwyn
    bowing, on opposing sides, of the chalice.

    To : Gavin Written: Tue Feb 28 08:31:49 2012
    Date: Arendas, June 19 353

    My Lord Justiciar and Your Holy Honor,

    Please forgive me that I could not find the time to write you sooner, but I
    have received the following letters. As promised, I forward their contents
    to you:

    ========== ENCLOSED ===========
    [Insert two letters from “Tenebrae” – the first is real, the 2nd a
    “forgery by one of his men” said Julea. Their contents can be found below.]
    ========== END LETTERS ===========

    I should like to note that I suspect the latter to be a forgery – all
    letters that I have ever received from the Tenebrae have been
    signed off with “Shadows be with you,” but the last. Still, I
    feel it is only appropriate that I forward these on to you for your
    consideration. However, if it is a forgery, the author did know the
    contents of my final correspondence to the Tenebrae.

    Chloe von Dmitreva

    To : Ariel Written: Tue Feb 28 08:22:12 2012
    Date: Arendas, June 19 353

    Master op Orban,

    I reluctantly accept your long-winded apology. It is surely best for us
    both to keep such matters quiet – as quiet as possible in a city that loves
    nothing more than gossip. Needless to say, I’ve no need for more enemies.

    I consider the matter closed.

    Chloe von Dmitreva

    To : Chloe Written: Mon Feb 27 22:31:38 2012
    Date: Solisda, June 17 353

    Countess von Dmitreva,

    I had been informed you were unaware of my identity at the party, which I
    hadn’t realized. My memory of the night is somewhat unclear, considering
    that I had consumed some item of food that turned out to be drugged.

    My confession to my lady occurred while I was still under the effects of
    whatever strange drugs I unwittingly consumed at your party, when she saw
    the bruises on my wrists from my attempts to free myself and questioned me
    as to what happened. Regrettably, I have always been quite susceptible to
    the effects of drugs.

    Rest assured, my lady, that had I not been in an altered state of mind I
    would not have entered your bedroom in the first place. As I’ve stated
    before, you are a very attractive woman, but I am obedient to the laws and
    words of Dav and seek to avoid sinful behavior. Certainly were I inclined
    to such dalliances, I would have been honored by your interest.

    No embarrassment was intended, but I am sure we can both agree that the
    best course of action in this situation is – as my Lady suggested, not
    threatened – letting it be simply forgotten.

    Ari op Orban

    To : Ariel Written: Mon Feb 27 21:28:27 2012
    Date: Solisda, June 17 353

    Master op Orban,

    I don’t even know where to begin with this.

    Not only, does it seem, I am to forgive a man for leading me on and
    embarassing me at my own party, then kindly informing his mistress of the
    whole affair so that she may attempt to pressure me into submission, but
    I’m to do all of this without even an apology?

    Goodness, you people must think I’m a saint.

    Chloe von Dmitreva

    (A crude sketch of Saint Celeste weeping, holding a dagger in her hands, is
    drawn here in black ink with a hasty scribble of red over the breast where
    her heart is and the caption: “The Lord of the Springs forgives, not I”.)

    To : Chloe Written: Mon Feb 27 17:40:59 2012
    Date: Solisda, June 17 353

    My lady Countess,

    The Lady dul Damassande was referring to the unfortunate incident that
    occurred between us at your party. She is merely concerned that you might
    consider I have done you some sort of wrong, and attempt to pursue some
    form of retribution; as I am her retainer, she of course wishes to ensure
    that the matter be laid peacefully and discreetly to rest.

    I am sure it is your wish as well as mine that what happened be dismissed
    and forgotten without further reference to the affair?

    Ari op Orban
    Court Bard of Lyndale

    To : Ariel Written: Mon Feb 27 15:23:36 2012
    Date: Lunisda, June 16 353

    Master op Orban,

    I received the enclosed missive, attributed to your mistress, and I
    am baffled as we have had no contact for many months?

    ========== ENCLOSED COPY ==========
    [Marisa’s letter below enclosed into this letter.]
    ========== END LETTER ==========

    The letter appears authentic, but given that it contains a threat, if a
    subtly worded one, I’m sure you can imagine that my disposition on
    the matter is unkind.

    Have you said or done something to cause strife between House Dmitreva
    and Damassande, or is this letter a patent forgery? If the latter,
    then I imagine that a particular enemy of mine is up to his
    old tricks.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    Countess of Garod

    To : Chloe Written: Sun Feb 26 04:19:57 2012
    Date: Votumas, June 11 353

    Don’t get too comfortable. I may still be wanting to take you up on
    that offer of your bed. For now my demands are to keep quiet. Let things
    play out.


    To : Chloe Written: Sat Feb 25 03:45:26 2012
    Date: Circadi, June 7 353

    Dictated by the Lady Chancellor dul Damassande:

    Lady Garod,

    I understand that there was a small matter of a misunderstanding between
    you and my bard, Ariel op Orban. It would of course be best if this
    misunderstanding could be considered fully rectified at this point and put
    behind everyone. I see no reason that it needs have happened.

    Should further clarification be required, it can be made quite explicitly

    Marisa dul Damassande

    *stamped across the bottom in wax with a series of seals:
    an encircled D, House Damassande’s rampant stallions standing
    respectant with a lavish fountain between them, and the crown
    of the Royal Treasury’s Chancellor of the Exchequer*

    To : Chloe Written: Thu Feb 23 05:45:08 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Maius 30 353

    My dear. You can have your little party. I will not complicate it.

    You are lucky that one we both happen to have an interest in the one
    that stayed my hand. And it is because of her that I have no interest
    in sharing the bed of a whore. But others in the fold might. I will
    advise them of your interest.

    No matter. I will stay down in my portion of the city and you in yours.
    There is no need for a war between us. Truce.

    Shadows be with you,

    To : Julea Written: Wed Feb 22 17:03:13 2012
    Date: Votumas, Maius 28 353

    Dearest Jules,

    I am so relieved to receive your letter. Thank you.


    To : Chloe Written: Wed Feb 22 06:41:54 2012
    Date: Lunisda, Maius 26 353

    Dearest Chloe,

    The Tenebrae -does- listen to his Sapiente.

    There will be no murder. There will be a truce.


  • February 22, 2012 /  Old Mail

    To : Chloe Written: Tue Feb 21 23:12:05 2012
    Date: Eldes, Maius 25 353

    Dear Tenebrae,

    I find it suspicious that your letter contains only threats with no actual
    requests. Tell me, what do you want? To scare me? Very well, you’ve done
    so. I capitulate to your demands, you arrogant beast.

    So, what shall it be? Gold? A decree in Vandago? My lovely self in your
    bed? A nod at Court?

    Be careful what you wish for. There’s always a price.


    To : Chloe Written: Tue Feb 21 22:55:04 2012
    Date: Eldes, Maius 25 353

    To the Hand of the Lord Justiciar,

    My Lord,

    Thank you for your prompt response to my conundrum. I shall be happy to
    direct guests to turn over their items at the door for Reeve examination.
    Like you, I must admits I find it odd that the Tenebrae did not actually
    include any demands with his threat. So, with your permission, I intend to
    pen him a letter pretending capitulation and asking what it is that he

    I shall forward any responses to yourself and the Offices of the Holy
    Inquisition, which I’ve come to understand have an interest in the matter.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    Countess of Garod

    To : Chloe Written: Tue Feb 21 22:47:42 2012
    Date: Eldes, Maius 25 353

    Dear Sister,

    I have met with Julea Sanguine and requested that she tell me directly who
    the Tenebrae is as he has made threats against me. She claims she does not
    know who he is, despite sleeping with him.

    Julea tells me that Remi LeBou is suspected of being the Tenebrae, though
    she herself has no definitive proof. She expressed distress and perhaps
    anger at the prospect that he might be decieving her, and I wonder if she
    does know, but does not wish to acknowledge it. She hears Remi will soon
    be arrested on suspicions of such, and she hopes that the Tenebrae will
    show himself whilst Remi is in jail to prove that it is all a mistake. I
    explained I rather doubt that would prove anything as the Tenebrae has the
    whole Brotherhood, including a loyal Sapiente such as herself, to pretend
    to be him to throw the scent off, and everyone knows it.

    Regardless, I find these parallels between Remi and the Tenebrae suspicious
    myself. And surely he would not be arrested unless there was a reason for
    suspicion in the first place. But, both Remi and the Tenebrae have
    actively threatened me for no reason that I can discern. Both Remi and the
    Tenebrae have enjoyed the physical affections of Julea Sanguine – so they
    have the same taste in female flesh, I gather.

    In any case, whether they are the same man or no, Remi LeBou has threatened
    me. If they are the same man, all to the better. Won’t you kindly do your
    sister a favor and handle this Inquisition personally? Either Remi LeBou
    will make a fine example to the Tenebrae of what happens when one threatens
    our family, or it will succinctly solve our problems in a nutshell. At
    this point, with little information to go on, I’ll happily take either.

    Oh, and I did ask for a bit of information about Remi from Julea to see if
    there was anything blackmail worthy there. I doubt anything she told me
    was worthwhile, but if it helps your investigation…

    Remi LeBou
    His favorite drink is Tubori wine, which is always in his flask.
    He also sells it on his ship and is looking to supply the Blind Horse.
    He regularly smokes a pipe, usually coamjar in it.
    He is very fond of these chocolate harp shaped wafers.
    He also can’t keep his pants up.
    There will probably be a warrant issued for his arrest in the next
    couple of days.
    His bethrothed is suspected of being a mage. There is, as yet, no proof.

    I wonder if his betrothed truly is a mage?


    To : Chloe Written: Tue Feb 21 22:30:37 2012
    Date: Eldes, Maius 25 353

    To the Countess of Garod, Lady Chloe von Dmitreva:

    You can count on additional support for your dinner, in light of the
    Tenebrae’s threat against you and your event– I shall send out the call to
    our militia, and that should be sufficient to protect your guests. What I
    suggest is that, before guests enter the scene, those unknown to you ought
    to be searched (under the pretense that no one carries anything that would
    garner them an advantage in the game). It has the added benefit of doing
    exactly that, of course, and might ensure the integrity of the mystery.

    As far as the Tenebrae himself, I confess that I find myself curious what
    his designs for you are. But beyond that, out of affection, I will speak
    with my contacts and delve deeper into his machinations.


    To : Chloe Written: Tue Feb 21 19:05:35 2012
    Date: Eldes, Maius 25 353

    To the Hand of the Lord Justiciar and the Lady Earl Marshall:

    I have received a threat from the Tenebrae against both my person and my
    body when I responded to a letter asking for us to work together saying
    that I was not interested as I was afraid that he wasn’t honorable and my
    sister had told me he was a mage. I’ve enclosed a copy of his words, and
    request the Knights and Reeves show in force to my Murder Mystery Dinner.
    If either could or would be willing to help me find a capable bodyguard, I
    would be deeply in your debt.

    =========== ENCLOSED LETTER ==========

    To : Chloe Written: Tue Feb 21 08:55:38 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Maius 23 353

    You, my dear, will do exactly what I tell you to do, when I tell you to
    do it, or I will be forced to give you a reason to be afraid of me. Do not
    play coy with me, please. I really hate ignorance and games.

    You’re sadly mistaken, as is your sister it seems to believe I am a mage.
    I am not. I have already attempted to convey this to the Church, however
    the Church is so simple minded they fail to look at all the facts and
    possibilities, only what their eyes allow them to see. It is because of
    this, that I am now deemed a user of magic. A black cloak, and a mask, is
    not something so difficult to come by. But that really does not bother me
    much, as I don’t leave Southside as it is.

    Not that I am in any need to justify myself to you, or them. It really
    does not matter. Regardless, I will simply stay in my portion of the city
    and work my dealings from here. But I do intend to use you, dear. Or we
    will have some complications that will need to be resolved. With this been
    said, I do hope your party goes off without any complications. Would
    really hate for a real murder to occur with so many play suspects present,

    Shadows be with you,


    I have not written the Tenebrae back at this time, though I fear he expects
    a response. May I request your guidance in this matter? It appears clear to
    me that he threatens my life if I do not obey him.

    Thank you kindly for your time and consideration.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    Countess of Garod

    Written in Vandagan:
    To : Chloe Written: Tue Feb 21 18:58:21 2012
    Date: Circadi, Maius 24 353

    Dearest Sister,

    I received this in the mail after writing the Tenebrae a letter stating
    that I had no desire to work with him in any manner as I understand he is a

    =========== ENCLOSED LETTER ==========

    To : Chloe Written: Tue Feb 21 08:55:38 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Maius 23 353

    You, my dear, will do exactly what I tell you to do, when I tell you to
    do it, or I will be forced to give you a reason to be afraid of me. Do not
    play coy with me, please. I really hate ignorance and games.

    You’re sadly mistaken, as is your sister it seems to believe I am a mage.
    I am not. I have already attempted to convey this to the Church, however
    the Church is so simple minded they fail to look at all the facts and
    possibilities, only what their eyes allow them to see. It is because of
    this, that I am now deemed a user of magic. A black cloak, and a mask, is
    not something so difficult to come by. But that really does not bother me
    much, as I don’t leave Southside as it is.

    Not that I am in any need to justify myself to you, or them. It really
    does not matter. Regardless, I will simply stay in my portion of the city
    and work my dealings from here. But I do intend to use you, dear. Or we
    will have some complications that will need to be resolved. With this been
    said, I do hope your party goes off without any complications. Would
    really hate for a real murder to occur with so many play suspects present,

    Shadows be with you,


    I intend to speak with Julea and attempt to get her to assist in his
    turnover. Afterall, she is the Tenebrae’s second, the Sapiente,
    and further, I know she knows who he is as she’s confessed
    they are lovers.

    If I am not alive in this coming week, please ensure that Miss Sangine
    goes with me – a sort of ‘last wish’ if you will. They are lovers,
    making her a heretic at the very least.

    If I am, please keep this letter safe in case it should ever be needed.


    To : Chloe Written: Tue Feb 21 08:55:38 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Maius 23 353

    You, my dear, will do exactly what I tell you to do, when I tell you to
    do it, or I will be forced to give you a reason to be afraid of me. Do not
    play coy with me, please. I really hate ignorance and games.

    You’re sadly mistaken, as is your sister it seems to believe I am a mage.
    I am not. I have already attempted to convey this to the Church, however
    the Church is so simple minded they fail to look at all the facts and
    possibilities, only what their eyes allow them to see. It is because of
    this, that I am now deemed a user of magic. A black cloak, and a mask, is
    not something so difficult to come by. But that really does not bother me
    much, as I don’t leave Southside as it is.

    Not that I am in any need to justify myself to you, or them. It really
    does not matter. Regardless, I will simply stay in my portion of the city
    and work my dealings from here. But I do intend to use you, dear. Or we
    will have some complications that will need to be resolved. With this been
    said, I do hope your party goes off without any complications. Would
    really hate for a real murder to occur with so many play suspects present,

    Shadows be with you,

  • February 21, 2012 /  Old Mail

    To : Tenebrae Written: Mon Feb 20 22:50:22 2012
    Date: Votumas, Maius 21 353

    Dear Tenebrae,

    You’re a kind man to write to me so affectionately, but I must admit that
    I’m afraid of you and do not trust you. Remember, you did sell me out once
    to Miss Myranda le Argent. Also, my sister claims that you’re a mage.

    At the behest of someone I believe may be close to us both, I have sworn to
    cause you no ill and at the behest of my sister, I’ve sworn to hold no
    truck with you. Should we encounter one another on the street, I shall tip
    my hat and make haste to be out of your way, provided you do the same.

    Chloe von Dmitreva

    To : Chloe Written: Sat Feb 18 16:09:07 2012
    Date: Lunisda, Maius 12 353

    We have not traded words in such a long time my sweet seductress of
    evil. I really do wish us to meet in the near future, as I seem to have a
    feeling you and I can benefit from one another. I have heard rumor you yet
    still linger around. Reach out to me, and allow me the time to meet with
    you so that we may forge an alliance between us. We both have things the
    other can surely take advantage of.

    I shall be waiting,

  • February 16, 2012 /  Old Mail

    (Written in Vandagan)

    To : Romana Written: Thu Feb 16 00:04:06 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Maius 2 353

    Dearest Sister,

    I have much news for you. Firstly, I encountered the ‘Count’ Amdair ab
    Lassidar of Casterlay (you know, the barony) who came upon me at the Pigeon
    and Courier’s off Iolaide Avenue. He asked all sorts of insane questions
    about the council, what day it was, who was the king, and so on.

    I sent for Julea, one of my retainers, and requested she bring the
    authorities as the man as dressed in a Reeve cloak, but beneath it wore the
    armor of a soldier. She brought with her Ariel op Orban, Captain Remi
    leBou (whom I shall speak further on later) and the Cardinal Benedictus ab

    Ariel op Orban informed us all that Amdair, a baron, was dead in the Daravi
    war. You know, I cannot imagine how anyone would trust anything from the
    Daravi, but the Cardinal decided to see Amdair alone. I suggested that it
    would be insane for him to be alone with a dead man from the front who
    doesn’t appear to know anything about Lithmore, so sent Julea Sanguine with
    him to protect him.

    Miss Sanguine stated that at some time, the Cardinal sent her away to speak
    with this pretender alone. I fear our Cardinal may have been bewitched by
    a mage powerful enough to take on the personae of a dead man, as later he
    stated in Church Square before many others that he simply asked the man if
    he was indeed Amdair, and when told yes, decided that the King and Court
    ought to decide. He wrote a letter of introduction to Tobin, and sent the
    king as ordered, then we will have uncovered enough evidence of deceit to

    But I’m remiss. After the Cardinal and Miss Sanguine left, Ariel op Orban
    also excused himself, leaving me with Captain Remi LeBou. I opined that
    you can’t trust the Daravi, and the only thing I think could possibly
    explain this insanity was Magic. The Captain promptly became horrifyingly
    angry, raising his hands in a strange gesture… Then just stopped. He
    choked out some tastless joke about mages only being able to fart at folk.
    Sister, I think he intended me harm, and thought the better of it at the
    very last moment.


    To : Tobin Written: Thu Feb 16 00:15:46 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Maius 2 353

    Your Majesty,

    Please forgive me for my remiss in failing to write you of late. I’ve been
    very busy preparing for my party. I do hope that you will attend.

    But alas, sometimes serious matters do arise. This very evening, in the
    dead of night, I was writing a letter when a lean man with oceanic eyes
    approached me. He wore a Reeve’s cloak of fine make, and had the hood
    drawn. He asked me what day it was, and perplexed, I told him. He asked
    me “who sits on the council”, and not understanding the question, I asked
    him what he meant, and for him to drop his hood. He did, and repeatedly
    asked who ruled and so forth. I told him it was you, and he pretended to
    know you, asking whom you had married. In any case, I asked him again who
    he was, and sent a messenger to one of my retainers to come armed, as he
    seemed to refuse to answer the question. When I backed away and put my
    hand to my dagger, he threw back his cloak to display a soldier’s armor and
    sword. Luckily, my messenger found my retainer quickly, and she came with
    the Cardinal, Captain Remi LeBou, and Ariel op Orban.

    Finally, when confronted by so many others, the pretender claimed to be the
    ‘Count’ Amdair ab Lassidar of Casterlay. Ariel pointed out that the true
    Amdair died during the Daravi war and that Casterlay is a barony. I
    concurred, having held its populace in my sway during the time after
    Gemara’s death on Your Majesty’s behalf.

    The Cardinal claimed he would sort it out and requested to speak to the
    pretender alone. I pointed out this was folly and bade him to take my
    retainer to protect himself (and dare I admit, to spy for me?) . He
    agreed, but apparently dismissed her and sought to speak with the pretender

    This is where it becomes most strange. Apparently the Cardinal simply
    stated to the pretender that not only was it not a matter for the church to
    decide, but he’d provide a letter of introduction to you! I cannot help
    but believe this is most strange indeed. The Cardinal later publically
    announced in the Church Square that if this ab Lassidar fellow was not the
    real thing, he would fail to arrive at Court, and there all the evidence
    would be that he’d need of duplicity…

    I bid you caution, your Majesty, as I believe that pretender to be
    dangerous. The real Amdair ab Lassidar was found dead by his own people.
    Surely they could not be so wrong. He died during the Daravi war,
    presumably at the hands of the Daravi. They are known for their trickery
    and terrible magics. I fear something is afoot, and pray you’ll stay

    The Lord of the Springs protect you,
    Chloe von Dmitreva
    Countess of Garod

  • February 11, 2012 /  Old Mail


    To : Chloe Written: Thu Feb 9 21:44:37 2012
    Date: Solisda, Aprilis 8 353

    To my Lady Countess Chloe von Dmitreva,

    Greetings. The man in question, Reeve Thoman Steward, has been reminded of
    the importance of being an exemplar of courtesy, decorum, and
    professionalism, not only for his own sake, but for the benefit of the
    entire Reeve corps. Thusly, I directed him to rectify the situation with
    you, but left the specifics of addressing his gaffe to him.

    I don’t think the situation petty; it’s the job of superiors to uphold
    standards (and the job of juniors to gently remind their betters when
    standards aren’t demanded). Customs and courtesies aren’t solely
    deference, it’s a mutual extension of respect for the order of things.

    In any event, I take partial blame for this: I’m uniquely hot-tempered and
    have had to recommit myself to the singular fact that, right now, I’m in
    Lithmore, and things here are different than elsewhere. Still, despite the
    circumstances, I’m glad to have heard from you; and I’m absolutely looking
    forward to the murder mystery. I know you’ve the ability to put on a good
    show, and I can’t wait to see it.

    Yours in service,
    To : Chloe Written: Wed Feb 8 23:31:59 2012
    Date: Circadi, Aprilis 5 353

    My Lord Justiciar,

    Please forgive me our lack of contact of late. I have been quite busy with
    preparations for the Murder Mystery Dinner.

    It pains me that my first letter you in some time would be a request to
    have a polite word with one of your Reeves. At least, I believe he is one
    of yours given that he was wearing a Reeve cloak when he walked into the
    bank, right past me, and right back out after concluding his business with
    not even a word of hello.

    I hope it doesn’t appear too petty of me, but I suppose in my newness as a
    Countess, I am sensitive to such things.

    The young man in question is sort of boney and gaunt, not to mention pale.
    You might think he was of ill-health, though I suppose he might be a
    scholarly fellow as well. Please remind him of courtesy with regards to
    his betters?

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Fri Feb 3 10:58:14 2012
    Date: Circadi, Maritus 15 353

    My lady von Dmitreva,

    I should be glad to assist you, and find your proposals most satisfactory.

    A few questions: as regards the 5000 silver, should a certain portion of it
    be set aside for each guest, or should it be simply first-come,
    first-served? A full outfit of, shall we say, full ostentation is likely
    to cost about 1000 silver, so it’s possible the money will run out if
    there’s no set limit as to what you’ll pay per guest.

    As for the masks, I think your plan is sound. I would suggest the sooner
    the better on their design, however; there will be one ‘wait’ involved
    between them picking a mask and doing their designs, and then a second
    ‘wait’ between them submitting their designs to me and my ability to make
    them. I will certainly do what I can to expedite the process.

    I don’t mind not speaking in person; letters provide a convenient record.
    If you wish any help with the design process, I do design as well as craft,
    so only let me know what the next step is that you wish of me.

    As a note: a mask is 18 silver in wool, 21 in cotton, 33 in linen and 54 in

    Thank you,
    Kassia Sauniere
    To : Chloe Written: Fri Feb 3 21:55:42 2012
    Date: Lunisda, Maritus 17 353

    Dear Miss Sauniers,

    Thank you for your prompt reply. I take your point about the stipend on
    offer, and suggest a 500 silver bonus to any person seeking to make use of
    it. In this manner, I expect to be paying approximately 50% of a given
    guest’s expenses as well as ensuring that I assist approximately 10

    Following on this, I am happy to allow you to use your creativity to make
    the masks – but do note that I hope to see masks follow this general

    (OOC: Several rules are listed that translate to this for OOC purposes:

    – Masks should be of fairy tale characters, such as Red Riding Hood,
    The Clever Fox, the Big Bad Wolf, and the like. Where possible, us TI

    – Masks should have the shortest short descs possible (really long ones
    get spammy and onerous for participants. So a good example would
    be ‘a Big Bad Wolf mask’ instead of the 59 character equivalent.

    – I’d like to see each mask be a different one of the 16 color codes
    available as the MAIN color. Eg, a Big Bad Wolf mask would count
    as {D.

    If you are happy to take on the design task, I would be most pleased to
    publically laud your work as well.

    Note: I had asked my dear Jester, Honeybell, to see to the arrangement of
    the masks, so she will most likely approach you herself. If this happens,
    please let her know we’ve already spoken ‘by happy circumstance’. I’d hate
    for her to feel that my impatience has stolen a bit of her brilliance.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Fri Feb 3 04:40:37 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Maritus 14 353
    Dear Kassia,

    I have heard of you, but alas, I do not believe we’ve met. I understand
    that you’re one of the foremost tailors in Lithmore, however, and therefore
    I do have a lucrative contract I would care to offer you. In June, I shall
    be holding a Murder Mystery Dinner open to the public. To make things a
    bit more fun, I’ve also seen the Lord Justiciar and requested that
    sumptuary be suspended that night for all party goers. This means that,
    hopefully, you will be seeing a lot of business.

    I have two requests – the first is that I should very much like to set up a
    small account of 5000 silver to defray the costs of anyone who comes to you
    – and only you, of course – for tailoring. If you are willing to advertise
    this benefit to party goers if they arrive bearing an invitation to the
    event, then I will happily pay for a portion of reveller’s costumes for the
    night. Up to a limit of the aforementioned 5000 silver, naturally. Would
    you be inclined to assist thus?

    The other request is assistance in the preparation of masks for the
    masquerade. I have some very strict standards that I should like to
    request revellers maintain for the sake of avoiding hazards, so I think it
    my be best if I simply purchase the masks up front, then you allow them to
    pick one and design a costume around it. What do you think of my

    Again, I apologize that we cannot speak in person on this matter. I had
    hoped to send for you, but I simply cannot find a spare breath of time
    lately. Please forgive me.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    Countess of Garod

    To : Chloe Written: Mon Jan 30 09:46:37 2012
    Date: Arendas, Februarius 27 353

    My Lady,

    I must apologize, but for several reasons, I have chosen not to permit
    Cardinal Red for your party. However, other forms of red are acceptable
    under sumptuary and the Order will allow any other shade save specifically
    the from the dyes of Cardinal Red. However, it is possible to gain a great
    number of reds without the dye and should someone accidently wear red, the
    Order shall not pursue the matter. My apologies for ay inconvenience.

    I thank you for the invitation and will see if I might attend, it seems as
    f it might be a splendidly fun event.

    Yours in Faith,
    Cardinal Piuso
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Jan 30 07:04:37 2012
    Date: Arendas, Februarius 27 353

    Your Holiness,

    I beg your pardon in writing you thus, as we have only briefly met in
    passing. Alas, I am holding a party on June 9th, and have prevailed upon
    the Reeves to exempt my party-goers from the law of sumptuary whilst on my
    premise and in transit, if only for this one night.

    I had hoped to secure a similar understanding from your Holiness that any
    party goers choosing to wear Cardinal red for the night would not offend
    the Holy Order? Tis a night about disguises and fun, afterall.

    Please do let me know if this concerns you so that I may appropriately warn
    my guests.

    And with that in mind, please allow me to extend a personal invitation from
    mine own hand for you to attend the evening, your Holiness.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    Countess of Garod
    To : Chloe Written: Sat Jan 14 10:23:58 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Decembris 27 352

    Hello, mistress Dmitreva!

    One fool here. Per your instructions I have sent word to the mask
    maker, and also to a blacksmith of good renown that I happen to
    know. I’m most excited in the whole affair, but I hope ya have time to
    meet and lemme know more about the mystery itself before I offer
    further ideas – and before I actually meet up with the craftsmen, lest
    I won’t know what theme of items to request of them and which
    invitations to make.

    Cheers and jingling greets,
    One Jester

    To : Chloe Written: Sat Jan 14 08:27:41 2012
    Date: Arendas, Decembris 26 352

    Dear Honeybell,

    I am so pleased to hear of your interest in assisting me with the Murder
    Mystery Dinner, and I’d love to hear your ideas to ensure the party is most
    entertaining. Please do pen them back to me in a letter should we fail to
    meet one another in the next two or so days.

    I give you my permission to engage this mask-maker that you know to create
    sixteen masks with the following specifications:

    Beyond these specifications, I am happy to leave the masks completely in
    the creative hands of yourself and the mask-maker you have in mind. Let me
    know what the mask maker claims the sum will be, after you’ve dutifully
    dithered over the price. I’ll provide you the coin.

    Also, let it be known that I have spoken with the Justiciar and secured a
    suspension of sumptuary for the evening on the premise and en route for

    Would it be possible for you to engage a blacksmith to arrange a series of
    faux weapons for use at the party such as candlesticks, ropes, and the

    Finally, Jester-dear, won’t you kindly prepare the posters and invitations
    for everyone in the city?

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Wed Jan 11 07:13:58 2012
    Date: Eldes, Decembris 15 352

    (OOC: Written in sprawly letters, here and there re-thought sentences
    and misspellings are crossed out – clearly no time has been taken to
    write a draft beforehand)

    Lady Dmitreva!

    One wee jester here! Thankyou for your personal invitation into your
    employ, makes me all warm and giddy inside! I know not what to do with
    all such fancy titles, a simple fool is what I shall remain I fear. I
    have however comissioned an outfit in red and purple from lady de
    Damassande – all my friends helped come up with it, so it
    shall be fun and pretty and to your liking I’m sure!

    What a great idea about the murder-mystery party! My micheivous mind
    wants to tell me all sorts of fun ideas already! As for masks, an
    apprentice at the ‘Globe turns out to be a veritable master at making
    masks and disguises, I’m sure she will be happy to help with making
    any masks we so specify. Do you have an idea for the mystery already
    at hand?

    Ooh, I’m so excited I cannot write any more. I speak better than I
    write, so whenever convenient for you, it would probably be best to
    meet and discuss.

    Cheers and jingling greets,
    a random fool that happened to receive your letter
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Jan 9 08:30:51 2012
    Date: Circadi, Decembris 7 352

    Dear Honeybell,

    I’ve a first task for you, and that is to assist me in the planning for my
    Grand Introduction Gala. I’d like to hold a murder mystery dinner party,
    masqued, and set up a mystery throughout the house for guests to play.
    We’ll need to purchase things like masks and arrange for a suspension of
    sumptuary for the party. I’d like to send guests who kindly RSVP a mask
    for them to wear to both save their expense and to let them figure out what
    they’d care to wear with it. We’ll give the seamstresses of this city
    something to talk about!


    To : Chloe Written: Mon Jan 9 07:11:14 2012
    Date: Circadi, Decembris 7 352

    My Lady Poet Laudate,

    I have recently struck a deal with your bard, Honeybell the Jester. She
    has agreed to be my Court Bard, in fact, as I now legally have a court for
    her to attend.

    In pursuit of this, I have given her 5 gold in advance to assist her with
    any necessary expenses to set herself up in appropriate state to be a court
    bard, and would care to officially entitle her “Court Jester of Garod”.

    To : Chloe Written: Mon Jan 9 07:14:26 2012
    Date: Circadi, Decembris 7 352

    To the hand of Honeybell the Jester,

    Dear Honeybell,

    I hereby officially grant you the privileges to affiliate yourself with the
    Vandagan County of Garod. I also assert that your income is enough to
    legally permit you to wear the colors of gentry, and should I require you
    to wear items outside of sumptuary for your performances, I shall pay for
    any permits required by the Reeves at your request and my personal
    discretion. Additionally, you may see fit to use the title “Court Jester
    of Garod” as it pleases you.

    Welcome, dear Jester, to my employ.

    Chloe von Dmitreva

    Countess of Garod
    To : Chloe Written: Wed Jan 4 03:58:54 2012
    Date: Eldes, Novembris 17 352

    My Lady Poet Laudate,

    I am delighted to hear of a ballet in the city of Lithmore! Naturally, I
    accept your invitation, and will see you there.

    Additionally, I will pledge a sum of 50 gold to the sponsorship of the
    event. Please see me in person to collect this sum as I daresay I do not
    trust a courier.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Tue Jan 3 21:09:50 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Novembris 15 352

    To the Hand of His Majesty, Tobin ab Samael,

    Your Majesty,

    Thank you deeply for your kind words. I humbly accept the responsibility
    of caring for Garod county on behalf of the Dmitreva family, and look
    forward to the day of receiving the official documents.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Wed Jan 4 03:36:31 2012
    Date: Eldes, Novembris 17 352

    Your Grace & Mme von Dmitreva,

    I greet you warmly on behalf of the Royally Chartered Guild of Troubadours.
    We have recently begun plans to hold a grand ballet in honour of the
    upcoming coronation of our new king. It is my hope that one -or both- of
    you, will be eager to sponsor this event monetarily.

    The theme is the passing of the royal blessing from the ab Harmon line to
    our new king and his bloodline. This will be symbolised and displayed by
    dancers in the guise of the Harmon Eagle, the Samael Hawk and the fell
    Daravi Phoenix. Please, if you require more details, write to me and I
    shall gladly provide them at your request.

    I hope that I will hear from you further!

    Warmly Yours,
    hope that I will hear from you further!

    _______________________/ /}}
    (( \’/ ‘—./`
    \\ /| v
    `.-, \\|’|
    )( \\/ Herazade op Persela of Jedca
    ( ))/ )) Poet Laudate and Master Bard

    To : Chloe Written: Tue Jan 3 16:46:33 2012
    Date: Balasdes, Novembris 15 352

    To the Hand of Chloe von Dmitreva,

    From what I have been told, I have a great deal to thank you for, milady.
    It was your words that finally secured the support of the Troubadours, your
    hand that held Vandago steady, and your actions that weathered this storm
    such that this day might come. Know that you have my gratitude – and
    beyond that, that your support has more than earned the reward that I have
    promised you. Without you, things may have been very different indeed.

    I have set things in motion to install yourself and your family into the
    palace of Garod County, and to transfer full ownership of the County and
    its estates unto you. After my coronation, I will set the royal seal to
    the paperwork with finality.

    Thank you again, Chloe. I look forward to meeting with you again, soon.

    Tobin ab Samael

    To : Chloe Written: Tue Jan 3 15:03:06 2012
    Date: Arendas, Novembris 14 352

    I write this letter by firelight, as I sit with the small squad of
    Reeves who have kept me company over these past weeks. Beside me, my clerk
    waits patiently for me to finish, so that he can himself begin the process
    of copying whatever words my ink bleeds on this page for each of you. If
    this letter takes some time to reach you, I pray your forgiveness – I am
    far from Lithmore City, now, and the messenger’s journey is a treacherous

    This night could not have come without each of you. Without your support,
    and the support of those that you each rallied under the banner of the
    Hawk, this victory could never have happened. Know that each of you has my
    solemn gratitude, and that my word to each of you shall be honored.

    My work has only just begun. The kingdom is still reeling from the loss of
    the line of Dav, and the chaos and infighting that followed created many
    rifts. These must be healed, and the people of the kingdom must be
    protected and cared for. There are those that said and did things over the
    past months that they may now regret; I intend amnesty for those that
    wronged me in the bedlam, and I urge you each to do the same. We go
    forward into a difficult era, and we need every hand, every heart that we
    can muster. I pray that you might each let past slights fall to the
    wayside, that we may step into the future a united kingdom.

    When I return to Lithmore, I look forward to speaking with each of you in
    person. For now, I ride home with haste, that the events we have set in
    motion may reach their culmination.

    Thank you all.

    Tobin ab Samael, King of Lithmore

    To : Chloe Written: Tue Jan 3 14:28:39 2012
    Date: Arendas, Novembris 14 352

    Your Majesty,

    I hope this letter finds you in good health. I wanted to take a moment to
    swear my loyalty to your regime and let you know that, should you need
    anything, you’ve only to ask.

    Please pardon me for being so blatantly impatient as well, but I was hoping
    to hear from you with regards to the agreement we had made. I’ve been
    waiting with barely contained excitement to see your final stance on the
    possibility of the Dmitreva family advancing itself through assisting you
    to gain the throne.

    Thank you sincerely for your time.

    Chloe von Dmitreva

    (Written in Vandagan)
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Jan 2 03:40:57 2012
    Date: Circadi, Novembris 9 352

    Dear Romana,

    I was in Paarin Park near the pond today when a young girl with a milky
    white eye and several scars came to the pond and dived in. She disrobed
    right there! In any case, Miss Dolly and Miss Aelisra Milbry were there,
    and when the girl climbed out of the pond – she was covered in blood and
    gore – she spoke Charali. I asked what language was that, and Dolly said
    that this girl spoke no Lithmorran, but only Charali, though she could read
    and write both this and a language known as Eld. Dolly claimed that
    scholars know of such things, but I found it all suspicious enough to
    warrant a letter to yourself.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    (Written in Vandagan)
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Jan 2 03:44:21 2012
    Date: Circadi, Novembris 9 352

    Dear Romana,

    You had asked my opinion of a Miss Myranda le Argent, and I daresay that
    you’re not aware of my dislike of the woman. She seems to be terribly
    argumentative, but though I am honored that you ask my opinion, I daresay
    that as a victim of a blackmail attempt – worry not, I’ve informed the Lord
    Justiciar – my judgment may well be clouded. This said, I trust her not at
    all, and have proof that she has some – though I’m not certain precisely
    what – connection with the Brotherhood of Common goods. At best, she’s a
    troublemaker, and at worst, I suspect something far more malevolent.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Jan 2 03:46:11 2012
    Date: Circadi, Novembris 9 352

    Mistress Sigrid,

    I’ve been told by my sister that I should consider speaking with you. I’m
    looking for a warrior to take into my employ who might be willing to act,
    amongst other things, as a personal bodyguard. If this sort of arrangement
    might be promising for you, please write me back.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Fri Dec 30 20:37:49 2011
    Date: Arendas, Octobris 31 352

    Your Majesty,

    The strangest of occurrences happened today. Miss Dolly, a bard,
    approached me with an envelope that had my initials on it. Inside was a
    letter from myself to you with the spy report I’d written you a few days
    ago. She seemed to believe that I had lost it in the Troubadours
    guildhall. It was not my copy, however, which was safely tucked away in my

    I informed Mistress Herazade that it appears there may be a thief in the
    bards, likely to have taken the missive from you, but I was unsure. In any
    case, I thought I’d alert you.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Wed Dec 28 21:09:48 2011
    Date: Votumas, Octobris 23 352

    Dear Mistress op Persela,

    I’ve received a thank you letter from the Lord Justiciar, and Lord of the
    Springs will it so, our Monarch. It seems that you kindly did inform him
    of my efforts on his behalf, and for that, I thank you. You’re an
    honorable woman, and I like that.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Wed Dec 28 19:19:44 2011
    Date: Votumas, Octobris 23 352

    Madame von Dmitreva;

    Your support and assistance have been invaluable in these days. I am told
    by the Poet Laudate that it was your words that finally helped secure the
    support of the Troubadors – support that will hopefully help us to cement a
    bloodless transition in the coming days.

    I apologize again for being outside of the city at such a critical time,
    but the unfortunate matters in the outer provinces require my personal hand
    to steady. I have been told that between your own efforts and those of the
    Lady dul Ansari, my interests have been well looked after whilst I was
    away. I cannot thank you enough for that.

    As far as strategy, the counties in the northeast are deeply important. I
    know that you and Madame le Argent do not see eye to eye on many things,
    but if your people work in concert once more, I believe that this chaos
    will soon be over.

    May the Lord watch and guide our hands.


    To : Chloe Written: Tue Dec 27 03:24:42 2011
    Date: Votumas, Octobris 16 352

    My Lord,

    I thought I should tell you what my spies report this month:



    The le Argent Shipping Company has been unloading relief supplies,
    moderately influencing them in your favor, though Angold’s supporters have
    slight support there.


    Bluehawks with slight support for yourself and from the Brotherhood both.
    Really, sometime you must tell me what it takes to get the Brotherhood to
    support a Justiciar…


    Still a hotbed of contention, Angold, the le’Argent Shipping Company, your
    own Reeves, and so on. Still, it all seems to have fallen to you at this
    time, though I daresay it’s a waste of some of your supporters efforts or
    your own for us all to concentrate our resources there.


    Again, slight support for Angold, though that’s nothing to the significance
    of the Merchants Guild’s support on Anschel’s behalf.


    Oddly enough, and it concerns me, my people have been unable to tell me
    anything about Vandago’s disposition.


    Both Angold and the Brotherhood have some slight influence there, albeit
    there’s no third party with their finger in that pie. Yet.


    I should like to meet with others that support you and ensure we utilize
    our influence across Lithmore more effectively, but alas Miss le Argent has
    already refused to come to the table. Dare I suggest that we meet at the
    Bluebird’s Ballad, as many of us as are willing, and distribute our
    influence in a coordinated manner?

    Chloe von Dmitreva

    To : Chloe Written: Sun Dec 18 20:15:00 2011
    Date: Circadi, Septembris 14 352

    To the hands of Chloe von Dmitreva,

    I understand, of course. Unfortunately, it looks as though we are not
    going to be able to meet, as both of our busy schedules leave us occupied
    when the other has time to speak.

    Your support is quite important to me – and equally important is that the
    efforts of your people do not go to aid my adversary, as that would make
    your loss sting doubly. There are far worse prices than a County for a
    deserving ally, after all. You can consider the Count’s offer matched. I
    cannot promise you a Ducal seat, as you would imagine, and so I fear that I
    cannot exceed that which he has offered you. But know that you shall be
    well taken care of, and your family provided for during their transition
    into life within their new County.

    Know also that I keep my word.

    As far as strategy, I will presume that you will be continuing your efforts
    in the Northeast. I’m afraid I expended a significant portion of my power
    in Vandago, only to have my own efforts conflict directly with your own.
    I’ll leave Vandago in your capable hands, and likely move my attentions

    Tobin ab Samael
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Dec 26 16:41:35 2011
    Date: Lunisda, Octobris 14 352

    My Lord Tobin,

    I have received a letter from Miss Myranda le Argent blackmailing me for
    sixty gold lest I face her wrath as I have ‘made a move against her’ when
    I hired the town crier to forestall her party.

    I would like to wait until this thronely business is sorted out as I
    believe her support is of advantage to us both – afterall, I most dearly
    would like you to attain the throne given our agreement – but really, I do
    believe blackmail is illegal.

    Please see the enclosed missive.

    Chloe von Dmitreva


    To : Chloe Written: Mon Dec 26 13:18:58 2011
    Date: Lunisda, Octobris 14 352

    Dear Thorn in Side,

    Abosolutely not. As far as I am concerned you are an evil, evil woman and
    your previous actions taken against me garrauntee we will never be friends
    and I will never trust you. I would just as soon send you on a long walk
    off a short pier with you bags loaded down with rocks. You have
    demonstrated a complete and total lack of moraliity in harassing me and
    commiting purgery in your false report of a fire. Oh, no. If anything you
    have sealed our fates as permanent enemies. I will not share my marching
    orders with you, nor will I dance to your drummer.

    If you wished to talk, it should have been before you tried to hire folks
    to stop my party. The moment you acted against me you made your choice,
    you exposed your hand and you showed your true face.

    No.. I will not work with the likes of you. I will see you in court first
    with a demand for restitution for damage already done. You were willing to
    pay 30 gold to see my party prevented? You can afford at least twice that
    in restitution.

    You made your bed when you decided to make a move against me. You can
    sleep in it now. The only thing that will change my tune at this point is
    sixty gold transfered to my account to express the scincerity of your
    change of heart. If your money does your talking, then it will be the only
    apology I will accept. Otherwise, I demand you leave me alone and do not
    bother contacting me again, because we have nothing further to talk about.

    Sore Sided
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Dec 26 13:18:58 2011
    Date: Lunisda, Octobris 14 352

    Dear Thorn in Side,

    Abosolutely not. As far as I am concerned you are an evil, evil woman and
    your previous actions taken against me garrauntee we will never be friends
    and I will never trust you. I would just as soon send you on a long walk
    off a short pier with you bags loaded down with rocks. You have
    demonstrated a complete and total lack of moraliity in harassing me and
    commiting purgery in your false report of a fire. Oh, no. If anything you
    have sealed our fates as permanent enemies. I will not share my marching
    orders with you, nor will I dance to your drummer.

    If you wished to talk, it should have been before you tried to hire folks
    to stop my party. The moment you acted against me you made your choice,
    you exposed your hand and you showed your true face.

    No.. I will not work with the likes of you. I will see you in court first
    with a demand for restitution for damage already done. You were willing to
    pay 30 gold to see my party prevented? You can afford at least twice that
    in restitution.

    You made your bed when you decided to make a move against me. You can
    sleep in it now. The only thing that will change my tune at this point is
    sixty gold transfered to my account to express the scincerity of your
    change of heart. If your money does your talking, then it will be the only
    apology I will accept. Otherwise, I demand you leave me alone and do not
    bother contacting me again, because we have nothing further to talk about.

    Sore Sided
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Dec 26 05:39:01 2011
    Date: Eldes, Octobris 13 352

    Dear Miss le’Argent,

    Despite our first encounter, I find I like your taste in royal claimants.
    For the sake of ensuring that our mutual choice wins, I would like to meet
    with you, and others of our persuasion, to ensure that we more
    realistically spread our influence across the realm instead of wasting it
    in petty squabbles over areas such as Beresfeld and Casterlay.

    If you would care to meet and discuss this, please send me a letter.

    Chloe von Dmitreva

    To : Chloe Written: Mon Dec 19 04:48:10 2011
    Date: Eldes, Septembris 15 352

    My Lord Anschel ab Longuire,

    Thank you for your most gracious attempts to woo me to your side, but I
    fear I’ve received a better offer.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Dec 19 04:39:46 2011
    Date: Eldes, Septembris 15 352

    My Lord,

    As agreed, my spies bring tidings that I shall pass on to you. In Vandago,
    the archbishop’s presence has been reduced to only a moderate influence,
    easily managed by the Heritage Building Society – where my father’s men
    have a significant stake. I promise you, I only intend to increase that
    stake in the near future, unless you should request otherwise.

    No one other than my people reside in Sunset, but I’ve only exerted a
    slight bit of influence there. More than nothing, but nothing significant.

    Not surprisingly, Anschel has an extremely powerful support base in his
    home county, with further support from merchants talking along the trade
    routes – I expect he’s placed some of his operatives in the neighboring
    areas, except Sunset – unless I’m simply unable to spy them.

    Beresfield is yours uncontested, though I note that you may feel a desire
    to shore up your support there, if you have enough operatives available.
    It is, afterall, a county.

    Casterlay has no active presence, but has declared for Anschel due to his
    proximity there. It would be a wise place to place a single operative, and
    I think I shall do so in the coming days.

    Strangely, Lothos is a battleground of wills. Merchants trading through
    the area have spent considerable time campaigning for Anschel – I wonder
    why that guild supports him so? – your own Bluehawks and Angold’s men are
    there in about equal force.

    Again, Eastgale, like Casterlay, has declared for Anschel due to the
    presence of neighboring areas. This is another place I shall plant an
    operative to see what happens.

    With warmest of regards,
    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Dec 19 04:28:55 2011
    Date: Eldes, Septembris 15 352

    My Lord,

    Thank you. I shall openly declare the Heritage Building Society for you.

    With warmest of regards,
    Chloe von Dmitreva

    To : Chloe Written: Sun Dec 18 20:15:00 2011
    Date: Circadi, Septembris 14 352

    To the hands of Chloe von Dmitreva,

    I understand, of course. Unfortunately, it looks as though we are not
    going to be able to meet, as both of our busy schedules leave us occupied
    when the other has time to speak.

    Your support is quite important to me – and equally important is that the
    efforts of your people do not go to aid my adversary, as that would make
    your loss sting doubly. There are far worse prices than a County for a
    deserving ally, after all. You can consider the Count’s offer matched. I
    cannot promise you a Ducal seat, as you would imagine, and so I fear that I
    cannot exceed that which he has offered you. But know that you shall be
    well taken care of, and your family provided for during their transition
    into life within their new County.

    Know also that I keep my word.

    As far as strategy, I will presume that you will be continuing your efforts
    in the Northeast. I’m afraid I expended a significant portion of my power
    in Vandago, only to have my own efforts conflict directly with your own.
    I’ll leave Vandago in your capable hands, and likely move my attentions

    Tobin ab Samael
    To : Chloe Written: Sat Dec 17 08:57:42 2011
    Date: Eldes, Septembris 8 352

    My Lord,

    As agreed, I have been secretly supporting you for some time now. Today,
    Lord Anschel ab Loguire offered me a Vandagan county and its title for my
    heirs. I was wondering if you would consider matching his offer, or
    exceeding it?

    In truth, I would prefer to support you as I genuinely believe you would be
    a wise and fit ruler. However, for the good of my family, I daresay I’m
    obliged to accept the title for them.

    In any case, I should like to meet so that we can together plot our
    actions. I have vast resources to put into securing the goodwill of the
    provinces, and I would hate to concentrate them in the same areas that you
    yourself have chosen.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Sat Dec 17 04:46:41 2011
    Date: Circadi, Septembris 7 352

    Dear Honeybell,

    I would be delighted to meet with you and to hear your bells once again to
    discuss the possibility of patronage. I’ll come to the Hollow Globe as
    soon as time permits.

    Chloe von Dmitreva
    (Written in Vandagan)
    To : Chloe Written: Wed Dec 14 20:36:53 2011
    Date: Arendas, Augustus 29 352

    Dear sister,

    It is entirely possible that you are being targetted due to the family’s
    activities in and around Vandago- it would not surprise me at all.

    I have no particular preference to who sits the throne. It is my opinion
    that- officially- the church should be neutral, and thus it strikes me
    poorly, the Archbishop’s actions. I do not know the candidates, except to
    say that Lady dul Ansari bowed to my demands regarding the Patriarchy in a
    moment, the Lord Justiciar did so after a fiery debate and then reasoned
    explanation. The Lord Loguire did not at all. Of the three, I prefer the
    Lord Justiciar, for I would think well of a thinking king who will change
    his mind when facts are laid before him.

    I do not think highly of the Earl Marshall; I demanded the arrest of a
    heathen girl present at the late Queen’s murder, but the Earl Marshall
    countermanded me. It is possible that she did not know who I was, although
    I am still not pleased about it.

    To : Chloe Written: Thu Dec 15 06:41:04 2011
    Date: Circadi, Augustus 31 352

    Hiya Lady Dmitreva!

    The Jester here. I heard from mistress Persala that you two had talked
    concerning patronage. That’s good, I’m not good at such things, and
    paperwork gives me a headache. Now, it sounds like great fun to come cheer
    ya up on a regular basis, but havin’ only met ya for real once, it would be
    fun to meet and talk a little, so there are no frowns of miscommunication
    down the line. I don’t like frowns, do my best to avoid them at every

    So could we meet up some point? I’m down at the ‘Globe usually, but I’m
    happy to bounce about town to any establishment ya might prefer.

    Cheers and jingling greets,
    ‘Da Fool
    (Written in Vandagan)
    To : Chloe Written: Tue Dec 13 05:35:02 2011
    Date: Balasdes, Augustus 23 352


    Thank you for your letter. I will, of course, be more circumspect. It’s
    sad, though, as I had hoped my explanation would have put Her Holiness at
    ease. If it did not, then I daresay I agree with your assessment of the

    Do you think that I may be targeted due to our family’s power in Vandago?
    I’ve reason to believe that the Heritage Building Society’s activities have
    been successful in securing the loyalty of our homeland to our cause. They
    only await direction as to which candidate to support at this time – may I
    ask your preference?

    In faith,
    To : Chloe Written: Sun Dec 11 23:28:54 2011
    Date: Eldes, Augustus 18 352

    To the Hand of Her Holiness, Cardinal Zinadya Tartaryn

    Your Holiness,

    I received a messenger from you that I would care to address. I have
    completed my penance as assigned by His Eminence some weeks ago, and would
    hope that you do not expect me to continue by the tenets he laid out.

    As you believe that I may have misinterpreted what I heard between the
    Justiciar and my sister, please allow me a moment to believe that you are
    unaware of what occurred between the Archbishop and myself, and to explain
    my point of view.

    I was born and raised in devout Davite family, as you can no doubt imagine
    by my sister’s service. I am used to taking confession to relieve my soul
    of its burdens, so when I visited the cathedral of Saint Aelwyn for the
    first time, I was naturally rapt and wished to participate in the local
    expression of our sacred communion.

    Upon meeting His Eminence, he asked me if I required anything, and I
    expressed my desire for a confession. I had, you see, met a handsome man
    and it was troubling me. In private, I confessed that I should like to
    kiss him, and could not shake the thought. I knew I was impure and

    The Archbishop began to ask many strange questions not at all related to
    this, though it began innocently enough with an inquiry about my marital
    status. I explained that I am a widow, twice over, to which he chasized me
    for being concerned about a kiss as ‘clearly I was more worldly than that’.

    Then he began to ask about my family and how I became a widow. I explained
    that my first husband died at the hand of my second, to which he questioned
    my part in my second husband’s death and why I married him in the first
    place. I explained that I did not know of my second husband’s treachery
    until our wedding night when he confessed what he had done. He then asked
    me what hand I had in my second husband’s death, to which I stated that I
    had none.

    At this time, I was clearly troubled at the turn this confession had taken,
    and His Eminence asked me if I was alright. I explained that this was not
    what I had expected of a confession. He asked me what I expected, and I
    explained that I was used to going to the church to speak about the sins
    that ail me, those things that cause me trouble, and my local priest would
    reassure me and assist me to purify myself, often with the aid of a
    penance, usually in the form of a modest sum of silver and prayer.

    This appeared to insult His Eminence, and he stated that I should atone in
    the following manner:

    I was to pray for three hours a day over two weeks, partake of no food but
    for bread and water, be alone with no man, even in public.

    It did not feel like atonement, Your Holiness, but punishment. It made me
    angry and think I should not like to take confession again in Lithmore.
    His Eminence appeared to be punishing me, based on the manner of the
    conversation, simply because he did not like me, and I daresay it appeared
    that was because he might not like gentryfolk and feels a need to put us in
    our places. Perhaps I am wrong, and I would take confession for these
    sinful thoughts, but they’re the truth of what occurred in my eyes.

    Thank you for your time, your Holiness, in reading of my ordeal. I only
    hope that you can understand my predicament, placed between my faith and
    His Eminence’s treatment of me.

    In faith,
    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Mon Dec 12 20:10:25 2011
    Date: Votumas, Augustus 21 352


    Be wary. I believe strongly that Her Holiness is closely bound to the
    Archbishop that troubles you so greatly. She has urged me to press to you
    not to insult the clergy, and I would strongly encourage you to be
    circumspect with your words in the future. I had thought her neutral, but
    it is clearly not so, as she has been in close contact with the Cardinal of

    I know you have interests there, so be cautious, for the wrath of the
    church could fall upon you- and I do not want that.

    Her Holiness has also indicated that it is only through your familial
    relations to me, that you have avoided further penance.

    To : Chloe Written: Sun Dec 11 06:56:29 2011
    Date: Arendas, Augustus 15 352

    To the Hand of Her Holiness, Zinadya Tartaryn,

    Your Holiness,

    I bid you a good day and hope that you would consider a request from a
    humble follower of the Holy Order. I have asked that Tobin ab Samael cease
    any subversion he may have of members of the Holy Order, barring that
    loathesome Archbishop Angold, as I witnessed a dispute between the
    Justiciar and my beloved sister, Romana. He is unlikely to execute my
    request unless it is reciprocated, however. May I ask that you speak to
    members of the Holy Order and ensure a peace between the them and the

    I am aware, though not intimately, that there has been bad blood between
    the leaders of the Order and of the Reeves in the past, but I can only
    imagine that in this time of Lithmore’s great need, two great powers must
    not be at odds. It only exacerbates the threats we face.

    Thank you for considering my thoughts and request.

    In faith,
    Chloe von Dmitreva
    To : Chloe Written: Fri Dec 2 19:33:11 2011
    Date: Circadi, Quintilis 13 352

    To the Hand of Romana von Mestan,

    Roe, did you know that there’s a new bishop in town named Angold ab
    Dominicus? Well, he’s awful. I sought confession just like any good
    Davite would, and I confessed a private thought about a man I’d met,
    nothing more. Well, I was feeling down about it, and this bishop made the
    following penance:

    I am to eat nothing but bread and water for a week, must spend three hours
    a day in prayer, and may not be in the accompaniment of any male alone.

    Now, I know some priests like their harsh penaces, and it wouldn’t be a
    penance if it were easy, but he made up all sorts of crimes. Firstly, he
    demanded to know if I were a noble or gentry, which I fail to understand
    the importance of, and when I told him, he said that I was trying to buy
    the church… But I never made any sort of bribe or gesture in that
    manner. You know I wouldn’t!

    Basically, he was very difficult to confess to. He started digging into
    all sorts of things that had nothing to do with my confession, like
    questions about my husbands, and I daresay he looked inappropriately at my
    bosom. Well, when he was done, I asked if I might leave, rather dubiously,
    and he asked if I was unhappy with the confession. I explained that I was
    rather used to a confession being about unburdening my soul, and that most
    often I’d do so, and have a penance involving a prayer and perhaps some
    silver, and that’s when he started all that nonesense about my attempting
    to buy the church.

    Really, it’s enough to turn a good soul heretic. How did he ever become a
    bishop? I’d think even a wealthy family wouldn’t have the church making
    such a terrible mistake putting their reputation into the hands of a man
    like that. Pfft.

    Anyway, do write me soon. I’d like to plan with you what we’ll do about my
    dear boy’s imprisonment in Vandago.

    With love,
    Author: Anonymous
    Subject: A Plain Letter
    Date: Sun Dec 11 04:02:11 2011

    Arendas, Augustus 15

    My Lord Tenebrae,

    Here is 500 silver as a retainer towards a little spectacle I would like to
    see the Brotherhood enact at the Ship Party of one Miss Myranda le Argent
    on my behalf. Another 1, 000 silver is yours upon the successful – and
    most hilarious, dare I add – ruin of said party.

    Oh, and if your men exceed my expectations, I will pay an additional 500
    for a total sum of 2, 000 silver coins.

    Thank you for considering my offer.
