• 7/16/369

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    April 7, 2016 /  Uncategorized

    Summer, again.

    The walls are closing in, again. And I cannot even talk to anyone. I need her so badly, but she’s half the problem. Maybe… less than half, to be fair. But this anger – it’s blinding me to everything. I’ll make a mistake, I know it; I’ll say something I don’t mean, don’t want to say. Yet all the knowing in the world is doing nothing to prevent the mistake I feel brewing somewhere in my gut.

    And beyond her…

    I’ll never get away, will I? I was such a fool, such a young fool. Thought it wasn’t so important, wasn’t so bad; I even enjoyed it, more often than not. I had no idea. No idea of consequences, of aftermath. What boy does?

    “…you bastard knave! She had no choice,
    she had no chance, nor had she voice
    To find surcease for all she missed-
    Twas fainting desperate lips you kissed!”

    A terrible bit of doggerel from a truly awful play. Melodramatic, ham-fisted. Commoners marrying Dukes under assumed names. Only a member of the gentry would write such class-deaf nonsense.

    But that stanza… Salestri sings it when he believes his childhood friend, Mell, has slept with the Duke as her only way to survive and then been thrown out into the streets afterward. That stanza – it’s the one part of the whole ridiculous play that rings true to me.

    How little do people who have never truly wanted for the bare necessities understand desperation. How freely do they condemn what others do to survive, with no understanding of the luxury that allows them to speak.

    I had no choice. I had no chance, nor had I voice.

    Or is that simply how I choose to see it?

  • 8/28/367

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    October 13, 2015 /  Uncategorized


    There’s something very strange about embalming somebody that you know. Used to know? Knew? I don’t know. I’m not enough of a philosopher to know where you draw the line between the past tense and the present.

    Certainly when you’re elbows-deep inside of someone removing their internal organs, it doesn’t feel like they’re the person whose face they wear. After all, embalming is the process of presenting a shell to the world – a shell that looks as lifelike and pleasant as possible, but a shell, hollowed of everything that might decay. It was… good, I suppose, that Zumini’s wounds could all be hidden by his armor. Casimir’s case was nowhere near so easy. I wonder if anyone would have bothered for him if I didn’t?

    A few months ago I wrote how summer is a time of disaster, and for once, I was right. My peace and happiness, weak things that they are, were crushed easily under the weight of mistakes – both mine and others’. I am saner now than I was in the immediate aftermath of it all, able to keep going, but I am looking forward to this trip out of town with a painful degree of anticipation. Some time away from all of this, some time to simply enjoy myself… some time to rediscover that happiness and sense of self I had finally managed to grasp after so long.

    I do feel guilty for leaving so soon, given the fact Shaylei will inevitably need support. But I think she understands, and I will be a great deal more helpful to her upon my return than I can be now, walking around like a… I hardly even know the metaphor. Like a great pile of daggers inside a bag of skin, waiting for a single misstep? Scratched up in a hundred tiny ways, and fearing the misstep that ends it all.

    The misstep that ends it all. I should have made more time for Zumini. I knew how alone and isolated he was after the separation from his family. I should have reached out, ensured he knew he had a friend in me. Granted, in the last few weeks it wouldn’t have been possible, but… before that, I could have done… something. If he had felt less alone, maybe he would have been more careful, more considered, waited for help… but then again, maybe not. Perhaps nothing would have changed this outcome. (You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you!)

    All I can do is regret and try to live up to my promises – to make sure Shaylei and the children are safe, to be a good and true Knight.

    This trip… so much rests on this trip.

  • (Undated)

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    October 2, 2015 /  Uncategorized

    One second I hate her. The next second I hate myself. She was safe; when nobody else was safe, she was always safe. I could trust her; I thought I could always trust her.

    I scrub and it doesn’t do anything. Why would it? I don’t own this body. It isn’t mine. It belongs to her and she wants me to feel this.

    I destroyed the painting but every room is full of signs. Things. Everywhere. It makes so tired I want to cry. Nowhere is safe but the conservatory. Or the gardens. I could sleep in the gardens.

    Sin begets sin, misery begets misery. I should have been alone for the rest of my life. I should have stayed alone. Instead I was selfish and this is the price. I have to do something. My face? No – I’ve already taken several scars and it hasn’t changed anything. I could go to the Order. Beg them to take me on despite my vows. Or I could be sure. Sure I never sinned again. The lash wasn’t enough. The knife… the knife might be…

    I know my mind isn’t right. I know I have to stop thinking these things.

    I don’t know what to do.

  • Mirror

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    September 17, 2015 /  Uncategorized

    Poetry’s a mirror
    Of glass and metal born;
    Something crystal clear,
    something bright as morn.

    But a mirror at an angle,
    it casts a crooked view;
    it takes the known mundane
    and gives back something new.

    In trite works it is simple,
    Just what you’ve seen before;
    Some mirrors’ shine is shallow,
    but others show you more.

    The breathless and sublime,
    The many springs of hurt;
    The beauty in the brutal,
    the dark beneath the dirt.

    Verse reflects them all,
    A mirror cruel and kind:
    It gives you back in plenty
    The depths of your own mind.

  • 5/24/367

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    September 17, 2015 /  Uncategorized


    I am feeling… better, these days. Even with the onset of summer – the best time for my health, but a time associated with all sorts of horrors and disasters in my memory. Heat and desperation go hand in hand.

    The anniversary of Casimir’s death hit me brutally hard again, as I knew it would despite all my attempts to let it pass as any other day; I rather made a fool of myself. It would have been much worse had it not been for Emma… both the damage to my reputation and my actual experience would have been much worse. The story poured out of me like sick blood from a wound, leaving me… light-headed, and weak, but empty in a good way. Hollowed out. There was a part of that misery I suppose I had never been able to give vent to – a part I suppose I had never fully faced until then. Like many shadows, it withered to nothing in the direct light. Maybe next year, now… maybe next year it won’t be so cruel a day.

    And other, more joyful anniversies are approaching.

    That fragility I was feeling the other day, I think, was a good thing. A gateway to growth, to new beginnings. Every day now it is as if I understand myself better, and who I am to be in this strange landscape born of my disgrace. I cannot claim to have surmounted my problems – I will never truly surmount them. I still feel it like an arrow to the heart every time a commoner cringes away from me at the slightest sign of my displeasure, or hastens to bow with fear in their eyes before I have even said a cross word. But that’s all right. I will show them, with time, that I am not the man they think I am – and if they do not see it? Others have. Others will.

    I will never be a man widely beloved. My temper and my uncompromising values see to that. So long as I am beloved by those that matter, that is enough. And I do have friends. I have Tomas and Bryn and Emma, I have family in Marisa and Shaylei and Rei, and I have… I have enough. More than enough.

    It’s a beautiful evening outside. Perhaps I’ll go for a run.

  • March 23, 2015 /  Uncategorized

    (Warning: graphic and gross.)

    Ariel dreamed…

    It was hotter – hotter than it should be, hotter than it had any right to be. It was hotter than he could ever remember Lithmore being, even in the first day of the Flood, when the rain had almost felt like a relief. One day as a child in Tubor City, he had stolen an egg from a market stall and hurried off to a street he knew, where a big black paving stone sat in the sun all day long on a corner. He was sure he’d seen the egg’s edges begin to solidify, begin to whiten, before he gave into his hunger and scraped it off the stone to shovel it into his mouth. It was as hot as that day, maybe; it had been so long ago.

    It was raining, but the rain was no relief this time; it was hot as blood, unctuous and oily black. It clung to him, plastering his hair to his skin, washing out the colors of the street. A strange street, familiar but known – all brass lanterns and vibrantly-painted walls. Something wasn’t right. He felt strong and hollow, felt as if some part of him he should be concerned with was rattling around inside him like a bird shut in a great hall: fluttering, leaping, hitting walls it couldn’t comprehend. Even stranger than the walls, however, was the space between them. Was he supposed to be so vast, and so empty? It was difficult to care.

    The rain stung him at unpredictable intervals, sometimes merely felt and other times endured. It took him long moments to think to look down at himself. He stood naked, his skin an unfamiliar map of red – fresh cuts crossing and criss-crossing, obliterating older scars with rigorous perfection. In an eyeblink the mess resolved into something recognizable, his mind helpfully reflecting it upside down and unified into the runic message it represented:

    “I, Praxxis, call you into this body, here and now, Baylethe Tainted Queen. Let the final gateway open.”

    His head swam as something wormed its way up from his gut; a thrill, unfolding slow and sweet and thick as molasses. Suddenly he knew he was moving, drifting in the direction of some ineffable pull like a fishhook lodged in his breastbone. This way, it hummed to him. The rain tasted like soot and ash and old, old blood. This way, Ariel. Time to become.

    The road spread before him, expanding into something he recognized at last: Montford Square, abode buildings with red-yellow-green shutters, flat smooth stones underfoot. Everything was streaked in black, tinted scummy and unclean. A lake of the falling rain, round and polished as a mirror, occupied the square’s heart. Its depth was impossible to guess, its opacity perfect, and its surface smooth – even though it was occupied. Bodies lay strewn all across it, floating suspended.

    They lay in a great circle, a summoning circle, and every person was a rune. Backs were broken to form the sinuous curves of rounder letters, a hideous flexibility that left exposed spine gleaming wetly in the sourceless golden light around him. Limbs had been dejointed or double-jointed, rearranged – stretched or amputated to fit the proper design. A ribcage was snapped and splayed to form the tiny hashes that differentiated the third and forth forms of the rune modern students of Eld termed ‘a’.

    He knew them all, knew every body no matter how resculpted and malformed the flesh. They were those he had loved. Family, friends, others for whom there were no convenient labels. People he was angry with, but loved. People who were long dead, resurrected for this, people he had already mourned but loved. People who had kept their lives but chosen to leave him, people he resented but loved. People who had betrayed him, that despite himself he wanted to forgive, people he hated but loved. People he had let down, people who wracked him with guilt but that he loved. Rarest and most precious, people he simply loved, without qualification or conflict.

    And they were all still alive, every last one of them. They watched him, with terror or pleading or the blankness of utter misery in their eyes, and he could feel their heartbeats. The collective heartbeat of the living circle, unnaturally unified; the thready pulses had been twined and tied together, and its leash lay in his hand. Their hearts beat at the pace of his, their lives at his mercy.

    The ritual was his, was him. He had grown a new sense for each of them, an essential knowledge of every soul in his keeping. Their pain was like a little itch in the back of his mind, perceived but hardly felt and totally irrelevant. He could will them back, call the blood oozing down their skin into the black lake back into their limbs. He could use his power over them to knit bone and seal flesh. This was the space within his skin that his mind flitted through: power, hollowing him out in expanding him ten times greater. He understood, at last, why mages would not reject their gift. Who would choose to be blind when they could see? Choose to be lame, when they could run?

    And then for a second, as if shocked to awakening by the utter wrongness of that thought, he was himself. His will and his sanity roared through the distance that separated his mind from his body, and he was in command. With a strangled laugh of gratitude, he began to gather up the power. The leash ran both ways. The right words would give it all back, would pour everything in him down the threads back into the people he loved. The force of it would scour him clean, burn him out, and finally everything would be over in a way nobody could blame him for-


    One tiny figure stood at the very center of the circle. His fine black hair, but given the wave of Marisa’s; Marisa’s soft brown eyes, but set in the darkness of his skin. Elena’s white nightdown was spattered red, bleeding to black even as he watched. She was bedraggled and her stare was so impossibly wide.

    Elena, his little princess, his firstborn. So prim and bossy but sweet beneath it, so sweet. So clever, with such manners – no six-year-old should be so imperious but correct – You bastard, he thought dully, knowing somehow this was someone’s fault but unable to remember whose. Not her. How did you know to make it her? Roaring, the darkness rose up around everything that was him, bringing with it a dark, quiet joy that thrummed in time with each beat of his omnipotent heart.

    “It’s all right, sweetheart. Papan is here now.”

    The black lake froze beneath his feet as he stepped across it, fractals infinitely spiralling across the space between the bodies of his loved ones. He crossed to Elena’s side, watched her blanched face tilt upward to keep him in view like a lodestone. “Papan?” she asked him again, voice quavering; he let himself smile indulgently. In proper audiences she always called him Father, like a good Lithmorran noblewoman, but when she was hurt or frightened she called him the word he had taught her. But there was no need for fear, of course.

    “Just trust me, darling.”

    His hand was large enough to frame her whole face as his palm cupped her cheek gently, his fingers stretching to thread through her dampened hair. Her small head leaned into him; he could feel her trembling. “It will be all right soon enough.”

    With all the power at his fingertips, all the power in the world, he needed nothing more than his other hand and a sharp twist to break the little girl’s neck. He felt the moment when the thread – subtly and invisibly worked into the center of the weave that united them all – violently parted. It was so easy: the one act done, every other tie begin to fray, drawn taut by the tension. The first one snapped with a long, despairing wail, one less soul in the symphony. The next in a sigh, the next in a moan, and even as they died his own heartbeat waxed louder, song and thunder.

    It was rising in him, crackling to life, something that came from above and below and within all simultaneously, something greedily suckling the black rain from the air, something surging to fill the empty space and give him back a connection a hundred times more profound than the false unity of the loved ones dying all around him. Above him the sky burst at its seams like a ripe and rotten melon, revealing black without end beneath its two halves as they peeled back, writhing grey. The world shed its skin, and something darker uncoiled from the new heavens, flowed down, sought him like the inverse of lightning – searing away everything bright left as it went.

    Ariel threw his arms wide, laughing in the face of the end, and welcomed the Demon Queen into the vessel readied for her.

  • December 21, 2014 /  Uncategorized

    My last post contains very sensitive OOC information about Ariel’s backstory. For those who wish to expose themselves to spoilers, the password is vavard!

  • September 22, 2012 /  Uncategorized

    My last post contains another story, but of a different sort entirely. This one contains snippets of dialogue only from multiple logs stretching from about 11/351 to 5/352. The dialogue is verbatim beyond very slight clarity edits (adding names, etc.).

    Therefore, this post is full of VERY revealing OOC info about actual roleplay. All OOC info included has either been run by the players involved or is public knowledge (in helpfiles, etc).

    Read at your own risk for spoilers aplenty. Password is madilaire – and many thanks to Madilaire’s player for letting me post all these logs.

    (Odi et Amo, for any who don’t know, is Latin for ‘I hate and I love.’)

  • September 18, 2012 /  Uncategorized

    The previous post is password protected because it gives away skads of OOC info and I don’t want people to be exposed to that without intent. I trust people to be mature, though – so! The password to this, and the 350 Memories story, is vavard.

  • September 3, 2012 /  Uncategorized

    Inspired by a silly conversation. I promise I still feel bad OOCly about everybody I got killed. Really.

    Yeah, yeah
    When I walk on by, mages be hiding like “Damn I’m gonna die” ohh-
    I pimp to the beat, walking on the street lookin’ for the freaks, yeah
    This is how I roll, damascus knife, cloak outta control,
    It’s Ari-poo who’s in the know
    And like Saint Zinadya I catch the glow

    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… I hunt mages
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… I hunt mages

    When I walk in the spot (yeah), this is what I see (ok)
    Everybody stops and they staring at me
    I got burning on my mind and I ain’t afraid to show it, show it, show it, show it

    I’m deadly and I know it
    I’m deadly and I know it

    When the demons out, Knights know to call me without a doubt
    And when the mages cast, I’m on their heels gonna catch ’em fast
    This is how I roll, come on ladies it’s time to go
    They headed to the pyre, maybe it’s abhorrent
    But no sword, no Chalice, and I still get warrants (watch)

    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… I hunt mages
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… I hunt mages

    When I walk in the spot (yeah), this is what I see (ok)
    Everybody stops and they staring at me
    I got burning on my mind and I ain’t afraid to show it, show it, show it, show it

    I’m deadly and I know it…

    I’m deadly and I know it…

    Check it out…
    Check it out…

    Stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby, yeah
    Stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby, yeah
    Stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby, yeah
    Stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby, yeah, yeah
    Do the stabbing, man
    I do the stabbing, man
    I’m deadly and I know it

    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… Girl look at those bodies
    Ah… I hunt mages

    I’m deadly and I know it