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- Stringing tool updated on the website, thank you to Delana!
- Using invite leaves tracks in the direction of the new location.
- Bug that allowed tracking in city rooms resolved.
- Invite command added, see HELP INVITE for details.
- Orbus spell items can now be used with Emberwalk.
- Assets no longer depreciate due to inactivity.
- Can no longer track in the astral.
- IP is no longer supplied for quashing rumors.
- Marriage autocnotes with the OOC and IC time.
- Couriers change how they reject messages.
- +1 RP Level when emoting within 5 min of the last emote
- Some sneak/hide messages changed. Please test.
- Empty command added for container transfers (HELP EMPTY).
- Eating with an emote no longer strips punctuation from the end.
- Some typos in the Storytelling code resolved.
- Preparing a bow weapon made more generic to flow with crossbows.
- Herds will no longer reset all progress if they drop to ailing.
- Criminals that spawn with low lawful will unload with lawful improves.
- Issue with jewelry seals not applying to profiles resolved.
- Broken mail object issue resolved.
- Removing all keywords from an object is no longer possible.