• February 23, 2012 /  Reflections

    Its cold in the Cathedral at night.
    Very cold.

    The stain glass windows, once bright and alive with the dancing sunlight, have gone dark
    and silent.

    And yet, here I am.
    I kneel at the icy stone rail
    Before me, lit by the flickering specters of its candles
    Is the altar
    The altar I swore to serve upon
    And vowed to uphold.
    Its all that’s in view now
    Even the chalice above it is shrouded
    And behind me are even darker shadows
    They seem all the more sinister now

    Ashes to ashes
    Dust to dust
    In my heart a fire burns
    But what is its fuel?
    And does it provide warmth?

    O Lord, what am I doing?

    Posted by Alban @ 11:54 pm