• February 19, 2012 /  Reflections

    A fulfilling vocation, the Priesthood. The Lord has chosen for himself men and women from across the realm. It seems difficult for some, the celibacy. However, they fail to see, the love that they show for their spouse, for their children, it is the Lord’s will for some that it expand and encompass all peoples by His grace. It is a happy life, one that is full of endless reward. Some may look down on it because of celibacy, but truly, its so much more… The celibacy is there to ensure that we can love as we are able. And from it, we find freedom and joy. I – I know what it can feel like to be in love.. However, for those of us who have been chosen, there is little place for us but at the altar. And at the end of the day, despite what I may feel, I know its true for me… and I believe that its true for you. And I tell myself a prayer which has echoed in my heart since my earliest days: “I shall go to the Altar of Dav..”

    Hearing that, I feel comforted and warm, as if in the arms of a kind father. I know I’ve made the right choice, despite what heartache I may feel at times. I know that despite what may come, even martyrdom, I shall have walked down the right path. In the darkness, prayer has been my light and before me I’ve kept always the image of a God so great. No matter what comes, I shall run into His arms as I’ve so desired. As the sun sets, there is no doubt, there is no fear. Only Love and its Origin.

    Posted by Alban @ 3:21 am