• March 1, 2012 /  Thoughts

    Anyone who truly knows me knows that my trust and my loyalty is hard-won.
    You might think you have it?
    Look again, do you see your name carved in my flesh?
    For those that seek it? I will test you.
    Walking by my side will never be easy.
    But having me at your side, will always be worthwhile.

    I am done making excuses.
    I am done pretending and I am done dressing up.
    I am what I am.

    I am no perfect saint.
    But nor am I a bloody sinner.

    And nor are you. But at least I am honest about it.

    I will rage.
    I will drink.
    I will curse.
    I will love you.
    I will hate you.
    And most likely all in the same breath.

    Take me as I am, or I will have no time for you.