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    February 25, 2012 /  QOTD

    Julea providing directions to her quarters.

    “You head down Southside.. take Park Street. Then.. take the third on the left.. Head down that way about a hundred meters then take the second on the right. Walk down till you see a shack.. it’s the one next to the burnt one. Don’t go in it though! There’s a kid there with the pox. Go down the side of it. At the back there behind it is another shack. That’s mine.”

  • QOTD

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    February 12, 2012 /  QOTD

    “It seems that much is true.” Jack nods a few times, “With the ear of so many in the city, I wonder sometimes if its you that rules this place.” he leans back a little in his chair, folding his arms.

    “You already know the answer to that one Jack.” With a skip of her step, you turns on the heel of her boot and walks with a swagger towards the Eastern door. Jane is given a wink in passing.

    Jack chuckles after you, “That’s what I was afraid of.” he grins wryly, “Fare well, Julea.”

  • QOTW

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    February 9, 2012 /  QOTD

    Julea responds with a particularly rude gesture in Jack’s direction. “If I wasn’t wearing a skirt, and you were closer, and I wasn’t so lazy, I’d slap you.”

  • QOTW

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    February 5, 2012 /  QOTD

    Julea to the Grand Inquisitar (after confessing to being in the brotherhood and asked if there is anything else she’d like to say):

    “I am sorry and I really do not want to be burned. I have a morbid fear of fires. And death.” you says, as she sits back down again. “I can’t think of anything else to say at this time.”

  • QOTD

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    February 2, 2012 /  QOTD

    Julea on becoming an Inquisitar:

    “You understand, that I would not change much. I will still be all of those things, but with… power?” your eyes focus upon the shadowed face of a person wearing a concealing crimson leather cloak that hangs a full circle. She draws her thumb across her bottom lip. “Do I have to give up drinking, cursing, and general debauchery? Do I have to take any vows of celibacy? Are there any…. shall we say, hidden costs to this?”

    Julea, trying it out to see if it suits her:

    A person wearing a steel visor fashioned into a widely grinning face exhales a sigh at Bryne and shakes his head when Bryne looks his way, “That’s not the right response. This is the right one.” he pauses a beat, turns bodily to you and lifts a hand to point at her, “Shut up, bitch.” he says to you.
    “Fuck I need a drink. One second.” Julea reaches into her satchel, producing a bottle of wine which she quickly bites the cork from and drinks heavily. She passes a glance over to Bryne, and then onwards to Thoman and a person wearing a steel visor fashioned into a widely grinning face. At the latter’s words, she near spits out her mouthful. [you ]
    Julea rolls her eyes skyward. She reaches for her satchel and draws from it the Book of Penances. With it in one hand and the bottle of wine in the other. “Now, perhaps I should try it out… Count Sevoi.. that will be quite enough of that. Your blashemy has been noted and if you continue, I will require a confession.. or something.”
    A person wearing a steel visor fashioned into a widely grinning face replies to you again with his stock response, “Shut up, bitch.” in a cheery tone and taps his fingers against his thighs idly, “Also, don’t impersonate a priestess or Inquisitor.” he nods his head slowly.
    “Two times. Are you sure you wish to continue, because I am sure we can arrange a whipping.” you waves over a nearby messenger, and offers him a few words. “You may tell his Holy Honour that I accept. I think he is right, I have a natural talent for it.”

  • Emotes of the Day

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    January 28, 2012 /  QOTD

    To the Cardinal:

    Julea opens the Book of Penances and flicks idly through a few of the crisp pages. Eventually she comes onto the long list of sins. Her leather clad fingers run steadily down the page. “I don’t suppose I could subscribe to a few of these and just set up an automatic payment of sorts?” She says, her lips quirking at the corners.

    Of Julea:

    It’s Jane’s turn to point a finger. She strikes it at you, addressing Jack in less than perfectly enunciated Lithmorran, mouth a sneer. “Look at her. Cruel as a dagger in your back. Soft and sultry as any damned steel-sharp blade.”

    Names changed above.. to preserve IC.