• Warrant Procedures

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    November 25, 2012 /  Inquisitorial Methods
    Herein is the procedure to execute an arrest warrant with the approval of 
    the Holy Office:
       I. Gather Information
          Warrants are not to be issued without reasonable chance of a
          successful conclusion of the case. This means that the evidence
          available must be sufficient that the Inquisitor writing the
          warrant is content to take responsibility for the arrest. If it
          is likely that the accused will be released for lack of evidence,
          please do not even write the warrant in the first place. The
          accused is under suspicion at this time, and information such as
          the names of their associates, their behaviors and haunts should
          be being recorded.
          Note that any case may be audited by the Holy Office, and if so, an
          Inquisitor will be expected to have one or more of the following
          types of evidence to support a warrant:
             Physical Evidence - they've been seen casting magic
             Accusations       - from a respected member of the community
             Testimonials      - supporting evidence provided by non-
                                 accusers, best when unaware of an accusation
             Patterns          - known associations, behaviours strongly 
                                 associated magery or heresy, and the like
      II. Writing the Warrant
          For a warrant to be official, it must be copied, at minimum, to the
          following: The Grand Inquisitor, The Cardinal, the Earl Marshall, and
          the Grand Master. It is encouraged to include other, trusted members
          of the Holy Order as well as the Knights Lithmorran. Additionally, it
          must be written by the hand of an Inquisitor in good standing with
          the Holy Office. Warrants for nobles require the signature of the
          Grand Inquisitor or a High Inquisitor as do warrants for any 
          A warrant should contain:
             A. the nature of the charges
             B. any information regarding the accused's appearance, 
             C. the accused's known haunts
             D. the perceived threat level and safety recommendations
             E. any pertinent comments the Knights may require
          It is not required to detail the evidence for the arrest request in
          the warrant document. However, if the Knights Lithmorran wish this
          information, it is appropriate to tell them unless it would
          endanger the investigation.
     III. Serving a Warrant
          Please ensure that the Knights Lithmorran and the Holy Office is 
          reasonably aware of the status of any case at all times by
          sending mail updates when information is gleaned from a prisoner
          or when a decision has been made. In the case of noble prisoners,
          guildleaders, and other high ranking personages, the signature of
          the Grand Inquisitor is required to initiate a cleansing,
          branding, maiming, etc. The use of torture is pre-authorized,
          provided Inquisitorial Methods are followed as opposed to self-
          indulgent behaviors.

    Posted by Jenifyr @ 12:26 pm