• January 29, 2012 /  No Comments

    Anti-Hero: Type IV or V depending on how pissed off he is at the time.

    Berserk Button: Don’t threaten his family or friends if you enjoy breathing.

    Blood Knight:

    Combat Pragmatist: He knows in a fight where lives are on the line, especially those he cares for or his own, that there’s no such thing as ‘fighting dirty’. This extends as well to the training regiment of Endridge soldiers, who are taught to use hit and run tactics, guerrilla warfare, surprise and ambushing to their advantage in war scenarios or when defending Endridge.

    Deadpan Snarker: He likes to give off a few zingers when he can.

    Determinator: Would rather be beaten within an inch of his life or
    killed outright than surrender.

    Generation Xerox: While different from his grandfather, Cei, in a lot
    of key and detail ways, in the broad strokes they are rather similar.

    Gut Feeling: Jei has a habit of getting these, how often he’s accurate
    would depend on who you ask, but he tends to think of it being fairly

    Heroic BSOD: This happened after the murder of his wife and her death is still something that haunts him.

    Knight in Sour Armor: He and his entire House knows the war between the Order and Mages is endless, but he keeps right on fighting because it’s the ‘right’ thing to do.

    Lightning Bruiser

    Sad Clown: His way of dealing with the angst in his life, well, that
    and fighting.

    ScrewTheRulesI’mDoingWhatsRight: He is not at all above bending or
    breaking the law when it comes to protecting the city or his family.

    Shiny Midnight Black: When you can see his hair, anyway.

    Slasher Smile: He’s got a habit of grinning, but he gets this kind of grin when he’s really angry.

    Sweet Tooth: He loves his sugar and candies.

    The Lancer/The Big Guy: Considers himself the lancer to Paere de
    Laerne, but he’s also often been needed for his sheer ability to fight

    Trademark Favorite Food: Cake and really sweets of any kind, also tea.

    Would Hit a Girl: He is not above fighting or killing women.