• March 22, 2012 /  No Comments

    Name: Lien le Storm, heiress to Strongjaw in Tubor. Often called Storm, or Stormy by friends.

    Birthdate: Augustus 15, 336 (17 years)


    Silken, dusky-raven hair reaches to almost mid-back, soft and light, the strands are easily plucked up by the smallest of breezes. Long bangs are typically kept at bay by a strip of silver chain which crosses her brow, preventing the strands from brushing over and obscuring the long lashes of her pale blue (bordering on grey) eyes. Multiple thin silver ribbons fall from amongst the raven locks, knotted and braided in their lengths.

    Her skin is lightly tanned and unblemished. The slight form of this young Tubori reaches just over five feet in height. Though despite her size, she is far from a child in shape, her figure having started to develop curves, and her limbs toned in shape, bordering on muscular.


    Well, that’s the clothing she arrived in Lithmore in, since then her wardrobe has expanded and the hem line lengthened to a more suitable length so as to not offend the sensibilities of the Lithmorran’s around her. She is a little sentimental and frequently wear things from people that mean the most to her. A plain silver Chalice pendant hung on a thin chain she wears about her neck and took from Benedictus’ place after his death. She figures he’d of wanted her to have it so it wasn’t really stealing. A stunning Tubori pearl bracelet with silver filigree clasp is a gift from Captain Saoishe, given to her on their second meeting. And a length of silvery ribbon worn about her wrist was her final gift to Captain Saoishe, returned to her on his death. Lastly, an ornate onyx haircomb crowned with a row of tiny diamonds was presented to her by her much beloved cousin on Yule.

    Background: A recent arrival to Lithmore, she has been sent into Ariel op Orban care, a cousin of sorts of her Father who has strong business ties to his family. Not exactly happy to be here, and even less happy to be sent here to learn how to be a perfect little lady and find the perfect marriage partner to strengthen her Father’s ties in Lithmore.

    She does intends to make the most of it, and cause as much trouble as possible. Some rumours suggest that she was involved in something particularly scandalous back in Tubor, hence her sudden arrival into the Lithmorran Noble scene.

    Obvious Traits:

    Despite her mischievous nature, she’s more vulnerable than she lets on. She finds Lithmore very daunting and even a little scary. She stubbornly refuses to change her Tubori attire, and yet hates the stares that it brings.

    Neurotic, cynical, strange, incorrigible, demented, childish, insecure, arrogant, superfluous, eccentric, paranoid, redundant, foolish, loquacious, subdued, impertinent, imperfect, contemptuous and narcissistic.

    – big, big fear of rats, bugs and other critters (good reason for this)
    – likes to wear black
    – rebellious and mischievous
    – trusts people a little too easily
    – dexterous, light on feet, acrobatic.
    – can’t swim

    Skills: Lien is very skilled at getting herself into trouble!

    She’s been rumored to have belonged to the Brotherhood in the past. As well, some gossip ties her romantically to the now dead Vavardi Captain, Eriit Saoishe.

    Tropes: Perky Goth, Bratty Teenage Daughter, Jail Bait, Rebellious Princess, Distracted by the Luxury, Brainy Brunette