Tubori Customs

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As a communal people, Tubori define themselves by their social networks. Family is a sacred concept to the Tubori, encompassing not just parents, siblings, and children but also cousins and even close friends. Tubori are raised to think about fulfilling their duties to the family first and foremost, even before following their own heart.


Tubori throw communal meals for their extended families at very little prompting. Feasts involve dancing and music, long yarns of epic and probably semi-concocted proportions, usually all sorts of games that test courage and physical prowess, and ample quantities of food. A huge pig is usually spit-roasted, alongside multiple smaller dishes.

The Respite

Given the heat of Tubor, all those except the hardest-pressed workers take the Respite: a nap of an hour or two through the hottest time of the day. The Tubori believe that a siesta improves focus and productivity and is a requirement for a civilized lifestyle.


Slavery is an important part of the Tubori lifestyle, especially on the great farms that occupy much of the outlying islands. Farming gentlefolk and nobles often reckon their wealth in slaves. Tubori view this custom pragmatically, as befits their might-makes-right philosophy: if an individual isn't meant to be a slave, they'll find a way to throw off their chains. Slaves are usually extremely poor Tubori seized by force or impressed into service to cover impossible debt, though shipments of Charali slaves occasionally come from Vandago.


The Tubori who has little experience with the sea is rare. No part of Tubor is genuinely 'inland', and as such, most all Tubori can swim and handle small watercraft. Seafaring habits thus influence every aspect of Tubori culture: terminology, sports and games, clothing, and even food preparation.