Nimrock (History)

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The Citadel of Nimrock, built from 109 to 114 SC, was considered by many to be impregnable. Its location on a small peninsula jutting into the Kirulean Sea provided an ideal defensive position - and indeed, its site was selected for that very reason. For Nimrock was built at the beginning of the Davite Consolidation, by the fledgling Kingdom of Vavard, with the knowledge that at some time Dav's army would be at its gates.

At any rate, Dav was too wily for a direct assault on the city, and instead forced the denizens to attempt a sortie, and smashed them between its gates and his army.

After taking the city, and slaughtering the Merchant Princes who refused to bow, Dav installed a council of the remaining Merchant Princes after each declared personal fealty to Dav himself. The monies of Vavard are said, by those more critical of his holy reign, to have contributed largely to Dav's miraculous successes. Until the installation of Duke Sivernus dul Acris and the creation of the Duchy, Vavard had historically maintained both the council of merchants and a yearly tribute to the Lithmorran Crown.