30 Days War

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In what became known as the 30 days war, King Dav overrode every defense that the Charali put up, and before long the watchfires of his armies stretched from one end of the Charali lands to the other. It was a ruthless war, wherein every effort was made to spare the mounts of the Charali, but no quarter given for the people. Fewer than 4 out of 10 Charalin survived the massacre, and only by fleeing with what horses they could herd to the kingdom of Vavard. Most Charalin refer to this as the 30 Days of Fire.

How a Charalin reacts and interprets the 30 Days of Fire has a huge impact on how they perceive Davism and Lithmorrans. Those swayed by missionaries often see it as an act of divine retribution. Others are incredibly wary of Davites, especially Lithmorrans, for their part in the near-eradication of their race. Their sense of honor forbids them from trying to collect amends in blood, because they would have to kill thousands, which would be a waste of life. To prove that they are holier than Davites, they do all they can to create peace around them.

Some Charalin that believe in the old stories, blame their own people for the 30 Days of Fire. They feel that the clans were becoming too greedy and destructive, so the Maker brought the Davites to wreak havoc upon them.