Good Works

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The concepts of sin and of good works form two cornerstones of Davite faith. Ways to avoid (or expiate) the former and perform the latter are important even to those whose faith is rather weak; both purity and goodness are required to join the Lord after death, and good works can help make up for sin as well.

The full scope of what is considered good work differs from duchy to duchy. Charity is a universal good, but the focus of charity depends on cultural factors: to the Vandagans, it might be a warm roof over the head of the homeless; to Lithmorrans, it might be an education in faith and a useful trade; to the Tubori, it might be home-cooked meals. Generally, however, good works consist of anything that helps ameliorate the suffering of the lower classes. (It should be noted, however, that good works do not focus on lifting the lower classes to higher ranks - that would be inappropriate and damaging to the fabric of society.)

Of note, good works apply to assisting other Davites (and the prosperity of the holy kingdom of Lithmore, of course). Outside of guiding them to Davism, assisting unbelievers is not seen as an example of service in the Lord's interest - though some might still exercise kindness to them as a means of bringing them closer to the true faith.