Davite Hours

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Drawing on ancient customs far predating Dav, Davite tradition promotes the daily practice of meditations on hours of the day. In this practice, the ebb and flow of daily life becomes deeply symbolic, a metaphor for the phases of the spiritual life and an occasion to meditate on the fundamental teachings and mysteries of the Davite faith.

While practice of the Hours is not mandatory for any Davite, observation of at least a couple is highly recommended to the devout. Members of the clergy, especially those living in communal rectories, and acolytes training for membership in the Order commonly practice most or all of the hours, usually in group ritual settings.

Church bells intone the time of each hour publicly.

3 am - Matina

Early morning prayers. Marks the official end of the Vigil (see below); the bells ring one time as a "victory note" that the darkest part of the day has passed. Prayer focuses on the Law of the Inquisition, the importance of the Order in the fight against witchcraft and the necessity of obedience to the church to support their efforts.

6 am - Lauds

Sunrise prayer. The bells ring 7 times, beginning the countdown of the days' symbolic struggle against evil. Prayer focuses on celebrating the Lord of the Springs and contemplating Dav's Law of the Spring, and an individual's oath to live a life that results in their eventual Uplifting.

9 am - Prime

Midmorning prayer. This is a meditative time, focused on reflection and contemplating the nature of faith.

12 pm - Terce

Noontime prayer. This focuses on the Law of Giving and the importance of good citizenship, and is often when priests assign tasks to volunteers who seek more active forms of charity than tithes alone.

3 pm - Sext

Afternoon prayer. This focuses on the Law of Charity and usually, the confessionals are at their busiest between now and the next bells. This is also the time when priests share progress reports on current charitable projects, and can be seen out in the streets en masse giving alms, speaking with the people and encouraging citizenry to bring their concerns to the church to be discussed at the next major mass.

6 pm - Vesperam

Sunset prayer. Though mass may be held at any time and can be assumed to be held several times a day, this evening mass tends to draw the largest crowds as more of the people have finished their day's labor. Prayer focuses on the List of Duties and community concerns, and the larger crowd generally leads to a more involved Dialogue.

9 pm - Complina

Night prayer. It focuses on the Law of Observance and, since nearly everyone has finished work for the day, this is often when local nobility and high-ranked priests alike can be seen out in the taverns, spending time with the common laity. By ending the day in the company of one's neighbors, it is believed that the people are bolstered against the corruptive influence of deepest night.

12 am - Vigil

Darkness is symbolic and midnight marks the darkest hour. No bells ring to mark the hour but all candles burn blue. Depending on who you talk to, this either marks when witches are at their most powerful or that the Order has succeeded in turning the tides of battle in favor of their faithful again. Either way, those who are awake at this time observe a moment of silence, honoring those who have fallen in defense of the faithful and in support of the Lord and his servants who are "keeping vigil" in churches and watchtowers throughout the realm.