Cult of Transcendant Ecstasy

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This religion is oft thought the most debased of all. The philosophy behind their customs is simple. They say the Lord of the Springs created certain things which caused pain and others that caused pleasure. This was obviously because the Lord of the Springs wanted us to avoid pain and seek our own freedom and enjoyment. If, at death, the amount of pain in one's life outweighs pleasure, one might succumb to eternal damnation, and turn into demons in the case of the most suffered souls. Otherwise one will join the Lord. This is why they do not agree with the Order's policy of self-flagellation and torture. Cultists do not share the Davites' celebration of cleansing either; while pain is a needed ill to be able to transcend to the Lord's Embrace when one is tainted by magery, it should not be a matter of happiness and cheer. Many Cultists embrace the idea of having private cleansings.


ECSTASY: A state of absolute pleasure and the total absence of pain. Many cultists embrace the idea as the objective of the doctrine, a goal they must reach in order to live the world and to please the Lord, because the Lord created the Ecstasy and He wants us to reach it.

PATH OF FIRE: The Path of Fire and the Cult of Transcendent Ecstasy are often at each others' throat. While they have similar doctrines because they originated from the same roots, the Cult is centered around one's pleasure, something which has angered the Path of Fire followers to the point where a bitter feud has started between major members of both religions.

PREACHING: The Cult has a strong philosophy of enlightenment. Even if others might not believe in the Cult, they try to help them reach their own Ecstasy. As such, counseling others is a very popular behavior among Cultists, and some can spend hours for they believe that's a way to reach their own Ecstasy. As long as their own pleasure is not ignored, helping others is part of the Cultist's doctrine.

PLEASURE: Cultists prioritize their own pleasure over the others. They differentiate between harmful and harmless pleasures. Some think that love is harmful, some others think that arranged marriages are the best. The main concept is that you cannot be a slave of your passion; you cannot be a slave of jealousy or attachment. Being aware in the moment and not trampling over your own thoughts has been a path to Ecstasy in contemporary Cultists.

SHARED PLEASURES: It is believed that shared pleasures are more intense than solitary pleasures. This can include having many friends, feasting in group, among many other things.