Log of Ooc Meeting - Apr 23, 2016

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply

Sat Apr 23, 2016 6:28 pm

Kinaed has awarded you 2 QPs: Scribe

Kinaed wonders, "(Eld)Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates

- Player Heartbeat

- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Silrie states, "I do. Though it's long winded, so might wanna put me last."

Kinaed wonders to Silrie, "(Eld)Okay, jotting you down. Anyone else?"

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)I'll take the extended silence as a no, and will kick off then."

Eamon declares, "I have oe! Sorry!"

Eamon states, "(It's quick)"

Kinaed states to Eamon, "(Eld)Got you :)"

Kinaed states, "(Eld)I am fairly certain I did a couple of important things this week, but I have to be honest that I don't remember them all. One big one, however, was going through the staff applications. I'd like to introduce everyone to Ismael, our newest staff member. Ismael, would you like to introduce yourself? I understand you have to go shortly."

Temi cheers for Ismael.

Silrie cheers and claps.

Ismael waves. "Hello! I'm Ismael. I'm happy to be here and I look forward to help the playerbase and the game as a whole. :)"

Eluard applauds Ismael "Congratz!"

Silrie pontificates, "Seriously, congrats!"

Kinaed smiles.

Silrie says, "Love the name. So pretty."

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Thank you, Ismael. :)"

Ismael smiles.

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Okay, as for my coming weeks, still working on roles and jail automation. This will happen. Hopefully sooner rather than later."

Kinaed wonders to Azarial, "(Eld)You're up - what did you do last week, and what do you plan to work on in this coming week, Az?"

Azarial says, "(Daravi)A few bugs, ad poking around in malloc again."

Azarial states, "(Daravi)Which has meant a few crashes, some odd disconnects, and the like. but it seems like most of the major bugs have been worked out."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Ismael has gone AFK.

Azarial states, "(Daravi)There is one I would like to kill dealing wiht movement in the satral, but thta is a wait for it to die and see why. i think I am on round five of that."

Kinaed states, "(Eld)Thanks for your patience with the crashing folks. It was largely due to our hitting our memory limits, then the code changes we made to reduce our overheads."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed states, "(Eld)One thing worth mentioning that may not be advertised yet is that we've added 'cnote quick <name> <sentence>' to bypass the cnote POLCA if you just want to jot quick notes."

Silrie cheers.

Kinaed says, "(Eld)We've also taken a purposeful design stance that we want to focus in-game RP on Lithmore-centric things, so we have removed the foreign relations metrics from CITY REPORT."

Kinaed says, "(Eld)This is to reduce the player pressure to feel like they have a responsibility to keep those metrics up."

Silrie doesn't even know what that was.

Riannan says, "I don't know what that is or was either."

Kinaed says, "(Eld)Type 'city report'. :)"

Temi says, "This was mainly pressure at the court level."

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)A lot of how well plots will go is linked to the city metrics."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Riannan claims, "Oh okay then."

Kinaed says, "(Eld)For example, if you submit a plot to spawn masses all over the city, you may increase the religious metric, but if the religious metric is low, then perhaps someone would make a ruckus over it, that sort of thing."

Hunapo says, "And they grant guilds certain benefits etc at certain levels."

Kinaed nods at Hunapo.

Kinaed says, "(Eld)Each guild is generally the custodian of a particular metric. When it is higher, the guilds get free RPA to take guild actions."

Kinaed queries, "(Eld)Okay, so that's enough about that. Sorry, Az, if I stole your thunder. Are you happy for me to move to the next staff member?"

Azarial claims, "(Daravi)Go aheas"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed states to Temi, "(Eld)You're up."

Edward has gone AFK.

Edward has returned from AFK.

Temi says, "Okay. Not a whole lot this week. A little reassessing how we want to handle plots and refocus them more firmly within Lithmore."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi says, "Beyond that, plots and RPA stuff. I don't currently have a big project on my plate, so will need to be figuring out what it is I haven't been doing and tkae that up."

Temi says, "And that should be about me."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed muses to Temi, "(Eld)Takta has a lot of stuff on her board - maybe see if she has anything to pass you?"

Kinaed says to Takta, "(Eld)You're up :)"

Takta trails off, "(Vandagan)Well..."

Takta states, "(Vandagan)Last week of my semester kept me very busy, so I mostly worked on typos rather than larger-scale projects."

Takta claims, "(Vandagan)However! That means it is now, more or less, summer for me, and summer is when a Takta rises from dormancy. I did also clean off the staff board, which means a lot of old ideas/plans may be more visible for us now."

Kinaed begins to write a message on the courier's desk.

(This is an OOC mail.)

Takta states, "(Vandagan)Next priority is to test and helpfile all outstanding code changes asap."

Kinaed finishes writing her mail.

Takta pontificates, "(Vandagan)That's it for me right now!"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed declares, "(Eld)I think that's it for all of the staff members. :) Once again, welcome Ismael!"

Kinaed questions, "(Eld)Any questions about staff activities before we move on?"

Takta states, "(Vandagan)Oh, type craft_ paper to see all the papercraft recipes."

Takta says, "(Vandagan)Xin put in their skeletons before the meeting."

Kinaed exclaims to Takta, "(Eld)Nice!"

Silrie says, "Oooh."

Temi claims, "And Elzenn gave us a quick update: the finale of the White Flame is upon us soon."

Kinaed says, "(Eld)I think we may change the name of papercraft to art."

Silrie grins.

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Or something."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Riannan claims, "Oh I like art better than papercraft."

Temi nods.

Kinaed states, "(Eld)I need to confirm that with Xinoe, but I do know we're expanding it."

Silrie dances excitedly and loves all new crafty things.

Kinaed wonders, "(Eld)Okay, if that's everything, now for Player Heartbeat. :) How was RP this week, folks?"

Temi claims, "We're changing the name, to include more general art stuff. What exactly the new name will be is not 100%"

Silrie screams about a desire and need for clay things.

Kinaed says to Silrie, "(Eld)Noted :)"

Temi claims, "Clay is in the update."

Esther agrees with Silrie

Riannan pontificates, "Clay!"

Silrie says, "Heartbeat's been great. Sil's had more rp in the past week than she has in the past month it seems. LOL"

Kinaed says to Silrie, "(Eld)Very glad to hear that."

Silrie grins.

Kheit claims, "This week was pretty solid, I've been facing a bit of writing burnout so Kheit and my other characters might be missing a bit, but I'm rebounding, so they'll surely be back around more regularly again soon."

Silrie claims, "A huge part of it is just getting back out there, so her lack wasn't anyone's doing but my own, but it's been really nice to do that and to help people. She's had loads of medical rp."

Kinaed smiles at Kheit.

Eluard says "I've found rp to be pretty good. Although I've nto been on as much as normal due to uni deadlines I'm still managing to find rp without too much struggle which is pretty nice."

Kinaed nods at Eluard.

Silrie comforts Kheit.

Kinaed asks, "(Eld)Is there anything bothering anyone in game that Staff ought to know about?"

Esther says, "I haven't been on much this week due to end of the school year upon me, but its been good before so I expect it to continue to be good"

Kinaed smiles.

Silrie complains about poop-throwing flamers. D

Kinaed muses to Silrie, "(Eld)Was that the mobs that react to your race/class/etc?"

Silrie says, "Haha yeah, it's awesome. I've never seen a code where she's both recently bathed and dirty. I totally think we should be able to dirty ourselves with mud or something. Though I think all you'd need to do is dig a hole. Sorry, tangent."

Hunapo states, "The times I have been attacked there was filth."

Silrie says, "They muck sling right in the face. It's just, like, awww man."

Tobius is idle.

Takta says, "(Vandagan)Embrace the poop."

Takta nods sagely.

Tobius is no longer idle.

Tobius has returned from AFK.

Kinaed smiles.

Silrie says, "What crappy advice, Takta."

Silrie grins.

Kinaed has transferred Axton. [OOC]

Temi gives a slightly squashed, head-shaped ball, made of dark leather to Axton.

Axton wakes and stands up.

Silrie says to Axton, "You need food, dude."

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Okay, if that's everything for Player Heartbeat, let's move on to Player Topics. We have plenty of time today, so Silrie, if you'd like to go first, I think it's okay."

Axton queries, "Do I?"

Silrie pontificates, "Okays!"

Silrie states, "So, I'm going to apologize in advance to those of you who may be on phones or tablets for this incoming wall of text."

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)I love that you pre-write your introductions. :)"

Silrie states, "LOL"

Axton loves walls of text.

Silrie states, "Okay, wait, let eamon go first. I'm still getting a line too long message. let me space out my braces a bit."

Kinaed nods at Silrie.

Kinaed queries to Eamon, "(Eld)Would you care to introduce your topic for today?"

Eamon says, "Okay! It's brief."

Eamon states, "Not to give too much IC away, but I've just had a chance to experience the addiction and withdrawal system, and it's... currently very unplayable! I think staff has talked about having an alternative system on-deck, but I would like to suggest it be prioritized. I know addiction/withdrawal doesnt come up much, but it's a bit crippling to play through the constant spam of HP loss right now, plus with going unconscious and conscious and unconscious unpredictably given the new wound system."

Eamon queries, "(Anyone else been there and agree?)"

Temi says, "Yeah, not happy at all with the current system, and we do have a replacement... so just a matter of when Az can do it."

Kinaed says, "(Eld)Oh dear, we'd gotten that feedback before, and I thought we'd made an effort to fix it. I wonder if the changes we discussed hadn't made it in or if we forgot to actually design changes."

Azarial states, "(Daravi)The ram crashes preempted a lot of things."

Temi states to Kinaed, "It's on the bug board waiting for priority."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed wonders to Temi, "(Eld)Okay, so we did come up with changes, and it's on Az's board?"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Eamon states, "Understood! Just a suggestion it should maybe get priority."

Eamon grins.

Kinaed says, "(Eld)Okay, then we'll move it up in priority. Thank you for alerting us, Eamon."

Axton queries, "If it was made a priority could it be expanded?"

Temi trails off, "I can see if we can share what the new system is if we have time..."

Kinaed claims to Axton, "(Eld)We think it needs to be corrected right now."

Axton says, "Perhaps including alcohol or something? actually I'll wait until thats done, nevermind.."

Kinaed states to Temi, "(Eld)Happy to do so, yep."

Axton says, "Sorry, I always get ahead of things."

Kinaed questions to Silrie, "(Eld)How are you going with spacing out that topic?"

Kinaed smiles at Axton.

Kinaed claims to Axton, "(Eld)No worries."

Silrie is so late but has so been there.

Silrie grins at Eamon.

Silrie claims to Kinaed, "Okay, let me try."

Axton states, "I actually have a topic I'd like some feedback on, I posted on the forum but wasn't very clear with the idea. Only if we have time after all the topics and possibly addiction system."

Silrie questions, "Erg... it won't let me, left brace slash for new lines, yes?"

Silrie trails off, "Or is it right brace..."

Kinaed states to Axton, "(Eld)Okay, I'll note you down."

Temi states, "Open brace."

Silrie queries, "Er.... that?"

Takta states, "(Vandagan){/"

Takta says, "(Vandagan)Wow that did not wrk."

Hunapo says, "{/"

Kinaed states to Silrie, "(Eld)I think you may want to break it up and pipe it with two verticle slashes like - that is done with shift backslash on most computers."

Silrie claims, "Lolol"

Silrie exclaims, "Eesh!"

Silrie tests / and tests.

Kinaed states, "(Eld)| and |, right next to one another."

Axton queries, "Isn't that called a pipe or something?"

Temi claims, "So, it may be easiest to just break it into two commands."

Axton claims, "Verti-bar, vbar, stick, vertical line, vertical slash, bar, obelisk, glidus, or pipe"

Kinaed says to Axton, "(Eld)Yes, it allows you to enter multiple commands at the same time. So say <x> | | Say <y>"

Silrie is kind of confused but tests. I can easily just do find and replace whhen I figure it out... sec.... |, Tests.

Silrie trails off, "I'm not sure how to make a vertical bar..."

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Two | | right next to each other. I've put a space between them to ensure that the piping doesn't work."

Kheit queries, "Why not just separate it into multiple says/emotes?"

Ismael says, "Without a space, as Kinaed says."

Kinaed nods at Kheit.

Kinaed muses to Kheit, "(Eld)That'd be the simple way, right? :)"

Silrie states, "Lol"

Kinaed queries to Silrie, "(Eld)Maybe just say bits of it at a time?"

Silrie declares, "Ok!"

Silrie just tests in passing

Silrie claims, "Okay here we go."

Silrie states, "Hey everyone! So, in my spare time, I do some amateur (as in I don't get paid for it), voice acting and audio production. Basically, I create audio dramas, because they're fun and I love exercising my creative muscles."

Silrie states, "'Hey everyone! So, in my spare time, I do some amateur (as in I don't get paid for it), voice acting and audio production. Basically, I create audio dramas, because they're fun and I love exercising my creative muscles."

Silrie says, "Oh for the freakin love"

Kinaed smiles and listens intently.

Axton listens and wants to listen.

Silrie says, "I'll let ya know when I'm done lol"

Silrie queries, "I wanted to start an audio drama series for TI, but before I began even writing out a script, I wanted to run it by you all. For staff, is it something you would mind? If not, for players, is there anyone who would not want there character present in such a production?"

Silrie claims, "I don't intend to give away secrets or story arcs, but to work with situations and arcs that have already passed. As I no longer have all my logs, these situations may not be, word for word true to the way they happened, but I'd like to, at least, keep the spirit of them intact. I cannot say how I plan to have the tales be told just yet. That will take some input. I can tell them from my character's point of view if we want a limiting, non-omniscient factor, or, if we want this to run rather like a true series, I can take different story arcs or situations from different characters and work with them individually."

Kinaed states to Silrie, "(Eld)We have no issues with that. It is important that you know that I do not own the full copyrights to TI, but we have been given permission by the previous owners to write books before, etc, based on TI's theme. No one has ever successfully done it."

Axton is willing to help with editing and story arcs.

Silrie trails off, "Ok! now to other questions related to it... lol"

Silrie claims, "This will undoubtedly deviate a bit, since this exercise isn't an excuse for me to discover and or exploit character secrets, but a challenge I think it will be fun, if time-consuming, to undertake. And it may provide more advertisement for TI in a rather unique forum. If this is something we can all agree we would not mind seeing, is there anyone who is interested in possibly assisting with this, be it checking the script for theme inconsistencies (especially in speech, as audio drama critics are a bit more critical of such a thing if you state your production should be relative to a general era), script collaboration, acting as a sounding board for ideas, assisting in, when the time comes, approving or disapproving the auditions for their characters, etc."

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)The only thing we'd ask is that at the beginning or end of each episode, please tell people how to find us."

Silrie declares, "Oh, of course!"

Eamon says, "For players I would assume no until you got their specific permission, instead of yes unless they said no."

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)I'd personally love to be involved, but suspect I will not have the time to help much."

Silrie claims, "To make a long-winded explanation short, I can put this on the forum"

Kinaed nods at Eamon.

Silrie nods at Eamon.

Riannan is idle.

Axton has tons of time and is excited for the idea!

Kinaed states, "(Eld)I think you should ask for and get permission to use any players' characters."

Eamon claims, "I would not want any of my characters involved without a pretty lengthy consultation, not to be a wet blanket."

Riannan is no longer idle.

Riannan states, "Okay the only thing I have to add is if, this is an if, I'm not inviting myself here, but if my char is in it, I'd love to play my own part. Actually, even if she isn't in it, I'd love to be part of the cast. I've always wanted to try voice acting, and have been told I'd be good at it, but never tried it."

Kinaed states, "(Eld)I do think it's fine to base fictional, wholly owned characters off people's characters, with different names, descs, etc. though."

Tobius nods to Eamon, "Agree with you."

Silrie states, "My goal is to leave the end, open ended, if you will. to begin with certain arcs or situations starting from when Sil first arrives, so you'll definitely have a chance. anyone who is interested would"

Kinaed nods at Riannan.

Axton has an idea. "If a character isn't a main character you could use their short description they have instead of their name."

Eamon says, "I personally would be prrretty mad to see someone recognizable/inspired by my PC without my permission."

Silrie says, "I'll put this up on the forum to get yays or nays from people, but I wanted to throw it out there. it's not something that'll happen overnight, but it could happen. the first step was the approval. is, the approval"

Tobius nods.

Silrie nods at Eamon.

Eamon states, "Not to say I'm so awesome people would love to steal me. *grin*"

Kinaed claims to Eamon, "(Eld)Copyright only extends in certain ways. Provided they don't use anything copyright-able, whether it'd make you mad or not, they're not doing anything wrong in terms of the law."

Kinaed says to Eamon, "(Eld)So you can only ask for and expect so much."

Silrie says, "That's why I'm getting approval before writing a script or even starting an idea for one. no sense including people who I may just need to erase"

Kinaed nods at Silrie.

Ismael states, "You could even create a player blog for these audio series and link the fan art board to the entries."

Kinaed claims to Silrie, "(Eld)I'd have a definite preference that you do abide by player wishes in that regard."

Tobius grins to Ismael.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Ismael.

Silrie claims, "But and I'll add this to the post, if anyone wants to help, once I get the approvals, with script writing, theme, etc, just let me know via personal board and I'll keep everyone informed of each stage."

Kinaed nods at Silrie.

Silrie says, "Oh"

Axton claims, "If a character has a single line that is responded to by the main character, I would think it'd be ok to include just a variation of their short description. I'll add further ideas to the forum, but wanted to say that here."

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Well, you'll certainly get no issues from staff on it."

Eluard says "That sounds like a pretty cool idea Sil. I'd be happy to help in any ways I can as well."

Silrie claims, "The end idea at first is a trailor, so to speak, of clips from the first few episodes, and if it gets that far, perhaps, kinaed, and I can run it by you again if that time comes, that can be another form of advertisement on the front page of the site"

Silrie grins at Eluard.

Kinaed nods at Silrie.

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)That should be fine. I'll help out to the degree that I can."

Silrie questions, "Awesome! I'll need some theme clarification, but that can all be done in pboard posts and stuff. it'll take time, it's like a movie. could be a year or more before we see the pilot episode, but that's just because I'd probably have five or ten lined up before opening to avoid the risk of, what happened?"

Kinaed nods at Silrie.

Silrie declaims, "Okay, so that's me! I'll put this on the board after the chat post"

Kinaed states to Silrie, "(Eld)Thank you, and thank you for writing/working on something that could boost our exposure."

Silrie grins.

Silrie says, "You're so welcome! I love this game. I'd love to listen to it come to life"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed claims to Silrie, "(Eld)Thank you."

Silrie grins.

Kinaed questions to Axton, "(Eld)Did you want to raise something?"

Axton says, "I'd rather hear the addiction system for now, I'll work on writing it down better and post it on the forum if there isn't enough time left."

Temi claims, "I can summarize on our plans there then, if we like."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed has transferred Margaux. [OOC]

Temi finishes abruptly, "Okay, so we have addiction already, and not planning to change that a whole lot. (You mentioned alcohol - I need to look at alcohol tolerance again and Az sent me the code for how it's working now, which I need to review again, but it doesn't work well the same way)"

Margaux waves hello.

A roughly dipped tallow candle with a thick twine wick flares momentarily blue in Kheit's hands.

A three-inch thick candle made of softly golden beeswax flares momentarily blue in Silrie's hands.

Silrie hides the gruesome trophy.

Temi claims, "'<.<"

Kheit has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Temi gives a slightly squashed, head-shaped ball, made of dark leather to Margaux.

Kinaed wonders if that trophy is made of cheese.

Silrie noms the head.

Kinaed suddenly hankers for cheese.

Silrie gets a golden-brown potato quiche stuffed with melted cheese from a handled, compartmentalized box of neatly wrapped food.

Silrie gives a golden-brown potato quiche stuffed with melted cheese to Kinaed.

Silrie grins.

Kinaed lifts the quiche to her lips for a bite.

Temi claims, "Anyway. Withdrawal is the part we currently have plans to change. Plan is to shift it from the one-size-fits-all withdrawal with spammy messages and hp/mv drain"

Margaux squints at the ball. I'm sure I've played with this one before...

Silrie exclaims, "Nice!"

Axton claims, "I love the idea of different types of withdrawls."

Silrie gave Kinaed the wrong cheese but cries quietly in a corner and listens anyway.

Temi says, "And create a new 3 stage system. Stage 1 is Irritability, Stage 2 is Withdrawal, Stage 3 is Severe Withdrawal"

Silrie grins.

Temi states, "And different substances would have a maximum stage they would get you to"

Axton says, "I can submit ideas for different withdrawl effects if you'd like."

Eluard says "Ooh nice... I'd best find some shady Khajit to purchase Skooma from."

Eamon says, "I like the simplicity of that."

Kinaed nods at Axton.

Temi says, "With Stage 1, you get a reminder message when it starts, a small stat negative. But mostly left up to the player to play out."

Kinaed claims to Axton, "(Eld)Please pboard Staff with a list of potential withdrawal symptoms to consider."

Axton nods.

Temi states, "Stage 2, more significant stat negative."

Eamon states, "The open-endedness feels a lot more fun than symptom messages. It gives you symptoms right now and I found that very intrusive."

Temi says, "And stage 3, still has the stat negative and gets physical wounds to treat at the beginning and end, for physician fun."

Silrie cheers.

Silrie thinks we should have coded vomit. XD

Riannan pontificates, "Yea! Physician fun!"

Kinaed claims to Eamon, "(Eld)To some degree, we need to guide people on how to RP what is happening and tell them what is happening though."

Temi claims, "If you have experience before... the withdrawal messages we currently use would only be in stage 3, and reduced to once every 30 minutes."

Eamon says, "Every 30 mins might be fine."

Silrie queries, "Hmmm... affects?"

Eamon claims, "But it feels weird to be told so specifically that my PC wants to tear out his hair."

Eamon states, "Or feels like throwing something. Etc."

Axton says, "Why not have physical symptoms that aren't wounds? Like having your short description added to? What you're suggesting now sounds somewhat... limited."

Eamon says, "I'd prefer just being told it induces anger and irritability and then I play that out my own way."

Temi says, "Limited is good."

Silrie nods.

Kinaed states to Axton, "(Eld)To be honest, we have limited experience with actual drug use or addiction. :)"

Axton claims, "Limited in a bad way."

Silrie exclaims, "Oh!"

Kinaed nods at Eamon.

Eamon declaims, "I think it sounds limited in a good way!"

Riannan claims, "No, i'm with Temi on this. They're not meant to tell you how to rp but to give you guidelines on how your char might feel, so you may rp accordingly."

Temi says, "We want something flexible that mainly depends on players to RP out."

Kinaed nods at Riannan.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Silrie queries, "Do you reckon you could, one day, add coded overdosing as well as withdrawl? so a physician may know without needing the rp nudge oocly?"

Temi says, "And we don't want Az to spend a month coding a system which is rarely used."

Eamon states, "Coded OD would actually be very cool."

Riannan claims, "Because for people like me, if I was going through withdraw, I'd like to know mechanically, how my char is feeling, so i can rp it out. if you leave it up to me, I'll fail miserably. But that's just a personal standpoint."

Kinaed states to Silrie, "(Eld)We can write it down for consideration."

Axton says, "It sounds too limited to give players the flexibiity, to me. But I'll just send the pboard."

Silrie smiles.

Azarial claims, "(Daravi)At least drugs see use; i don;t recall a nbote going up about deadly poison in ages"

Eamon states, "Could just be one huge, massive wallop of a harm wound slapped on when you exceed X amount of Y drug."

Silrie slips someone sea rover's bite just to make life interesting. XD jk

Kinaed is highly allergic to codeine, morphine, etc, and all related drugs in that family, but what she experiences isn't addiction or withdrawal, but an allergic reaction.

Margaux states, "Poisons are too far out of reach of the 'Average Joe' skill wise, I think."

The last of Silrie's itching has passed.

Axton trails off, "The symptoms wouldn't be physical in that sense though..."

Silrie claims to Margaux, "Thank goodness."

Takta states, "(Vandagan)I think the number of PCs who would poison someone is just extremely low."

Temi states, "Anyway, the goals of the withdrawal system are for it to be very RPable, but for it to be desirable to avoid, by just taking more of your drug of choice. But not so desirable to avoid that everyone is afraid to use drugs."

Hunapo trails off, "Maybe we should change that..."

Takta claims, "(Vandagan)It's a big, risky attack against another PC, that self-selects a lot."

Kinaed states to Takta, "(Eld)Most of my PCs would. The problem is getting to know people well enough that I'd have a reason to."

Tobius trails off, "Poisons are too far out of reach even for those of us that have mastery is omething. the ingredients mostly involve things that...difficult to get would be best way to put it"

Eluard says "I guess we just need more villains..." goes to don an evil mask and gets some poison

Silrie laughs at Takta.

Axton claims, "It could be a wound that requires treatment using other herbs, if that wouldn't be too much trouble to code. and drugs should give temporary benefits, if they don't."

Takta claims to Kinaed, "(Vandagan)You are a special snowflake, which I say lovingly."

Silrie laughs at Kinaed.

Eamon states to Axton, "Harm-type wounds are non-physical, essentially, and are treated with a herbal tincture."

Silrie claims to Axton, "You get affect messages with drugs"

Silrie states, "I actually think drugs are coded well."

Eamon says, "Yeah, drugs are great, man."

Axton says, "Ah, ok. And I mean stat boosts. Withdrawl takes away stats, usage should give stats."

Silrie trails off, "Nah..."

Margaux quotes Eamon for the press.

Temi claims, "There are herbals that give stat boosts."

Silrie trails off, "Most of the drugs give you the feeling of something, not actually the something... not in all cases"

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)We're getting to the top of the hour."

Axton loves drugs.

Silrie claims, "Lol margaux"

Temi states, "And they can be addictive. The system is flexible enough to handle that."

Silrie nods.

Axton wonders, "Last question, is it coded for come-downs and not just withdrawls?"

Kinaed says, "(Eld)If I may suggest, I'd love to see pboards to staff with ideas or thoughts. Temi owns the addiction system, so she'll make decisions on how things will be, but I'm certain she'd love to read your thoughts before she finalizes anything."

Silrie grins.

Kinaed states, "(Eld)I need to move on to wrap-up though :)"

Silrie adds that to her writin' list.

Temi states, "We have 'cooldown' messages with come downs for players to RP out"

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)So, firstly, please vote everyone. Vote regularly please, once a day if you can. This will attract players to TI."

Silrie claims, "Someone wanna help me get set up with tmc one day? The audio code hates me and the visual code is just my enemy."

Kinaed says, "(Eld)I'd like to ask that someone consider writing a review of TI for TMC, Optional Realities, etc."

Tobius waves.

Tobius begins to descend.

Tobius leaves down.

Kinaed states, "(Eld)If you do, we provide QP."

Silrie smiles.

Silrie updates writin' list again.

Kinaed says, "(Eld)And if you haven't checked out Optional Realities, it's a site dedicated to RP Muds."

Axton asks, "What if I write a bad one? still QP?"

Kinaed nods at Axton.

Silrie gasps for air.

Kinaed claims to Axton, "(Eld)I'm happy to QP even if the review is bad."

Esther states, "Can't imagine a bad review"

Axton states, "I was just checking, I wouldn't write a bad one. Its just good to know for reference that you're fair about it."

Kinaed claims, "(Eld)The point is partly the exposure, but partly the feedback, though you can try to address any bad things with us directly."

Silrie states, "They're fair about everything. Even to pains in the asses like me. XDXDXD"

Kinaed states to Esther, "(Eld)Hehe, we've had a few bad ones in the past. :)"

Kinaed queries, "(Eld)Okay, does anyone have any events or shameless plugs they want to make before we toss you back onto the grid to RP for another week?"

Esther claims, "I figured, but my experiences with staff here has been great"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed claims to Esther, "(Eld)Thank you."

Edward says, "That's cause the staff is great."

Silrie queries, "Oh, yes, if sil has stuff to sell like horses, dogs, rumor or physical posters or both?"

Silrie claims, "And yes, they are awesome. :D"

Kinaed finishes abruptly to Silrie, "(Eld)Best to advertise IC on the public notice boards, rumor command, or bounty system - or all three :)"

Silrie declaims, "Okays! Awesome!"

Kinaed exclaims, "(Eld)Okay, everyone, I'm about to trans you all back. I hope you have a wonderful week and great RP. Take care, folks!"

Margaux has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Riannan has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Axton has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Eluard has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Hunapo has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Esther has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Leofrick has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Eamon has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed has transferred Silrie.

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