Log of OOC meeting 1/23/2016

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Location: Delta Junction, Alaska
Discord Handle: Voxumo#7925

Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:07 pm

Kinaed asks, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Leila states, "Me! Tracking."

Kinaed says to Leila, "Okay, jotting you down."

Almaz states, "I'd like to source some opinions on the speed of crafting pooling, because it still feels slow to me"

Kinaed claims to Leila, "Please pre-type your topic introduction so that it's ready when you're called on. :)"

Leila states, "Gotcha."

Kinaed states to Almaz, "Same as Leila - please pre-type."

Misune claims, "I also have a topic that I just thought of.."

Kinaed says, "Okay, if no one else has a topic... let's kick off Staff Updates."

Kinaed states to Misune, "I've got you on the list now. :) Please pre-type."

Toroni says, "Same here"

Toroni states, "I've a topic"

Kinaed says to Toroni, "Got you."

Kinaed muses, "Anymore? :)"

Kinaed states, "We've got quite a few people - I even got some in tells - so staff, let's make our updates brief."

Elzenn nods.

Kinaed states, "I'll kick mine off now - This week, I did a bit of policy, opened noble apps and handled the removal of inactives, and I think that's it. Next week - still working on the jail spec."

Kinaed states to Azarial, "You're up."

Azarial states, "Mostly bugs this week"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed says to Temi, "You're up."

Temi exclaims, "Okay!"

Temi claims, "I've been working on livestock."

Silrie cheers.

Kinaed has transferred Collun. [OOC]

Temi states, "I think I've got all the numbers sorted out, made base mobs and objects for livestock products, animals, breeders and herds."

Elzenn gives a wobbly gelatinous eyeball complete with bared optic nerve to Collun.

Collun waves to Jemven.

Temi says, "I'm ready to put them into the new system once it's converted over, so there's still some code we have to wait on."

Jemven waves at Collun.

Temi claims, "I also discovered the mess pet costs were in, inconsistent all over the place, and with one base object for a variety of things."

Collun holds a wobbly gelatinous eyeball complete with bared optic nerve in his hand.

Nils states to Temi, "Just as an aside, what would that mean for players? Source of meats, leather, etc like IRL? Sorry if that's a question that's... Already been asked. >.>"

Kinaed has transferred Collun. [OOC]
Kinaed has transferred Collun. [OOC]

Kinaed says OOCly, "Whoops"

Temi says to Nils, "Yep! They have stuff for butchering, skinning, pets, etc."

Collun ponders.

Benne declaims, "Honeybees!"

Nils exclaims, "That's cool as heck!"

Temi claims, "So, I've redone the existing pet/livestock shops to better match with what will be available with the livestock system."

Collun nods.

Collun stops using a wobbly gelatinous eyeball complete with bared optic nerve.

Silrie skips around the room.

Temi says, "If you own an animal that has an upgraded version now, and you would rather have that, I can trade it out for you for the difference in cost."

Almaz says, "Yeeeeeeees"

Temi claims, "Like there's now hunting dogs with upgraded stats instead of just base 'a dog'"

Silrie cheers. Sweeet!

Almaz muppet flails

Temi claims, "So let me know sometime in the next week or so."

Temi trails off, "As a parting item... here's my current plans for ranks and animals available"

Temi has written a new note, Fwd: Animal Ranks (Edited by Temi) (Original author: Temi), on the Personal board.

Tobius claims, "Ooo"

Temi claims, "But.. let's not go over that in too much detail. Since lots to cover.. that should handle me."

Temi grins at Kinaed.

Ofelia declaims, "Ooooo, leeeches!"

Ofelia claims, "Y'know. For reasons."

Reasons which have nothing to do with corpse disposal. [Ofelia]

Temi says, "Clearly for the reason of harvesting leeches for medical use."

Temi nods at Ofelia.

Ofelia states, "Always."

Toroni wonders, "Why cats?"

Toroni has lost link.

Benne questions, "Any chance of more exotic animals at 75? Maybe with RPA?"

Takta states, "Maybe some of you are filthy witches."

Temi states, "Because, shady people and witches deserve pets too."

Takta states, "We don't know."

Takta grins.

Elzenn declares, "Surely, we have no such thing!"

Elzenn gasps.

Temi says, "Cats won't be available at reputable pet shops."

Temi says to Benne, "Probably not, but we may consider it."

Kinaed says, "Just like an herbalist can make deadly poisons, but probably ought not to, so can a farmer raise cats."

Benne says, "Alrighty."

Misune imagines fields of cats running free in herds

Collun snickers

Tobius states, "You know i'll do that just for the laugh"

Collun ponders.

Toroni has reconnected.

Toroni says OOCly, "Sighs"

Misune claims, "And I'll be the little devil on your shoulder, encouraging it despite the ramifactions"

Silrie claims, "This will be under the butcher skill? Livestock, I mean."

Temi nods at Silrie.

Silrie smiles.

Temi claims, "I have requested to rename it to Animal Husbandry"

Silrie grins.

Kinaed claims to Temi, "That's approved."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Oscar is idle.

Temi states, "Great."

Leila states, "I love that because butcher was never very robust before."

Kinaed asks of Temi, "Anything else to add?"

Leila claims, "In terms of value for being stand-alone as a skill."

Temi claims, "Nope, I'm good."

Kinaed smiles at Temi.

Kinaed states to Takta, "You're up."

Takta exclaims, "Over the last two weeks I wrote 12,000 words and revised them five times. ...None of that was for TI. So, alas, I have nothing to report beyond usual spur-of-the-moment player-helping. I will be back in the saddle soon, when RL abates, and working on my book revision project once more. That's it!"

Kinaed claims, "But for those who are curious - Takta wrote HELP RP Avoidance (please have a read) and I think she submitted and update for Help Policy Crossover that we haven't actioned yet."

Takta states, "Oh! Never mind, I did that."

Takta ahems.

Kinaed states to Mika, "You're up."

Mika claims, "I've mostly been doing some typoes, helpfiles, player help stuff, and a lot of dark and shady things that I am bound by a geas not to discuss. I've mostly been apartment hunting irl this week - so that's me."

Misune says, "Good. Help Policy Crossover was certainly in need of a revision"

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Kinaed claims, "It'll be revised soon."

Takta states, "(Pboard staff if you have questions about the new help rp avoidance; we went through a few drafts to hopefully maximize clarity)"

Kinaed exclaims to Elzenn, "You're up!"

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Elzenn states, "I am pretty easy, with my single update; I have devoted most of my time to the White Flame plot. Thank you to everyone who has been participating so far! The responses have been very good and have allowed me to improvise and add a bit more shenaniganery to the mix. Everyone else who is not yet involved, do not despair - one phase closes out and the next is right around the corner."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Elzenn.

Kinaed asks, "Any questions for staff before we move on to Player Heartbeat?"

Kinaed queries, "I'll take the silence as a no - Player Heartbeat! How has RP been this week, folks?"

Silrie declaims, "Haha, traumatizing!"

Kinaed comforts Silrie.

Jemven claims, "I met Mother heathen... and-and-and I saw a Wyvern!! So I am a happy person."

Kinaed smiles at Jemven.

Jemven has lost link.

Collun claims, "Oh all right just fumbling along with trying to come up with a well a mini plot i guess"

Leila claims, "I've had some good times, though I've been scarce."

Almaz says, "It's been pretty good for me. i need to get around to throwing a party in my new pshop"

Kinaed smiles at Collun.

Tobius is still jealous of the player that gets that nickname.

Kinaed nods at Leila.

Kinaed nods at Almaz.

Tobius claims, "Mother heathen is so beautiful"

Ofelia claims, "I have been on grid! Which is a significant victory over the last week."

Misune clears throat "rp has been amazing this last week. I've been more active this week than I have in the longest time..." listens to Jemven and chuckles "And on top of that I am super excited for today."

Benne claims, "It's been good. Lots of stuff happening."

Kinaed queries, "How well does the game seem to be working? Is there anything shitting people that they want staff to consider or have a look at?"

Silrie says, "Last night's cleansing was such an emotional scene, but it was also really fulfilling. So I'm happy."

Kinaed nods at Silrie.

Nils declares, "Apparently the current motif for myself is that I tend to be in the wrong places at the right times. Hilarity ensues!"

Collun says, "Pitty i missed it"

Toroni says OOCly, "It was good. didn't take long for the char to get dragged in to stuff"

Misune trails off, "I almost regret I missed it... but it was also way freakin past reasonable time of night"

Kinaed smiles.

Almaz states, "I think there are already plans to look at the only part of the game that really shit me, so i'm happy"

Jemven has reconnected.

Silrie grins at Misune.

Kinaed nods at Almaz.

Kinaed claims to Almaz, "Please send me a tell and remind me what they are."

Jemven claims, "The Wyvern did not want to be mentioned.. stole my link. >.<"

Silrie grins at Jemven.

Kinaed says, "Right now, I'm remembering how spells always used to be so buggy they'd hardly ever work if you cast them. I hope people have had a chance to look at and try out new regnancy."

Misune sighs whistfully "Ah vren... she was a fun mage to play with her wyvern motif."

Benne takes a note: "Find experimental subject."

Collun claims, "I had a couple of people say they were maybe interested but it is hard for me to give a great deal of detail on what i wanted to do since i havent ever tried to put a plot together"

Kinaed nods at Collun.

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, if no one has anything to add for the Player Heartbeat, it's now time for Player Topics. To kick off, Leila, please introduce your topic?"

Valariana is idle.

Misune states, "Well Collun, you know I offered and I'd be willing to try and help you put it together if you want"

Collun says, "Oh"

Leila says, "Tracking! So: I have tracking up to rank 40 or so, and while I'm quite enjoying the basic paradigm, I think it could use some big shifts. I've never gotten more off any track (even my own track right after walking in) than direction and if the person was dragging/carrying something. I'd suggest race (not Vavardi or Tubori but like, human or animal) should be the easiest thing to get, and should come in much sooner - and in general the penalties should probably be less steep so that you get more info at fewer ranks. Possibly the whole order of what comes in when needs consideration, but I'm not sure about the other stuff."

Collun queries, "To misune can we talk after the chat?"

Misune nods to Collun and listens to Leila

Kinaed says, "I have no issues with any of that. When we put it in, we weren't sure how the ranking would play out."

Leila nods.

Kinaed claims, "I think we also need to veryify that what is specced actually is the baseline. This is on the radar, it just hasn't been actioned."

Toroni says OOCly, "I need to test tracking"

Leila says, "I figured it wouldn't be controversial! But thought I'd provide some player-side feedback."

Kinaed nods at Leila.

Kinaed claims to Leila, "Thank you. :)"

Leila claims, "And see if anybody else had it higher/had seen other things."

Kinaed wonders, "Has anyone else tried the new tracking system?"

Nils claims, "I knew I'd forgotten to train something. Eh well, I'll complain (see : whine) about it if I train it up."

Almaz says, "I have"

Kinaed wonders to Almaz, "Same issues? Anything to add?"

Almaz finishes abruptly, "Same issues - i'm at 35 right now, and i feel like i haven't really gained any new abilities from rank 0"

Leila pontificates, "It's easy to train, for folks who want to try - just head out into the wilderness ideally, track list, and start track examining!"

Leila nods at Almaz.

Kinaed nods at Almaz.

Nils makes a thumbs-up to Leila. "I will, actually. Useful skill to have."

Kinaed says, "Okay, that definitely needs fixed. Thanks for letting us know."

Ofelia petulantly crinkles her nose, "The -wilderness- though. Bugs."

Almaz claims, "Or go into the cathedral gardens and track those pesky orderites"

Silrie laughs.

Almaz stalks through the garden after priests

Kinaed questions to Almaz, "You're the second person on the list with a topic. Would you like to introduce it now?"

Almaz declaims, "Sure!"

Almaz claims, "Some of the higher level crafts require really expensive ingredients or a huge labour cost (i smith my own woodcutting axes and cut my own trees because i'm a freeman and have like no money), and it feels really slow at my rank (45) and i was just wondering if the cost vs. what you pool out of it felt disproportionate to anyone else? i know late stage crafting is supposed to require a lot of work but at .2-.5 ranks per week with only very high cost items pooling, that feels unattainable to me."

Azarial muses, "'be wery wery quite; i'm hunting habits...'?"

Silrie nods.

Almaz grins at Azarial.

Leila says, "I feel like this is generally a problem across all crafts, especially for those who aren't super high-int."

Kinaed muses, "Is it only woodcrafting?"

Toroni says OOCly, "Blacksmithing as well"

Leila states, "The amount of money it takes to rank up a craft to the point where people want to buy the things you can make tends to be... substantial, to say the least, and there's often no way to salvage the money/resources spent on making those low-level pool items."

Toroni says OOCly, "From when I had a char looking at it"

Almaz states, "I don't have any personal experience making a concentrated effort to try to grind other crafting skills but i'd assume so"

Kinaed says, "Okay, I'll jot that down for staff review. We've had issues with individual crafts before and have tweaked them, so they're probably not all ont he same baseline - and blacksmithing is one that has already been reviewed and made easier."

Benne takes a moment to register Azarial's joke, then laughs belatedly.

Leila pontificates, "(Salvage would help too! So at least you could reuse materials!)"

Nils says, "Due to IC constraints, I can't level up stuff concerning crafting. But! I am a blacksmith, IRL. I will say that it's a -very- easy skill to learn? But -oh so difficult- to master. It can also get expensive - though... In the setting that we're in, only steel would be really expensive to make."

Misune chuckles and remembers the major tweaking Magecrafting had "That was not a cost efficient skill to test."

Kinaed states, "I think staff decided against that, because it did take too much of the cost out."

Kinaed states, "But I do think maybe we should come up with some sort of mathematical model for cost over the lifetime of the craft, and time, and even them out."

Leila nods.

Silrie nods.

Benne nods.

Almaz states, "I like the idea of salvage"

Almaz queries, "That would be disassembling stuff and reusing it right?"

Leila nods at Almaz.

Almaz nods.

Leila declares, "Maybe you get back like 1/2 or 1/4 the materials to limit the benefit, but at least something. I dunno!"

Kinaed says, "I think all players would love salvage - it makes things much easier - but I don't think it's in the game's best interests as it alleviates certain cost sinks."

Temi says, "Salvage is difficult with the variety of things that can into recipes too."

Kinaed says, "Well, I won't cross it completely out."

Temi says, "Just technically difficult."

Nils states, "I know that IRL I plan on only getting back roughly 50% of the material that I salvage - but the imms are right, too, it def cuts back far on costs."

Benne questions, "Make salvage its own skill, make it prone to failure?"

Leila claims, "Salvage as the inverse of repair, perhaps."

Kinaed claims to Benne, "That's a potential solution."

Leila states, "So you don't get anything back except the raw base material that repair would use."

Kinaed questions, "Okay, we have a long list of topics today... next is... Silrie. Please introduce us to your topic?"

Misune will never understand how blacksmithing is a viable skill, from an ooc standpoint

Takta starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Takta finishes her note.

Silrie muses, "1. Incense. I'm not sure if incense date back to medieval times, but I think they do? Can we have incense added to chandlery that actually give off certain scents? Or, perhaps we can have a scent message that goes off occasionally or something? Or I suppose we could just drop the burner with drop burned wafts X Y Z scented smoke into the air, maybe? But can we have the ability to make incense sticks? Maybe a burner added to jeweling?
2. Descriptions on rooms we build. I was told there's a ten line limit, but I've seen houses and rooms with more than ten formatted lines in their descs. Was the limit imposed to keep us from making the descs too long or too detailed? With minute details that may not really be necessary, I mean, that's not meant to come off as an accusation or anything. I was honestly just curious, since I'm so guilty of adding too many details myself and find that my own simpler descs feel like they're lacking.
3. I had a thought on livestock that is kind of gross, but I thought I'd put it out there in case you'd want to include it. (I wrote this a few days ago, so if you've already got the livestock figured out number wise, ignore this! Haha.) Horses. I was thinking that one could harvest dung from horses which could then be crafted into compost?
4. Troubadours. I was wondering, and I'm not sure how to word this, but can you implement a "unison" command? Here's what I'm thinking. You type "unison Jack, Jill, Kinaed" and if Jack, Jill and Kinaed accept, the output provides a message that, and I was thinking this would be more for singing, you, Jack, Jill and Kinaed sing in unison. Whoever initiates the unison command, I would think, would write what is to be sung. And before accepting, perhaps the desired unison verses, chorus, etc, pop up for review so people know what they're accepting?"

Nils grins at Misune.

Kinaed claims, "Hmm, maybe introduce them one at a time and let me know you have multiples next time. :) I'll try to answer each one."

Silrie states, "Eesh, sorry."

Takta states, "I have a note on my board to write a random emit system to give rooms flair/character."

Kinaed states, "Incense - I have no issues with this, will add it to the list - but it will probably be low priority."

Silrie nods.

Takta claims, "If I get around to that I bet it'd go very nicely with something like incense, a special extended to let items offer those random emits too."

Benne queries, "Scented candles, too?"

Misune tries to remember if incense was an item that only got introduced to the rest of the world via trading, or if it had multiple points of origin...

Kinaed states, "Descriptions - yes, we put in a 10 line limit on phomes people write because we were getting 40-line room descs. We don't hold to it hard and fast, but we can reject descs over 10 lines and request people move all of the extra lines to 'look descriptions' - ie, things you get when you inspect a basic room further."

Takta nods.

Margaux claims to Takta, "Would be nice for perfumes as well, to give off sporadic wafts."

Kinaed nods at Benne.

Kinaed asks, "Livestock - Temi?"

Takta says, "Mostly older houses may have 10+ line room descs."

Benne gets hyped for all that.

Takta claims, "We only started enforcing that more comparatively recently (in the last couple of years maybe?) after getting some whoppers."

Temi claims, "I do have some costs figured out and they already tend to be a lot to cope with on horses"

Kinaed claims, "Unison sounds cool, but I think it's just better if one person emotes and other people emote being in unison - it's a lot of programming (and anything where multiple people accept prompts, etc, is complicated and difficult because of how our underlying structures work), for low level benefits."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed claims to Silrie, "Sounds like dung and the like are in the works."

Temi states, "I don't want to make that worse in my formulas by adding more value to them. You're already getting a 500-1500 value object out of it and I try to have it cost approximately a third of that in feed and such"

Silrie grins. Sounds good! Thanks! Sorry for the wall of questions. XD

Silrie nods at Temi.

Silrie smiles at Temi.
Takta starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed declaims to Silrie, "No worries!"

Takta finishes her note.

Takta starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Kinaed says, "I hope I didn't sound criticizing when asking you to break them up - it's just easier to answer them all, and also manage any discussion around one of the questions if we do them one at a time. :) Glad you brought everything you wanted to discuss up."

Takta finishes her note.

Silrie declares, "Oh, no no!"

Kinaed states, "Misune has requested that we drop his topic as he found the answer to his query in a help file."

Silrie claims, "I wasn't even thinking about it. I was just jotting down questions as they came to me all week. haha"

Kinaed grins.

Kinaed nods at Silrie.

Kinaed says, "I like the approach."

Valariana is no longer idle.

Kinaed asks, "Toroni, you had a topic for us? Did you want to raise it now?"

Valariana has returned from AFK.

Toroni claims, "Yes.. far as arrests. sometimes, we use safe attacks. and I'd like to be able to put manicals or what ever on a person, like its done in a regular attack, after the person is knocked from combat."

Kinaed nods at Toroni.

Kinaed claims, "The staff were discussing this or something quite similar earlier. I don't have an issue with fixing it so safe attacks work for arrests."

Benne says, "I touched on this on the forums. I think that comes down to people needing to put more respect towards the code."

Margaux has gone AFK.

Mika nods at Benne.

Leila claims, "And other players, I think. Not spending ages resisting an arrest without actually using combat commands."

Nils wonders, "Just to play devils advocate on that for a moment, would allowing Safe as an arrestable code lead to some metacrap in the future?"

Leila asks of Nils, "You mean spar someone and after the spar then arrest them?"

Kinaed says, "The point of the whole 'if they resist, you attack them' is just to put a realistic contest into place to give the arrest/restrainee the opportunity to get out."

Nils claims to Leila, "Yeah. I know someone else has more then likely raised the point, but still."

Leila says, "Honestly, that seems... legitimate and logical as a sneaky tactic to me."

Kinaed wonders to Nils, "Please explain your concern?"

Leila grins.

Kinaed queries, "Oh, sparring, then arrest?"

Azarial states, "Still have to issue the arrest before han in order to get it to work, iirc"

Kinaed says, "I agree, seems legit."

Kinaed says to Azarial, "I didn't understand that sentence."

Kinaed asks, "'han'?"

Nils claims, "Alright, fair 'nuff, just airing that one out there."

Azarial says, "Hand"

Takta says, "Oh, yeah, I'd say being at 0 safehp shouldn't auto-succeed arrest attempts initiated AFTER hitting 0 safe."

Temi claims, "If you aren't already trying to arrest them when you start the combat, you won't get the auto-arrest.. though you will have them beat-up and ready for a just one more hit type thing."

Kinaed claims, "Ah. I'm not sure you need to issue an arrest warrant or anything, if that's what you mean."

Benne states, "Again, I personally think it just boils down to people putting realistic reactions to what happens with the code."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Takta claims, "Right now if you initiate an arrest attempt at 0 HP it auto-succeeds."

Almaz finishes abruptly, "Yeah - there have been times where i had to subdue someone and they just emoted standing there while i was forced to beat the crap out of them and it didn't make sense to me"

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Takta states, "So safe shouldn't be 100% parallel in that same way."

Leila nods at Almaz.

Nils nods at Almaz.

Kinaed states, "I think the issue is that if someone peaceably resists arrest - basically by being inert - then there's no way to peaceably manhandle them (ie, subdual damage) without leaving them with big wounds, broken bones, etc."

Azarial states, "Psasively geting the crap kicked out of you isn;t too believable, though. like the ones immune to tortre"

Benne says, "I have an idea. Typing it up."

Kinaed nods at Benne.

Collun is idle.

Misune would love an option to just knock someone out cold. No need for a fight when a punch in the right spot and with enough strength can solve it. And it's minimal damage to them
Misune appears to be of Heroic strength.

Leila says, "Some of the very worst arrest scenes I've ever had have involved this behavior. Letting safe work is an amazing fix."

Jemven cowers from Misune.

Ofelia says, "Having witnessed this, I will agree that it is super obnoxious, as far as tactics go."

Kinaed states, "We won't be putting in one-punch wins. :)"

Nils declaims, "Also allows for pacifist runs, heh!"

Leila says to Misune, "Safe attacks would model that well enough, I think."

Benne asks, "When you initiate a coded arrest, can the arrested have a choice of options? Accept, fight (hard combat), resist (safe combat), resist (skill/stat checks, maybe a series? Maybe randomly generated?), flee"

Azarial claims, "I hvae to admit, I don;t know if i would hvae the patience for that to just just end with a finish."

Toroni says OOCly, "And sometimes, you on't want to realy hurt them. if you don't have to"

Kinaed says, "They can, but I think if we do that, the same problem will still occur - the person simply ignoring the prompt and not acting."

Leila claims, "It might be nice if there was a chance to flee without first initiating combat when you're being arrested, though."

Leila states, "As-is, if you want to try and flee, you must attack them, THEN use coded flee."

Temi claims, "With the same chances as combat, it makes sense."

Misune shrugs to Leila "They really don't... Combat doesn't really use strength that much except 'Oh hey, you have more hp."

Kinaed claims, "That's intended behavior. The combat flee command is designed to test if a person can successfully flee."

Collun is no longer idle.

Leila says, "I more mean if you could use combat flee post-arrest without having to attack. Like, if using restrain put you into combat turns."

Temi claims to Kinaed, "The problem isn't that it uses combat flee. It's that you have to throw a punch before you can combat flee."

Collun has returned from AFK.

Leila nods at Temi.

Nils pontificates to Misune, "I mean, I've one-hitted folks before. Or two-hit, with the Safe combat. Stats play a large role!"

Kinaed states, "Hmm, may need to write that down and review it. Thanks for clarifying, Leila."

Benne wonders, "Any input on my idea?"

Elzenn has returned from AFK.

Temi claims to Benne, "It's sort of the way it works now. It just doesn't iterate them out"

Kinaed says to Benne, "Yes, I responded - it doesn't resolve the issue because the person being arrested simply ignores the arrest/prompt as a delaying tactic."

Benne states, "Ah, sorry, I missed it."

Silrie claims, "Maybe if they ignore it for a certain length of time, they're auto-arrested? sorry, had to step away so could have missed something."

Kinaed claims, "If we provide a list of options, that might be a good idea just to help them understand what might happen. I like that... but I do think there'd be people who would just ignore the prompt or drop link, etc."

Benne nods at Silrie.

Azarial claims, "Dropping link tends to be free rpa transfering them to jail."

Kinaed claims, "Also, as I mentioned earlier, prompt-respond code is a bit nasty."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Elzenn states, "We can always deal with those, it's a particular sort of twinkery to force another character to beat you to death because of coded limitations, though."

Kinaed nods at Elzenn.

Azarial says, "Then not logging in in jail comes under avoidance, and you;re processed by staff."

Azarial shrugs eloquently with more tail than shoulders.

Silrie chuckles.

Benne muses, "I'm honestly not sure how harshly munchkinism is dealt with in this game, but if it's a serious issue like people keep saying, maybe a harsher stance needs to be taken against it?"

Kinaed claims, "We couold also make it that they don't do anything - can't emote/talk/or use other IC commands until they choose an option."

Kinaed states, "But I think that'd be bad."

Mika muses, "Whats munchkinism?"

Benne states, "Power gaming."

Kinaed states to Benne, "I think we're as harsh as we're inclined to be."

Temi states, "We use the term twinking here."

Mika nods.

Temi claims, "Help twink"

Azarial claims, "You earn more death xp for an execution than processing, btw."

Benne claims, "Then it sounds like those who do it will get their just desserts in the end. =P"

Leila claims, "Letting safe attacks work will honestly fix every encounter with this I've had before."

Benne nods at Leila.

Benne states, "Others would know better than me. Just throwing out ideas."

Leila says to Benne, "It's helpful! I think your idea, if nothing else, brought up the value of making flee a more accessible option off the bat."

Valariana states, "Honestly if people can't play the game as intended, they really shouldn't be playing here. I've played plenty of characters on both sides of the spectrum and while dying/getting arrested/having bad -stuff- happen to your characters is never great, it's part of the game and thus part of it's appeal."

Kinaed says, "Typically they do here, yes, it's just it takes longer. What people who behave like this don't seem to get is that if you're being arrested and might actually get out of it, irritating people with twinkish behavior makes your situation far more precarious... for you. It irritates captors who, by definition, have power over you."

Kinaed says to Valariana, "It'd be nice if we could judge players as being good or bad and just cut people out we didn't like."

Kinaed says, "And I suppose we could - there are definitely games that do that."

Kinaed states, "But I don't think it's a good idea for several reasons."

Silrie hides.

Collun states, "I kind of like playing chars that can get arested the 2 executions i had to endure were not so bad"

Benne queries, "Maybe that needs to be clearly stated in a relevent helpfile?"

Kinaed states, "Firstly, perspective is an interesting thing, and I firmly believe it's rare anyone walks into a situation with the full intent and desire to prove themselves an idiot."

Benne raises hand.

Kinaed says, "It takes time for people to learn the culture of a place, and variety is the spice of life."

Kinaed claims to Benne, "A moment, then I'll get to you."

Silrie is still. learning.

Nils states, "I mean... Should be a given. Imms are imms, imho - they reserve the ability to remove those who are playing like... Well."

Benne claims, "Oh, no, sorry, I was being an ass. I'm an idiot and I work very hard to make this well-known."

Azarial states, "It takes a lot to be banned, though"

Kinaed claims, "Being open to diverse player perspectives means that we get irritated, but we're also richer, and eventually people who really don't belong either learn or leave."

Kinaed states, "We'd also have like, 3 players, if we were slash and burn anytime someone was wrong."

Leila states, "And people get super crazy in the adrenaline of the moment and do weird twinky things they regret when they're thinking clearly, I think."

Benne nods at Leila.

Benne says, "I've been there."

Kinaed says, "TI can have a lot of emotional impact on people and all of us do stupid shit when we feel threatened, etc."

Nils says, "Same, lol.."

Kinaed nods at Leila.

Silrie nods.

Kinaed states, "Basically, staff approach all situations with 'what is best for the game' - and in that, we remove players from the game if that is the in the best interest of the game. Usually, having people for people to play with trumps minor irritations."

Kinaed claims, "Sometimes it doesn't - which is why we have banned people in the past."

Kinaed claims to Benne, "Okay, I'm done."

Valariana nods to Kinaed and Leila

Benne says, "Again, I was just being an ass. Volunteering myself as an idiot."

Kinaed claims, "Also, as a player pointed out in a tell - it also intensifies how clique-y a game is."

Kinaed smiles at Benne.

Silrie claims, "Stop movin' in on my spot benne."

Tobius states, "You noobs will never top me"

Kinaed says to Benne, "It's not being an ass, it's raising the opposite side of the question. We've had years of practice doing things one way or another and settled on this way."

Benne says, "Amen."

Kinaed claims, "A lot of games have staff who ask the same question and come up with that answer, and the games they run have issues - but so do we, just different issues."

Kinaed states, "We even used to do it that way to a degree before we learned better... This is literally the 3rd interation of TI."

Valariana nod nods to Kinaed. Oh how the years fly.

Kinaed says, "If you knew me as Ephera on TI2, then you'd know players had a very different perception of me - I had to learn the hard way."

Kinaed nods at Valariana.

Misune wonders if there will ever be a 4th iteration of TI

Benne claims, "Leadership is definitely its own skillset."

Azarial states, "We were also working under the impressions of the one prior to that."

Kinaed claims to Misune, "Probably when I retire and turn the game over to a different staff member."

Silrie clings to Kinaed.

Valariana says to Azarial, "The game has vastly improved since then, even though I havn't really played in awhile due to RL stuff."

Takta states, "TI 4: Electric Boogaloo."

Kinaed states to Misune, "Almost happened this last time with this last job - I just wasn't keeping up with things here and my IRL responsibilities."

Kinaed trails off, "And... Takta disqualfies herself... *ducks*"

Kinaed exclaims to Takta, "Joking!"

Benne declaims, "That doesn't even rhyme!"

Kinaed states, "Okay, it's 9:02am for me (which means it's been an hour)"

Hunapo snaps his fingers and does the electric slide out of habit.

Takta says, "TI 4: Electric Boogamore"

Takta nods sagely.

Tobius waves.

Tobius begins to descend.

Benne agrees.

Kinaed declaims, "Final plugs: Please vote for TI to help us stay visible and attract new players to play with you!"
Lurks the Forums

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