Log of OOC Meeting 4/5/2014

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 38
Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:58 pm

Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:14 pm

Kinaed muses, "Okay, today's agenda:

1) Staff Updates
2) Player Heartbeat
3) Player Topics

Does anyone have a topic they want to add to the agenda right now to make sure we talk about it?"

Kinaed states, "I'll take the silence as a no. "

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes raises a hand, "A quick one: requesting an update on burying body parts of hunted animals."

Kinaed nods at a fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes.

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head nods in agreement with a fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes.

Kinaed claims, "Anyone else have anything? If not, I'll kick off my update."

Kinaed claims, "Last week I paid the server feeds (thank you for those who donated to assist)."

Cambrea Brandt states, "I was sure I had something but my brain has failed me."

Kinaed smiles at Cambrea Brandt.

Kinaed says to Cambrea Brandt, "Feel free to bring it up if you remember."

Kinaed says, "I'm still supposed to be doing an overhaul of the religious help files, but I've been focusing on the help files on Request Boards. I've also had relatively little time this last week."

Kinaed states, "So that's it for me. Azarial? You're up."

Azarial claims, "Sorry, was trying to figure out why door states were not saving"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed wonders, "Last week activity and next week plans?"

Azarial states, "Ummm. poking at mail; trying to find a nice way to save new mail data when a mail is put in a ledger. some bug fixes, some typos, that sort of thing otherwise this week. voted, too."

Kinaed says, "Yes, please vote. Thanks for reminding me, Az. :)"

Azarial states, "Mostly planning on looking at older bugs to see if something suggests itself as a nice way to store mail data on what otherwise becomes an extra description in a ledger."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed claims to Azarial, "We can just have it that players cannot forge off ledgers."

A petite, sharp-chinned woman with large blue eyes has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Temi gives a female knight doll with a dark complexion to a petite, sharp-chinned woman with large blue eyes.

Azarial claims, "Well, and figuring out if a letter in a letter is forged, etc."

Enid starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head queries, "Wouldn't a ledger be the best place to get a person's signature?"

Temi says, "Makes sense it needs to save the info, even if it's not accessible in the same way for active forging."

Kinaed states, "It would be ideal, but may not be possible."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Enid finishes her note.

Kinaed claims, "We'll talk more offline about possibilities"

Kinaed queries to Azarial, "Anything else to add?"

Azarial states, "It comes down to hanging the information on the extra description that's a mail. it could be fifteen more extras, but I'd have to make *sure* that when it renumber the ledger it is still associated."

Azarial claims, "Ummm. no baby yet."

Azarial claims, "Otherwise not much."

Ignace dul Tresler laughs.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed claims to Temi, "You're up, Temi."

Temi declares, "Okay!"

Temi claims, "So, yesterday I had my wisdom teeth removed. So I'm not really at top productivity."

Enid hugs Temi.

Kinaed comforts Temi.

Maxwell le Wattkil says, "Oh no."

Temi states, "Luckily, the pain meds don't seem to have me too loopy, so I should still be able to get some done."

Enid says, "Ouchies."

Syrae says, "My mouth hurts thinking about it."

Beronica von Destral winces in sympathy. "That really does hurt. Though you are not supposed to suck...

Kinaed genetically doesn't have wisdom teeth, so doesn't know what the fuss is about, though it's always sounded awful.

Temi says, "Earlier in the week, I've been working on drafting out tailoring transfer to the new crafting system."

Temi claims, "I did have a question for people on that area."

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head declaims, "Kinky's been genetically engineered?! That explains so much!"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls muses, "Was that going to be happening after brewing, or before?"

Kinaed states to a well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head, "Nah, just lucky enough to be the next step in evolution :P"

Temi asks, "It's been suggested to merge linen and cotton options, as they aren't really that different in purpose. And to add velvet as a separate material. What do people think of that?"

Kinaed states, "Seems fine to me."

Temi says, "Brewing is more a small project, just making sure there's no inconsistencies in it. I'm not completely redoing it."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls nods.

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair claims, "I like the idea."

Syrae states, "Velvet is a type of weaving, not a fabric in itself. I suppose that works though."

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes muses, "Will you be able to describe them either way?"

Kinaed states, "I think it'd be good if the materials line up to sumptuary law."

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head asks of Temi, "I don't agree with velvet, isn't it just a variant of silk?"

Kinaed says, "We can acknowledge that in the description of the material, but if you buy silk, you're buying either traditional silk or velvet anyway."

Syrae says, "Velvet is a weave. You can have silk velvet (ridiculous price even in today's market) or more common velvet weaves from more common threads."

Kinaed claims, "A lot of real people would not know that velvet is a type of silk, for example."

Temi states, "Velvets can be made out of different base materials, including silk. Currently, other sorts of velvet are still against sumptuary."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls states, "Hmmm. Maybe we could just go way different then."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls says, "Use it as a chance to be a bit more realistic and varied and also update sumptuary at the same time."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "I feel right now we hurt on the true luxury side of things."

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes muses, "Buy perfumes?"

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes grins.

A petite, sharp-chinned woman with large blue eyes waves.

A sturdily-built woman with black curls pontificates, "I mean for clothing!"

Temi says, "I have been trying to include things that are true luxuries in my ports over."

Kinaed states, "I think sumptuary is fine, and it's a long tradition. I'd be reluctant to change that. Happier to simply identify a bolt of velvet separately to a bolt of silk and make weaving it demonstrate the natural origins."

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head says, "You should make it so that an ultra-expensive loom is needed for making the velvet, keeps it appropriate"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls says, "I dunno, just thinking aloud. But having silk velvet explicitly as the 'top-end' material could be cool. There's no fabric that nobles can wear gentry can't."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls states, "However it goes will be fine, I'm sure."

Temi says, "I'm also planning on adding some rank 75 crafts for cloth of gold items."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi says, "Ludicrously expensive, made from actual gold thread."

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair claps gleefully.

Kinaed questions, "What about Tubori purple and Cardinal red?"

Temi states, "Colors are hard to put in with a tooled system."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed wonders, "Can talk it over off-line. Anything else to add for your update?"

A bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Temi states, "I have some directions to think further on that. But that's all."

Temi gives a female knight doll with a dark complexion to a bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes.

Kinaed questions to Enid, "Are you here to give an update?"

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes wonders, "I don't get that from the other side of the sumptuary divide, personally. Gentry are trying to model themselves after nobility, right? They can afford silk but laws still restrict gems and trims and such. I don't think I've ever seen people really try to break sumptuary. The point of sumptuary law is to create a distinction but isn't the potential fun of it the attempt to flaunt your wealth?"

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes claims, "Sorry! Was already typing and didn't see the subject change. :D"

Enid says, "I don't have -much- to say. Added some foodstuffs this week... Got grossed out by some food ideas. Heh heh.. "

Enid shrugs

Kinaed states, "Enid is working on the Vandagan Quarter."

Kinaed asks of Enid, "Do you have a general ETA for that?"

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair taps a fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes on the shoulder and points at himself.

A stocky dark-brown haired man is idle.

Enid questions, "I'm working around RL schedules- if I can get all the foods and drinks in this week that leaves Market/Bar mobs to put in place and lore. 2 weeks max I hope? "

Beronica von Destral rolls her eyes at a fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair. "yes, you are currently our most prominent sumptuary breaker."

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head wonders, "Since we're on the similar subject, are swords technically an sumptuary item?"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Enid.

Kinaed muses to a fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes, "Okay, back to sumptuary then? :)"

Kinaed claims, "That's all of the staff updates, we can take player topics now."

Enid waves.

Enid leaves in a swirling mist. [OOC]

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes claims, "It's cool! I like the subject but in the end I'll roll with whatever. I like having linen, wool, cotton and silk represented, personally but if I can still describe whatever the linen-cotton blend becomes as one or the other, that might satisfy both sides."

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair says to a well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head, "Swords are kind of vaguely against sumptuary."

Azarial claims, "Could add silk velvet as a material, for apraise."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls states, "I do wish it was easier to tell nobles from gentry at a glance."

Kinaed says to a fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair, "They're not."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls states, "Right now it's pretty much solely by jewelry, if they happen to have it, since folks typically don't wear tubori purple."

A bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes claims, "Only nobles and Knights can use swords, if I remember right."

Temi states, "I think that more falls on the nobility than the sumptuary laws. There's differences."

Temi says, "By tradition, only nobles and knights. But it's not law."

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head claims to a bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes, "That is what the helpfile says on them"

Cambrea Brandt is idle.

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "That tradition always confuses people and causes so much trouble for new players."

Kinaed states to a bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes, "It is not illegal, it's a social pressure/precedence that very powerful people try to block others from using swords."

Kinaed claims, "Sword is a guildskill of nobles and knights/order."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls says, "I wonder if it's all that valuable."

Kinaed states, "I think it's fun because of the confusion, but that's me."

Cambrea Brandt is no longer idle.
Cambrea Brandt has returned from AFK.

A sturdily-built woman with black curls says, "I think the confusion's fun for more established folks, but new players always wanna gravitate sword, so that's my worry."

A bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes says, "On another character, a freeman, a sword was confiscated by a Reeve. I've always been under the impression that swords were restricted."

Cambrea Brandt claims, "Yeah, I've never really enjoyed the sword custom. And it does seem like people treat it as law."

Kinaed states, "It's not a law, for certain. It's a restricted guildskill, that's all."

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair claims, "One of my previous characters had a sword, but people were just too afraid to bother him about it."

Kinaed nods at a fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair.

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "It's always the new folks who lose out when it comes to confrontation there, in what I've seen."

Kinaed states, "Okay, I have Emmeline's request to get an update on burying the body parts of animals."

Cambrea Brandt states, "Especially if it's a noob who takes the sword skill without realizing it's a guildskill."

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes states, "I appreciate that confusion is uncomfortable. I think we as players tend to avoid breaking rules a lot though, because we're well-adjusted members of RL society. So the more ambiguity in IC laws (in my mind), the more potential for players to find ways in which their PCs can be naughty."

Kinaed nods at a fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes.

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair nods.

Kinaed states, "I tend to agree. I like ambiguity."

Kinaed says, "Well, to a degree."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "There's constructive ambiguity and problematic ambiguity."

Kinaed claims, "Something like this seems appropriate."

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes claims, "Sure! There's a balance."

Temi says, "I tried to support that in the current version of the laws. Not strictly codified."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls says, "And it depends on who gets the bad end of it, imo. *grin*"

Cambrea Brandt wonders, "Maybe if there could be a clear warning in chargen on the issue?"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls nods at Cambrea Brandt.

A petite, sharp-chinned woman with large blue eyes asks, "Something linked to purchasing the sword skill?"

Kinaed says to Cambrea Brandt, "I'll consider adding that. Making a note."

Cambrea Brandt states, "Just so truly new players don't take sword and expect to be able to learn it like any other weapon."

Cambrea Brandt nods at Kinaed.

Cambrea Brandt exclaims, "Thanks!"

A petite, sharp-chinned woman with large blue eyes states, "Perhaps the same with any guild skill? Warn that there will be in game limitations."

Kinaed nods at a petite, sharp-chinned woman with large blue eyes.

Kinaed states, "Making a note."

Kinaed asks, "Okay, animal parts?"

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head nods to Kinaed, " Animal parts!"

Kinaed states, "We definitely haven't implemented any burial code."

Cambrea Brandt states, "No thanks, I'm full."

Cambrea Brandt claims, "...oh, for discussion."

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes nods.

A petite, sharp-chinned woman with large blue eyes muses, "Can we make animal parts expire when they're in the room, just as inn keys should expire in the inventory?"

Kinaed claims, "I can't remember what we decided in a previous OOC Chat about animal parts, so... it's probably sadly fallen off the agenda."

Kinaed says to a petite, sharp-chinned woman with large blue eyes, "That's a possibility."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls states, "I think people were fine with anything so long as they went away."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "Being able to bury them would be nice."

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes muses, "It came up on the OOC channel today or yesterday which is why I bring it up today. I don't think a clear decision was made. Would it be helpful/more useful to put it up as a forum suggestion?"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls states, "That way if you don't -want- them to expire, i.e. you're hoarding them for crafting, it's all good."

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head says, "Or be able to trash them in the wild"

Kinaed wonders, "Wasn't the other idea for junking to be able to work in the wilderness?"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "Oh yeah, junk in the wilderness."

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes nods.

Cambrea Brandt says, "Junk in the wilderness would probably be ideal."

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes states, "I think I assumed that would be the easiest fix, personally."

Kinaed starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head says to a fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes, "Yeah, I started that yestereday, think Enid found like 40 animal parts scattered out in the wild, 20 were in 1 room"

A stocky dark-brown haired man is no longer idle.
A stocky dark-brown haired man has returned from AFK.

Kinaed has written a new note, Junk in the Wilderness, on the Bugs board.
Kinaed finishes her note.

Kinaed says, "There, that ought to resolve it."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls states, "That makes me soooo happy."

October ab Peacecraft muses, "I'm slightly afk. Was it mentioned that having a sword isn't against the law..and just a guild skill?"

Syrae claims, "It would be nice if they automatically hide themselves, then buried themselves after a time, then finally disappeared. I can understand deer hooves getting covered with leaves or the like and not being immediately noticable."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls nods at October ab Peacecraft.

Cambrea Brandt claims, "Yes ma'am."

Kinaed nods at October ab Peacecraft.

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes declares, "Thank you!"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "But it's dubious in a lot of ways, people will often treat it like it is."

October ab Peacecraft claims, "Good to know. I will need to mark that down."

Kinaed nods at October ab Peacecraft.

Kinaed claims to Syrae, "That's possible, but a lot of code. Probably better to make a room in-game where junked items in the wildereness go that's not the same as normal junk and let people forage from that one."

Temi says, "It is compeltely reasonable that reeves that want to could consider carrying a sword to be impersonation of a noble or a knight, but it's not strictly part of the law."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "Huh. Actually being able to potentially forage for items junked in the wilderness is -amazing-."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls says, "Maybe not in a special room but in the room it was junked originally."

A petite, sharp-chinned woman with large blue eyes states, "And nobles can have you whipped and/or tickled if they don't like you with that sword."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls says, "With very low success chances, maybe, and no success after X period of time."

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head slyly bumps his forageblacksmith idea on the forums. >.>

Kinaed muses to a well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head, "Can you link us?"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls says to a well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head, "It's just too much money to work out, I think, in the end. I mean, you would have to make the tedium factor MASSIVE to counterbalance it."

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes claims, "Sort of related to that, I wonder if it would be possible to make all the different metal types work for crafts. I've purchased items I thought were just cheaper, smaller unit amounts only to be informed that they're for use with magic thingies."

Kinaed says, "Okay, we've got a junk in the wilderness request in place to handle lots of animal parts and a few ideas to extend junk to forage, etc... but honestly, that's not on our immediate radar. Staff Priorities remain MAIL POLCA, PLACES CODE, RANGED COMBAT."

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head asks, "/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=792&p=5023#p5023"

Kinaed nods at a fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes.

Temi questions, "Was that like silver, etc, stuff?"

Kinaed says, "That seems reasonable to me, but may be a lot of work. I'll take it as something offline to talk with Temi about."

Kinaed claims, "Ahh, that's an idea for a salvage sort of command."

Temi states, "Jewelry needs to be ported over and will use the same items as any magic stuff once it is, if they don't already."

Kinaed says, "I think we can look into that."

Kinaed nods at a well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head.

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "Salvage and repair working for the new crafts would be GREAT."

Alyra Myreni nods in agreement.

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "And we badly, badly need a way to see which recipes will pool for us."

Maxwell le Wattkil is idle.

Azarial states, "Salvage does need handling wiht the new system, as does repair."

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head states, "Foraging actually started my idea on it, makes a good use for trash items through foraging that are useful, and starts putting things in players hands, which I remember you guys saying you eventually wanted to do"

Kinaed claims to a sturdily-built woman with black curls, "Noting that down."

Maxwell le Wattkil is no longer idle.
Maxwell le Wattkil has returned from AFK.

Kinaed asks, "Okay, any other topics players want to discuss?"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls says, "I wrote a brief post a while back about five-minute fixes, code ideas I thought might be really easy to do but would help players extensively."

Maxwell le Wattkil questions, "Wait- Ranged combat? You're bringing bows back in?"

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes states, "Also, because I've spent a lot of time lately making suggestions and requests about the new systems, I just wanted to say a quick thank you to any staff that's worked on giving us stuff to play with. I don't want my appreciation to get lost under the constructive whining."

A fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes grins.

Kinaed says to Maxwell le Wattkil, "It's been on the top priority list for awhile."

Azarial states, "I hvae s spec for throwing, atm."

Maxwell le Wattkil claims, "Hahaha, aw yes. I've wanted bows for a whiiile."

Kinaed smiles at a fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes.

Syrae queries, "I have a question on the places: Will there be permanent places, such as a bar or table or will they have to be created?"

Kinaed claims to a fair, copper-haired woman with sea-green eyes, "It's not, promise."

Temi claims, "And Kin has a half-completed spec for bows."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls questions, "viewtopic.php?f=28&t=780 if anybody wants to look at any of these things?"

Kinaed says to Syrae, "Both permanent and on-the-spot-creation will be available."

Kinaed queries, "Anyone else have anything they want to raise or discuss in the next few minutes?"

Syrae queries, "It seems redundant to both 'sit' at a table and 'join' a table. Can the commands be merged or something to prevent confusion?"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls wonders, "Retool show? As one thing we really could use?"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "Reminded by visnet. *grin*"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "To see what it costs to retool an item before you do it."

Kinaed states to Syrae, "We decided against that because not all joins would be sitting. People could join a conversation under a lamp post."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls states, "Sometimes I don't know if I made an item or not, for example, or I don't have appraise ranks."

Syrae claims, "OK. Just voicing random feedback."

Kinaed smiles at Syrae.

Kinaed makes a note about retool show.

Cambrea Brandt states, "Yeah, retool show would be a great one."

Kinaed claims to a sturdily-built woman with black curls, "I lost or don't remember your post on 'easy to code things that would improve player lives'"

Temi claims, "It's on the forums"

A sturdily-built woman with black curls muses, "viewtopic.php?f=28&t=780"

Kinaed states to a sturdily-built woman with black curls, "Thanks."

A sturdily-built woman with black curls claims, "Dunno if they're all easy to code! But it's a guess."

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, with no one else speaking up and only 5 minutes to go - how was RP this week? Any staff support required?"

A well-muscled man with a clean-shaven head says to Kinaed, "Bit quiet on my end, unfortunately, but about half of that is my fault, I stay in southside like a good southsider"

Beronica von Destral says, "I would like to say that the tournament last Sunday was a huge blast."

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair claims, "RP has been great! I'll need a bit of help with my upcoming story, but I'll just post on the request board."

Cambrea Brandt claims, "Yeah, the tournament was awesome: So much props to Beronica and Alphos."

Ignace dul Tresler says, "Had some -really- good ones this week, actually! Even if I RP'd less."

A bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes says, "I missed the tournament! From this manly action figure I was given at the tsart of the metting, I'll assume Cambrea kicked some ass."

Syrae claims, "It was awesome. I play odd hours so find time to think up things to do."

Maxwell le Wattkil says, "I also missed the tournament. Cries."

Cambrea Brandt claims, "We have some nice noobs about, I've seen. So some good new blood also."

A stocky dark-brown haired man grins at Cambrea Brandt.

Cambrea Brandt fistbumps a bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes, "Well someone had to represent with you not there, bro."

A bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes grins.

Kinaed says, "Ahh, and a silent request in a tell from a player: Guild leaders - please push for interviews with your seekers."

Kinaed states, "Especially coverts, it's easy for covert guild seekers to feel unloved and out in the cold."

Cambrea Brandt states, "Yar! Someone give Misune a highfive, by the way. We wrangled in our two true-noob seekers in like a day and a half."

Cambrea Brandt claims, "He was all over that."

Kinaed claims, "Awarded."

Syrae muses, "True-noob?"

Cambrea Brandt grins at Kinaed.

Cambrea Brandt says, "Oh, as in real new players, not just new characters."

A bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes muses, "Awesome. How many active Knights do we have?"

Kinaed claims, "I probably ought to add a "Kudos" this week."

Cambrea Brandt says, "So I find it's especially important to get them guilded fast, lock those new players in."

Kinaed says, "Along with ... what was the other one? to the agenda. There was another one that keeps popping up."

Kinaed nods at Cambrea Brandt.

A two-inch thick candle made of softly golden beeswax, held by a petite, sharp-chinned woman with large blue eyes flickers.

Kinaed states, "Anyway, OOC Chat is resolved for today. Thank you everyone for coming."

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