Log of OOC Meeting 2023-06-10

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:30 pm

Sat Jun 17, 2023 3:49 pm

Ghed states, "Alright, let's kick this off"

Ghed queries, "Before we begin, folks, here's a reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Today's Agenda is:   - Staff Updates   - Player Heartbeat   - Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon.

Finally, who wants to scribe for today?"

AlleyGirl states to Leta, "Don't worry, mine will be appropriately scarred for life."

Temi has transferred Violet.  [OOC]

Temi gives a sinkhole-themed mobile dangling several painted figurines to Violet.

Leta says to AlleyGirl, "<3 Perfect."say I can scribe if nobody else's game.

DrHimbopotamus says, "I can scribe if nobody else's game."

Temi has created a sinkhole-themed mobile dangling several painted figurines[5].

Ghed declares to DrHimbopotamus, "Thanks!"

Ghed has awarded you 2 QPs: scribe

Ghed says, "If anyone has a topic, pls pre-write and let me know"

Ghed states, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."

Ghed claims, "This week I did mostly requests, a few plots (still owing one that I'm investigating), assisted Leta with some things. I wrote help sewers, did a lot of recommends. I'm also moving forward with some decisions that will be communicated to players when the time comes."

Ghed claims, "Oh, right, I also puppeted a NPC for a public scene =3"

Ghed queries to Temi, "What about you?"

Temi says, "I have not had a super productive week, being away last weekend and now busy with work, but a few requests and plots and things."

Temi says, "No big updates to provide, though."

Temi nods at Ghed.

Ghed claims, "Any little bit helps and you've done so much already"

Ghed asks of Leta, "What about you?"

Leta pontificates, "I am being spooky! And slimy! And pestilence-y(?)!"

Dragor puts on a button saying "I really wish I wouldn't live in a major historical event."

Leta claims, "Most of what I have been up to relates to the staff plot. You have all been keeping me on my toes, so I hope I'm doing the same for your characters."

RamblingSeert asks of Leta, "A little funky? A little monkey?"

AlleyGirl claims, "I mean. Dying is probably an option."

Temi grins.

Leta claims to AlleyGirl, "This is true =)"

Ghed says, "Papa Nurgle is proud"


Winifred states, "GHED NO"

DrHimbopotamus states, "I've written three 100-line reports in the last week and reset my crying counter almost every day"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "Good shit"


RamblingSeert claims, "I don't need coded dreams to have nightmares."

Winifred says to DrHimbopotamus, "I have experienced Character Development"

Winifred states, "A rare occasion, truly"

Temi grins.

Jackassaurus states, "Lolololol"

Leta states, "Happy to help characters NOT live through things at any time"

Ikeala ponders.

Konaa states, "If I don't live through a thing that's my sole talent wasted"

Solus states, "Watch out, she's got a knife."


RamblingSeert claims, "Finally, SOMEONE willing to help me lower the amount of air I breathe."

Ruby has been transferred out by Temi.  [OOC]

Temi nods in agreement with RamblingSeert.

Dragor says, "I don't believe Winifred can grow as a person."

Konaa asks, "Are we heartbeatin?  I'm tired and I play this game too much sorry if the law falls asleep at you"

Solus claims, "I can't tell if we're heartbeating or just bleeding."

Ghed states, "Remember to bloodlet frequently"

Arthur listens intently to the meeting

Nospeedy states, "I've been sleeping alot. Not around as much as I used too.. sleep schedule is screwed and been focusing more on work and some other stuff.. probably just general burnout.."

Leta states, "I can say Eurus things. Eurus helped me with code for this plot, hurray! He also fixed several bugs and is working on some mobprog stuff for staff that I don't understand because I have a small (but sparkly) brain."

Ghed says, "You can help others by bloodletting them"

Ghed nods at Leta.

Ghed says, "Eurus has been working on the shadows as usual, the good mate"

Dragor pontificates, "Thanks for all the hard work, Leta!!"

Dragor states, "And Eurus, obviously."

Konaa claims, "Always interested to see how mobs work"

Temi says, "Not quite officially heartbeat, but we had lots of thoughts on Leta's plot"

Temi grins.

Solus says, "Eurus is a Certified Creature."

Ghed says, "As for Ilena, she's not here but she did a LOT of player requests, recommends, and house evictions. The Auction House will implode with the amount of stuff added there, soon. She's also rummaging through typoes and helpfiles."there ever announcements when auction stuff is added?

DrHimbopotamus questions, "Oooh, is there ever announcements when auction stuff is added?"

Ghed claims, "Sometimes we add rumors"have no object permanence

DrHimbopotamus claims, "I'm a magpie but have no object permanence"

Leta claims, "These days it's in a randomizer, however, so it's not one giant dump all at once"

Konaa claims, "That beret is awesome"

Tomato claims, "Auction house stuff cycles"

Ikeala states, "Himbo comforts himself about dead friends by buying their furniture like a true Lithmorran."

Leta says, "Belatedly: if anyone would like more involvement or less involvement or wants to give feedback that won't make me cry on the plot, just shoot me a tell."

DrHimbopotamus says to Ikeala, "Sit in their chairs, cry."

HIEROPHANT states, "What if the chair cries, too."

Temi claims, "Auction stuff changes around every week, yes"? TIL.

DrHimbopotamus claims, "Oh, every week? TIL."hanks!

DrHimbopotamus exclaims, "Thanks!"

Nospeedy claims, "From what I can gather from how little I am around. I am liking your plot Leta"

Solus declaims, "I would like to say: God bless low dice rolls, and God bless Leta. Had a lot of fun with the RPA a few hours ago!"

Ghed declares, "Great!"

Konaa says, "Nice, good to hear on the RPA"

Leta states to Solus, "You had some incredibly good rolls"

Leta grins.

Ghed queries, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for y'all?"

RamblingSeert says, "Genuine heartbeat from me, I've been sleepy. Rambling? More like NappingSeert. I am hard carried by naps and snoozes. In your tells? Nah, I'm in my PJs. Lack of sleep probably made me (more) depressed. Still unhappy with some things on my end but now that I'm remembering to get at least some sleep I'm feeling a bit better. I cannot WAIT for Leta to personally rip my soul out through my kneecaps (don't) (please) (I beg you)."

Solus states, "In every other game I've ever played, low rolls have been bad. Needless to say, it's a relief that for once, I am saved. Anyhow! Week's been hella nice."

Gwyn claims, "Can someone explain what player heartbeat is please, hah."

Ghed states, "Sleep is crucial and you rarely notice its deprivation effects while you suffer them"

DrHimbopotamus declares to Gwyn, "We talk about how we feel!"

Nospeedy says, "Have been around much.. though wanted to attend the meeting and the faire today though."

Paprika has felt like she is braindead.

Tomato claims, "I have been having such a good time with this plot. The character has been very grumpy, very difficult to be around, i have been loving it"

Ghed states to Gwyn, "I just wanna hear how people experienced this week on TI"

Solus says, "Player Heartbeat is basically a mix between group therapy and group neurodivergent gushing."

AlleyGirl states, "My week has been quite, uhm. Diseased."

Winifred states, "Winry RP has been absolutely exploding lately and I've been having an absolute blast with it-- Leta's staff plot has been really, really good at getting everyone into it"

Konaa says, "It's been a very eventful week and I'm doing my best to get involved, which I am not always THE best at"


DrHimbopotamus says, "Yeah the plot has been awesome. Really getting to play out some other sides of my character."

Dragor exclaims, "Someone asked about me and if you read it right now : I am just super busy with my newest addition to my household!"

Gwyn states, "Oh I see! Well, then I want to say, as a brand new player on my first character, I've been very appreciative of the amount of people who have been incredibly tolerant of me not having any idea what the frak is going on, and helping out with commands and whatnot. This seems like a very friendly community."

Solus says, "I won't lie, any time there's five or more people somewhere, I fully expect Leta to go 'okay, now we proc THIS event' and to just drag them into a surprise encounter like a Pokemon game."

Dragor states, "She screams and poops a lot, it's like a worse version of a pet."

Winifred says, "I know an escape route for you, Dragor"

Winifred nocks her crossbow

DrHimbopotamus exclaims to Gwyn, "Everybody loves new folks and you seem great!"

AlleyGirl claims, "I've been trying to drag as many people in as humanly possible, kicking and screaming."

Dragor claims, "Bruh, that's fucked up."

Temi pontificates to Gwyn, "We love new players and getting them hooked!"

Temi grins.

AlleyGirl states to Gwyn, "You've been really good."

Clover declares, "You are awesome!"

Ghed claims to Gwyn, "We try our best =) I'm very glad you feel welcomed"

Gwyn declares, "Thank you! :D"

Solus states, "Yeah, you're pretty dang awesome, dude! Glad I finally got to meet you earlier."

Tomato states, "Our single interaction my character has been a bluh bluh huge witch but I hope you can forgive him, he is a witch"

Eurus claws his way out of the codebase. [OOC]

Ikeala says, "It's been exciting to see the game/grid real lively with stuffs and it seems to have encouraged more logins etc."

RamblingSeert says, "Anyway having fun in my secret laboratory cooking up the cures to all of God's Littlest Creatures in between Coarse Ruby sessions and crying into the void (for policy reasons only one of these statements is even close to truth)."

Ghed places his right fist over his heart in salute to Eurus.

Dragor states, "Oh hey Eurus."

Temi gives a sinkhole-themed mobile dangling several painted figurines to Eurus.

Eurus waves.

Konaa pontificates, "Dear god, they're coming out of the walls!"

say My only problem is not enough time to hang out with everybody, which is, DrHimbopotamus claims, "My only problem is not enough time to hang out with everybody, which is, a good problem."

Ghed nods.

Ghed queries, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and now?"

Temi nods in agreement with DrHimbopotamus.

AlleyGirl trails off to DrHimbopotamus, "Well, if you slept at night..."

Dragor says, "So anyway I'm very sorry for not being around! Since I am a rare animal to see I didn't think of making a general board post over it since my absence wouldn't affect many people."

Konaa says, "I hit a stat cap for the first time and fell into despair, does that count as bothering me"

Ghed claims to Konaa, "Oh sweet summer child"

AlleyGirl says, "A stat cap? Oy."

Solus claims, "The poor baby."

Ghed states to Konaa, "But congrats that you are capping your power"

Ghed declaims, "Means you've come a long way!"

Tomato says, "My only complaint is I have to go into the office and I cannot play next week during work >:("

Konaa says, "I sure feel like I have.  Approaching 500 hours"

Ghed patpatpats Tomato 

Konaa says, "That sucks Tomato, we'll miss you"

Leta exclaims to Konaa, "Yay! Incoming milestone!"

Sue claims, "I have yet to hit a stat cap"

Sue states, "Flex"

Temi comforts Tomato.

AlleyGirl states, "That will be me not this week, but next. I won't be able to play during the day."

Ghed pontificates, "Woohoo!"

Solus claims, "I'm thoroughly convinced that Ahna is just all 90s somehow."

Leta states to Sue, "But you DO have a milestone or two"

AlleyGirl claims, "We'll see how nights/evenings go."

Winifred says, "I've been considering what to do with my characters and I'm trying to figure out a good way to go forward"

DrHimbopotamus states to Sue, "No wonder you're so weak"

Konaa states, "Sue keeps me around to make herself feel better"

Winifred says, "Winry's in a healthy place but the others,"

Winifred waggles a hand uncertainly.


RamblingSeert states, "TI bothers me by existing but it's like having a child. I'm not sure where I'm going with this but I'll shut up."

Dragor states, "Yeah, same Winifred."

Konaa trails off, "Winifred's player is actually every character, I didn't know if you know this..."

DrHimbopotamus claims to RamblingSeert, "Damn man lemme know if you need somebody to talk to"

Winifred claims, "Yeah, it's true"

Ghed states, "Can confirm"

Ghed claims, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."

Ghed declaims, "I have no topics!"

Dragor says, "Gosh."

Solus says, "Clearly this just means we should gush about Leta more."

Tomato claims, "If we have no topics i have a psa"

Ghed claims, "Would anyone like to bring something up? If not, I can remind you of the upcoming Summer Faire and send you all back to grid."

Winifred claims, "Topic: Leta Appreciation Hour"

Tomato states, "To remind everyone about VNPCs again"

Leta melts.

Ghed smiles.

Ghed claims to Tomato, "Do tell"

Konaa claims, "Plot's been awesome Leta"

Tomato says, "If you are in public. If you are not in an obviously hidden place. Even if there are no coded mobs. There are NPCs. They are watching. They are everywhere. They are Legion."

Ghed states, "Ya do look around to get a gauge of the room you're in"

Tomato exclaims, "So please don't assume that because you are 'alone' no one can see/hear about something. Not to mention our magey friends!"

Amaranth says, "I hear the look around command is useful :)"

Violet declares, "Ugh, yes! This!"

Ghed nods.

Ghed says, "Look around is crucial for criminals and mages"

Dragor states, "They're in the walls and in the ceiling"

Dragor says, "Always watching."

Amaranth claims, "However, for my benefit please do not look around :)"

Ghed claims, "Lol"

Konaa states, "Got it I will only look down"

Gwyn queries, "I didn't answer /Tomato before, that's okay!!! I was a bit lost but I assumed you weren't really mean, some characters are like that or just have their own reasons and stuff. Also about NPC's, that's terrifying. What does look around do?"

Gwyn trails off, "Oh no / doesn't work in here..."

Winifred says, "To type 'scan' at all times, keep your head on a swivel"

Winifred states, "Remember to, even"

RamblingSeert claims, "This placed is cursed."

Ghed states, "It tells you if there are NPCs in the area"

Sue claims, "My topic: give me more things to kill"

Konaa states, "Basically Look Around will say like, This Is A Public Area if you're there"

Temi claims, "It gives a general idea of what's going on in the area"of the 

DrHimbopotamus finishes abruptly, "Also a PSA, several people have been like "what is a lockout" - check help lockout if like me you have no selfcontrol and need to not be on at the ass end of the AM"

Ghed nods at Konaa.

Gwyn questions, "Including if it's likely for there to be VNPC's?"

Leta says to Gwyn, "Look around gives you some details about the room you're in: public or private, Knights/Reeves nearby, banks, couriers."

Ghed declaims, "Exactly!"

HIEROPHANT pontificates, "At any moment, at any time, there's a slim possibility that somebody's grandma is watching you.

And yes, look around will tell you if the room is in the public eye or if guardsmen patrol it. If either of those are true: There's definitely vNPCs there!"

Amaranth says, "It tells you useful information about the area you are in :D"

Gwyn claims, "Oooh that's cool."

RamblingSeert says, "If I look around right now and see lore I'm staring at Ghed"

Winifred states, "Never cast magic in a patrolled area"

Leta claims to DrHimbopotamus, "This is also a good PSA. I am a staffer that uses lockout. Highly recommend"

Winifred says, "I definitely am NOT speaking from prior experience"

Konaa states, "Important to know for non-spooky reasons too, public areas give more xp"

Winifred tugs her collar nervously

Leta grins at Winifred.

HIEROPHANT claims, "I'm not sure if vNPCs are in outside-road or wilderness tiles. I don't think so, but roads should probably be considered 'if you leave evidence, someone will definitely stumble onto it, it is a road, people use roads' - type logic."

Dragor says, "I look at Winifred like this : ":|""

Konaa queries, "Well, I didn't know lockout existed.  Couple that with OOC and I'm still learning basic functions, what, eight months into playing this game?"

Ghed claims, "I have an anon topic"

Nospeedy states, "Oh no.. lockouts. I might have to ue that"

Gwyn claims, "Oh wow lockout is very interesting."

Winifred states, "Ohboy”

Nospeedy claims, "Use rather"

Winifred states, "Lets hear the topic"week, so.

DrHimbopotamus states, "I found out about automove this week, so."

DrHimbopotamus nods at Winifred.

Winifred questions, "What's automove?"

Temi pontificates to Konaa, "Absoutely nothing wrong with that!  We have a ton of stuff"

Ghed quotes: So this plot kind of highlights how vital mail can be to keep various people in the loop about Goings On. And really thoughtout reports can take time away from active RP. So I'd like to propose consideration about how (currently) only a first letter of the day gives XP andor highlighting 'sending useful IC communications' as a recommend category.

DrHimbopotamus claims, "(You will automatically move toward objects if you try to get them and they are out of reach)"

Paprika says, "And count. :P"

Temi claims, "Help autolist"

Gwyn asks, "Letters give XP?"

Ghed nods.

Winifred says, "If you send a letter, it gives you 100 xp at rollover"Leta nods.

DrHimbopotamus says, "Oh, I like that recommendation, but I'm biased. I have legitimately spent hours on mail this week just to help keep people involved in the plot/in the loop."

Gwyn declares, "Oh that's cool!"

Winifred states, "You also get 10 xp per think, to a max of 200"

Leta states, "I like the idea of a recommendation category"

Ghed says, "It's binary, you get the bonus for N amount of letters or nada"

AlleyGirl says, "I do think you can recommend someone for things like that? One of the recommend examples years ago was sending cool messengers that are fun to interact with."

Konaa says, "Darn, my head's already empty"

Gwyn queries, "I love think in MUD's, I'm glad it's in this one. It's a great way to get more into character and further out of my head as a player. Staff can see my thinks too right?"

Ikeala says, "Things that have categories tend to remind people to think of it as an option."

Winifred claims, "Playing a character with 35 INT and 35 WIS to justify never thinking sounds like a fun concept"

Ghed nods at Gwyn.

HIEROPHANT claims, "This week, I sent and received an average of seven letters a day, on top of GL paperwork and massive cnotes. There's definitely a lot of time spent mailing during these big plots."

Amaranth states, "As someone who sends and receives an UNGODLY amount of mail. It can be taxing lol."

Gwyn asks, "Is 35 the lowest a stat can be or something?"

Ghed claims, "Not sure"

DrHimbopotamus says, "Yup."

AlleyGirl questions, "I think 20 is the absolute lowest, I thought?"

DrHimbopotamus states, "35 is stat minimum."

HIEROPHANT says, "I like it. I'm super verbose and I'm sorry to all the people whose terminals I filled with text, there's just a lot going on. It'd be cool to get and give recommends to the people that are super diligent about mailing stuff."

AlleyGirl says, "Oh, huh."

Gwyn questions, "What does it call it then?"

Ghed states, "Not sure I wanna add a new recommendation -- I mean the idea is appealing but I don't think it's -necessary- considering the other categories that can fill the role, such as Impact."

HIEROPHANT says, "Stunted."

Gwyn says, "Haha damn."

Solus trails off, "Get a QP if you had to be the person to send the most letters that week......."

Ghed states, "I do value greatly people who write reports and inform others."

Gwyn states, "Time to send my mail one alphabetical letter at a time."

Winifred claims, "I actually like the idea of giving a QP for 'sent most mail this in game week'"

AlleyGirl claims, "I think it could fit into current things, though, maybe? Really sort of do. All depends how you write the recommend."

DrHimbopotamus questions, "Maybe just be clear in the helpfile it applies with a quick example or somesuch?"weeks back.

DrHimbopotamus states, "I like the QP too. Fits with the QP for GL stuff we talked about a few weeks back."

HIEROPHANT says, "Since sending me a letter is time you aren't spending RPing with someone else, crafting cool objects, raising your skills, etc. it'd be cool to just have a general category I can refer to to recommend someone for 'consistently sends good mail in a timely fashion and forwards RP on both ends by doing so'.

If that's acknowledgement that I can in fact do that under the Impact category, great! I have some recs to write."

Sue trails off, "UGH IM SO BAD WITH RECOMMENDS..."

Temi claims, "I think how they are impacting RP with the mails is good."

HIEROPHANT says, "Me too, buddy. If I don't do it mid-scene I forget 9/10 times."

Gwyn states, "When I wrote a letter I got very caught up wondering how people format mail in Inquisition, worrying I'd do it wrong."

Gwyn says, "I also tried to write 'help post' 20 times before realising the american variation is mail. "

Sue claims, "I'm always like in super IC mode so doing recommends or cnotes or anything even vaguely ooc I just forget"

Ghed says, "Not opposed to some improved returns from sending mail mind you"

DrHimbopotamus says, "Even long-time players can screw up mail a lot, folks're very understanding as long as it's legible."

HIEROPHANT says to Temi, "I wouldn't write a rec for a single letter unless it was a bomb dropped in my lap so to speak, but a consistent pattern is something I feel comfortable sending a rec for."

Temi nods at HIEROPHANT.

Winifred claims, "I'm terrible at recommends so I started just, keeping a notepad document with people who I want to recommend"

Ghed claims, "I'll add this to the staff discussion"

Jackassaurus queries, "What if you could have mail delivered to you without having to go to courier?"

Winifred states, "I apologize for occasionally firing a shotgun blast of them at staff"

Gwyn questions, "Do staff get all mail?"

Jackassaurus says, "For like a fre"

Temi states, "Nope, only mail specifically to us"

Jackassaurus claims, "Fee"

Ghed states to Jackassaurus, "Unideal, that's what messengers are for and we want people to get out"

HIEROPHANT claims, "I see it this way: You learn something impactful. Critical information. You RP the whole scene where you learn it. You then write out a cnote that covers it. Then you write some number of letters, multiplying your out-of-scene typing-burden by however many times you have recipients, since you're filtering the information and choosing what to send to who through what alias, and so on."

Temi states, "Though it's free to send mail to staff, and you can send it from anywhere"

Konaa states, "I need to do more recommends so I don't shotgun them three at a time"

Gwyn claims, "Oh that's cool, I didn't even realise you could do that."

Jackassaurus muses to Ghed, "Make it so can only use in public place? Or only available while in RP maybe"

Jackassaurus states to Ghed, "Kinda like the retainer summon timer"

HIEROPHANT queries to Temi, "Don't staff prefer board notes for the most part these days?"

Temi nods at HIEROPHANT.

Temi says, "For things we don't need to keep"

Temi claims, "Appllications and such are better on mail"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Well once you send a modmail you can't go back and look at what you sent, but I guess that's what logs and cnotes and stuff are for."

Temi nods.

Leta claims to HIEROPHANT, "Can always send it to yourself too"

Ghed says to Jackassaurus, "I did consider something like this as a reward for nobles if they won the Lothos Revolt: to let them withdraw from the bank from any place"

Ghed says, "But the Subverters won"

Temi grins.

Solus states, "Freemen stay winning."

Winifred says, "Freemen are low-key the most powerful class"

Temi states, "We'll have to consider other rewards for future plots, but probably not exactly the samea gain"

Winifred trails off, "Can't even eat without crops..."

HIEROPHANT says, "Swerve, noblemanne."

Ghed nods at Temi.

Winifred trails off, "I know how sensitive your nobleman hands are..."

Konaa trails off, "Yeah that meme was my character concept.  Oops...."

Ghed states, "Imagine having to dine without sugar, grape wine, or diamond toothpicks"

Winifred says, "It's okay, you were a class traitor to start, Konaa"

Nospeedy declares, "Not without the toothpicks!!"

Winifred says, "Now you're just the biggest class traitor"

Ghed declares, "Alright, looks like we're out of topics!"

Amaranth has been transferred out by Ghed.  [OOC]

Ghed says, "I can send you all back a lil' earlier"

Solus asks, "Can we tell Leta we love them before we go?"

Ghed claims, "Yes"but

DrHimbopotamus claims, "I love ALl the staff but"

HIEROPHANT says, "I have a highly trivial lore question."

Ghed queries, "BUT?"

Temi nods in agreement with Solus.me hurt the most is always the current 

DrHimbopotamus states, "The one who makes me hurt the most is always the current favorite"

Ghed asks of HIEROPHANT, "Yes?"lore question.

DrHimbopotamus states, "Oooh, trivial lore question."

Sue claims, "KILL ALL NOBLES I mean"

Dragor claims, "Masochist."

Sue says, "Respect the law citizens"

Temi claims, "Also:  it is allowed to send staff recommends, if you went to clamor to Leta about how wonderful the plot is."

Temi grins.

Ghed nods.

Arthur claims, "I also love all the staff :hug:"

Ghed smiles.

Solus says, "Love all the staff. Love 'em. Best gods."

HIEROPHANT queries to Ghed, "I know IRL history doesn't really apply to TI, for a wide variety of reasons - but historically, aluminum was an even rarer metal than gold to obtain in a usable form. Does aluminum exist in TI's world? Can I spend a 3000 hour milestone on an aluminum codpiece? Can I summon a demon and demand a cloth-of-aluminum cloak?"

Konaa states, "Bruh"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "Only if you spell it aluminium"

Jackassaurus states, "TI FACT - you all pray to Ghed."

AlleyGirl claims, "There is a help metals helpfile with a list of metals in TI."

Tomato claims, "...the mage only metal, aluminum"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Yes, which is why finding native aluminum that is -not- bauxite was so hard."

Tomato says, "Air mage required for zappies"

RamblingSeert wonders, "TI-FACT: How fast can Ghed reach your house?"

Gwyn says, "TI-FACT: Look behind you."

Ghed asks of HIEROPHANT, "Maybe? probably not found yet and people can't identify it, science is divergent from IRL"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "The metal helpfile could be fun to add some rares to, the way stone/gems/wood really go into depth."

Jackassaurus muses, "WWGD?"

Winifred says, "TI-FACT: You are never safe from Lysander."

Konaa says, "I've heard claim there's at least once Super Fancy Metal that some swords get made from"

Winifred states, "It's called Damascus"

AlleyGirl says, "Lysander, man. How he hasn't been burned as an ever-living mage, I don't know."

Ghed says, "Don't reveal IC secrets"

DrHimbopotamus says, "Damascus, though we used to have mithril and obtanium."

Leta claims, "I think aluminum metal was not until the 1700s"

Konaa says, "I meant Damascus"

Paprika states, "Unobtainium"

Leta wonders, "Maybe 1800s?"

Winifred muses, "Mith-- we had, huh?"

Winifred claims, "Whuh"

AlleyGirl claims, "1825, apparently"

Leta declaims, "OH!"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "I have been mocked for forgetting we still have obtanium"

Nospeedy says, "Need some Vibranium."

DrHimbopotamus says, "But MITHRIL is gone ok"

Leta says, "As it comes to metal rares in general, however"

Solus asks, "We STILL HAVE obtanium?"

Ghed claims, "I should introduce Chadium"

Winifred says, "I know of at least one place on grid where Obtanium is seen"

Winifred claims, "But I won't tell a soul."

Winifred says, "C:"

DrHimbopotamus claims to Winifred, "I'd say it's your mom's house but i'm your dad"

Konaa says to Winifred, "ONe day I'll find out how you keep gremlining secrets out"

Winifred wonders, "You know who my mom is?"

Winifred says, "TELL ME"

Leta trails off, "Someone submitted hepatizon bronze... I have some rare alloys and fun tempered stuff, but I am truly looking for "rare metal" suggestions that are themely, won't require code, but would be fun to exist in rare amounts"

Ghed claims, "Alright, I'm ready to send you all back I think"

Ghed nods at Leta.

HIEROPHANT claims to Ghed, "See, now you've got me thinking about starmetals, because presumably, meteorites are a thing that happens occasionally, maybe.

I haven't figured out if space is real or not yet. When I do, I will not be telling anyone."

Winifred exclaims, "Yeyeye, thanks for the chat!"is what got me thinking

DrHimbopotamus claims, "Yeah the hepatizon is what got me thinking"

Solus says, "Oh god, wizard metal is just the Terraria Meteor set."

Dragor exclaims, "Thank you all, have a lovely day / night!"

Leta claims, "I occasionally plead on OOC chan for suggestions"

AlleyGirl asks, "We had a starmetal sword once, or something like that?"

Winifred says, "God, a meteoric steel sword"

Tomato claims, "Oh question, about the bronze"

Leta says, "Plz feel free to send them"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Hepatizon was my submission with plague's help, it was super cool and was the first thing I contributed to TI :)"

Tomato claims, "Ahna dropped some DANK LORE"

Tomato says, "Is that in a helpfile somewhere"

Winifred states, "I would KILL for a meteor-steel sword"

Tomato claims, "If not can we add it"

Konaa states, "If you ask me there's a MOON WAR going on between the FIVE MOONS and their RADIO WAVES made Dav see the Lord"

Ghed says, "I'm not sure"

HIEROPHANT claims to Tomato, "I submitted the helpfile additions on Bimbly. I have no idea if they got added."

Nospeedy says, "Oh god."

Nospeedy states, "The moon wars."

Ghed says, "It's on grid as a lore entry and a certain Plaza tho"

AlleyGirl says to Ghed, "The sword thing? Yeah, I know where that lore would be."

Ghed nods.

Ghed says, "Alright, let's send you all lovely folks back"

Ghed states, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for meaningful RP =)"

Eurus grabs his net and jumps into the code, ready to go bughunting. [OOC]

Ghed claims, "Cnote! It makes your QP grow."

AlleyGirl muses, "Does it, though?"

Solus says, "I love Eurus' entry and exit text, by the way."

Tomato claims, "Recommends do"

Leta grins at Solus.

Leta states, "I WROTE IT"

Winifred states, "Byeeeeee"

Leta says, "I thought it would be silly"

AlleyGirl waves.

Leta says, "Cnoting really helps me organize what people know about this plot"

Ghed nods.

Ghed trails off, "Engaging warp drive in 3..."

Leta says, "Otherwise I have to send annoying tells."

Leta waves.

Ghed trails off, "2..."

Ghed trails off, "1..."

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