Log of OOC Meeting - 2020/12/19

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 108
Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2019 3:52 pm

Sun Dec 20, 2020 12:23 am

Kinaed says, "A reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Regardless of what we discuss, we understand and truly believe that everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Anonymous trails off, "I first demonstrated this by arranging a scene two weeks in advance..."

Anonymous sits down and rests.

Viridis gives a stout wood flagon made in the likeness of a plump pumpkin to Violet.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed states, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon."

Sparkles states, "I had a topic coming into chat but ... kind of have one based on the new announcements."

Viper says, "I just like coming to see how these evolve."

Kuzco says, "Hello Vee"

Kinaed says to Sparkles, "Okay, I put you down - go ahead and pre-write your introduction. If you have two topics, write them both up and I'll put someone in between so everyone can go at least once."

Kinaed wonders, "Anyone else?"

Kinaed claims, "Well, I'll put others between if we have others, otherwise you can hold the floor for two topics :)"

Kinaed says, "Okay, if we have no more topics from anyone - kicking off Staff Updates."

Kinaed states, "Last week, I did a first pass of the Event Scheduler, and I am now incorporating feedback. Also held a staff meeting or two. Didn't have time for much else, I'm getting slammed with end of the year stuff. Next week, I hope to finalize the event scheduler, and look at a backup of OOC Chat notes to make sure everything is implemented."

Kinaed claims, "That's me - next is.."

Kinaed rolled 1d3 for a pool of: 2. [Th544]

Kinaed states to Temi, "You're up"

Temi says, "Goodie! Life is.. well.. the end of the year holidays. So RL is taking a bit more time."

Temi says, "I've been working on the skill mini-quests listings though and will continue on that between celebrating."

Kinaed smiles.

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed rolled 1d2 for a pool of: 1. [Th544]

Kinaed says to Eos, "You're up :)"

Eos pontificates, "Been a little bit distracted this week. Salem and I are working on re structuring the code and the coding environment. I've been placing hearths in inns - and please tell me if there's any public room that should have a hearth item!"

Eos states, "Also, I have been collecting more logs, there's a treasure trove to be found in the forum. And have been working on the games helpfiles."

Deedee queries, "How about furniture besides hearths?"

Viridis exclaims, "Other items, like those in inn rooms, would be great!"

Violet queries, "With regards to furniture in public rooms, any way the pbase could help you? Maybe... by writing strings based on room descs or something else of the sort, so all you have to do is spawn items?"

Kuzco says, "I like that, Violet"

Kuzco nods.

Kinaed says, "It'd help - please typo any suggestions."

Violet says, "Sounds like fun :)"

Temi states, "I think we're prioritizing hearths though, if people want to keep a special eye out for those"

Eos states, "I do need one for the blind horse especially. I asked a friend to make me a short and he doesn't know the game so that failed"

Kuzco claims, "Lol"

Sparkles says, "River Rock filled in with broken bottles."

Eos declaims, "He's a good writer usually!"

Kinaed states to Viridis, "You're up :)"

Viridis says, "This past week I've just gotten setup after a hectic time at work. My upcoming work includes mage guild and expanding some demon stuff. That should be drafted and turned in real soon. Along with that there's some ideas in the staff roster to contribute to and a story in Feb. I really have to echo the RL sentiments Temi raised."

Kinaed nods at Viridis.

Kinaed pontificates, "Thanks Staff! :)"

Kinaed wonders, "Any questions or anything before we move on?"

Raspberries questions, "I heard tells are coming back?"

Kinaed nods at Raspberries.

Kinaed claims, "Tomorrow - it's on the General Board as a result of a staff meeting."

Kuzco asks, "What's with that? I was surprised"

NotNaomi wonders, "Is there a way to turn them off, too?"

Kinaed nods at NotNaomi.

Raspberries muses, "Any restriction compared to how they were used previously?"

Kinaed says, "Yes, you can turn off tells."

Violet declaims, "So exciting!"

Kinaed claims to Raspberries, "No."
NotNaomi smiles.

Kuzco wonders, "Why the rollback?"

Temi states, "We discussed about it, and we do know tells off are good for RP immersion, but we've been noting that it's not as good for community building and new folks, and we think that's more important for us now"

Kinaed states, "The reason is that TI is quiet at night with too few people on. We felt that restoring tells would give players a chance to at least socialize in game."

Kuzco states, "Hrm, if you say so"

TheHeresyAgenda is idle.

Sparkles states, "Might that not just encourage folks to login to tell rather than RP/"

Kinaed says, "Can't RP at all if no one logs in."

MAMI claims, "If people are logging on for tells, they're at least possibly available for rp"

Temi nods in agreement.

Kuzco doesn't like it but he won't make a fuss. Maybe he's wrong.

Temi states, "More people to entice to things."

Sparkles states, "I admit my past experience with tells was ... problematic. It provided a big distraction during RP with a heavy OOC pressure about participating or explaining your RP."

Raspberries claims, "And gank."

Raspberries nods.

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Temi says, "After this break, there may be less of that pressure for people who choose to stay deaf"

Kinaed states, "I'm hopeful that not having had tells for a long while will make people more tolerant of those chosing not to participate in tells."

Raspberries claims, "That still happens with osays"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed states, "As we said when we removed tells, we removed them because they were becoming problematic for our game at the time. We think right now, not having them is problematic for the game for different reasons. We never barred people from talking to one another, and we cannot really control people's OOC behavior - we hope everyone playing TI regardless of tells or not knows that certain types of OOC behaviour are unacceptable."

Violet claims, "I think that sounds like poor player behavior and not an issue with tells themselves. Seconding what Rasp says, that still happens sometimes-- now it just happens over osays, pboard or discord"

Anonymous states, "I... have no opinion on the availability of tells."

Kinaed says, "I'm not sure I entirely agree because having tells in-game does make the OOC behavior more prevalent and accessible during RP."

Deedee claims, "I think it'll help at least with helping new players"

Kinaed claims, "But I do think we need to give people social connections, especially new players, and we're losing out on that at the moment because people aren't sticking around online - which they might do more of if they see someone online they want to chant with."

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kinaed says, "I think it is hard for new players not to have access to any comminucations with anyone except public ones."

Kinaed claims, "I'm on the side of the fence that I prefer my RP without OOC chatter"

Kinaed states, "Anyway, I guess we'll see. We can always go back."

Hawali moves suddenly, breaking from her hiding spot.

Hawali claims, "Thank you for recognizing the positive social aspects of tells. I will be glad to have them back."

Kinaed smiles at Hawali.

TheHeresyAgenda states, "It'll make situations like "you forgot to group me again" easier"

NotNaomi claims, "It's easy enough to turn them on/off."

Kinaed nods at NotNaomi.

Deedee states, "Hahaha yeah"

Violet exclaims, "I'm a big fan of normalizing the quiet command!"

Kinaed nods at Violet.

Temi states, "We've never thought tells were good or bad, it just encourages different aspects."

Deedee claims, "When follow breaks, it's been a lot of fun without tells."

Kuzco states, "Heresy has a point"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kuzco states, "I do feel for newbies yeah"

Kinaed questions, "Okay, shall we move onto - Player Heartbeat? How was the game for everyone last week, folks?"

Raspberries found Kuzco. https:/pbs.twimg.com/media/EiNDkzCWoAgiSfS?format=jpg&name=900x900

Kuzco states, "It was a bit light but I'm good"

Hawali states, "Had more plot available to me than I was able to pursue, timewise. That was awesome."

Temi pontificates to Hawali, "That's always better than the opposite!"

NotNaomi says, "Mine was purposely light to battle merchant burnout"

Violet states, "Sloowwwly getting back into things, but enjoying it immensely so far."

Kuzco states, "Prepping for tomorrow. I'm glad the RP has bled outside of the STs."

TheHeresyAgenda claims, "So much crafting"

Deedee states to NotNaomi, "I misread that and thought you had Battle Merchants for a moment there."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "New colors shiny"

tell kinaed Yeah.

Kuzco states, "Make them fight for licenses"

NotNaomi exclaims, "Hmm, that's an idea!"

Kuzco exclaims, "Two apprentices enter! One merchant leaves!"

Temi grins.

NotNaomi states, "Merchants are usally squishy though, so they'll be short fights :P"

Kinaed smiles.

Deedee states, "You can have weight classes"

Kinaed claims, "Sounds like an okay week as those things go :)"

TheHeresyAgenda says, "Cant hit me if i wrap myself in 10 bolts of wool"

Kinaed asks, "May I ask if anything is shitting anyone that they'd like Staff to know about?"

Violet says OOCly, "Tailors and candlemakers = lightweight, anyone who works with axes and hammers like those gosh darn blacksmiths need a class of their own"

Kuzco says, "Hmmm"

Deedee states, "You can put the smiths in with the cooks"

Anonymous wonders, "Blacksmith requiring 90 strength to learn? lol"

Kinaed queries, "No skill requires over 65, I think?"

Deedee says, "55"

Kinaed says, "Blacksmith requires strength 55"

Anonymous says, "Right now blacksmith is 55 strength. Which is fine, it's appropriate"

Violet claims, "Code is one thing, but anyone who hammers metal for a living is jacked imo"

NotNaomi says, "What about those of us that know all the tradeskills? >.>"

Violet states, "You're a goddess. You've transcended"

Kuzco claims, "Indeed"

Kuzco claims, "You are playing God"

Kuzco states, "And that sounds awful close to MAGIC"

Violet declaims, "I have a small, silly thing, if we have time for it!"

Anonymous asks, "What about those of us who know all the combat skills?"

Anonymous muses, "Am I a god too?"

Anonymous states, "Or just a meathead"

Kuzco states, "A meat shield"

Anonymous states, "I have been training shield lately"

Kuzco says, "Good luck with that"

Violet claims, "A walking battleaxe"

Kinaed wonders to Violet, "?"

Raspberries claims, "Block oughta be looked at"

Kinaed queries to Violet, "I imagine we do, but if it's something bigger than just a comment, I can register it as a topic?"

Anonymous queries, "Is block broken?"

Kuzco queries, "?"

Kinaed questions to Violet, "Give you a moment to write it up etc?"

Raspberries states, "Not broken exactly"

Violet asks, "I just noticed while browsing resources that some of them cost over 25000 silver! So... with the caps on bank accounts, can folks even purchase those?"

Kuzco claims, "Not with that attitude"

Kuzco giggles

Kinaed queries, "There are no caps on personal bank accounts, I think?"

Violet grins.

Kinaed states, "Only guild ones."

Sparkles says, "Yes, there are."

Viridis claims, "There are caps on personal accounts"

Kuzco states, "There are caps"

Wimpled begins to count their money.

Raspberries claims, "Just has too many disadvantages with no benefits vs other defenses, other than the usual"

Viridis says, "I've gotten around that in tricky ways. Bury your money in your backyard."

Violet asks, "I believe that was changed, right? So now the cap for personal bank accounts is 25,000 silver"

NotNaomi wonders, "It's 25k, I think?"

Kuzco states, "Not that I'd know said caps, my wife is vavardi"

Kinaed states, "Oo, interesting. What's a good point."

Kinaed states, "*that's a good point. Let me write that down and discuss it with staff. I don't know the answer off the top of my head or even what is so expensive."

Kuzco claims, "Sounds like a typo"

Sparkles states, "If you are above that it won't let you redeem assets."

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

Deedee asks, "Tat brings to mind the QP shop, have any of those costs been looked at?"

Kinaed claims, "That's not the same thing as a hard cap."

Violet pontificates, "Thanks for looking into it!"

Kinaed claims, "Well, they were originally costed out according to a formula that makes their QP cost in line with their real cost with a minor discount."

Kinaed says, "So they were looked at in the sense that they were baselined."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "I wish tubori sea silk was 666 not 667"

Deedee says, "There were things for over 500QP, even saving nearly every QP I earn, it's taken years and years to earn that much"

NotNaomi trails off, "There are a few that are over that, yeah... goblets, tubori silk, vavardi silk"

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kuzco says, "500qp should earn you the Crown or something"

Kinaed says, "Those items are extremely rare and precious"

Anonymous states, "Tubori sea silk"

Anonymous says, "Oooooo"

Kinaed says, "Um, the AVERAGE QP of all players online right now is 200"

Anonymous says, "That's heavily weighted because of a couple players with HUGE amounts of QP"

NotNaomi says, "Tubori silk and Tubori sea silk are apparently different"

Deedee nods.

Anonymous says, "I know two players who have over a thousand"

Kinaed claims, "I know of multiple players in this room that can either afford that or can near afford it."

Temi nods.

Anonymous states, "Hey I'm not complaining, just talking"

Kinaed claims, "I'm not upset, I'm just providing information to give perspective."

Kinaed claims, "Yes, some of the items are extraordinarily expensive."

Deedee says, "Unless we're being more open-fisted with QP, there's a lot of players who will never afford such though"

Temi says, "Plus, we thought a few things to strive for and have people super impressed at them getting would be good. So above what most people can expect to ever get."

Kinaed claims, "Many, many of them are not."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says, "Also, many of them can be gotten in game."

Violet pontificates, "There are also ways to get many of these items with silver on grid, right? Like sea silk has an existing... yeah, what Kin said!"

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "So taking damascus for example - we converted known merchant prices in silver to QP to prevent undercutting merchants"

Kinaed nods at Violet.

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, I think in the quest shop, most things are between 10 QP and 50."

Kinaed says, "Alrighty - let's pick this one back up over time if it doesn't settle out as people get used to a quest shop in grid."

Kinaed claims, "We have some player topics :)"

Kinaed questions to Sparkles, "Want to kick off our first one?"

Deedee nods.

Sparkles says, "So ... I've been thinking a few months now how to best bring this up. But some of the latest forum posts have kind of brought this back around - the feeling whether intended or not of 'old char bad, new char good' that seems to kind of linger around. And all in all it makes me start wondering about the current state of essentially "accomplishments" in the game. "

Deedee claims, "The idea behind my post (regarding skill decay) was feeling at a dead-end as an old char."

Kinaed states, "Old players aren't bad at all... what's giving that impression? Certainly when the pbase is low, though, we scramble to think on how to get new players in to keep our game active and give old players people to interact with and a reason to stick around."

Temi claims, "I know there's often concerns for getting new people in about the feeling of 'never being able to catch up'"

Anonymous trails off, "I don't know if I qualify as an 'old' player yet or not, but I do sometimes catch the impression that new characters are... yeah what temi said"

Temi states, "But I definitely have some old characters, and we always think about how things will impact our oldest characters too."

TheHeresyAgenda questions, "My concern of never catching up has more to do with I dont know how to play the social game, less with stats cause stats rarely matter, no?"

Raspberries claims, "Depends on your concept"

Raspberries states, "Stats matter a lot for some"

Viridis states, "Excuse me folks."

Viridis leaves in a swirling mist. [OOC]

Sparkles says, "A feeling I've picked up on from comments in the Discord channel, forum posts, meetings, the OOC channel. That essentially there is a feeling real or otherwise that "accomplishment" is kind of a zero sum game focused around ... stats or skills or more mechanical things. And I think it's potentially a double edged sword. It -is- harder for newer folks to catch up in some ways based on changes to say ... buying assets with XP. But also ... for older chars/players it's also feeling there's a shorter "end game" compared to the days when say ... PCs became Saints."

Kinaed states, "I'm of the 'I can make stories forever' bent, so I don't really tend to believe that any character is necessarily at the end until they're dead - but I also find there's a bit of malaise with characters when they've lost my interest and i don't really want to pursue anything with them. In that sense, it's often time for me to move on, but it's very hard for the game or TI to know where players are in relation to that."

Temi states, "Yeah, I think with the top end limits on things, there's nothing that can't be caught up to."

Wimpled says, "I think with older characters the trick is to keep changing things up with their story/goals."

Kinaed muses, "So... why do you think PCs can't become saints now?"

MAMI claims, "PCs don't tend to become saints until after they're dead."

Raspberries muses, "Can Prisca be the Saint of Leeches?"

Sparkles says, "I suppose I've no idea if they can or can't but it hasn't happened since I started playing."

Kinaed states, "I mean, it sounds like someone thinks we've closed off what can happen, and I don't think that's the case. If anything, over time, we've become more accepting of players pushing stories into places where we used to be uncomfortable. "

Wimpled says, "Prisca is the Saint of Leeches in my heart."

Kinaed wonders to Raspberries, "Well, it doesn't really work so well as 'I'm Bob, and I want to be a Saint! Can I be one because I asked?'"

Kinaed nods at Wimpled.

Kuzco says, "What defines what a saint is'"

Kuzco muses, "?"

Temi nods.

Kuzco states, "Since this clearly does not follow Catholic theolofy"

Kuzco says, "Theology"

Kinaed states to Wimpled, "That's how it happens. When we need saints, we look at whomever fits the bill in our history, and add them as a saint."

Kinaed claims, "Same thing with adding lore and people's accomplishments into our game history."

Temi states, "Saints are sort of church-indicated examples of a path to follow."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Catholic theo-lofy 24/7 music to pray to"

Kuzco claims, "Hehe"

Kuzco states to Temi, "Got it"

Kinaed says, "I think it's really hard for people to see or understand how what they do actually creates history in action - and whether it's a big or small deal doesn't necessarily link to how 'famous' it is."

Temi claims, "Probably dead, so you've got their whole life, though I don't know if we've ever considered living saints. And if we were to add a new player one... probably we'd want a general feeling among the playerbase that it's appropriate."

Kinaed questions, "Okay, so... what things should an 'end game' have, or even more to the point 'to extend the middle game in meaningful ways'?"

MAMI states, "Generally, it takes a living PC to push for it after the dead PC is gone. (such as with Paynifier Ahalin)"

Anonymous trails off, "There are a lot of characters that are gone now that did things that I... never would have learned of if I didn't arbitrarily and randomly search character helpfiles"

Deedee says, "Could be a thing for the Grand Inquisitor to do."

Deedee states, "Similar to how the Seneschal can raise someone to nobility once"

Kuzco claims, "This is why writing history books is important"

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

Temi nods at MAMI.

Kinaed states, "I know a recent cache of IC books was found and submitted to staff that had a heap of IC history and stuff in them"

Kuzco says, "An end game... I think I hit that point a while ago."

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

Kuzco claims, "I stopped trying to be a protagonist and switched to support, teaching, being a lawless goof and creating STs"

Kinaed states, "I think that's why the MUD genre is shrinking in general - people's lives are changing."

Temi nods in agreement.

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, I feel that we on the whole still have a lot to offer, and MUDs aren't entirely dead yet."

Temi claims, "Being a protagonist is exhausting too."

Temi grins.

NotNaomi nods.

Violet claims, "In my eyes... when I've had a character that I feel has reached the end of their story, I either switch to what Kuzco describes or plan a way for them to ride off into the sunset/die horribly."

Violet says, "You know... depending on the mood."

Kinaed states, "It's super nice to see old players come back now and again when time permits and find things are still here and available to them."

Kinaed nods at Violet.

Kuzco claims, "I also wrote a few books because it felt nice like that"

Kinaed states, "I tend to go for the die horribly or at least 'firmly wrap up' so that I can move on route."

Violet nods.

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

Kuzco says, "I still need to write about my Seneschal years and the civil war"

Kuzco claims, "So yeah, an endgame means you need to find new goals, change your approach, or consider retirement"

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "Anyway - I might post about the extension of the middle game and what to do about 'end game' feelings on the forums and see if we can get anything - because whereas the example of a Saint might be a poor example, I think the underlying question is a valid one about what we offer to characters that are long in the tooth"

Deedee nods.

Sparkles says, "Yeah, the Saint thing was just kind of my immediate example and probably an extreme one."

Kinaed says, "Okay, that's a topic - I'll write a forum post."

Kinaed questions to Sparkles, "Did you have another topic since Violet already raised her query about 25000 silver resources?"

Sparkles says, "Ah, no, the other topic was just my thoughts about tells."

Kinaed says, "Oh, okay :) I think that's been discussed then."

Kinaed states, "So since we have a few minutes left - staff did have a talking point we thought we'd kick back to the pbase... let me dig up my notes."

Temi muses, "Activity?"

Raspberries sits down.

Kinaed states, "Yes"

Kinaed states, "Also driven by our low activity of late."

Kinaed says, "We're considering if we change how activity works and is tabulated."

Kinaed states, "Before we jump into pros and cons, let me lay it out for everyone how it works, what it does, etc"

Deedee nods.

Cat nods.

Raspberries says, "It's been changed before, and broke a lot of stuff when it was changed, as a caution to the coders if it's adjusted again"

Kinaed says, "Activity is divided into two types - RP activity and online activity. When it was first created RP activity was what we focused on because we're an RP game and because it came into play, bluntly, to catch out GLs who would just sit in their roles doing frak all and holding the spaces from other players with time and interest."

Kinaed nods at Raspberries.

Eos declaims, "Yey!"

Kinaed says, "Minimum activity is 1 hour of RP per OOC week, any way you get it, by hook or by crook."

Eos states, "It's okay I make regular backups"

Kinaed states, "For GLs - if a GL goes 4 weeks with nothing, they'll be auto ousted. If a noble goes 4 weeks in six without meeting that requirement, they'll be pulled off grid and need to ask for permission to return. For regular players they just go inactive and have to type a command to receive asset payments and wages (to keep inactive players from becoming too rich off non-RPed stuff) and gpay/payments are paused to inactive accounts."

Kinaed says, "Our experience is (no pointing fingers at anyone), but the minimum activity requirement for GLs doesn't actually do much to make sure they're really taking care of their guild."

Kuzco nods.

Temi claims, "Also after longterm inactivity, characters may be wrapped up, etc."

Kinaed states, "And right now, we're of the mind that having people be online is more of a catalyst to RP happening than otherwise. So we're considering shifting from RP activity for those things to online activity."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says to Temi, "Oops, thanks. THere may be a few other things I don't remember rapped up into the activity system."

Kinaed states, "Anyway, we're looking to encourage people to be online so that RP can happen."

Violet queries, "I don't know if this is reasonable... but maybe just -add- some rewards for being online and keep activity how it is?"

Kinaed queries to Violet, "What kind of examples would you suggest?"

Violet says, "Like a QP reward for being online a certain number of hours, for example, analogous to the QP-bonus for being a top RPer"

Violet says, "Not saying that's the -best- option, just trying to propose something."

Deedee says, "If so, might be good to boost the reward for top 10 RPer"

Kinaed nods at Violet.

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kinaed queries, "I'm taking it that the QP shop has made players more interested in QP as a reward?"

Violet states, "With the new QP shop it might be a better incentive, yeah :)"

Kuzco has gone AFK.

Kinaed trails off, "The reason I ask is that ... prior to the QP shop, I'm not sure anyone wanted QP all that much"

Raspberries has always liked shinies.

Sparkles muses, "So I say this carefully but ... it can already feel at times that public RP is already on the shoulders of a select amount of people. If people get 'credit' for just being logged in, what's stopping folks from using keepalives?"

Kinaed claims to Sparkles, "I agree with that, but I do think that if you're online, at least you can get a notify, messenger, or in the new world, a tell"

Raspberries states, "There's risks to using keepalives if you're not around"

Kinaed nods at Raspberries.

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Not if youre behind closed doors"

Raspberries states, "Even if you're behind closed doors"

Kinaed says, "I also know factually that staff are still looking at the best ways to encourage people to go hang out in public places when RP available."

Temi states, "The risks go down, but not gone."

TheHeresyAgenda says, "Interesting :D"

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, we're at the top of the hour - and I might post some of these questions on the forums."

Temi nods.

Kinaed questions, "A reminder to let us know what you think of Invite - and please let us know if you've actually used it: https://ti-legacy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2368"

Violet says, "Is there a way to monitor for... using commands, or something? I do think the activity requirement disadvantages merchants and wilderness-types. While being active in other IC roles is entirely RP-focused, crafters and foraging/hunting types need to spend a lot of time tooling and doing threaded commands. Neither of which are particularly advantageous for scenes."

Kinaed nods at Violet.

Kinaed claims, "I'm not sure, but it's a good point."

Kinaed states, "Maybe we need to move activity away from onlineness and move it to 'available for public RPness' or something. I dunno."

Temi nods.

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "May I also ask - GLs that are around and don't do GLing"

Kinaed claims, "It's a big issue for us."

Temi asks, "I guess the question is, anyone who has had a hard time getting active, felt discouraged, and would have been around online to do it if that's all they had to do?"

Anonymous says, "I am totally not idling"

Anonymous states, "The game lies"

Sparkles muses, "What's being judged as not GLing?"

Kinaed says, "We've tried things like the activity timer, but it didn't work. It seems like the big issue is no one wants to tell Bob that he's not being a good GL or they want it to be for someone else to solve it."

Temi states, "Their guild and seekers not feeling like they get sufficient attention out of them."


Sparkles nods.

Anonymous trails off, "Telling the leader that he's not a good leader is a good way to get fired in my IRL experience.... tha tmay be why"

Violet claims, "Did the monthly promotion pboard thingy get added? "So-and-so is up for review, please promote them or cnote why you didn't.""

Kinaed nods at Anonymous.

Deedee states, "Speaking of, the Physicians could use some members. Lots of people can't get their booboos cured since there's only 2 of us and our hours are short"

Kinaed claims to Violet, "It's on the bug board, but let me bump that as an important item to implement."

Sparkles states, "It can be hard to address an OOC issue ICly."

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kinaed says, "I don't think not doing your job as a GL is particularly OOC in terms of 'detectability'"

Temi muses, "Something to think about and go over on the forums?"

Violet says, "Maybe something analogous for seekers? "So-and-so has been seeking your guild for X days. Please either guild them or cnote why your character ICly doesn't want to""

Anonymous states, "I feel like every guild except the merchants could use more members"

Anonymous says, "Except maybe the brotherhood *wink*"

Deedee nods in agreement.

MAMI queries, "Perhaps guildmembers could have a 'seeking' toggle for when they want some GL time. If it goes unanswered for x time, it is a mark against the GL?"

Kinaed states, "I have quietly sensed that sometimes people also feel that if 'Bob is in a clique with Jane' (or perceived to be), and Jane is powerful, that doing something about Bob the Shit GL is seen as something Jane will step in on"

Anonymous claims, "That is indeed sometimes an IC thing. Guidlleaders form connections with each other"

Kinaed says, "Yeah, we're going to have to retire this to the forums for time purposes - but I'll reread this log to make sure I didn't miss any comments."

Kinaed nods at Anonymous.

Kinaed states, "Thanks for everyone's time, thoughts and participation today."

Violet claims, "I think there does need to be a line drawn between "this person is RPing a mean/ineffectual/annoying GL" vs. "this person is not fulfilling their OOC obligations as a GL""

Kinaed nods at Violet.

Kinaed states, "I agree so much to that."

Anonymous claims, "Maybe the issue is that the line is blurry and hard to detect"

Kinaed trails off, "But it's also hard to detect and enforce, so..."

Kinaed nods at Anonymous.

Violet says, "I think having reminders on promotes/guilds and requiring people to cnote if they don't want to promote/guild a character may help with that."

Deedee doesn't have much time of late, but does try to respond to any letter or other request.

Kinaed says, "Often when people ping staff saying so and so ins't fullfilling their oblgiations, I approach them, but I don't feel like I've ever gotten to the point or enough weight that I felt comfortable just removing a GL outright"

Deedee wishes there were seekers, too.

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kinaed exclaims, "Okay - let's wrap up! Sorry for keeping people over for so long, but we can definitely pick this convo up again on the forums or in the next OOC Chat. Have a great evening everyone!"

Violet says, "Physicians are in a rough spot bc with IRL pandemic, IC medieval plague doctor is much... less fun than normal."

Kinaed declaims, "Thanks for attending!"

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