Log of OOC Meeting - 2020-11-15

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 47
Joined: Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:32 am
Discord Handle: pd#1102

Sat Nov 14, 2020 6:45 pm

Temi has transferred phoenixdoll.
A Comfortable Room
A plethora of gaily coloured silk pillows with fringes and tassels
completely conceal the floor. A large pillow in the corner stands out, a
brooding black mass of velvet and fringeless. Screens of nature scenes
painted with the spare strokes of a brush that hint at and outline the
subjects, leaving much to the imagination. Behind the screens, silk
curtains and sheets painted with bright patterns hide the walls, pulled
back only around the windows that pierce the southern and western walls to
look out over a lush garden filled with an untamed riot of plants and

[ Exits: down ] [ Air exits: none ]
( 11)The Turf Wars Specification almost glows where it sits. (eastern edge)
Eos is here.
PraiseTheBolt is here.
NotNaomi is here.
Deedee is here.
Sparkles is here.
Halstrom is here.
Temi is here.
(WARNING: This is an OOC room. No rpxp is earned in this room, and nothing said or done here is IC.)

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi gives a steel canteen with a screwed cap and an etched battle map to phoenixdoll.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
NotNaomi grins.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Viridis appears in a swirling mist. [OOC]

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

NotNaomi exclaims, "Oh come on, just a little sugar cubes!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "It could make things very exciting"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt states, "I heard theres drugs to give you clarity of vision "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom states, "That reminds me I have to have antoine searched"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Aha what?

Phoenixdoll wonders, "Aha what? "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi grins.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Viridis pontificates, "Hey folks!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Morning everyone. :)

Phoenixdoll claims, "Morning everyone. :) "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

NotNaomi declaims, "Hullo!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Sparkles states, "My barrister says I should neither confirm nor deny concerns on what he may or may
not have on his person."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt says, "And others could make you more performant, no? like. we're already dark fantasy
, why not use combat drugs :D"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "That is probably wise advice"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
A lusty, happy feeling shimmers its way through phoenixdoll, leaving a pleasantly warm tingle in the

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "Okay, so, Kin is remote so isn't able to run the OOC Chat today, so I'll be your wise
leader today, with more or less wise."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi muses, "Can I get a volunteer to scribe for us today?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Eos drinks from a steel canteen with a screwed cap and an etched battle map.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee states, "The tubori troops are probably all jacked up on coamjar"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say I can do it.

Phoenixdoll says, "I can do it."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "But that's their normal state."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi has transferred Thaos. [OOC]

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Deedee nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi has awarded you 2 QPs: Scribe

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi declares, "Thanks Phoenix!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say nw

Phoenixdoll states, "Nw"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi gives a steel canteen with a screwed cap and an etched battle map to Thaos.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Thaos pontificates to Temi, "Thanks!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi wonders, "So, our agenda for today is 1) staff updates, 2) player heartbeat, and then 3)
player topics. Does anyone have player topics to go on the list to start off with?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say None from me.

Phoenixdoll claims, "None from me."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt claims, "Me"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi has transferred Kitty. [OOC]

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi gives a steel canteen with a screwed cap and an etched battle map to Kitty.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi states to PraiseTheBolt, "Got you"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi wonders, "Anyone else for topics?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "Alright, if you think of anything, let us know. Send a tell or whatnot and we'll add
you to the list."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi trails off, "So, staff update..."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "For me.. well, helped out with a wedding last weekend, and then this week has all been
preparing for Daravi Battle Weekend, and then this weekend, kicking it off and monitoring."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi pants.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "I have been running temi ragged"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say <3

Phoenixdoll states, "<3"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "With orders"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "I am sorry"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Viridis Hey folks! For me I've been focused on requests recommends, and I've picked up the demons
spec from Ilena. Very excited. Mage stuff, testing with EosSalem too on some surprises. I'm about to
have a vacay, so good writing time.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Kitty says, "The wedding was big. Thank you. So helpful for all of that."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say <3

Phoenixdoll says, "<3 "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "Hopefully everyone involved has been enjoying themselves! I'll be interested in
feedback on the setup once it's all done, but probably ought not change the rules mid-way"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi declares to Viridis, "Excellent! Look forwards to see what comes"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Eos says, "Salem and me are continuing the work on dual guilding. We've also started a bit on the
Mage event planned, and I've been learning from Temi how to do the Daravi front event (very fun) so
that I can take over some shifts tomorrow. "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi nods at Eos.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "Eos has helped take over some of the night time slots, so that we don't have such a
huge block"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Thank you Temi, thank you Eos :)

Phoenixdoll claims, "Thank you Temi, thank you Eos :)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee states, "Yeah. for one, I think it'd be easier if there was just one cell for orders, and we
put in actions from coordinates to coordinates"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "So you'll get some overnight updates too, makes things a little easier for the non
-American audience"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee states, "And keep an updated map from that. for next time though"
Temi grins.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "Yeah can i just uh"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "Pause things for a moment"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "And say thank you to pof isac"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say I did find the map Isac made helpful

Phoenixdoll says, "I did find the map Isac made helpful"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say aha yes, I was just about to say that.

Phoenixdoll states, "Aha yes, I was just about to say that."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "Because he programmed up an excel wizardry auto map thing that updates to where
the troops are"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom says, "And its a lifesaver"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi exclaims, "We'll make sure Isac hears the thanks!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Can we give him some QP for it? It's honestly amazing.

Phoenixdoll states, "Can we give him some QP for it? It's honestly amazing."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say I'd recommend, but it'd be entirely an OOC recommend aha.

Phoenixdoll says, "I'd recommend, but it'd be entirely an OOC recommend aha."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Viridis claims, "OOC recs are okay"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Are they?

Phoenixdoll asks, "Are they? "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi says, "I will definitely provide QP to everyone who helps make things a success at the end, and
will make sure to earmark a little extra for him"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say awesomesauce

Phoenixdoll says, "Awesomesauce"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "If it helps the RP it's okay, even if it's not through RPing itself"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee says, "I added the little arrow button thingies to move back and forth easier. it might bug
you about permissions first though"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt states, "Yey"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi wonders, "Is the RP area sufficient? We can add another little area or so if there's other
places there should be, but I understand the exciting stuff will be primarily the command tent"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "I'm been almost entirely in the command tent, but it seems okay thus far"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Medic tent?

Phoenixdoll wonders, "Medic tent? "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee states, "We had some scenes at the training yard which was nice"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "Sure, I'll add a medic tent after this."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Thanks Temi :)

Phoenixdoll claims, "Thanks Temi :) "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi trails off, "Okay, I don't think we missed any staff..."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee states, "A few other camp things might be a smithy, latrine"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi wonders, "So, player heartbeat. How's RP been this week for folks?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi wonders to Deedee, "Do you want to do latrine RP?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt claims, "Fantastic - tons of fun. :) "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi narrows eyes at Deedee.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "I've been trying to be an extremely grumpy irritable general who doesn't care
about decorum or politeness."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom states, "I think I've succeeded"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "Lol"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt declares, "Push people into the latrine!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Obviously they wanna make people clean the latrines as a punishment..

Phoenixdoll claims, "Obviously they wanna make people clean the latrines as a punishment.."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee pontificates, "I think I can find a use for it!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Sparkles states, "The ST last weekend was good so it's been two weekends of fun stuff. During the
week can be a touch slow at times but we've had a pickup."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi says, "I'll see when I have a few minutes free then"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi muses, "Sounds like things have been pretty good on the whole then. Anything bugging anyone
that staff ought to know about?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee claims, "One thing about the camp is it probably ICly shouldn't have a bath since it'd be a
waste of water in the desert, but something to help with the dirty flags might be good."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "I'll put a washbasin in the medic tent maybe"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Eos queries, "Bathtub item restringed to, I don't know, a set of towels for a catwash?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say I had an awesome week. Really enjoyed the ST last weekend and this event is really fun. I
actually had a pretty lively weekday/weeknights of rp, so no complaints from me there. I have
noticed a slowdown, but I've been able to consistantly get rp. I'm enjoying the camp life, sending
letters back to Lithmore.

Phoenixdoll says, "I had an awesome week. Really enjoyed the ST last weekend and this event is
really fun. I actually had a pretty lively weekday/weeknights of rp, so no complaints from me there.
I have noticed a slowdown, but I've been able to consistantly get rp. I'm enjoying the camp life,
sending letters back to Lithmore. "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom says, "Remember that if you want the TRUE military camp experience, you have to go get
yelled at by halstrom"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, ";)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Kitty states, "We're at war. We're supposed to be dirty."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee claims, "Didn't have much time to play until the weekend, but I've been enjoying the camp and

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Deedee nods in agreement.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Sparkles states, "I did have a topic/idea if we have time."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "Okay, well, doesn't sound like any big gripes."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi nods at Sparkles.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi wonders, "On to topics then. Praise the Bolt?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt claims, "Yes, praise the bolt"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt wonders, "So, regarding the Daravi front - some people may or may not be sending stuff
to the front to help out; could that somehow count towards the Ressources available?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee says, "I was curious about that as well, if any resupply/reinforcements would come, or if
it's static."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "I did accept some plots ahead of time for some extra oomph and units, and all the
initial set up was based on the Farin border campaign that Emicho led a drive for via plots"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "But I think adding more supplies in mid-way through might be a bit complicated"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt states, "Alright :)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "We can assume actually shipping stuff would take longer. And your pigeons would have
a hard time keeping the supplies aloft"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi wonders, "But I promise no reinforcements for the Daravi based on their people back home too?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi grins.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt says, "Thats fair :D"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
emote imagines a swarm of pigeons carrying a box.

Phoenixdoll imagines a swarm of pigeons carrying a box.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

NotNaomi asks, "So sending additional supplies from Lithmore is probably not a good idea?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom says, "Wait"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom says, "Is that a statement or a question lol"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt says, "Its been really worth regardless, bragging rights and all"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say I, ah, ICly asked some people back home in Lithmore to send me some stuff because I didn't
think about it being possible or not.

Phoenixdoll says, "I, ah, ICly asked some people back home in Lithmore to send me some stuff because
I didn't think about it being possible or not. "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

NotNaomi claims, "Yeah. I figured we'd just have couriers run the things"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Just for clarity, no packages should be sent to player characters? Or it's fine, because it's
just a hat..

Phoenixdoll states, "Just for clarity, no packages should be sent to player characters? Or it's fine
, because it's just a hat.."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Thaos is idle.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "I think it's fine for player fun stuff"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Deedee nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee claims, "Won't affect the daravi game though"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi finishes abruptly, "We can fudge the timing a bit - they sent it earlier or your time was
actually later"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "And we just won't mess with the actual numbers"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Awesome.

Phoenixdoll states, "Awesome."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi wonders, "Alright, Sparkles? You had something?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Sparkles states, "So first, I love the 'Invite' command and utilize it often. However, I'd love to
propose the following: The ability to customize the message strings et al like you can with
messengers as I think that might help make it feel more IC. I tend to RP mine as 'sending a carriage
to fetch someone.' Likewise, I'd love if there was an ability to return people to ... IDK a set list
of places in the same manner."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

NotNaomi declares, "Okay, sounds good!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Thaos is no longer idle.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee asks, "I think there was an idea about attaching it to a messenger to begin with? like they
accept a messenger, which brings the invite which can be accepted or no"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Sparkles claims, "Ah, might have missed that idea previously."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "That's an interesting idea. I think we wanted it to be OOC instead of explicitly IC
to not just subvert messages"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "But maybe there's room to tie it to a messenger or something too"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "I can put it down as a staff discussion point though"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Sparkles queries, "Maybe it's an option in messengers and costs a bit more?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

NotNaomi states, "On that same topic, retainers don't follow you when you accept an invite."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom states, "Yeah retainers don't follow"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Sparkles says, "You have to let them step to another room and resummon."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
NotNaomi nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Eos muses, "Write a bug report?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi says, "That seems a little inconvenient"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi nods at Eos.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "They probably should accompany"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Eos says, "Wonder how hard that is to fix"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Kitty states, "I haven't had to wait when I did that, though. I was able to summon right away after
I stepped into the next room."

Sparkles claims, "Well except when they do and then a horse ends up in my living room."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom says, "Aw come on. My horse is very nice."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee states, "Sounds like it might be a little tricky, but probably doable"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "I don't know that you should be able to invite to your living room though"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee says, "And yeah, would probably be good to check that a horse isn't being summoned inside"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say I mean, you currently can invite people wherever afaik.

Phoenixdoll says, "I mean, you currently can invite people wherever afaik."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say as long as you both aren't in RP.

Phoenixdoll says, "As long as you both aren't in RP."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Deedee nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee says, "Well"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "I think there's a check that it's not to private locations"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Deedee nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "But that's probably actually private, not just privately owned"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee claims, "Right"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Lots of people have their living rooms pop up on where.

Phoenixdoll claims, "Lots of people have their living rooms pop up on where."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee states, "Bedrooms are private by default, but living rooms aren't"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee wonders who got caught that made that change happen.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
emote chokes.

Phoenixdoll chokes.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Kitty says, "I remember when the change happened. I think they were just tired of bedrooms showing
up on where."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
emote firmly believes that anything is a bedroom if your nap game is good enough.

Phoenixdoll firmly believes that anything is a bedroom if your nap game is good enough.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi claims, "I don't think that that one was a scandal, yeah. Just people being 'I can't very well
go visit random people in their bedrooms'"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Eos claims, "Checking what type of retainer is coming with you might actually be hella hard and
makes more sense IC to dismiss your pets before accepting the invitation"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Kitty says, "Whereas living rooms, if one knows where someone lives and sees that living room online
, door knocks can happen."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Viridis claims, "Theoretically nobles can barge in too, which I've never seen done."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "Well"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi queries, "Alright, well, adding that to the staff discussion list. Is there anything else
people want to discuss today?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Kitty says, "That's a bit more tricky."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom says, "Theoretically nobles are allowed to barge into anywhere in their domain"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee says, "Nobles can only do that in their own duchy"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom trails off, "So unless you're the noble OF LITHMORE then... not really kosher to do that"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee claims, "Domain*"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Kitty states, "Nobles can enter any place on land they own. None of them own Lithmore proper, I
don't think."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom states, "Yes"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt claims, "Amir kicking my wall in like the cool aid man"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
NotNaomi grins.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say nice

Phoenixdoll says, "Nice"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "IS THAT BEAUFORT I SMELL"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Deedee says to Halstrom, "I mean, a noble probably wouldn't be jailed over it even if they did, but.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi grins.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say xD

Phoenixdoll claims, "XD"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "Yes but granted there's not much a noble would be jailed over"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

NotNaomi states, "I wanted to send recommends to the king for his responses to the wedding thing :P
it was great"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say You still can, I did aha

Phoenixdoll claims, "You still can, I did aha"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee declares, "You can!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

NotNaomi declares, "Ooooh!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi grins.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Eos states, "Do it! Every recommend warms my heart."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom says, "I am sad I couldnt make the wedding"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi states, "Amir is... Amir."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom states, "What did he say I wonder"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]


[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Kitty states, "I logged it. I'd have to find it, but I logged it."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say She was unimpressed

Phoenixdoll says, "She was unimpressed"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Eos states, "There's been a lot of recommends these weeks due to the wonderful STs and the events,
made me happy"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Deedee questions, "What Would Joffery Do?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom claims, "Oh god not joffery"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Die

Phoenixdoll states, "Die"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Temi grins.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Sparkles states, "There was at least one Bard there, ask IC I'm sure they'll happily recall it for
you. Potentially with voices and pantomime."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Halstrom states, "Alright fine I'll pester theodora after the event"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi queries, "Okay, so, we might be out of topics. Want to just keep chatting about this, or
anything else, or I can send folks back to war and Lithmore?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
say Haa. I'm keen to go war.

Phoenixdoll says, "Haa. I'm keen to go war."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

PraiseTheBolt states, "I'm happy to be sent back"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]


[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

Temi declares, "Okay, have fun!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]
Deedee waves.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk]

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