Jobs System Feedback

Ideas that have been discussed, approved, and are awaiting implementation.

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:48 pm

The blackmarket system was recently updated to become "jobs" instead. This is a thread meant to organize any feedback!

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Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:56 pm

I'd like to request the option of having the Patron slot work with any valid courier profile instead of just the code name of the job placer. I don't think this should break the value of using Anonymous for blackmarket jobs, since mail aliases can be investigated. This could help people who like some degree of separation from what they're doing, like say, nobles attempting to sell off some silverware to pay rent on their mansions, or a bold Tenebrae or Sapiente, etc.

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Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:37 am

Regarding accessibility of the jobs market (i.e. where you can post and review jobs), some suggestions from the 05-30-2020 OOC chat:
  • Deedee suggested all public-flagged rooms, public squares
  • Puck suggested anywhere there is a rumormonger
  • Murrmurs suggested anywhere with public boards
  • (Wight specifically listed Crossroads, Church square, market square)

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Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:56 pm

Added to all the of the above.

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Sun Jun 14, 2020 7:58 am

Any other job system feedback, or is it going well now?

Thanks @Niamh, for the update!

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Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:01 pm

I had a brief suggestion of: Making jobs 'repeatable' or open-ended. I want to have a continuous 'I am selling this' post and it would be nice to have the ability for it to simply stay on the board until it expires, regardless of if someone purchases it.

Barring that, if that's too codedly difficult, perhaps we could make the rumors optional? If something is selling quickly and we have to slap the post up again, it might get a bit spammy with the rumors.

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Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:05 pm

Seconded on those two. It's already pretty spammy with rumors, and now that jobs are accessible in more places, unneeded I think. It also shows on login if there's new jobs.

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Mon Jun 15, 2020 3:11 pm

+1 to repeating jobs that maybe just expire after a time.

And/or the option to sell multiples at a time.

I also agree that the rumors should be optional, but I'm really appreciative that they're customizable now!

I think it would be nice if you could get alerted if there has been a reply to a job you're involved with, or maybe just a more general notification, perhaps when typing jobs list, that people are talking about it.

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Mon Jun 15, 2020 3:16 pm

Niamh wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:56 pm
Added to all the of the above.
Was this to include rumormonger rooms too?

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Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:58 am

If a job is completed, maybe the rumor attached to it could be removed or at least immediately dropped one or two ranks in strength so it's not lingering so long after it's no longer valid.

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