Request for Clarification - Familiarity Warning

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Wed Apr 03, 2019 1:04 pm

So, I'd like a bit of clarification on this particular topic mentioned on the staff meeting post:
- Should we add a familiarity warning when a player is RPing too much with
someone their alts have a relationship with already?
Approved, posted to bug board for implementation.
We have a relatively small player base that is currently supplemented and made richer by being able to play multiple characters. As of right now, we have one truly active Order member to give confessions to, three active Physicians (all in different time zones - so specific players probably only really see one Physician for the majority of the time that they are playing, whichever one it is), only a few Reeves, only a few Knights, etc. If needing to do things like... get treatment at the hospital, go to confession, talk to a Reeve, talk to a Knight, or even order something from the Merchants, there are very specific characters that people are going to have to speak to. Sometimes repeatedly, and sometimes on every single character they have. So, I guess my questions are these:

1) How much is too much?

If one of my characters goes to a large group RP and ends up in RP with someone's alt there for 3 hours (say, mass at the church, or a party with the Troubadours), and then another one of my characters has to go talk to someone about an order, or go to confession, or go do something else that is completely unrelated that happened to be at that activity my other character attended earlier in the week - is there going to be a relationship warning even if my first character didn't even really interact at the mass or party with them - they just happened to be in the same room?

2) Is there going to be a rollover? How often?

3) What kind of penalties are going to come with this relationship warning?

4) Certain types of characters (Physicians, Order, etc.) are rare, and might be the only ones to go to within a specific time zone - is one alt going to have to forego treatment or forego confession or forego specific type of RP even if a person desires to do it, to avoid this warning?

5) It is currently allowable to have two different alts in the same guild (help alt does state that multiple alts may be in a single guild). So, that means that, theoretically, they could be roleplaying with their own GLs for a significant amount of time on two different people out of necessity, since, well... they are their GLs.

I suppose none of my questions matter if it means a significant amount of time - like, a lot a lot. As RP with alts should ride in different circles, in general. But... some people are simply hard to avoid, based on their positions in game.
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Wed Apr 03, 2019 3:46 pm

I'd like to know this in detail, too. Help crossover doesn't list it explicitely, and it has caused me some confusion and frustration. Also, does it apply to enemies as well as friends?

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Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:31 pm

Yah, this is pretty much impossible to follow if you have more than one char.

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Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:33 pm

I just read it as giving a warning to be mindful of crossover, not outright preventing you from RPing with them.

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Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:36 pm

Taunya wrote:
Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:33 pm
I just read it as giving a warning to be mindful of crossover, not outright preventing you from RPing with them.
Thus my questions #1 and #3, and my comment at the end. If that is the case, then there is no worry, and the whole thread is unnecessary. But I did wish some clarifications to make sure.
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Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:55 pm

My gut reaction is that it isn't crossover to merely RP with the same character over two alts while attending events, getting treatment, purchasing that craft you really need, taking confession, etc, etc. Basically normal activities that you need to solicit people to do.

If you find yourself closely allied with the same people across your alts, or sworn enemies, it becomes a problem. Things like following someone around on your alt as a bodyguard, political manoeuvres, making a mercenary just to do stuff for them. I would avoid stuff like that.

But that's only my instinct, and a clarification from staff is needed. I'm interested in hearing the answers to these questions too.

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Wed Apr 03, 2019 10:39 pm

1) We are not intending to do this over the course of a few hours and it's highly unlikely to come up often for casual sorts of relationships. We expect it only to come up at the sort of level of relationships where you are close friends and having multiple scenes, or a romantic relationship, etc. If the setting we start with doesn't seem to be doing a good job of catching actual close relationships, we will be able to adjust.

2) We're not planning on it. Right now, it's intended as a one-time warning. We'll address it if it becomes a problem.

3) There are no penalties. This is not a new policy, and you don't violate it by gaining too much experience with the same character with multiple alts. Instead, this is designed as a helpful warning to step back and assess your relationship with someone. If it's casual on one of them, even if it's longterm, you can determine that on your own. Policy will only get involved if there is crossover between characters - one character getting deeply involved or acting on the behalf of the other character's best interests, both alts having close relationships with the same person. The only thing that changes is we know you already had a warning to reassess yourself already.

4) We don't expect casual sorts of relationships to cause this warning, and if they do, over a long period of time, then there's no policy issue. You can continue with the casual relationships and interactions after reassessing that it's not something closer and potentially problematic.

5) A simple GL interaction shouldn't trigger this, and if it does - it's just time to reassess and make sure the relationships are fine.

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Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:54 pm

Thank you for taking the time to respond.
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Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:45 am

Thanks for that thorough response, Temi.
I'd still like to see it explicitely clarified in the crossover rules! If it's not too much bother.
Also, I'd still like to know if this "two alts relating to the same PC" applies to enemies. As in, a player has Alt A and Alt B. Alt A is friends with PC, Alt B is enemies with PC. Is this policy?


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Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:01 am

Kuzco wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:45 am
Also, I'd still like to know if this "two alts relating to the same PC" applies to enemies. As in, a player has Alt A and Alt B. Alt A is friends with PC, Alt B is enemies with PC. Is this policy?
I'll let Kin handle any questions of actual policy for this case, but I'd be very cautious about it, even if it's allowed. I'm not sure we've received reports complaining about getting to know someone well on one alt, and using that info to work against them on another, but I know there's been similar issues and it's the sort of thing I would expect.

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