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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:30 am

In subject of: Queen Celeste's Coronation
Date : Sun Jun 3 13:35:28 2018
Expires : Fri Feb 26 12:35:44 2021
To : all
Citing safety concerns, the palace announces that the new Queen Celeste ab
Samael has held her coronation in a private ceremony conducted on Octobris
25th 377. Further announcements regarding her government are still expected.
The move has sparked protest among the city's elite, however, citing their
exclusion and the delay in the announcement.

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Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:30 am

In subject of: Castruccio's Arrival
Date : Mon Jun 4 12:39:15 2018
Expires : Sat Feb 27 11:39:21 2021
To : all
In the aftermath of the death of the Queen and the imprisonment and slaying
of several important Vavardi, a small Vavardi delegation arrives to the city
flying purple and gold. Lord Castruccio dul Acrisini, son of the Lord Mario
dul Acrisini, Viceroy of the Northern Colonial Territories, has arrived to
Lithmore swirling in rumours of banditry slowing him down. It's said he is
in no great mood to arrive so late, and has let it be known that anyone with
answers and information to catch him up on the situation will be rewarded.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:30 am

In subject of: Another Coronation
Date : Wed Jun 6 00:31:07 2018
Expires : Sun Feb 28 23:31:11 2021
To : all
Amidst news of the Queen's private coronation, and the declaration from
Roland ab Harmon/Beaufort of his own, there's some quiet preparations going
on in Southside for yet another coronation event, and the bounty boards are
filling up with supply requests for what sounds like to be a rather
unorthodox crowning. Where it will take place doesn't seem to be known, but
the date is said to be not long before the Baron's. (OOC: ST will be held
Saturday, June 9th after OOC chat)

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:30 am

In subject of: Official Declaration by the Lord Justiciar
Date : Thu Jun 7 21:03:00 2018
Expires : Tue Mar 2 20:03:10 2021
To : all
On a chilly afternoon, the reeves set up a small pedestal at the Crossroads
for the Lord Justicar to stand on. Watching as the people gather to hear
what he has to say, he'd lift his hands to get them to quiet down. "Citizens
of Lithmore. My initial investigation into the actions of Steven dul
Greighton has reached the point that I can release an official statement. It
is my findings that Steven abused his power as Lord Justicar in dismissing
the guards from the Tower, then arranged to kill the nobles held within.
There were no orders by the Queen to do such, so this was of his own
volition. This means that he was a traitor to the Crown."

Zolin waits a moment, to allow people to digest this. "As such, I am forced
to strip him of all honors. While he has paid the price for his actions,
those actions has caused further disruption as everyone can see today. I
also want to make it clear, I am going to make sure the Reeves step up on
their upholding the Law. These are trying times and until everything is
settled, it's important to be lawfully abiding. As I come to find further
information that can be shared, I will make sure that it is known."

With that, Zolin would step down from the pedestal, the reeves dispersing the
crowd peacefully and of course, questions people have are being sent to the
Headquarters to be answered.

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Sun Jul 15, 2018 5:33 pm

In subject of: The Grand Inquisitor Denounces Steven dul Greighton
Date : Sat Jun 9 17:46:23 2018
Expires : Thu Mar 4 16:46:23 2021
To : all
At daybreak on a chilly Novembris morning, the Grand Inquisitor Farra dul
Baildana addressed a small gathering of peoples on the steps of Saint
Aelwyn's grand Cathedral. There, in a brief speach, she condemned the
actions of the late Lord Justiciar Steven dul Greighton regarding the deaths
of Prince Blaise ab Samael, Giancarlo dul Alberici, and Orazio dul Traverse
while under the watch of the Queen's Guard in Ahalin Tower. Speaking in very
clear measures, she declared that the investigation mounted by the Holy
Inquisition found clear evidence to consider the killings as Murder, and with
them a grave Betrayal of Oath by the Vavardi Justiciar. Citing further sins
related to these actions, her Holy Honour went further to exonerate the three
dead noblemen, claiming that no evidence 'but the words of murderer' linked
them to the murder of her Majesty Caitrin ab Samael.

Notably, the Grand Inquisitor failed to link any other names to the late
Queen's death but did observe that 'the dire, borderline heretical sins of
Greighton have likely sent the truth of the murder into the void itself'.
Locally, some critics of dul Baildana question her exonneration of the
noblemen: the Holy Honour was, after all, a Countess in Vavard for nearly
fifteen years and some question that the decision was made to appease her
native Duchy and curry favor with the angered Duke dul Acris. This coupled
with rumors coming from within the Holy Order that the Grand Inquisitor is
prepared to align the Inquisition fully against the Lord Roland ab
Harmon-Beaufort should he proceed with coronating himself while Celeste ab
Samael and the recent speach denouncing the Tenebrae's accusations against
that very Baron of Asglen, highlight the dip in public trust of the Grand
Inquisitior who, despite being firmly established through support of local
Orderites, is viewed with a very lukewarm opinion across the Capitol as a

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Sun Jul 15, 2018 5:33 pm

In subject of: The Plains, Vavard, and Lithmore
Date : Sat Jun 9 19:54:42 2018
Expires : Thu Mar 4 18:54:42 2021
To : all
Throughout the Charalin camp there have been whispers of the chaos of
Lithmore: a Great Mother slain at the hands of Vavard, murder upon murder
amongst the nobles and lawmen, a pretender king trying to snatch the next
Great Mother's crown. Word has filtered back to the Plains and now foreign
traders are complaining about a drop in business. Not because the Plains has
closed itself off, but due to a significant gathering among the Charalin
clans to discuss the problems of Lithmore.

Traders have not heard or seen much from the closed meetings beyond the drum
beats and smoke signals that demark events of the meeting, but have noticed a
marked increase in violently anti-Vavardi rhetoric. Travellers and city-folk
in Lithmore may also notice an increasing number of runners from the Plains
coming and going from the Charalin encampment, bringing and sending news to
and from the Plains.

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Sun Jul 15, 2018 5:34 pm

In subject of: A Kingly Coronation (Edited by Niamh)
Date : Sun Jun 3 20:02:49 2018
Edited : Mon Jun 4 12:16:02 2018
Expires : Fri Feb 26 19:02:55 2021
To : all

Code: Select all

Word is circulating through the upper tiers of society that the Baron Asglen,
Roland ab Harmon-Beaufort, has outright condemned the secret coronation of
Celeste ab Samael, calling upon the Kingdom's nobility to discount it as invalid
and beneath the notice of the lawful citizenry. By far the strongest and most
outspoken agreement comes from Vavard and the Farin Marches, who appear to be
discounting the event as underhanded. The announcement of an official,
'above-board' coronation soon began distributing through the Kingdom's noble
houses, the Gentry, and to a lesser extent the Freeman masses, as the purposeful
answer to Celeste ab Samael's clandestine actions: Roland ab Harmon-Beaufort
will be coronated as King of Lithmore in mid-Novembris (OOC: June 16th 2018)
to an audience of any citizenry eager to see legitimacy crowned.

Caterers, tailors, jewelers and more are being vetted and offered commissions to
produce the new Harmon Crown, garments, food, and wine (OOC: Pboard Niamh if
interested in claiming one of these commissions).
(Update: The date has been pushed back a week to leave breathing room for
participants and crafters. June 16th, rather than June 9th.)

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Sun Jul 15, 2018 5:34 pm

In subject of: A Royal Wedding Foregone
Date : Wed Jun 13 23:18:52 2018
Expires : Mon Mar 8 22:19:46 2021
To : all
Shortly before Yule in Year 377, an announcement was released from Queen
Celeste ab Samael's offices: the queen will not be wedding Baron Roland of
Asglen and she denounces his claim to her throne. Rumor suggests that Roland
demanded that she relinquish her right to rule as part of his proposal, a
fact not well received amongst Celeste's advisors on the city council.

Word on the street suggests that Roland intends to continue with his planned
coronation. The Baron has long stated that the Queen's private coronation,
not witnessed by the nobles who might declare fealty to her, is invalid. The
Duke of Vavard has reportedly written of his support to the challenger, still
offended at the murder of her late husband, his half-brother.

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Sun Jul 29, 2018 6:43 am

In subject of: A Choice is Presented
Date : Sat Jun 16 01:53:56 2018
Expires : Thu Mar 11 00:53:56 2021
To : all
It was a chilly Decemrbis morning when criers originating from the southern
section of the city began to spread north, passing along word to any
noticeable freeman of a speech being held at the southside almshouse.

Those who gathered were met once more with the familiar figure of the man
claiming to be the Tenebrae, guarded by numerous cloaked men and women.

His message to those gathered was simple, when the nobility call for freeman
to take up arms against fellow freeman, that they should stand their ground
and refuse to spill innocent blood just to appease egos. This message was
accentuated by the Tenebrae spilling some of his own blood to demonstrate all
freeman are in the eyes of Nobles. Blood to be spilt.

It did not take long for this simple message to spread beyond lithmore and
into the various duchies. The responses vary, and only time will tell if
freemen will take a stand or will continue to be thrown like stones by the

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sun Jul 29, 2018 6:43 am

In subject of: Conclusion of the King's Coronation
Date : Sat Jun 16 23:37:48 2018
Edited : Sat Jun 16 23:38:29 2018
Expires : Thu Mar 11 22:38:01 2021
To : all
On the 21st of Decembris, as tense Yule festivities came to a close, Roland
ab Harmon-Beaufort was crowned by an ordained priest of Asglen as the King of
of Lithmore. Supported by a number of the Brenland nobility and nobles from
the broader Duchies, a celebration began in Harmon Tower east of the city's
walls, which had been renovated by the riches of the Baronial Lion's

Just after the coronation, a contingent of Knights Lithmorran, led by the
Earl Marshall Vlora von Vashaak, escorted Grand Inquisitor Farra dul Baildana
into the hallway. Reports suggested a mass of chevaliers gathered from
across the Kingdom had barred entrance to them both, and were bloodily cut
down by the Earl Marshall and her assistants. Within the Great Hall of the
Tower, the Grand Inquisitor viciously denounced the gathering, accusing the
King of sins that were perceived as dubious. Finding themselves unable to
enforce their will against so many, the tension ended when the Harmon King
called upon his people to stand down, remarking that all men answer to the
Holy Order-- even when its officials are misled.

Reports quickly come that the Knights Lithmorran eschewed attempting to
escort the King of Lithmore to Ahalin, instead taking the willing monarch to
the Keep north of the City.

What comes next only time will tell.

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