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Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:01 am

In subject of: The Lady Earl Marshall lends her support
Date : Sun Oct 1 13:57:54 2017
Expires : Fri Jun 26 13:57:54 2020
To : all
A Trivial Influence Event

The Lady Earl Marshall Arielle le Kekoa has publically given her support to
the lord knight Sauvaige dul Betencourt. She has stated that she believes he
will be a strong leader due to his noble birthright and his understanding of
duty and what's best for people. She believes with the current climate that
an orderite will prove the best choice of city leader as they truly
understand the importance of faith and duty to the city.

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Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:01 am

In subject of: A Day of Celebration in the Tubori Quarter
Date : Mon Oct 2 11:13:32 2017
Expires : Sat Jun 27 11:13:32 2020
To : all
The day after the Spring Awakening gala and auction, onlookers began to
notice as workers poured into the Tubori quarter, pushing large wooden carts
laden with myriad supplies. Food and drink, carried in by Captain Lenore le
Mora and her crew, was also distributed at the docks, and anyone who couldn't
attend the gala was invited to celebrate in the streets.

Runners announced the auction winners by name, including the Lady Marisa dul
Damassande, Grand Master Feye ab Gravespeare, and old Rothgar Astartes, High
Inquisitor, probably to his chagrin. According to first-hand accounts, the
Orderite was the proud winner of the evening's most hotly-contested item: a
large rug made from exotic zebra hide.

Merchants who contributed auction items were also noted by name and with
gratitude, including Magnate Evani le Tavari, Mistress Riette Achan, Penitent
Vlora von Vashaak, and Apprentice Tailor Namaka Uhane, among others (some of
whom chose to remain anonymous).

As the day of merriment wore on, people began to talk fondly of the Grand
Inquisitor's singing voice, and about her message of hope and optimism for
the future, quoting some of the words she said during her benediction at the
gala and spreading the word.

The day ended with citizens in high spirits, eagerly making plans for the
donated money and materials.

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Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:01 am

In subject of: Justiciar's Support for Madison Hospital
Date : Mon Oct 2 12:36:08 2017
Expires : Sat Jun 27 12:36:34 2020
To : all
*A declaration from the office of the Justiciar has been posted at Church Square
and the board for announcements outside the Cityguard Headquarters:*

<0>=======================< Official Reeve Document >=======================<0>

Protection for the Madison Hospital and Guild of Physicians

Criminal offenses committed on the grounds of the Madison Hospital in Lithmore city or within areas actively in use by the Guild of Physicians for purposes of healing, treatment, surgery, or field medicine, shall be raised in severity for sentencing by the Reeves, negating the leeway of fines for first time offenders.

Any incident of criminal behavior in the aforementioned locations to the detriment of medics, doctors, or other respectable members of the Physicians Guild, shall be penalized to most severe extent in accordance with existing policies.

*Signed and Stamped*
Justiciar Steven dul Greighton


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Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:02 am

In subject of: A group of citizens speak up!
Date : Mon Oct 2 12:47:48 2017
Expires : Sat Jun 27 12:47:48 2020
To : all
A Modest Influence Event

A group of Citizens speak out in support of Count Sauvaige dul Betencourt!
One such citizen of the loud persuasion jumps up on one of the tables in the

"You know what we need? Someone who knows what they're doing. Of course,
pick the man with experience running a complicated realm. Who knows how to
please, and support a population and its myriad of problems? I mean, he IS a
noble. His duties are the protection and support of those citizens which
live in his influence, he has a duty to them. I've heard he fills it well,
after the minor civil war instigated by his brother... Well, he mopped it up
quite quickly and you would hardly ever notice it was a bloody war. Now
we're lucky to have him in Lithmore for an indefinite duration. After all,
it IS a nobles station to lead. A LORD given station! Right?! Or am I just

"This le Serre, I mean. She runs her company alright, I suppose. But having
lives depending on you, and the fate of a whole city is QUITE different from
rubbing together a few gold pieces and throwing silks around on ships. Yeah?
Once she gets bored or fills whatever hidden objective she is shooting for...
Well, we'll all be up Arien creek."

The loud man is soon given quite a sour look by Lysander, who happens to be
holding a very large stick. The man quickly jumps down, and returns to his

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Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:02 am

In subject of: Trouble in Eastgale, cont.
Date : Mon Oct 2 20:42:09 2017
Expires : Sat Jun 27 20:42:16 2020
To : all
For the last several weeks, Eastgale has been busily marshalling their levy
of soldiers in the fortress town of Oraphim and the baronial seat of
Beornsmouth. It is in the latter where they were joined by Crown soldiers,
and operations were begun in earnest under the direct command of Eastgale's
baroness and Lithmore's Secretary of Defense, Margaux ab Aguarossa. Initial
movements were based around rooting out those loyal to the claims of Norbert
ab Brandis and taking them under arms. Unfortunately, ab Brandis had
gathered a large band, his forces heavily bolstered by mercenaries- and they
began waylaying the Crown and Eastgale soldiers as well as raiding the
smaller villages for coin and supplies.

After a few rounds of cat-and-mouse, ab Brandis and the bulk of his rebel
troops were cornered with their back to the northern swamplands, where they
opted to make a stand against a third of the combined soldiers beneath the
Baroness. Battle was met, with the right flank of the rebels quickly
collapsing as their demoralised men fled into the swamps, although the rest
of their line put up more of a fight. Regardless, the Eastgalians prevailed,
taking the remaining rebels prisoner. Ab Brandis was nowhere to be seen,
with rumor stating he had fled into the swamps, amongst the first to turn

"We will continue to fight for Eastgale and for the Crown, for the ideals of
loyalty and fealty," the Baroness is said to have uttered after the clash,
"Let an example be made of the cost for traitorous behaviour." Within a day,
rebel soldiers were hung and impaled along the roads leading out of Eastgale,
the example duly made.

The levied soldiers remain mustered, and are said to be continuing to scour
the swamplands. Meanwhile, the Baroness is retiring back to Beornsmouth to
recover from the wounds of battle.

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Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:02 am

In subject of: Support Rising for le Serre
Date : Mon Oct 2 23:19:51 2017
Expires : Sat Jun 27 23:19:51 2020
To : all
A Modest Influence Event

Vitriolic attitudes in the city seem to have given rise to a bloc of
residents displeased with the attitudes of those around them surrounding
Vicannia le Serre. Some say that while so many voices have spoken ill about
her, she hasn't seemed to have barely raised a word against them or returned
the bad behavior by slandering her opponent.

"Are these truly the actions of a terrible woman?" One man was heard asking
at the Queens.

Actions speak louder than words as to the character of those involved, or so
these men have said.

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Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:02 am

In subject of: Seneschal Debate Scheduled
Date : Tue Oct 3 13:47:27 2017
Expires : Sun Jun 28 13:47:32 2020
To : all
A date has finally been chosen for the debate between Count Sauvaige dul
Betencourt, and Miss Vicannia le Serre, both contenders for the recently
vacant office of Seneschal. What has turned into a heated campaign will no
doubt turn into a heated debate between the two.
Town criers relay the announcement to the people, "Hear ye' people of
Lithmore! The debate is set! Grab yer' seats while they're open. A battle
of titans is set, and all are invited to join into the debate regardless of
class or standin'. They ask ye' prepare but one question each to ask the
"It will be held in the Town Hall within the next few days, so keep an ear
out for the messengers and criers. The Grand Inquisitor will act as the
mediator. Any hecklers will be swiftly ejected. You've been warned!"

OOC - Date will be the 6th, 6pm server time. So an hour before when the OOC
meeting usually is on the Saturday.

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Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:02 am

In subject of: Overhead exchange between hillmen
Date : Tue Oct 3 13:48:39 2017
Expires : Sun Jun 28 13:48:39 2020
To : all
A Trivial Influence Event

Late night at Queen's inn there was some heated exchange going on between
some, quite drunk, hillmen apparently discussing the election of Seneschal
among other things. While it was going back and forth, mostly trying to
understand what is this all about, some notable words were spoken by a
hillman known as Bofaha.

"I dun care that much about all this mess ye?" he spoke in relatively clear
voice, despite amount of drink consumed "But will tell you that this Sauv...
Something fella was always fair to me, and even paid for my drinks when was
low on silver.". He demonstratively raised a mug of ale "And that other one,
Vicannia or something, last I ran into her, well, she shouted at me for not
remembering her name. Because apparently am to remember some ran by once
some year ago ye?".

This was followed by some grumbling and nodding, apparently agreeing with his
assessment of potential candidates and sharing similar experiences. Whether
the apparent popularity among hillmen will be good or bad for Count Sauvaige
is yet to be seen.

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Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:02 am

In subject of: Aguarossa addresses Eastgale's Court
Date : Tue Oct 3 18:08:26 2017
Expires : Sun Jun 28 18:08:26 2020
To : all
A Consequential Influence Event

Addressing a modest court of local functionaries and Royal Chevaliers, from
Highgate Hall in Eastgale's capital, the Baroness spoke candidly of her
potential successors as Lithmore's Seneschal. Seated upon the Eastwatch
Chair and clearly in some pain and discomfort from recent injuries, she spoke
somberly, "My good fellows and gentlewomen, I have been bade to speak on the
matter of Lithmore's next Seneschal. Ultimately, it will be Her Royal
Majesty that makes a decision- however, I know her to be a wise ruler that
weighs the good council given to her by her court and her officers, as well
as being a good judge of the will and best interests of her people."

"I will not see Her Majesty again before this matter is decided, but my
thoughts have been shared with her in writing, and I will be pleased to share
them with you all as well- Eastgale borders the royal demense of Lithmore and
we are now and forever intertwined with holy Lithmore's welfare. During my
time as Seneschal, I had ample opportunity to get to know the various men and
women that sat upon the Council, not on a personal level, but certainly on
their approach to Council activities and interest in civic duty. Every time
that I sent out a letter asking for opinions or to share recent council
activities, there was one person that was swift to offer their thoughts and
support: that person is Vicannia le Serre. She was always a vocal member of
our Council meetings, engaged and eager to find solutions. I can't speak to
the gossip about her past, but I can say that I've personally seen no
evidence to support it. In the last two years, she has proven herself to be
a strong emissary for her guild and to have a genuine, passionate interest in
bettering Lithmore that goes beyond merely voicing it- she makes clear
efforts to put words into action."

"Lord dul Betencourt, on the other hand, never expressed an interest in
governance or in the citizenry of our blessed Lithmore through either letter
or deed. However, my strongest recollection was when I was, myself,
nominating for Seneschal- he pledged to give his support in exchange for
funding a very expensive tournament from the city coffers. I saw- and see-
the role of the Council not as a vehicle for pageantry, but as a tool for the
orderly governance of Lithmore, with that money earmarked for the funding of
jobs, education, our Reeves and our hospital. Naturally, I refused the
request- but the experience stuck with me, and I must question both his
judgement as well as his ambitions for the Seneschal's chair. What has
changed to make his interest wax so suddenly, when none was on show

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Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:02 am

In subject of: Freeman Continue to Rally Behind Le Serre
Date : Tue Oct 3 13:48:51 2017
Edited : Tue Oct 3 18:33:00 2017
Expires : Sun Jun 28 13:48:51 2020
To : all
A Modest Influence Event

As winter winds down and blessed hints of warmth begin to thaw the local
citizens, chatter continues around the smear campaign that has allegedly been
directed at Le Serre and her bid for Seneschal. In spite of the despicable
tactics some accuse the opposition of sinking to, it seems difficult to deny
that Le Serre has support amongst the baseborn, as more and more appear to be
speaking of their approval for her.

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