Hidden in Plain Sight


I swear, I never actually expected the Order to put the pieces together. For the longest time I had been leaving subtle hints as to my identity in my dealings with the Order, hoping that maybe they would be smart enough to put them together. Afterall it’s incredibly boring when you do your best to cause havoc, but noone comes after you. It took them five years to finally put the pieces together. And now the real fun begins.

I quite like this Grand Inquisitor. She is clever, but also not quick to jump the gun. She mildly plays along with my antics, even as I mock her while revealing key information. Not many are this fun to toy with. Though as I tell her, her knights are incredibly disappointing. They’ve made no effort to find me, or at least evident effort. But to be fair to them I am quite good at hiding and blending in. Hopefully she takes my words to heart instead of just the mocking of some mage.

On the topic of mocking, I can’t stand this magnate at all. Every other topic it’s either about how adorable he is, or how brave he is for facing the trials of this position at a young age. If I wanted to only hear of cuteness I would spend my days in the orphanage. But prior it was tolerable, but now after hearing about how he supposedly killed a ‘shadow’ demon with one shot to the head… Now he’s on my list. I know when a mage is putting on an act, and that little stunt of heroism screams act. I’ve never heard of a demon who only takes one shot to kill, even lesser ones aren’t that weak. This sounds like a mage in shadow form, afterall skilled void mages can manipulate the shape of their shadow form. My belief is the Magnate paid off a mage to act as a ‘Demon’ for publicity, and to gain favor with a certain noble. And if there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s mages using their abilities for publicity.

I’ve always liked to consider myself a defender of mage ideals. This includes assisting in the takedown of mages who put other mages at risk, or those who manipulate their abilities for the interest of mundanes, essentially betraying magekind. Afterall look at Hotae, he was a reckless mage who put many other mages at risk with his rashness. Though it’s a bit sad that he dragged down Sterling with him. Not many water mages exist in this city, and we lost yet another.

Well I’ll leave this here for now. Afterall I’ve got an apprentice to train. Since I have the whole city after me, I might as well make sure my secrets and knowledge don’t burn with me.

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