A New Friend


Dearest Brother,

I do not know if you shall ever actually receive this letter, but I like to believe you might one day.

I met a fine young man today. One close to my age surprisingly, take two years though. That’s not to say I haven’t found other men my age, but most of them are brutish, idiotic or focused on one thing and one thing only. This one was different. He seemed to have a good head on his shoulders and I enjoyed having such a thoughtful conversation with him, which is so hard to come by these days.

Though while smart and respectful, he was so easily flustered. I mean I could smile at him and he turned a brighter shade of red than I thought possible. I miss being that innocent that having a conversation with someone of the opposite sex would turn me into this shy little thing. It’s funny really, I kept thinking about how he would react if I were to throw him into the Peacock. Those girls would eat him alive just because of how adorable he was. Even I couldn’t help but tease him a bit.

I’m sorry brother I ramble. You likely have no interest in this but it’s just been so long since I truly enjoyed such interaction with another my age. I honestly felt giddy and somewhat… normal.

Well I shant make you endure this any longer brother. I hope you are doing well, wherever and whenever this letter may find you.


Sea Squirt.

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