Log of OOC Meeting 2021-07-10

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:56 pm

Sun Jul 11, 2021 12:12 am

Kinaed claims, "A reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Regardless of what we discuss, we understand and truly believe that everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Kinaed claims, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon."

Deedee states, "I've got a thing"

OwO raises her hand.

Kinaed says to Deedee, "Got you"

Kinaed says to OwO, "Got you"

Kinaed queries, "Anyone else? :)"

Deedee states, "Eeee"

Anonymous says, "Omg tasker"

OwO says, "I have two actually"

Anonymous claims, "You've corrupted the penguin"

Kinaed claims to OwO, "Got you 2x then."

Deedee states, "The Penguin was already corrupt."

Kinaed says, "Okay, kicking off Staff Updates - I dug through OOC Chat stuff last week and added a few things to the OOC Board. Pretty sure I handled at least one policy case this week. Lots of small stuff."

Helene muses, "Mage penguin?"

Kinaed queries to Temi, "You want to go next?"

Temi claims, "Sure"

Kinaed has transferred Wimpled. [OOC]

Temi gives a beribboned, little carriage of chocolate and sugar icings to Wimpled.

Temi says, "I was gone last weekend and so didn't get too much done. Some of the normal plots and requests stuff."

Kinaed smiles.

Eos has returned from AFK.

Temi finishes abruptly, "New crafts this week are from the requests in the meeting last week - two new recipes for confections"

Deedee questions, "How was camping?"

Kinaed pontificates, "I hope you enjoyed your vacation though! :)"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "Camping was very nice! Good seeing everyone and disconnecting."

Sarathi sits down and rests.

Temi states, "No additional progress on skill quests though."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed claims, "Thanks, Temi :0"

Kinaed wonders to Eos, "You ready? :)"

Eos says, "I helped Salem with her code and did player requests. Also did some things for the Sanctum. Upcoming will be app-in packages to enable apped in characters to jump into their role smoothly."

Kinaed states to Eos, "Thanks :)"

Deedee queries, "App-in packages only for sanctum, or will other guilds get things like that?"

Tasker questions, "A robe and wizards hat?"

Eos claims, "All guilds"

Deedee states, "Oh man"

Kinaed nods at Eos.

Kinaed questions, "That's it for Staff Updates today. :) Next on the agenda - Player Heartbeat. How was the game for you this week?"

Murrcognito questions, "Will there be app-in packages for other challenging guilds?"

Kitty thinks a wizard's hat should be sombrero-like...

Kinaed nods at Murrcognito.

Deedee declaims, "Busy!"

Tasker states, "Good! Had some great scenes, also got to see the awesome put together wedding yesterday."

Temi claims, "It's a general project of Eos' not specific to Sanctum at all"

Temi grins.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kitty states, "The game was nice. Thank you to all who attended the wedding story. <3"

Kinaed says to Kitty, "Thanks for getting married and giving everyone something fun to do :)"

Deedee states, "Kitty should get married more often. I missed it this time. :("

Kinaed comforts Deedee.

Kinaed states, "I heard it was good :)"

Tasker says, "You'll have to off the husband"

Kitty claims, "Haha. Well, I can't claim all of the credit for getting married."

Deedee says, "That's not hard."

Tasker says, "Uh oh"

Kinaed grins.

Kitty pontificates to Deedee, "Aww, sorry you missed it!"

Kinaed questions, "Anyone else have anything to say about how their week went? Anything shitting anyone (that isn't already a topic) that we want to discuss?"

Anonymous claims to Deedee, "Better watch out for the bride and groom's giant friend with a sword then"

Deedee claims, "I have one thing a-shitting"

Kinaed questions to Deedee, "Sure, what's on your mind?"

Deedee states, "Prensently there's a bug that exposes user account names to anyone shared to a plot if anything is contributed. the workaround on the announce board doesn't work after the plot is closed."

Temi states, "Salem has been investigating, but I'm not sure the state of it"

Kinaed wonders, "Do we have that bug noted somewhere?"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kitty muses, "Account names, not character names?"

Temi nods.

Deedee claims, "Account names, yes"

Kinaed says, "Okay, taking that down. Sounds pretty bad."

Eos says, "Salem has been working on fixing it but it's a troublesome fix. "

Kinaed states to Deedee, "Thanks for drawing my attention to it."

Kinaed nods at Eos.

Deedee nods.

Kitty claims, "Huh. I don't think anyone actually knows my account name but me. And staff if they look, I guess. Hah."

Eos says, "Very sorry about that. It seems to be a loading/saving issue which makes it hard to solve."

Kinaed claims, "It's still something we definitely don't want to be leaking."

Kinaed nods at Eos.

Kitty nods.

Kinaed says, "Thanks, DeeDee"

Deedee nods.

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, kicking off Player Topics..."

Kinaed states to Deedee, "You're up first :)"

Deedee states, "I'm not sure if it's a bug or a change in design, but people no longer receive the unconscious affect when transported to the Madison. They can get up and walk away, which seems counterintuitive to their needing to be transported there. I'd like it returned to how it used to be, with not being able to wake from unconsciousness until the effect wears off, or until smelling salts are used. However, I would like a new autolist option added to choose which clinic to be transported to. Current options could be Madison, Ocarian (southside), Bastion (Farin Quarter), and Highwalk (Tubori quarter), or to opt out of being transported altogether."

Temi says, "I don't think people should get a choice in where they go."

Sparkles asks, "Are people going to be aware that chosing some of the Quarter options can be problematic during metrics?"

Temi claims, "The idea is they are unconscious."

Kinaed states, "I don't think there's been any change. As I understand it, unconscious is on a timer... and they can eventually get up and leave one way or another."

Deedee states to Kinaed, "That's how it's supposed to work, yes"

Temi claims, "I don't think there was an intentional change on unconscious though"

OwO claims, "In my experience you can leave immediately"

Tasker claims, "I do think people should get a choice if they do want to be transported at all, as there has been some incidents of people being transported when they're in a compromising position or just... it makes no sense for someone to have found them, so there is some disconnect there."

Deedee nods.

Rey is idle.

OwO states, "Youre awake when youre in "

Deedee states, "Yeah, they're not being knocked out anymore"

Rey is no longer idle.
Rey has returned from AFK.

Gretchman nods at Tasker.

Kinaed muses, "Why aren't they being knocked out?"

Deedee claims, "So people get dragged into the Madison and often run away immediately"

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kitty claims, "Not everything knocks them out. Drowning, they show up awake. I think it depends on the type of injury as to whether they will be unconscious."

Sparkles wonders, "Is the concern people aren't staying for RP?"

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Kinaed has transferred Traven. [OOC]

Temi gives a beribboned, little carriage of chocolate and sugar icings to Traven.

Deedee claims, "Only partially"

Sparkles muses, "What else would be a concern besides RP?"

Kinaed states, "We probably had some people hit with a different type of death because I'm unaware of any code changes recently that would affect something like this. So we'll probably need to isolate where this is happening. It seems like drowning is a place to start."

Gretchman states, "The idea that somebody 'should' stay for RP when wounded ICly by any npc or non-player circumstance is a bit rough around the edges... but I dunno."

Kitty claims, "I might have a differing opinion from others here, BUT. If you are knocked out, you should not have a choice of, 'Well, I don't wanna go.' You are knocked out. However, I think some places should be flagged to not transport."

Kinaed opens her listening ears, also curious about what else is a factor.

Deedee says, "Drowning has always kept them awake, yeah. But now they always seemt to be awake"

Kitty claims, "Sewers, outside of the gates but not on a road, etc."

Temi states, "Unless it was something that got broke in refactoring"

Kinaed claims, "Could be."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Anonymous states, "Outside the gates but not on a road seems iffy. LOTS Of aggressive animals arent on the roads"

Kinaed claims, "I think if you 'die' to an NPC, you're supposed to transport, unconscious, in the Madison"

OwO says, "No this was broken a year ago"

Sparkles says, "Drowning is kind of a whole related but seperate thing because that also causes no wounds. So there's nothing to stay and be treated for."

Deedee nods.

Kinaed says, "It seems to me like we have some inconsistency here."

Deedee claims, "It's been broken for a while, yes"

Kitty says, "Right. That is true. But, less likely to be found."

Kinaed questions, "We can track that bit down. But! What's the other reason beyond people not staying for RP that's a concern?"

Deedee says, "It removes a lot of risk"

Kinaed questions, "Please elaborate? Example maybe?"

Kitty states, "Mage cloaked, magic wounds. However, not impossible still. Lying IC is totally legit."

Deedee states, "For example, if it was a mage engaged in risky behavior, they can avoid consequences currently"

Kinaed thinks about this.

Kitty states, ""A MAGE ATTACKED ME!" Totally believable."

Deedee exclaims, "This glowing orb totally isn't mine!"

Wimpled states, "Fixes should keep in mind that physicians may not be on to treat. Even with more members in the guild, I've been injured when no one was around. So folks should have some way of getting up eventually. "

Tasker claims, "I'd say the consequences were them getting shown their own insides. It's just a weird disconnect that if you're somewhere spooky and get donked on, you suddenly transport to the Madison where reasonably nobody would be able to find you."

Kinaed claims, "I don't know if I want to make the game even more dangerous for people on that level. I'm not sure I see the value to players on the whole."

Deedee says, "I believe the unconcious timer lasts for either 15 or 30 minutes. (or is supposed to)"

Kinaed says, "I do think that if you're unconscious, you have no say."

Gretchman claims, "I find it incredibly odd that the only loss of risk here would likely be due to OOC fuckups / getting molested by an NPC."

Kinaed states, "And I think it's a shame to reduce Physician RP by running off when you wake up in the hospital."

Kitty claims to Tasker, "That is why I mentioned that certain places should be flagged not to transport. Maybe if they are non-patrolled, they should also not transport from there."

Wimpled states, "30 minutes is a long time just waiting for no one to show up. "

Gretchman claims, "That's not a thing that should really be... promoted. It's not really rp promoting either."

Kinaed nods at Gretchman.

Sparkles asks, "I also think that the consequence could be ... transports to the Madison ping the Physicians channel, don't they?"

Temi says, "Or private flag maybe. But if a newbie gets hurt somewhere out of the way, I'd like it to rescue them"

Deedee claims, "They do"

Sparkles says, "So it could still be reported and start a line of RP."

Kitty claims, "I don't understand how running into aggressive NPCs is being referred to as OOC mess ups."

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Deedee states, "The pings aren't very useful in many cases"

Deedee nods in agreement.

Kinaed claims, "Well, I can see it being from OOC awkwardness with the game as a new player."

Souless states, "There has to be some way to unmarry physicians from just wound recovery RP."

Kinaed nods at Souless.

Souless states, "This honestly seems like a problem."

Anonymous claims, "Honestly if someone gets dumpe din the hospital and they have the unremarkable spell on, I just fade them into the background of OTHER GUYS in the triage and ignore them unless they draw attention intentionally"

Deedee claims, "There are other ways to be treated"

Kinaed says, "I agree, I think it's a shame if that's all Physicians have or are."

Rey says OOCly, "If there is time I would like to add a topic."

Kinaed says to Rey, "Adding you."

Rey claims, "Thanks"

Kitty claims, "Still. According to the helpfiles, you cannot claim you aren't somewhere because you don't want to OOCly be there. If you are there, you are there ICly."

Souless states, "Wound recovery shouldn't prevent RP, but foster it."

Kinaed says, "At 10:24 with 4 topics in the queue, I think we'll have to mvoe on from this one - but I'll add it to Staff Talking Points for further discussion."

Souless claims, "We need more... Performance enhancing things. Talking to Physicians for dietary advice."

Deedee says, "I think an autolist feature to decide *in advance* whether you're transported in case of being knocked nearly dead or not would be fair"

Deedee says, "Okay"

Kinaed claims to Souless, "That's the ideal, but it's hard to do. Like having hunger code support RP, but still be realistic - there's often a balance between game mechanics and RP."

Wimpled states, "Physicians have in the past done appointments for diet/humors/things. It's all what people want to do, but that does not increase the physician skills."

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Deedee nods.

Kinaed questions to Deedee, "Maybe pboard me with an example?"

Souless states, "Maybe hunger code should just affect the rate of recovery for MV."

Kinaed says, "Okay, next topic :)"

Kinaed says to OwO, "You're up :)"

Deedee claims, "Sure. can also add risk to now being transported maybe."

Souless claims, "I'll write up a thing for this. "

OwO claims, "I think the rule that mage players cant have orderite alts and vice versa does the game more harm than good. Both roles are important and the Order is pretty empty which affects the whole game negatively. "

Kitty says, "All of that is driven by players, and shouldn't be driven by code. People should go in for that stuff, but they have to want to. Code shouldn't force it."

Anonymous trails off, "This is your reminder that since Physicians tend to have high herbalism, they also tend to know how to make all sorts of substances..."

Rey claims, "Oooh! i like the idea of going to have an appointment at the Madison for routine checkup."

Kinaed questions to OwO, "Please introduce us to your topic?"

Kinaed declares, "Oops, sorry!"

Souless says, "That did lol."

Souless claims, "Yeah, I mean."

Deedee claims, "Oh, totally missed that was his topic"

Souless claims, "If dual guilding was up and running, I could see it. But I also get the idea of espionage being a concern."

Temi claims, "That restriction was put in due to strong concerns from players, I believe."

Deedee states, "Nod"

Tasker nods to OwO, "I never saw it being a problem people having mage alts and order characters. I can't recall a specific incident where it was ever actually a problem or any legitimate policy raised from it. I believe the decision was made on the fear something could happen policy wise, than anything actually occurring.

Kinaed states, "Okay, so the thing stated is that - right now, due to popular demand and players not trusting one another OOCly, mages are barred from having Order alts, and vice versa."

Kinaed nods at Tasker.

Gretchman says, "I kinda agree, but it's an iffy thing... and it'd be incredibly hard to avoid alt abuse, since if one has a mage character, they'd probably be playing with other mahes, and thus... if they were playing a knight, would have unfair info on those mages."

Kitty states, "I said that a long time ago. But, the overall feel of the playerbase was to not allow it. They didn't trust it."

Anonymous says, "I'm honestly in agreement with disallowing people with mage alts to have order characters, and visa versa."

Kinaed claims to Tasker, "It was done because of heavy criticism that staff allowed players to play characters on both sides at the same time."

Anonymous claims, "I feel that the temptation to metagame is too strong"

Kinaed states, "It seemed the pbase on the whole did not want it."

Tasker states, "At the time I believe I was the only player to have a character in the mages and knights, so it did feel a little targeted."

Deedee claims, "It was also awkward when you go to report something a mage did to their orderite alt."

Temi states, "I'm not opposed to it, if people aren't involved in crossovery issues. But we went with the playerbase wishes as a whole."

Temi nods.

Kitty states, "I did it - I had one of each. But purposely played ONLY a priestess, and refused inquisitorial rings. So, never was ICly told mage stuff."

OwO states, "I mean times have changed and the pbase has changed. And we may at least try it out and if it's an issue we can revert"

Kinaed says to Tasker, "You were not the only one, but you were the only obviously known one."

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Souless states, "I'm iffy on it, honestly."

Gretchman states, "Same."

Souless claims, "I can see both sides of the coin."

Souless states, "But also like... Trusting our pbase is important."

Kitty says, "When the change was made, Tasker and I were the only two with both. At that specific time."

Tasker states, "It can be difficult to avoid crossover, but not impossible. Just keep cnotes updated, avoid any streams with your other characters and you're golden."

Kinaed states, "Perhaps we should poll players on the forums to see what we get? But I agree with OwO that it's harming Order numbers."

Gretchman muses, "Alt question, if it was revoked, would the incompatibility between sanctum alts and knight alts stay the same?"

Temi nods.

Temi states, "It was based on player opinion, we could see if that's changed."

Souless claims, "Maybe a policy written up to address those concerns."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kitty says, "It absolutely hurts Order numbers."

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Temi states, "We have historically left guild conflicts separate from just mage status"

Deedee claims, "I don't know how much it's really affecting order numbers"

Souless says, "I'm definitely in favor of policy restrictions here, instead of code restrictions."

Tasker says, "It just eggs me because there was no actual policy incident, it was just fear and mistrust. It didn't make me feel very good about the game, and the culture. At the time. "

Kinaed nods at Tasker.

Temi says, "Involvement in an organized group is definitely a different thing to avoid than just being opposed to your alt"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Tasker says, "If you can't trust your fellow players then that's a bigger problem than people having alts."

Kinaed claims, "For this one, let's start with a poll on the forums to see what the pbase's stance on the whole is for the moment."

Civetta is idle.

Rey states, "I think the issue is with the Order in general retaining. Most people leave after playing for a week or two in most cases. So I feel the issue might be within the Order itself."

Kitty says, "I agree. I was bugged. And my forum posts said as much "
Kinaed nods at Tasker.

They aren't here.

Deedee nods to Rey.

Kinaed claims, "I think the best RP is when players like and trust one another OOCly, and get into it ICly. It means more respectful play in the IC arena, higher context stories, etc."

Kinaed states, "But it can be hard for people to remain the best of friends OOCly when IC hits the fan."

Souless agrees.

Sparkles says, "Arguably the nature of theme of the intrigue parts of the game make trusting other people difficult."

Souless states, "I've definitely had issues in the past with OOC friendships bumped up because of IC concerns."

Kinaed says, "Anyway, forum post for this one... and I'll move tot he next topic, then swing back to OwO after a few other people on the list."

Kitty states, "I was GL of the order for a year and a half or more. People not staying is legit. It is a heavy role because it is, essentially, responsible for upholding lore, etc. But has no real benefits. No guildskills, etc. Purely dependent on social RP."

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Kinaed states to Kitty, "And people treat you like a function more than actually RP with your characters too. It's a hard one."

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, let's move onto ..."

Kinaed states to Murrcognito, "You're next :) Please introduce us."

Kitty states, "People never seek them out for anything but their job, yes."

Souless states, "Same thing with physicians and troubadours, though, I'm sure."

Kinaed claims to Souless, "Not in my experience."

Kinaed says to Souless, "Maybe though. I've played a Troub, never a Physician"

Wimpled claims, "I've led Order and Physicians... whole different kettle of fish. "

Kitty states, "So, they are essentially, functional NPCs that respond. At least, that is how they are treated."

Kinaed nods at Wimpled.

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Kitty claims, "And Physicians and Troubs at least have guildskills. Something functional."

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Deedee nods.

Deedee says, "Order used to have blessings and such"

Kitty claims, "I have also lead both. Yeah, no comparison."

Kinaed says to Deedee, "Not familiar with that."

Gretchman muses, "They did? Really...?"

Souless claims, "And sermons."

Kitty claims to Deedee, "Taint code was removed a long, long time ago."

Deedee says, "And sermons, yeah."

Rey says, "Troub have guildskills that aren't actually have coded use for most people. "

Kinaed says, "No, it's not removed."

Kinaed claims, "Taint code exists."

Tasker gasps

Tasker states, "I need to make a call."

Anonymous states, "Omg"

Kitty says, "According to the helpfile, it is disabled."
Kinaed questions to Murrcognito, "Are you there?"

Souless claims, "Sorry, the line for Ghost Busters is busy."

Murrcognito declaims, "Oh yes!"

Murrcognito says, "I didn't see my name through the chat my bad"

Are folks open to reconsidering how low race relations are presently implemented? As matters stand, culture Xblocks constrain the play space in a way which I feel isn't condusive to storytelling nor to general play. I feel that the vision of players needing to find someone from a region in order to enter a space when relations doesn't pan out in the played game.

The constrained play space results in very samey spaces being used as public RP locations---okay, pointing to specific spaces is a stretch to make. However---there are many beautiful spaces in the quarters which see essentially zero play because they spend most of the time Xblocked off. They simply are not discovered, and when someone does show up on RP there the players seeking to join that play must either circumvent the Xblock via discovered means or simply have the means to hire a carriage to bypass. [Murrcognito]

I would argue that the fantasy could be better met with solutions that don't involve truncating available grid playspace; during low race relations shops in those quarters could refuse to sell to characters from the wrong culture; mobs could heckle players who come through who are from the wrong culture; players could risk being dirtied by having shit thrown at them. These are neat themely ways of indicating to a player that their character 'is not welcome' somewhere... Without removing those spaces from play.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk! [Murrcognito]

Souless states, "How. Dar."

Kinaed says, "That's not what I see when I type 'help taint'."

Deedee states, "Anyway, the balance didn't work for the Order guild skills at the time, but maybe something along those lines can be re-thought"

Deedee claims, "Oh that's a big one *scrolls*"

OwO states, "I like this"

Anonymous claims, "There are several ways past xblocks, tbh"

Souless whispers. "That's what she said."

OwO states, "I like your ideas"

Rey says, "Actually, you can always go to the bards."

Deedee claims, "I think I have suggested that instead of blocking it like it does now, having thugs might be better. adding some risk, but not entirely blocking off the quarters"

Tasker questions, "Maybe having to just bribe them to get past?"

Kinaed questions, "I'm not sure the value of having race relations as a metric if it does nothing, and the fact that it's constrained is a good thing. People can get around xblocks fairly easily, and further to that, if they want,t hey can just raise race relations, so...?"

Tasker states, "Here is 30 silver not to kick my teeth in"

Deedee nods.

Deedee claims, "Could work like the um"

Souless says, "Yeah, definitely. I like that a lot."

Deedee claims, "Jade arrow thugs"

Kinaed states, "I do think it'd be cool if at different ranks of race relations, the mobs acted differently. The Xblock si only when it's at the bottom of the barrel"

Kitty states, "It also goes by coded race, and there are lots of half-breeds. Forced to choose one."

Rey states, "Bards can get you pass x-blocks as well."

Deedee says, "There's also several quarters that don't have back ways in."

Kinaed nods at Rey.

Kinaed queries to Deedee, "Which ones have no back ways in?"

Deedee claims, "Farin for one I believe."

Sparkles says, "There is certainly a back way into the Farin Quarter"

Deedee says, "Oh, okay. guess I missed it"

Souless claims, "I think the -intention- for the system is to make it so there is more motivation to be involved in the type of RP that would get towards affecting change. "

Deedee queries, "Does the new Tubori quarter have a back way in?"

Sparkles states, "Arguably, yes"

Tasker says, "Can always get dirty and go through the sewers. "

Civetta is no longer idle.
Civetta has returned from AFK.

Tasker states, "Just watch out for the crocodiles and mole people "

Murrcognito says, "I understand the vision and need for an impact---the principle item I would like to discuss is: I don't feel that it hits the mark, and that we near never see folks sprouting up spontaneous RP in the foreign quarters---even when RR isn't at the bottom of the barrel, as the spaces just tend to get written off."

Souless claims, "But half of the pbase can't affect that sort of change anyway. At least, half of them don't, because it's such a chore for commoner PCs to do anything with it."

Kinaed states, "Okay, we have 15 minutes and at least two more topics - sorry we haven't closed these... but you have been heard."

Gretchman queries, "Mole people is a new one to me. You serious?"

Kitty states, "If you are above Freeman, carriages can get around any of the race blocks."

Murrcognito pontificates, "Thanks for hearing me out!"

Anonymous claims, "I think that the playerbase is a bit too small to really -need- to go into foreign quarters"

Tasker says, "They're everywhere, Gretch."

Rey states, "I use the quarters but yes they are underutilized in general."

Souless says, "Also, I definitely could see the Confession zone being impacted similarly, by piety."

Murrcognito claims, "The playerbase being small is why there shouldn't be xblocks on them."

Murrcognito declaims, "---aborting that so topic can move on!"

Deedee says, "Anyway yes, I'd rather it become risky to visit the quarters rather than nearly impossible"

Souless agrees.

Kinaed states, "The grid is pretty big though, so xblocks probably block off less than 10 percent of it."

Kinaed claims, "Gotta go to the next person, so sorry :)"

Kinaed exclaims to Rey, "You're up :) Please introduce us to your topic!"

Souless looks at Rey. 

Rey states, "Job list. They aren't used much or are forgotten about and I think it's because you have to go to an inn I believe to check it out and people just forget to check. So I was thinking maybe we have an alert board like the plot board that notifies and reminds you to check. I also think it would be more beneficial to check everywhere like you can with plot."

OwO says, "I agree"

Kinaed nods.

Kinaed claims, "I think we should change that a bit, agree. "

Deedee states, "Hmm"

Deedee queries, "It doesn't pop up as a rumor?"

Kinaed claims, "It's probably not a near term fix though given where we're at in programming."

Gretchman claims, "I'd really like to see that used for things more often, I agree."

Tasker claims, "I'm hoping to use the job list quite a lot for sneaky stuff regarding the Sanctum."

Kinaed nods at Gretchman.

Kinaed queries, "In the meantime, is there a way we can further encourage people to use the job board that is there?"

Kinaed nods at Tasker.

Rey says, "I would love to use it to offer jobs but I don't because I don't think anyone will check them."

Sparkles says, "Have the system post a rumor about what is actually being asked for."

Temi states, "And people won't check it if no one puts things there."

Temi grins.

Anonymous says, "Oh no tasker"

Anonymous claims, "Sneaky stuff"

Kinaed wonders, "Can I suggest people who make jobs add rumors immediately?"

Sparkles nods.

Kitty claims, "Can always put up a rumor at the same time. Encourage people to look."

Kinaed muses, "If the system doesn't already automatically do it?"

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Kitty coughs. Sorry.

Temi claims, "It does do a rumor, but just that there's new jobs, I think."

Souless says, "I also don't use it because I'm not really sure... How? Like I'm not sure if I can offer discreet services that people would actually -pay- for."

Kinaed claims, "I think we did include rumors at the time, ut yeah."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kitty says, "On mobile, so typing slow."

OwO says, "You have to make a rumor for a job post but buying rumors costs money"

Deedee states, "Heheh"

Kinaed says to Souless, "When I've used it in the past, it tended to be quite successful for me, especially if I was looking for things that I didn't want people to know I was looking for, like poison or magic stuff."

Deedee says, "That's true."

Deedee states, "Oh"

Sparkles says, "It doesn't if you make friend with a Bard."

Rey states, "For some Freemen it's not worth paying for a rumor."

Temi claims, "You can also see that there's a rumor, not purchase it, and go check the job board."

Souless queries, "Maybe, tagging back to physician things... Coded scars?"
Kinaed nods at Temi.

Deedee muses, "Here's a thought- you could make a class of rumor that costs silver to post, but is automatically heard by everyone?"

Rey nods at Temi.

Deedee says, "Basically paid advertisement"

Kitty claims, "You do get one rumor a day free when you log in. Unless tons are posted the same day, or unless you aren't logging in, they are easy to keep up with."

OwO states, "I mean theres only 5 job posts out there and i feel many things could be solved with the jobs so i just wonder why they are never used. "

Kinaed states to Souless, "You can get coded scars just by buying a tattoo and stringing it"

Souless muses, "Oh, hm. But it's not automatic for super severe wounds?"

Kinaed nods at OwO.

Kinaed claims, "I think it's as Rey says - an access issue."

Kinaed states, "Not alerted widely, and so on. We can probably tweak it to be better and it'll be used more."

Kinaed states, "I think most people just don't think of jobs day to day."

Anonymous claims, "I usually don't"

Kinaed says, "They don't have to because we pretty much hand out money."

Sparkles muses, "Ah, speaking about the scars/tattoos thing the only place they are currently sold on grid is indeed, perhaps an xbloxk so make like ... Morris medical could have something for that?"

Tasker states, "Admittedly I forgot all about them until this very conversation, and have now decided to use them for guild stuff."

Kinaed grins at Tasker.

Kinaed nods.

Deedee claims, "Tattoos can also be crafted by artists"

Souless asks, "Physicians could/should totally be involved in tattooing, maybe?"

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Wimpled claims, "Tattoos take up permenant wear spots on players. My combat character would be unable to wear clothes if injuries caused automatic tattoos."

Kinaed states, "Making a note."

Deedee says, "They don't anymore, Wimpled"

Sparkles states, "Tattoos got an extra slot below clothing I believe."

Kinaed claims, "With 10 minutes left, let's jump to our last topic :)"

Temi claims, "Salem fixed that, yeah."

Souless claims, "You can't wear clo- Ah."
Temi nods.

Kitty claims, "I don't think there is an xblock in front of Klein's Arrow. And tattoos are sold in there somewhere"

Kinaed asks of OwO, "You had another topic?"

Rey states, "I want to bring more catering opportunities and also buy info."

OwO claims, "Es"

OwO states, "Holiday cards should be able to be written in like a one page book so that artists can make and sell them for the customer to fill in"

Gretchman says, "The klein's arrow xblock is when you try to go below deck for the good stuff. It's there for sure."

Deedee claims, "I think such cards can already be made"

Gretchman states, "If there should be one at the entrance there isn't though."

OwO claims, "Yes but theyre not books. the recipe doesnt create something to write in"

Kitty claims, "You can add an extended to see 'inside' the card."

Deedee nods.

OwO says, "That doesnt work for my usecase, please read again"

Temi claims, "There's individual papers which can be added onto, I think"

Deedee questions, "So is the issue that cards don't work with write?"

OwO states, "Yes"

Deedee claims, "You could use a paper recipe instead in that case"

Kitty says, "Yeah, you could tool the paper. So when you look at the paper and read the paper, it is different."

Kinaed states, "I don't see why we couldn't make a card that's functionally a book with just 1 page left to write on, for example, then make it an art recipe. Seems easy enough."

OwO claims, "Then whats the point in having holiday cards"

OwO says, "Delete the recipe"

Kitty wonders, "...flavor?"

OwO questions, "So if i want to make functional holiday cards i cant use the recipe? then what is it there for?"

Temi states, "I don't think we should delete flavor recipes because there are other ways to do them"

OwO claims, "Then the name holiday card is misleading, sorry."

Deedee claims, "I think you have a more modern idea of the holiday cards"

Kitty trails off to Temi, "I don't think so, either..."

OwO states, "Then rename it to tiny painting"

OwO says, "Because its not a holiday card at that point"

Rey queries, "So...we just want a holiday card with the write function. I don't think that's a bad thing to add, is it?"

Kitty says, "...my apologies, but I don't understand this entire argument. It feels like, 'I don't find it useful, so no one should use it.' I recently used it for wedding invitations."

Temi claims, "We will look at the result of the recipe again."

Deedee nods.

OwO claims, "No I'm saying I want holiday cards to be able to be written in."

Temi claims, "I think this topic can end."

Kitty claims, "Totally into adding something great in, but saying to remove it because it doesn't work the way you think it should is... a completely different thing."

Kinaed states, "Okay, so we are reaching the top of the hour."

Temi says to Kitty, "And absolutely NOT going to happen"

Kitty nods at Temi.

Kinaed states, "Ahem."

Tasker eats a plump oatcake with juicy apple pieces and swirls of honey.

Salem appears in a swirling mist. [OOC]

Salem waves.

Souless eats a bag of buttery popcorn.

Temi gives a beribboned, little carriage of chocolate and sugar icings to Salem.

Kinaed declares, "Salem! Hello! :)"

Kinaed claims to Salem, "We're jsut at the very top of the hour, but if you wanted to say anything, please do :)"

Anonymous states, "I want oatcakes now"

Deedee claims to Salem, "Just in time for the ending"

Salem states, "I'm late. Sorry. XD"

Kinaed states, "All good, it's non-mandatory :)"

Deedee claims, "Don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello."

Kinaed states, "Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone for coming today :)"

Jaelyn waves.

Souless waves!

Gretchman waves.

Kinaed claims, "I hope to see you next week. :) I'll raise that poll on the forums before I wrap up today."

Tasker explodes

Kinaed states, "In the meantime, I hope everyone has a blast with their RP this week, and look forward to seeing you next week. :)"

Kinaed trails off, "Returning everyone to grid in 3..."

Deedee wavers.

Kinaed says, "2.."

Kinaed claims, "1.."

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