• March 18, 2012 /  Logs

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask spreads her hands, “Anyone else? If not, I declare-” a person wearing the gilded nymph mask points to a person wearing the heroic red fox mask, “You guilty of murdering the jester! Of which the only acceptable punishment is … merriment!”

    “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for enjoying our mystery. Please, the house is yours for the night. Enjoy yourselves.”

    “A fox, a fox, a fox!” a person wearing the grinning impling mask chants, however because of the luxurious position is in he doesn’t stand to dance around a person wearing the heroic red fox mask. [a person wearing the grinning impling mask]

    A person wearing the coamjar-smoking owl mask gives the Murder Mystery Clue Token to a person wearing the gilded nymph mask.

    A person wearing the coamjar-smoking owl mask walks over to hand over her card and token to a person wearing the gilded nymph mask. “I don’t suppose we could dispense with the masks so we could see who’s company we’ve enjoyed this good night in?”

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask approaches a person wearing the heroic red fox mask on light feet, laughing. “See, I told you, the honor of foxes is very debatable!” he teasingly remarks.

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask nods cheerfully as she approaches a person wearing the heroic red fox mask, “Alas, it was you indeed.” She leans closer to a person wearing the heroic red fox mask and whispers, albeit not too quietly, “I daresay the coamjar smoking owl has had a bit too much.”

    A person wearing the grinning impling mask grins, “Oh, but the masks are just -so- enjoyable..”

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask glances at the arctic fox on the house symbol of the mantlepiece as she approaches a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask, leaving off a person wearing the heroic red fox mask’s side. She swipes a glass of wine from a passing servant as she does so, and asks a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask, “Would you care to join me to debate that very subject?”

    “I think it is a little too soon to be unveiling..” a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask suggests to a person wearing the coamjar-smoking owl mask as she settles back into the couch next to a person wearing the grinning impling mask. [a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask]

    A person wearing the ghost jester mask stops wavering and stands straight, “My murderer is found! I can rest in peace!” she cries out. Slowly she bends backwards, then makes a backflip. “You owe me a dance, foxie!” she tells a person wearing the heroic red fox mask, pointing at her ‘killer’.
    She appears to be a grandmaster at performing.

    “Debate? I -love- debating. I have an opinion on everything,” a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask assures a person wearing the gilded nymph mask lightly, bowing his head with a rustle of braids. “Even beautiful nymphs can’t tie my tongue.” [Ariel]

    [Action: a person wearing the grinning impling mask sits between a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask and a person wearing the gilded nymph mask, rather enjoying himself.]

    look nymph
    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask poses beside a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask, clearly amused by the similar state of extreme undress they share by Lithmorran standards.
    Tall and willowy, this nymph wears the long curly black wig to cover
    most of her modesty where the loincloth and other pieces fail, though the
    Lord of the Springs only knows what she actually used to glue the pieces

    Behind the mask, laughing black eyes are all that show, but her demeanor
    implicates that this woman is likely the party’s hostess.
    You are two hands taller than she is.

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask is using:
    a silky wig of wild sable ringlets that falls to the floor
    a pair of dangling twisted gilded bronze spiral earrings
    the gilded nymph mask
    a spiral armband of twisted and braided golden silk
    a heavy bracelet of medallions stamped with a family crest
    a dagger (a gilded sheath)
    a scandalous golden breastplate secured by clinging vines
    a low-girded, floor-length loincloth embroidered in gold
    a pair of knee-high leather sandals laced by gilded straps

    “Don’t you like sharing your company with dragons and such things?” a person wearing the google-eyed dragon mask wonders deviously of a person wearing the coamjar-smoking owl mask. [a person wearing the google-eyed dragon mask]

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask certainly seems to have no intention of unveiling anymore of herself as she engages a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask, slipping her arm through his as she replies, “Oh, shall we see about that?” a person wearing the gilded nymph mask calls to a person wearing the ghost jester mask, “Do get the entertainment started, won’t you, my dear?”

    You think to yourself, “She is really hardly wearing anything at all. Why did I dislike that idea so much originally?”

    “But! Eventually. We must. Of course. For now, perhaps.. we should enjoy the food, the drinks. The food and maybe the company?” a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask [a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask]

    You think to yourself, “It actually seems like a pretty great idea now!”

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask begins to move north.

    “But! Eventually. We must. Of course. For now, perhaps.. we should enjoy the food, the drinks. The food and maybe the company?” a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask says. [a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask]

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask leaves north, strides long and graceful in a feminine swagger.

    You leave north.
    A Library
    Reaching three stories up, the central mosaic of this gigantic stone
    chamber bears the hallmarks of Vandagan craftsmanship. Each subsequent
    tier of the room holds bookshelves filled with books and other treasures.
    The tiers themselves, carved railings of Hillfolk design, are reachable by
    ladder on cleverly hidden tracks and wheels. In the central space, a
    massive candle chandelier breaks up the darkness. Here and there, tables
    and chairs of rare woods and exquisite craftsmanship create focal points
    for study.

    (Heavy Green tapestries hang in the center of this tall room, all
    the way from the chandelier to the floor. The tapestries are decorated
    in a way that reminds of the Trees of of a forest. Red and
    Purple ribbons hang in arcs across the room. Small paper birds and
    flying mythical creatures complete the scenery. The study tables of
    the library have been converted into standing tables for the
    night. Servants move drinks and snacks for those standing here.)

    [ Exits: north east south -west- ]
    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask is here.
    You have arrived.

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask seems content to stroll along at a person wearing the gilded nymph mask’s side, arm-in-arm. “I suppose I can’t tar you with the same brush as your red cousin,” he points out laughingly. “No insult meant to all the fair foxes of the world!”

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask draws a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask into the library, smiling, “I saw you sampled some of my sugar. Did you like it?” she asks warmly, gently releasing a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s arm after lightly running her hand down it and the back of his palm. “No, I suppose not. Some of us fair foxes are much nicer to have around than others.” a person wearing the gilded nymph mask purrs, much more cat- than fox-like.

    “It tasted a little funny, I think. I swear I’ve tasted something like that before, but you know, I just can’t remember…” a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask explains to a person wearing the gilded nymph mask, sounding faintly bemused for a moment before cheer reasserts itself. “But this is such an entertaining party! I loved the game. I never have this much fun!” [Ariel]

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask offers, gesturing to the trailing shackles about a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s wrists, “If you like, I can show you some more fun. There’s more of the house to see, afterall… won’t you indulge your hostess?”

    One could guess, from the ever so cheery and casual tone of a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s voice, that the smile behind that mask is entirely clueless. “Oh, yes! Go ahead and show me all of it.” [Ariel]

    [Troubadour’s Guild] Ariel: Guys, if I don’t make it back, say that I was a brave (and extremely high) man.

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask beams a coy and secretive smile as she reaches down and grabs the trailing shackle-like cloth and begins to guide a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask westerly, “Oh, I will, I will,” a person wearing the gilded nymph mask promises to the clearly oblivious a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask.

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask unlocks the western door.
    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask begins to move west.
    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask opens the western door.
    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask leaves west, strides long and graceful in a feminine swagger.

    The Dmitreva Master Bedroom
    A heavy four poster bed of carved ebony dominates the center of the
    room, thick brocade curtains falling around all four of its sides to
    provide a cozy shelter within. Snow foxes scamper across the dark fields
    of royal purple, interwoven with shiny silk. A vanity table of the same
    wood stands proud, its mirror of actual polished glass surrounded by fairy
    tale figures dancing and chasing one another. A huge walk-in closet
    dominates the northern wall, painted with a sky scene of Vandago in pale
    blues and white.

    [ Exits: east ]
    (25) A sprig of hemproot hides in a stash in the back of the desk drawer. (eastern edge)
    A hefty square box painted black with gilded trim is here. (eastern edge)
    A flowing, dove-grey silk skirt over layers of white lace hangs in the closet. (eastern edge)
    Sheer maiden-white silk sleeves tightly cuffed at the wrist hang in the closet. (eastern edge)
    A wide leather waist-cincher bound with thick silver chains hangs neatly over the edge of the bed. (eastern edge)
    A snowy off-the-shoulder chemise under a dove-grey bolero hangs in a closet. (eastern edge)
    A pair of highly-heeled silk shoes bearing square gemstones lie neatly tucked under the bed. (eastern edge)
    A snood of fine silver chains adorned with tiny seed pearls lies neatly folded in a drawer. (eastern edge)
    A valiant lantern of intricate filigree and glass rests on the desk. (eastern edge) (off)
    A double-breasted greatcoat with triangular, flaring tails hangs in the closet. (eastern edge)
    A vivid blue slash of silk with o koai raoiia sewn in gold hangs over the edge of the bed. (eastern edge)
    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask is here.
    You have arrived.

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask closes the eastern door.

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask begins to lead a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask rather unmistakably towards the bed.

    A rather surprised laugh escapes a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask as he’s led along by his shackles, the man glancing around. “Oh! Fun in the bedroom?” he wonders. “Oh, that’s a really nice bed that you have there…” [Ariel]

    Turning to face a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask as she leads him towards the bed, a person wearing the gilded nymph mask replies coyly, “Oh yes, it is, isn’t it? You should have a closer look. It’s real silk – why, it would be entirely in-character to lie down and test the softness, wouldn’t it? Not many people have a bed like this, though I’m sure you’ve experienced one or two… maybe you could give me pointers on how to make it even more… special.” [a person wearing the gilded nymph mask]

    [Action: a person wearing the gilded nymph mask stands beside a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask, holding his shackles, next to the bed.]

    “Oh, all sorts of beds!” a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask slides into the bed, stretching out with a deep, appreciative sigh of pure hedonism as he sprawls on the covers. “I’ve been in so many beds. But the nicest ones, you know… they always have far more pillows than anyone would ever need…” [Ariel]

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask chuckles softly and begins to tie a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s shackles to the bedframe with reasonably solid sailor knots. “Oh, you’ll have to tell me more. Is that comfortable?” a person wearing the gilded nymph mask wonders.

    [Action: a person wearing the gilded nymph mask is in the process of tying a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask to the bed with his costume’s shackles.]

    The shackles are leather, but the construction of each link – flexible, hollow tubes – makes it fairly easy to tie them despite the stiffness and strength of the material. a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask doesn’t even seem to realize that he’s being tied down, as he’s staring dreamily at the ceiling instead. “Big beds and small beds, soft beds and hard beds… but extra pillows always add just a little bit of luxury… what? Oh, sure, I’m fine, I’m very comfortable…” [Ariel]

    You think to yourself, “I wonder why she’s so curious about making her bed better?”

    You think to yourself, “It feels pretty nice to me already!”

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask seems extremely pleased at a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s reply, encouraged even, “Oh, superb!” she giggles in delight as she moves to take advantage of the shackles on a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s legs. “You know, I had wondered what gave you inspiration for such a superb costume,” a person wearing the gilded nymph mask comments, “I adore it. It’s simply -perfect-. I’m soo glad you came,” a person wearing the gilded nymph mask purrs, tossing her head, and causing the black curls to tumble wildly.

    “Oh, you’re too kind! It’s the fairy tale, you know, the forever-dreaming prince! The wicked enchantress covets his Kingdom so she casts a spell on him to trap him in his dreams, and he doesn’t escape until the dream-maiden sacrifices herself for him… say, what are you doing down there?” a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask ceases his prattling to squint down at a person wearing the gilded nymph mask. [Ariel]

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask looks up from where she’s working, “Just ensuring I’m getting the story right. Trapped in your dreams, are you, my prince?” she asks sweetly as she ties the last knot, “I do so like the possibility of enacting the role of a dream-maiden…” and a person wearing the gilded nymph mask crawls slinkily onto the foot of the bed, crouching at a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s feet as she glides a hand up his leg, “I’ll set you free in ways you’ve never felt before…”

    [Action: a person wearing the gilded nymph mask is crouched over a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask at the foot of the bed.]

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s brows contort, hidden under the mask. He inhales a quick, sharp breath as some semblance of thought seems to pierce his drug-addled haze. Too bad it didn’t happen -before- he was tied to the bed. “Wait… you’re talking about… ohhh no, I don’t do that anymore…”

    You think to yourself, “Although she’s really attractive and that feels really good – no, there’s a good reason not to do this!”

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask murmurs, “Do what?” as she crawls all the way up to lay her body along side a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s, hands gliding gently and teasingly over cloth-clad flesh, then lifts a finger to a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s lips to stifle any protest. “Dream of nymphs? I promise, my prince, you won’t regret me. Just a kiss…”

    [Action: a person wearing the gilded nymph mask lies in the bed, still dressed in costume, along a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s side.]

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask hesitates for a moment, shifting to face a person wearing the gilded nymph mask a little more directly. “Well,” he allows uncertainly, frame subtly angling toward her, “a kiss couldn’t be so bad… though, I’m pretty sure… not supposed to…”

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask’s lips whisper softly over a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s, tenderly and sweet. She tastes of the acidic sugar and mint, clearly recently chewed before the party. “Oh, who cares about what we’re supposed to do?” She asks, “We’re not ourselves tonight. That’s why these parties are such fun. Put your troubles away, my prince. I don’t know who you are, and frankly – I don’t care to know.” And at that, a person wearing the gilded nymph mask pushes herself up, climbing astride the prince’s still-dressed form with her own, moving just so to excite him and herself. It’s clear from the tenor of her breath and the way she moves that she’s freely enjoying all that the contact with a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s body has to offer, and has no shame what-so-ever.

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask groans low in his throat, back arching upward to increase the contact between his body and a person wearing the gilded nymph mask’s as he instinctively joins in the rhythm. His own breathing speeds up, and after a while he reaches to try and grasp a person wearing the gilded nymph mask’s hips firmly in his hands – only to hit the limit of the short chains still a decent way away. His breath abruptly seems to stop in his throat for a moment, and when it resumes, its speed has taken on a certain sharpness. “No – wait – I’m not – this isn’t right-”

    You think to yourself, “No, no, no, no, I AM not a whore, this isn’t right, I’m not, it’s MY CHOICE, I’m tied down why am I tied down – ”

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask seals a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s protests with her mouth, hands reaching behind her back to unlace the a scandalous golden breastplate secured by clinging vines and pull it free. She holds it off to the side of the bed, bare breasts round and soft, dropping it to the floor, and murmurs, “Do you like what you see, my sweet prince?”

    [Action: a person wearing the gilded nymph mask stradles a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask on the bed, her torso bare of everything but the silky black ringlets.]

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask leans into the kiss for half a second, but then turns his head firmly to the side, shaking it wildly against the pillow. His braids are sprawled all over, shimmering in the light. “No!” he denies fiercely, even though he’s not actually looking at a person wearing the gilded nymph mask. “No, you’re – beautiful, but I’m not – I don’t do this anymore-”

    Halting in her ministrations, hurt and bewilderment enters the black eyes beyind the mask, “No? Anymore? What are you talking about?” She seems frozen, still solid and warm against a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask, but unable to decide what to do, “Are you serious?” [Player]

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask is breathing hard still, closing his eyes where his head is turned sideways against the pillow. “I’m not a toy. I’m not,” he mumbles thickly. “I don’t -do- this anymore!” His voice rises rapidly in volume at the end of that statement, though it remains shy of a shout.

    “You think I think you’re a -toy-?! I don’t think that at all!” a person wearing the gilded nymph mask’s voice does raise a notch higher than a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s, “I didn’t trick you in here, you came of your own volition!” a person wearing the gilded nymph mask snaps, climbing off a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask and grabbing her breastplate as she accuses him, “Which one of us is the -toy-?!” Uh oh, tears have started to run down a person wearing the gilded nymph mask’s cheeks, beneath the mask, though the flush might be from more than anger. [a person wearing the gilded nymph mask]

    [Action: a person wearing the gilded nymph mask stands beside the bed, dressing hurriedly into her costume.]

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask gets a scandalous golden breastplate secured by clinging vines.

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask pulls against his bonds, a first, experimental motion; the leather and wood are solid enough that they don’t really give under the attempt. Voice sharpening with what sounds like true, desperate panic, he cries, “Let me out! Let me out!” And, as if promptly trying to make that more difficult, he begins to struggle in earnest as a person wearing the gilded nymph mask moves, thrashing as he tries to yank a limb free.

    A loud knock sounds from the eastern door.

    To the east a woman yells, “Mistress Nymph, pardon, but the chef says we are running low on those little egg goodies. He asks if it’s acceptable to use young hen’s eggs instead of quail? ”

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask wears a scandalous golden breastplate secured by clinging vines on her torso.

    You yell, “LET ME OUT!”

    Somehow, a person wearing the gilded nymph mask manages to retain her balance as she disengages completely from a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask, and stalks towards the door. She finishes fastening the bodice and yanks the door open. [a person wearing the gilded nymph mask]

    To the east a woman yells, “Um … is that a yes or no on the hen’s eggs?”

    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask unlocks the eastern door.
    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask opens the eastern door wrenching the door open
    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask begins to move east.
    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask leaves east, stalking out in a fit of pique.

    The eastern door closes from the other side with a slam.

    “LET ME OUT!” the voice repeats, roughened by sheer desperation and panic. [You (RPYell)]

    The eastern door is opened from the other side.
    A person wearing the ghost jester mask arrives from the east with bouncing steps.
    A person wearing the ghost jester mask slows to a halt.

    A person wearing the ghost jester mask closes the eastern door.

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask seems to be downright out of his mind at the moment, with how violently he’s thrashing against the bonds that tie him to the bed. a person wearing the ghost jester mask’s entry isn’t even openly acknowledged.

    A person wearing the ghost jester mask closes the door behind herself, stopping to look at a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask trashing in the bed. She pauses only for a moment before ushering forth to the side of the bed. She pulls the ghost jester mask off her face. “Hey, Orbie! Hey! It’s me! If ya didn’t know! What’s going on?!”

    A person wearing the ghost jester mask removes the ghost jester mask from her face.
    Trouble stops using the ghost jester mask.

    “Let me out!” a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask shouts raggedly up at Trouble, pausing in his flailing for just a moment. His chest is heaving with the speed of his breaths. He looks a little disheveled, though all of his clothing is still on. [Ariel]

    You think to yourself, “Let me out, let me out, let me out!”

    To the east a woman yells, “Prince darling! You sure you wouldn’t like more company in there?”

    You yell, “LET ME OUT!”

    Trouble jerks into action at a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s words. She goes to work on his ties. She starts by leaning over him to get to the most furthermost tied arm.

    Trouble yells, “Just dreams and ghosts in here! ”

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask flinches away from the touch, visibly, as if trying to avoid the slightest contact; but he has the presence of mind to lie still and let himself be untied, even as he gasps for air.

    Having untied one arm, she straightens her back to get to work on a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s other arm. “Orbie” she says softly. “It’s just me. I just have ‘ta untie ya here. I … don’t think she tried to hurt you, you know …” [Player]

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask is at least silent for a couple moments, which may or may not be an improvement. The moment his second hand is untied, he sits bolt upright and reaches into his boot. Out comes a knife, despite the party’s no-weapon policy, and he starts sawing away at one of the chains. “I didn’t want… I didn’t realize… and then I couldn’t escape…” he mumbles breathlessly.

    draw knife
    You pull out your dagger.

    You think to yourself, “It’s… it’s okay. It’s okay.”

    You think to yourself, “Just got to get out of here and it will be okay.”

    You think to yourself, “Got to get out, get out, get out – no! Calm down. It’s okay.”

    Trouble tries to help a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask with the restraint around his other boot, all the while keeping an eye on the knife he’s wielding. She tries to not touch him more than the operation requires. “You are soon free now” she says, soothingly. “Um, why don’t you put away that very sharp, jester-puncturing knife and let me do that? I’ve already died once this eve, I hope not to have to do it again.”

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask manages to sever the chain pretty quickly; at Trouble’s words, he obediently slides the knife into his boot. “I’m okay,” he states, though his rough voice gives the lie to it. “I’m okay. Just have to get out of here. Tell her – sorry. No – no insult meant. I just need to get out of here.”

    You tuck your dagger in your belt.
    You conceal a common Lithmorran eating knife with a scant wooden handle from others’ notice.

    Trouble looks at a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask for a long moment, her face hard to read. Then she finally says. “Alright, Orbie. All right.” Shs straightens and holds out her hand, somewhat hesitantly. “Come then. I’ll walk ya out. The Dreamy prince just had too much of the dream, right? Lemme do the talking. Most of the guests are off stuffing their bellies anyhow.” [Player]

    Trouble wears the ghost jester mask over her face.

    “No, I have to go-” The moment the untying is done, a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask bolts. He uncurls in a single motion and outright runs for the exit at full speed. [Ariel]

    A person wearing the ghost jester mask has no hope of stopping orban’s considerably larger frame by pure force, but she makes an attempt. Being closer to the door she simply stands before it, hands outstretched to block the closed door. “Master op Orban!” she cries. “Think! What do you think it would do to yer reputation or the lady’s if you just stormed out of her bedroom like this!” It’s about as much she managest to get out before he’s upon her.

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask seems to be, unfortunately, still panicked enough that logic is not going to work. Seeing an obstacle, he moves it in the quickest way possible- he tries to simply sweep a person wearing the ghost jester mask off her feet and do a reverse over-the-threshold sort of carry.

    You carefully lift a person wearing the ghost jester mask.

    A person wearing the ghost jester mask yelps as she’s easily picked up off the ground. [Player]

    You begin to move east.

    You open the eastern door.
    You leave east, carrying Yayinne
    A Library
    Reaching three stories up, the central mosaic of this gigantic stone
    chamber bears the hallmarks of Vandagan craftsmanship. Each subsequent
    tier of the room holds bookshelves filled with books and other treasures.
    The tiers themselves, carved railings of Hillfolk design, are reachable by
    ladder on cleverly hidden tracks and wheels. In the central space, a
    massive candle chandelier breaks up the darkness. Here and there, tables
    and chairs of rare woods and exquisite craftsmanship create focal points
    for study.

    (Heavy Green tapestries hang in the center of this tall room, all
    the way from the chandelier to the floor. The tapestries are decorated
    in a way that reminds of the Trees of of a forest. Red and
    Purple ribbons hang in arcs across the room. Small paper birds and
    flying mythical creatures complete the scenery. The study tables of
    the library have been converted into standing tables for the
    night. Servants move drinks and snacks for those standing here.)

    [ Exits: -north- east south west ]
    A person wearing the ghost jester mask is here.
    She is being carried by a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask.
    A person wearing the pure white butterfly mask stands in the middle of the library, kissing a person wearing the heroic red fox mask
    A person wearing the heroic red fox mask stands with butterfly in the middle of the library, kissing her
    A person wearing the gilded nymph mask appears to be busy with arrangements.
    You have arrived.

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask bolts through the bedroom door at a dead run, his eyes wide with panic under the mask. His clothing is disheveled and his breathing rough. Curiously enough, he’s outright carrying a person wearing the ghost jester mask bridal-style.

    “The … um, dreamy prince sweeps away with the ghostly fool of his dreams!” a person wearing the ghost jester mask gasps from a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s arms, making a vain but valiant attempt at waving helplessly to those they pass. [Player]

    With the sound of the door opening to the West, a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask draws back from a person wearing the heroic red fox mask. Though her hand stays at his hip, the other comes away from around his neck. Her cheeks, or at least what can be seen of them, flushed, and she looks more than a little disoriented. She looks towards a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask and a person wearing the ghost jester mask, somewhat .. puzzled. “What–?” [a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask]

    A person wearing the heroic red fox mask turns slowly, a little look of disorientation crossing him also. As he sees a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask and a person wearing the ghost jester mask, his own skim, pale beneath the mask begind to deepen red, “Wha– What?” he asks suddenly, “What is going on?”

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask halts for just a second to stare uncomprehendingly at a person wearing the pure white butterfly mask and a person wearing the heroic red fox mask as if -they’re- the odd ones in this situation, but then promptly takes off again without another word.

    You think to yourself, “Got to get out, got to get out, got to get out -”

    You begin to move south.

    You leave south, carrying Yayinne
    The Parlour
    This rectangular room allows light in from windows thrice the height of
    a man, heavily decorated with thick brocade curtains and filmy lace. A
    Vandagan-style carpet with intricate scrollwork in gold and scarlet lays
    beneath heavy couches of polished wood interspersed with tables of carved
    stone. Above a central hearth with a high mantel and gold-plated frame, a
    polished ebony shield displays a white snow fox carved from precious ivory,
    illuminated by a baroque candle chandelier in the center of the room. Art
    and statues also enjoy the light, softening the appearance of corners and

    (This room has been richly decorated in the theme of the evening. Blue
    sheets criss-cross the high ceiling, maybe signifying sky. The freshly
    added wall tapestries portray scenes from a cheerful meadow, populated
    with a range of imaginary creatues and scenes from classical faery
    tales. Man servants are everywhere, ready refill glasses or answer to
    the guest’s every whim.)

    [ Exits: north east south ]
    A person wearing the ghost jester mask is here.
    She is being carried by a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask.
    You have arrived.

    A person wearing the ghost jester mask is just hanging on for dear life at this point.

    You begin to move south.

    You leave south, carrying Yayinne
    The Dmitreva Estate Gardens
    [Pleasant, dark clouds, slight breeze from the northeast, morning]
    Surrounded by a great stone wall topped with pointed spearheads, a wide
    gate with filigree designs displays the sigil of a silver Snow Fox, the
    entrance to an expansive garden. From the gate to the stone monstrosity of
    a Vandagan-style mansion, an elegant path of white river stones cuts a
    double-wide path, surrounded on either side by sculpted hedges and
    artistically arranged grottos. Here and there, benches offer peaceful
    repose to visitors, scented sweetly with flowers and herbs.

    (A heavy Reeve guard has been posted, stopping people who approach the
    estate and checking their bags, clearly looking for weapons and the like.

    (OOC: If you intend to smuggle a weapon in, please contact staff for RPA.)
    (OOC: It’s perfectly okay to keep your weapon if you’ve ICly given
    it to the guards, just remember you don’t have it if you didn’t RPA.))

    [ Exits: north south ]
    A person wearing the ghost jester mask is here.
    She is being carried by a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask.
    You have arrived.

    A person wearing the ghost jester mask closes the northern door.

    A person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask doesn’t really pause until he’s out in the open again, breathing very hard now from the combination of the exertion and whatever spurred him on to flip out so much in the first place. He simply stands there in silence, gulping down air.

    A person wearing the ghost jester mask lies still in a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s arms, looking up at him through the slits in her mask. “This is all very romantic orbie” she says after a while. “I didn’t know you had it in you.” [Player]

    [Action: a person wearing the ghost jester mask lies in orban’s arms, bride-style.]

    A person wearing the pretty cocky mermaid mask arrives from the south.
    A person wearing the pretty cocky mermaid mask slows to a halt.

    After a moment, a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask laughs. It’s weak at first, the echo of a chuckle, but promptly grows into unsteady gales of laughter. He clutches a person wearing the ghost jester mask close like a living teddy bear. [Ariel]

    A person wearing the pretty cocky mermaid mask chuckles as she looks to a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask and a person wearing the ghost jester mask before moving on, “Don’t mind the merrmaid.” She remarks faintly, continuing on.

    A person wearing the pretty cocky mermaid mask begins to move north.
    A person wearing the pretty cocky mermaid mask crosses the center of the room.
    A person wearing the pretty cocky mermaid mask opens the northern door.
    A person wearing the pretty cocky mermaid mask leaves north.

    The northern door closes from the other side.

    “There, there, oh prince” a person wearing the ghost jester mask says, reaching out to hug a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask back. If she notices the mermaid, she pay it no heed. “No shackles out here. All is well.” [a person wearing the ghost jester mask]

    After a moment, she too, starts to laugh. [Player]

    “I am… such a mess,” a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask gasps out between the peals of his laughter. “Everything’s so screwed up in my head, Trouble.” He doesn’t seem inclined to let a person wearing the ghost jester mask go. “Why can’t I deal with it like you do?” [Ariel]

    A person wearing the ghost jester mask laughter also develop into a bubbling gurgle. Held against a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask’s chest, the two literally laugh into a rythm together. “Oh, if you dealt with things like I do, you’d not have carried me out into the night in your arms!” she gasps. “You are such a wonderful fellow Orbie! You may be a mess, but you are a lovely mess! And you have a great laughter too, not messy at all.”

    “A lovely mess,” a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask declares, which intensifies the laughter all over again. “How do I get them to -stop-, Trouble?” [Ariel]

    “Hugging the Jester is always a safe bet” a person wearing the ghost jester mask assures a person wearing the forever-dreaming prince mask sagely through her own giggles, pressed as she is against his chest. “Should be done often and regularly. Solves most messes I hear. You are doing a great job so far.” (fix for quotes) [a person wearing the ghost jester mask]

    “… that and teddy bears.” a person wearing the ghost jester mask adds after a moment. “If no Jester is available.” [a person wearing the ghost jester mask]

    Posted by Fox Countess @ 5:48 pm