OOC Meeting 11-23-2024

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sat Nov 23, 2024 6:04 pm

Karrin claims to Meiari, "Used your OOC title as inspiration."

InvestSouthside carefully considers a frosted layer celebration cake with detailed figures atop.

The following information is recorded about it:
Atop this delicately crafted frosted layer celebration cake are a structured
sugar gold otter, and an equally carefully structured opulent white lily.
The pair seem to be circling each other, as if trading places. The cake is
otherwise decorated with frosted lilies of several colors, white and blue and
pink with delicately placed green leaves. The base of the cake is a cream
color, allowing each of the colorful yet transparent sugar flowers to shimmer
and stand out as focal points on the cake.

It is priced at approximately 76 silver.
This 'a frosted layer celebration cake with detailed figures atop' is a kind of food.
It has 12 bites remaining, which should be about 100% of the original batch.
It appears to be made of food.
It looks to be in excellent condition.
It weighs around 0 pounds.
It can be worn as follows: take
It could be easily held in one hand. (Actual size: 4)
Its value should be approximately 76 silver.
This can be embellished.
It should provide 126 energy per bite.
Both the sponge and the icing appear to be made with a rich vanilla, bringing forth the subtle, and
yet not so subtle, hint of Vavardi culture. The sponge of the cake is moist and airy, while the
icing packs a punch of delicate sweetness that lingers after the bite is consumed, blending with the
sugar in the cake to create something truly decadent, but also cavity inducing. The flowers on the
cake are clearly made of rock sugar, melted, dipped, and then shaped while still warm into delicate
petals that crunch and then dissolve when bitten into.

Meiari exclaims, "Aaaaa! You're amazing, thank you <3"

(visnet) Staff Karrin: I miss anybody?

Meiari eats a frosted layer celebration cake with detailed figures atop.

Karrin claims, "Alrighty, we'll wait for any stragglers, and get started in just a few."

InvestSouthside states, "Nelmi will greatly appreciate this cake lol. Thanks Karrin "

Scarry claims, "Hellooo"

Karrin states to InvestSouthside, "Truthfully, I struggled between whether to use a Wolf, like
y'all's shop name, or the otter. I chose the otter since that's the signature you've used during the

Karrin has transferred Eeel. [OOC]

Karrin gives a frosted layer celebration cake with detailed figures atop to Eeel.

Karrin has transferred Jiraiya. [OOC]

Karrin gives a frosted layer celebration cake with detailed figures atop to Jiraiya.

say I am going to be transferring that to my merchant stamp but im going to finish coloring it
finally i think

InvestSouthside states, "I am going to be transferring that to my merchant stamp but im going to
finish coloring it finally i think"

Magdalena appears in a swirling mist. [OOC]

Karrin gives a frosted layer celebration cake with detailed figures atop to Magdalena.

Karrin queries, "Ok! Do I have a scribe for tdoay?"

Magdalena lifts a frosted layer celebration cake with detailed figures atop to her nose and sniffs
at it.

InvestSouthside states, "If no one else does already ready "

Karrin has awarded you 3 QPs: scribe

Karrin states, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, please address that with staff privately.
- This is not the correct forum for bringing up policy violations. If there are instances of
perceived policy violations, please address that with staff privately."

Karrin muses, "So! I know it's been a relatively quiet week. How has RP been?"

Jiraiya says to Karrin, "Good though quiet like you said."

InvestSouthside states, "Pretty good very lazy week"

Eeel states, "I've been a bit behind in my RP and duties"

Karrin nods.

Karrin says, "It's been a tiring week for me overall, so I get all of that entirely. It's like my
brain is already on vacation."

Kalana claims, "I've been short on time, but excited to start getting back "

Karrin says, "Any topics for this week? I know last week, we didn't really have any, so you guys got
to get a gifty and then run."

Sparkles claims, "I have a question, but it might get covered anyways."

Karrin says to Magdalena, "And your week has been even crazier than mine."

Karrin nods.

Karrin states, "Alright, I'll stick you on the list."

Scarry says, "I can report good things have happened to me this week."

Karrin claims, "Ok! If nothing else, we'll move on forward. I have been d-e-d, ded this week. Or my
brain has. And so while I've been able to tinker here or there and stay available for ad hoc OMG
requests and tells, I haven't been able to really hunker down and get a whole lot done. Stability
was an issue again this week, but luckily Lochan was on hand, and so he was able to wrestle the game
back into submission."

Scarry claims, "Except I was threatened with my mango tree stolen."

Karrin claims to Scarry, "I can now OFFICIALLY confirm... that you were the problem this whole

Scarry claims, "I TOLD YOU"

Karrin defers to Meiari, "And her, too."


Scarry states, "My THC to CBD ratio so swag, this diesel so sour it turns your mudlet off."

Kalana grins.

Meiari states, "Hey, I didn't make it, I just routinely shoved it into my pipe >_>"

Scarry claims, "My wares so purple it's a sumptuary violation"

Karrin says, "Actually, it was that you put a scent on it. For some reason, the drake's breath with
a scent broke the MUD, and then the cinnamon extra description on said drake's breath created a
ballooning file that would fill up the entire server. But, not until AFTER the person who crashed us
logged back in. So, the cycle was: crash, log back in, start a ballooning file, takes a while to
completely fill the server, crash again, ballooning file continues to balloon no matter how much old
stuff we delete.... rinse and repeat."

Scarry claims, "Gasp"

Scarry says, "I was told to put a scent on it."

Scarry states, "Looks at Meiari"

Sparkles claims, "That's kind of wild, like from an outside view on how code works."

Meiari whistles innocently and shrugs, "Scent fine for floleaf and tabac, how was I supposed to

Karrin says, "Haha. It's ok, we created a bypass. No clue why scent on that but not on smoking tabac
was an issue. But, later. We should now be fully stable, and we can thank Lochan for that. Because
THIS... is what's been happening the last several weeks causing the instability."

Scarry says, "Holy shit, the hotboxing was too strong."

Scarry claims, "Trascendent ecstasy kush"

Karrin states, "So, now that we know we're not insane, plots will resume. We're still going to move
the server in the next couple weeks to help further with stability. And, we'll get the bug board
restored, and get these other pfile issues fixed AFTER we move it."

Kalana questions, "Probably the combo with the special appraise?"

Karrin says to Kalana, "It is very possible."

Scarry states, "Jokes aside, I AM very sorry for this to happen."

Karrin states, "I do apologize for the plot pause, but I (yes, it's a me thing) felt stability was
over plottiness, and I didn't want anything you guys did for the plot to get accidentally wiped
since we didn't know the base cause, nor why it had wiped things that one time."

Karrin states to Scarry, "You are absolutely not to blame. Except jokingly."

Karrin claims, "I *will* tease you. But, I'm not upset at anyone. You had no idea it would cause
that. And, funnily enough, it's still not the strangest one."

Karrin states, "The STRANGEST one was the dollar sign N instead of dollar sign n in the tooling."

Scarry states, "It's at least in the top ten."

Kalana nods in agreement.

Sparkles states, "There was the bug where dealing cards crashed the game for a long bit. Gambling
also incured the Lord's wrath, evidently."

Karrin says, "As it should."

Meiari says, "Man, He just doesn't want us mortals to have any fun"

Karrin states, "Damnit Dav. Is it because your name is only one syllable? Maybe."

Scarry states, "Maybe because his true name is Dave and we keep misspelling it."

Karrin says, "Magdalena has been in retail holiday hell. But, I'll let her further elaborate."

Karrin states to Scarry, "Ooooooh, now see? That makes sense."

Magdalena states, "To summarize, I work for a large grocery chain (corporate office), and in the US
it's holiday season - so I have been inundated with work and it isn't going to let up until next
week is over. Then I'll have a reprieve and actually be able to spend some time focusing on building
things for the game and learning the game more for the first week of December before I have to,
inevitably, disappear again until after New Years."

Karrin says, "Her systems broke harder than the game this week."

Magdalena finishes abruptly, "So if you have something specific - do the normal filing thing and
I'll see what I can do during that whole week I will not be documenting a billion holiday

Kalana claims, "Icky"

Karrin wonders to Sparkles, "Alrighty! What was your question?"

Sparkles says, "Sort of generally about plot stuff, I've had folks ask some things in RP of late
where the only answers would be plots and kind of haven't known how to address things."

Meiari sneezes loudly.

Karrin states, "Yeah. I'll be on that. I've been mostly by myself the past few weeks, plus work
brain squish, has made me rather unproductive."

Karrin states to Meiari, "Don't sneeze on your cake."

Meiari protects her cake from sneezes.

Kalana says, "Yeah, hoping to have some answers for folks soon, but I can put it off for a bit with
tired from travels"

Karrin nods at Kalana.

Karrin says, "You have some biggie plots out there, yeah. Sorry about that."

Jiraiya says, "Can I just say how much I appreciate folks who spend their timing staffing or gling
this game?"

Kalana claims, "Not a problem, things have been crazy"

Karrin says to Jiraiya, "I'll take all the warm fuzzies I can get! I imagine, so will the GLs.
Sometimes that feels like a thankless sort of job."

Karrin muses, "Alrighty, beyond my need to catch up on plottiness now that I feel the game is more
stable AND that my brain can slowly unsquish, anything else?"

Sparkles asks, "Have we figured out how or if the XP bug will fuss with new recommends?"

Rambling asks, "Would the church have an issue with me adopting a gnome?"

Jiraiya may have played a gnome wizard once. It took a while for folks to realize it.

Sparkles states, "I haven't wanted to add to the issue but, people deserve warm fuzzies, talking
about warm fuzzies."

Karrin says, "Rec level will go through with new recommends, and we have devised a way to go through
EXISTING recommends to get that rec level fixed. We just haven't pressed the go button yet. So if
new recommends are sent and approved, it will be ok."

Sparkles nods.

Karrin states, "And if for some reason it DOESN'T work, we do have a full list of who was affected
by it."

Karrin queries, "Alrighty! Any last stuff, or would you all like to head on back to your party?"

InvestSouthside exclaims, "CHAOS!"

Karrin has transferred Capitalism. [OOC]

Karrin gives a frosted layer celebration cake with detailed figures atop to Capitalism.

Karrin muses to Capitalism, "I am actually just about to send people back, but at least this way you
get cake?"

Meiari dances for cake.

Capitalism exclaims, "Cake!"

Capitalism cheers.

Karrin says, "Ok! If there's nothing else, transing you guys back. You have three seconds to get in
your last minute snarky remarks."

Kalana says, "Cake is a reasonable consolation prize"

Karrin declaims, "Byeeee!!!"

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