OOC Meeting 11-16-2024

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sat Nov 16, 2024 4:21 pm

Karrin gives a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to Rambling.

The following information is recorded about it:
This delicately fired clay platter is fragile, but coated thickly with shiny
paint to give its shape life. On the surface is a whimsical snowman, a
bright green scarf wrapped around its neck and blowing in an invisible breeze
off to the side. Painted coals form the eyes and smiling mouth, while the
nose is decorated with a bright orange painted carrot. Arms are made with
what appears to be twigs bare of leaves, and off of one hangs a bright blue
ushanka, as if it was blown off of its head. Both sides are painted, so if
the platter is flipped over, it still shows off the fun figure. The sides
are curved up gently so as to catch whatever might be served upon it.

It is priced at approximately 80 silver.
This 'a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman' is a kind of container.
It appears to be made of porcelain.
It looks to be in excellent condition.
It weighs around 2 pounds.
It can be worn as follows: take hold
Its value should be approximately 80 silver.
It could hold approximately 5 handheld objects, to a maximum of 50 pounds.
Contents of this container could be carried as if they weigh 100% of their total weight.
It is currently 0% full by size or 0% by weight.
This can be embellished.

Rambling states, "Oh hey I know what this is"

Karrin has transferred Meiari. [OOC]

Karrin gives a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to Meiari.

Karrin has transferred Valora. [OOC]

Karrin gives a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to Valora.

Karrin has transferred Ikeala. [OOC]

Karrin gives a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to Ikeala.

Rambling claims, "We have these irl, comes out once a year, has all the seven layer cookies on it"

Rambling says, "Or the type of sugar cookie that crumbles like drywall"

Karrin queries, "Seven layer cookies?"

InvestSouthside claims, "Play dead"

A roly-poly white-bellied puppy does a good approximation of a dead act, little paws curled up over
its belly and tongue sticking out a bit floppily. The exuberantly wagging tail does detract from
the overall effect, though.

Rambling states, "AKA italian rainbow cookies to some"

Karrin says, "Huh, interesting. I am unfamiliar, but it sounds nice."

(visnet) Staff Karrin: Did I forget anyone who wanted to come?

Karrin says, "We'll wait just a few, and then get going."

Meiari trails off, "I want cookies now..."

Karrin trails off, "It does have a scent..."

Ikeala lifts a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to their nose and sniffs at

Karrin lifts a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to her nose and sniffs at

Meiari lifts a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to her nose and sniffs at

Valora lifts a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to her nose and sniffs at

Karrin claims, "In honor of what crashed us over and over back on Sunday and Monday. Cinnamon."

Karrin claims, "And no, I am NOT kidding."

Valora wonders, "Wait what?"

Meiari queries, "Man, the one tree in every greenhouse had to act up?"

Ikeala says, "This is clearly why it's a Daravi spice."

Rambling claims, "Sin-namon"

Rambling forces the laugh track to play.

Karrin claims, "Somehow, the special app on cinnamon was making an endlessly filling file that would
hang us and eternally fill the server. So, yeah. Cinnamon."

Meiari states, "I shouldn't laugh... but... I kind of am."

Karrin says, "It was just the special cinnamon app... over and over and over and over for 250K+

Valora says, "That... seems... I have no idea how something like that happens... but thats wild."

Karrin claims, "We don't, either, honestly. So we've been watching closely."

Valora claims, "I'll simply blame the mages"

Karrin claims, "I'm good with blaming the mages."

Karrin wonders, "Alright! Do I have someone willing to scribe?"

InvestSouthside states, "If no one offers I am here for scribing"

Eeel says, "God bless, always scribing"

Meiari states, "Doing the Lord's good work"

Karrin states, "Hah, alright."

Karrin has awarded you 3 QPs: scribe

Ikeala states, "Willing to take the blame for free cinnamon."

Karrin declaims, "Ok!"

Rambling states, "Mages are known for agonizing over spices (deepest lore find out ic) /j"

Karrin says, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, please address that with staff privately.
- This is not the correct forum for bringing up policy violations. If there are instances of
perceived policy violations, please address that with staff privately."

Karrin muses, "So! It's been really quiet this week. I have no doubt that it is a symptom of the
gigantic crashes. But, if you have had RP, how'd it go?"

Karrin has transferred Magdalena. [OOC]

Karrin gives a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to Magdalena.

Valora claims, "Between crashes and work the RP I got in was good. Got some nice scenes with folks."

Magdalena cradles her snowman.

InvestSouthside claims, "I had a good week rp was relaxed sorta sat around being lazy"

Karrin states, "The crashes were seriously annoying."

Meiari states, "Quiet but good. I appreciated people filling me in on politics"

Karrin states, "Trust me, if you think I'm not grumbly about them, I... am very grumbly about them.
These ones these past few weeks have been frustrating."

Rambling questions, "I chatted with someone about the complexities of work relationships and the
likelihood of getting punched in the face one day for something you did years ago. And...
contributed? To lore? Maybe?"

Valora states, "I imagine it's been a wild time hunting down all the sources."

Karrin says to Rambling, "Contributing to lore is good? So are conversations about physical
violence. Keeps things moving."

Valora asks, "Rambling that sounds like... a good time?"

Karrin states, "Lochan is a patient saint. And has been doing the best he can."

Magdalena has lost link.

Magdalena has reconnected.

Karrin pats Magdalena's head.

Rambling states, "It was fun, the lore was more fun but idk if it's in effect except by virtue of "I
mentioned it in a plot"."

Magdalena huffs.

Ikeala says, "Had some ups and downs, kind of in a bit of a big think about next steps on some

Karrin says, "Can always submit it as city lore, and we'll throw it in if it's appropriate."

Rambling states, "Broader scope than the city"

Karrin declares, "Big thinks can be good!"

Karrin claims, "Ahhhh, I gotcha. Ok."

Eeel pontificates, "I'm just wondering where everyone is!!"

Karrin claims, "Ok! So, I apologize for pacing this week. I have pretty much been doing things by
myself, so not a lot has moved forward. I've been as attentive as I can outside of work, and I'll do
some plot processing and get some shenanigans going on grid for you all to respond to. Work has been
heavy, crashes have been frustrating, and migraines have been real."

Karrin has transferred Joss. [OOC]

Karrin gives a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to Joss.

Karrin pats Joss on the head.

Karrin has transferred Capitalism. [OOC]

Karrin gives a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to Capitalism.

Karrin states, "Please do worship my snowman platter, I do believe it borders on adorable. And, with
it being so slow this week activity-wise, I figured I'd celebrate the snow, AND remind you that we
have snowman and snowball crafts."

Capitalism says, "Fun times"

Karrin queries, "Ok! Do we have any topics this week?"

Magdalena lifts a serving platter shaped like a whimsical bescarved snowman to her nose and sniffs
at it.

Karrin pets the crickets.

InvestSouthside muses, "PSA Seneschal bids open tomorrow? "

Karrin pontificates, "Apparently they do!"

Valora declares, "Oh boy that ought to be fun! Can't wait to see what craziness comes up under the
next Seneschal's watch!"

Meiari claims, "Nothing, it's going to be chill and easy-peasy"

Karrin says, "Current seneschal will remain in office another 5 days at least, up to 2 weeks if we
get to an actual running."

Karrin pats Meiari's head. "We'll see about that."

Karrin claims, "We do already have a plan for the next plot. So I cannot guarantee that will be the

Karrin does enjoy chaos.

Meiari chalices herself.

Karrin muses, "Alright, well. If there's no topics, I guess we can tack this onto the books as one
of the shortest meetings evar, and send you all back with your fun snowman platters. Any last
comments before I send you to get in some RP?"

Capitalism declaims, "Re-elect Eloxotzi! Break all the rules!"

Valora exclaims, "Have fun all. Pray to the Machine God for the server's machine spirit!"

Karrin says, "I'd check with Eloxotzi on that one first."

Rambling claims, "Then who will clean the sewers"

Karrin claims, "Most Seneeschals by the end of their terms are done with it. Hah."

InvestSouthside looks unamused

Karrin says, "Ok! You all have fun."

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