OOC Meeting 11-2-2024

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sat Nov 02, 2024 3:51 pm

Temi gives a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls to InvestSouthside.

Temi grins.

Temi states, "Afraid not"

Karrin says to Scarry, "It was only the reason for ONE crash, which went with so many more things."

Meiari queries, "I still have that, when I can I try smoking it again?"

Karrin has transferred HIEROPHANT. [OOC]

Karrin has transferred Sparkles. [OOC]

Valora looks at the doll. "I have many feelings on this."

Temi gives a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls to HIEROPHANT.

Temi gives a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls to Sparkles.

Meiari holds a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls in her hand.

Temi questions to Valora, "You can abuse it, at least?"

Meiari squeezes her hand firmly about the middle of her ginger-curled doll causing its mouth to pop
open unnaturally wide, exposing lines of sharp little teeth as if it were roaring.

Magdalena appears in a swirling mist. [OOC]

(visnet) Staff Karrin: Did I forget anyone?

Baz lifts a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls to his nose and sniffs at it.

Baz states, "The doll has a custom sniff"

Meiari lifts a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls to her nose and sniffs at

Temi grins.

Karrin says, "Temi has recognized how people love to sniff things, so she complies."

Scarry lifts a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls to her nose and sniffs at

Scarry claims, "SNIFF GINGER"

Magdalena lifts a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls to her nose and sniffs
at it.

Scarry schneef schneefs.

Temi claims, "The looks on the faces when they sniff a gifty and it's got nothing :("

Rambling says, "This doll is suspect and menacing"

Karrin chuckles.

Karrin states, "You all have a VERY SCANDALOUS doll."

Meiari says, "A very -wanted- doll"

Karrin muses, "Ok, do I have a volunteer for logging and posting on the forums?"

InvestSouthside sighs "I can scribe if no one else wants it today."

Karrin chuckles.

Karrin has awarded you 3 QPs: scribe

Karrin states, "Ok! Let's get going."

Karrin says, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, please address that with staff privately.
- This is not the correct forum for bringing up policy violations. If there are instances of
perceived policy violations, please address that with staff privately."

Karrin wonders, "So! I know it's been a bit crazy this week. How are things?"

Taxius lifts a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls to their nose and sniffs at

Rambling claims, "The code ate my influence and activity and I'm sad about it."

Meiari declares, "I managed to do guild chores for once! Woodle!"

Scarry states, "Well, I was mostly busy with All Hallow's Mass (we don't really celebrate halloween

Rambling claims, "I turn my sadness into rage and write cnotes"

Valora states, "Uh been a good week. Nothing crazy besides the crashes and what not. Pretty chill
and relaxed."

Scarry says, "I also exploded the server with making too powerful a blunt, that was funny."

Karrin wonders to Rambling, "Yeeeeeah, we're working on that. We're hoping it actually fixes with
rollover tonight, but if it does not, please put a note on the typo board and we'll handle it
manually. How's your rec level?"

Rambling states, "Sadness into madness pipeline"

Rambling states, "Rec level also reset now that I noticed."

Karrin nods.

Rambling claims, "Not that it was very high anyway"

Scarry trails off, "RP-wise, uhhh...."

Karrin claims, "It's something we're aware of. Part of the weekly rollover is checking the
calculations on that, so if it doesn't fix, we have a plan."

InvestSouthside states, "I breath, i exist, i swing hammers in porcelain houses."

Scarry says, "Just waiting on my plot and on the demo for MoHu running out so I can see my friends

HIEROPHANT stops using a small bronze sculpture of a winding wreath of wildflowers.
HIEROPHANT holds a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls in his hand.

HIEROPHANT squeezes his hand firmly about the middle of his ginger-curled doll causing its mouth to
pop open unnaturally wide, exposing lines of sharp little teeth as if it were roaring.

Rambling claims, "I'll yell at someone or drink a lot after this meeting maybe. Who knows what IC
plans I have? OoOoOoOo."

Karrin says, "My intention is to work on plots today and tomorrow. I just didn't feel well last
weekend, and then when the unstableness became a thing, I didn't want to do it and then have it

Scarry declaims, "Yeah I figured that was the reason. Don't chu worry, Karrin!"

Karrin wonders, "Any topics for this week?"

Valora claims, "That makes total sense."

Oisin appears in a swirling mist. [OOC]

Karrin pats Oisin on the head.

Magdalena waves at Oisin.

Karrin says, "Ok, if any topics come up, feel free to send me a tell."

Temi states, "Heads up that I'll be traveling in a few days for a good chunk, so catch me sooner if
you need me"

Karrin claims, "She's LEAVING ME..... I am so sad."

Temi states, "Feel free to distract Karrin."

Temi nods in agreement.

Scarry exclaims, "Happy travels!"

Sparkles claims, "We'll try and keep you company, Karrin."

Karrin puffs her cheeks in indignation.

Capitalism states, "Have a good travel."

Meiari says, "Travel safe, we'll bug Karrin in your absence <3"

Karrin states, "Alright, so to start, I'd like to at least point out a couple that have been with us
for a few weeks, but life keeps them from being super huge around."

Karrin motions to Oisin, "Oisin will be Lochan's minion."

Scarry says, "This is getting out of hand."

Scarry gestures to coders.

Scarry says, "Now there's two of them."

Karrin motions to Magdalena, "And Magdalena has joined us as a dedicated builder staff."

Oisin says OOCly, "Yep... I poke code."

Rambling says, "Be gentle it's fragile"

Karrin claims, "Oisin also builds web clients. So.... we will be poking him."

Magdalena waves at the room in general in greeting.

Taxius queries, "Ooh. are we moving to websocket?"

Karrin states, "Be kind, be gentle, for both, this codebase is unfamiliar. So, there will be much
training and smoothing out of lives before you can bother them as much as you bother me."

Meiari says, "Well I'm excited for the potentials :3"

Karrin states, "They are both very good at what they do, I assure you."

Temi says, "Probably not changing anything existing, but more options. We'll see though"

Karrin nods.

InvestSouthside states, "Immediately start harassing them got it"

Rambling states, "Becoming involved with the code of this game has the IC equivalent of 'no one goes
to Vostock on purpose'"

Karrin claims to InvestSouthside, "Slay is still a GREAT command that I have complete control over."

Magdalena starts plotting to make a voodoo doll of InvestSouthside and a series of pins to poke in

InvestSouthside looks at rec level, "That might be okay..."

Karrin says to Magdalena, "I like that idea."

Temi grins at Rambling.

Karrin says, "Oisin and Magdalena, here's our players. They're actually a pretty damned good group.
I like them."

Karrin states to Temi, "I'll let you update, then I'll go."

Oisin says OOCly, "I am the sort who simply walks into Mordor. But only because I got lost heading
to the bathroom."

Capitalism says, "She lies! We're gremlins and find all the wonderful gremlin bugs that we can."

Temi grins.

Rambling states, "She's lying we're pretty terrible, also you can just use say in here."

Karrin states to Capitalism, "Well, YOU are."

Temi claims, "Working on figuring out mainly request sorts of things in addition to helping Karrin
get ready on the big plot"

Karrin states, "I think it's the difference between ' and " - whichever you're using, switch it.

Temi states, "But a bit extra rl stuff to prepare to travel soon. Will try to get everything into a
good state here though"

Capitalism claims, "I love being a gremlin. It's kinda awesome."

Oisin trails off, "'Yeah... I need more practice with the player-facing side of this..."

Temi says, "It's the single ' that does normal talk."

Temi nods at Karrin.

Karrin trails off, "I am the loser that types say every time, so...."

InvestSouthside claims, "Same"

Baz states, "Wait what"

Baz states, "WHAT"

Karrin claims, "Anyway, I've been dealing with not feeling well, and heavy work, and investigating
everything going wrong with the crashes. So you are aware, the pfiles affected were O-Z. We are
aware you lost your recent activity (though that said, your overall total RP hours is still good),
IP, and rec levels. Even the guildleaders list was broken, but as people got active, they popped
back on there. Apparently, we have a lot of guildleaders in the affected group."

Karrin says, "We are HOPING the rollover this evening fixes the rec levels - the weekly rollover has
checks for that when the regular daily ones don't."

Meiari states, "Here's hoping it fixes itself. That would be nice"

Karrin states, "Also, if your bank was accidentally deleted, we have a fix for THAT, too. Checking
to see if tonight's rollover fixes it, we do have a list of who was affected - if it doesn't, we'll
run Lochan's manual fix. It just has to be person by person, so we're seeing if the game fixes it

Karrin claims to Meiari, "Apparently, all new code back to like... June 1 was corrupted and poofed.
Which was pretty much all of Lochan's fixes and new things (like looking in containers, rpxp passive
gain when alone in public rooms, etc). But, the crash that happened AFTER that... fixed those? So...
it's been a wild week."

Karrin states, "We're working on some failsafes to prevent craziness in the future, but assure that
we will work all of this out."

Karrin states, "And that... was my week. >.>"

Karrin queries, "Anyone think of any topics while I was rambling?"

Rambling says, "This code is more haunted than Source engine. And Creation Engine. Also I'M

Meiari states, "I kind of have a topic/idea/note."

Karrin says, "We have been INCREDIBLY grateful for the patience from all of those affected.
Honestly, thank you so much."

Karrin claims to Rambling, "Living up to your name."

Karrin nods at Meiari.

Karrin claims, "Sure, go ahead."

Rambling says, "Still less cursed than BYOND but anyway--"

Meiari muses, "So there's not really a use for animal heads outside of ONE craft that I'm aware of -
hunting trophies. They can't be used to embellish anything (wanted to embellish a cloak with one)
and they can't be used for sausage or anything useful... outside of donating them to the church for
lols. Is that something we could possibly change? We get so many from hunting/harvesting animals"

Baz exclaims, "New recipe to serve delicious pork skull!"

Sparkles says, "They also don't decay so they end up like everywhere."

Karrin states, "There are quite a few dishes made with... brains and other things like that. Some
Mexican dishes, I'd think especially Charali and Hillman. BUT, I'll let your craftmin respond to
that one."

Karrin defers to Temi.

Temi states, "No promises, but we can take a look at it. In general, no guarantees that everything
will be as useful as its prevalence"

Scarry states, "Brain's pretty fatty so it's a good flavouring for soup."

Meiari states, "That's fair, but even if they were included as animal parts for sausage making I'd
be content xD"

InvestSouthside claims, "500 in danijel's donation boxes"

Baz says, "Sweet meats"

Temi nods.

Temi claims, "Can certainly look at it"

Sparkles states, "If you could break them down into bone bits, that would allow them to be used for
bone crafts or the bone marrow thingie."

Karrin says, "Yeah, sausages does make sense, I think."

Scarry says, "Just don't eat human brains, y'all crazy enough as it is."

Karrin says, "If they're skinning humans, please look for demon summoning circles."

Temi says, "Though we do approve of troublemakers."

Temi gives an innocent grin.

Karrin states, "Oh, I did not say to NOT skin humans, fairly."

Karrin coughs.

InvestSouthside states, "Im just making books bro no demons"

Meiari queries, "Human vellum when?"

Karrin trails off, "Alrighty, Temi will keep that in mind and look into it. Anything else before I
release you to cause chao...."

Sparkles says, "I have a small thing, if there's time but it's not in anyway major. And a little

Capitalism wonders, "When did this become Rimworld?"

Karrin deadpans to Meiari, "No."

Capitalism questions, "When do I get my human leather armchair?"

Karrin nods at Sparkles.

Karrin claims, "Go ahead."

Scarry declares, "I want a human hat!"

Capitalism states, "I'm about to have a mental break from eating without a table."

Karrin claims to Temi, "I blame you, even if it was my fault."

Scarry queries, "Why do I have to share a room with other people? :("

InvestSouthside hums as he contemplates, "a human vellum book"

Temi says, "Hm, there hasn't be a great demand for crafts with human skin."

Karrin states, "New staffers, just, uh. Huh."

InvestSouthside muses, "With gold leaf?"

Temi claims, "You can get a human skin at least though. I wonder if it serves as an embellishment"

Karrin states, "I'd say our players aren't crazy, but we all play a text game. So we might be a
little off our rockers."

Karrin says to Temi, "Definitely your fault."

Scarry states, "In another RP game I wrote my in-depth anatomy book on vellum made of my test

Sparkles claims, "This isn't something that players should have (likely) but a way for staff to flag
plants/gardens in a way that they don't actively produce but also don't die might be nice. Like a
'stasis' option for ones there for looks more than producing stuffs. As sometimes there are gardens
in places that (in theory) should have NPC tenders but don't."

Scarry states, "Maybe I should do that again."

HIEROPHANT claims, "Human skin sails for my fingernail boat."

Capitalism states, "Wait... Is it an embellishable thing? IF not that's definitely a bug that needs
to be fixed."

Scarry states, "Hierophant, don't forget the bloodwood masts."

Karrin says, "Thoughts on a stasis garden? I have some, but I'll ask everyone else first."

HIEROPHANT states, "If you think it isn't an entire tree I water with the blood of my enemies, you
are mistaken."

Scarry claims, "I think this is entirely fine."

HIEROPHANT claims, "I sail it to my secret lair, which is of course a volcanic island shaped like my

Meiari states, "I could see it being useful."

Scarry says, "Especially like rose gardens or whatever that aren't there for produce but to look

InvestSouthside claims, "We have a lot of gardens that have gone untended in public spaces and it
feels bad that they died out if I am honest. I get its supposed to be sorta on players but things
like the sand gardens in the farin quarter probably wouldve been tended by a clergy of the church
right there. So I am really pro this."

HIEROPHANT states to Karrin, "An Herbalism craft that consumes a normal plant to make a dummy plant
might be easiest."

Baz muses, "Do bouquets decay?"

Temi claims, "Should"

InvestSouthside's opportunity to accept the Personal Event has expired.

Sparkles says, "My example is the Palace, it had a really nice garden but alas."

Meiari states, "Bouquets do indeed decay :3"

Karrin claims, "I have mixed feelings on it. As players cycle through, those public gardens that die
out...it gives other players the opportunity to... pretty up something out there in the public. And
while it may be a shame that plants went away, it's an opportunity to make something new. PLUS, it
takes like... a year of not tending for the plants to actually completely wither, I think. Like, an
IRL year."

Temi claims, "I think 6 months. So 2 IC years"

Karrin claims, "I think it's totally valid for someone to move on and stop tending, and someone else
to take over."

Karrin nods at Temi.

InvestSouthside says, "Okay but theres only so much steam people have for tending gardens. I got a
lot I already tend to and I used to add others onto that list and would spend an upwards of 4 to 6
rl hours tending to gardens before I scaled back."

Karrin says, "Making something that's in permanent stasis feels... like others wouldn't want to
touch it."

Karrin says to InvestSouthside, "Yeah, not really intended to have the entire grid tended by a
single person."

Temi nods in agreement.

Temi claims, "I've definitely had characters tend to particular public places at certain times, but
not super extensive, I suppose"

Karrin says, "I have had characters who do it, too. And it *is* a cool IC job to pursue if you can
get people to let you."

Scarry states, "Man, I have to tend 40+ plants as physician and that was hell until one of my
beautiful, smart and funny friends told me how to set up the alias for it."

Karrin states, "Yeah, the aliases help a ton."

Scarry says, "Also, in some particular public places, one has to consider : Do people feel even
allowed to touch them? Like the palace gardens."

HIEROPHANT says to Karrin, "When times are slow, it's that or let everything wither, on occasion.

I just think dummy plants that don't produce things would be nice to have. I'd love to have a little
bonsai tree in my office."

Baz wonders, "You got your own office? Ritzy "

Sparkles says, "I think one thing is we can vary a lot at times about the number of players
interested in that kind of thing. Also in some of the rooms in question, I'm pretty sure it's
flagged a crime to fuss with things so I don't know that players can always fix them without staff
help either way."

Scarry claims, "Finally, a living thing as small as hierophant's conscience. "

InvestSouthside muses, "Omg mini-bonsai garden?"

HIEROPHANT says, "Of course, it's where I sit behind my desk and villainously pet my fluffy cat and
cackle mischievously as I plot someone's doom."

Karrin says, "Ok, we'll stick it on a consideration."

Temi claims, "I think the crime is mainly uprooting things"

Karrin muses to Sparkles, "Put it on the ideas board?"

Sparkles nods.

Karrin claims, "And yeah, the crime is in transplanting them and removing them. Not in tending them
or planting new ones."

Karrin states, "Alrighty. If you notice your bug boards missing, we... are aware of that, too, and
have a backup. Please don't worry there."

Karrin states to HIEROPHANT, "Probably that one is mostly for you."

Karrin questions, "Ok! Anything else before we disperse?"

Temi says, "I wonder if we should create a sort of potted plant that doesn't require much attention
- at least has a super long timer."

Temi ponders.

Temi states, "We have the potted versions of regular plants for qp, but that's more portability than
a different type of thing."

Sparkles says, "So I know for various reasons it's been a bit of a slower week and there's the
activity concerns for some folks with the code boom, so after meeting we'll be hosting a little
lowkey event at the locale of the day."

Karrin says, "We will genuinely consider it. Maybe not for everything, but... we have some ideas."

HIEROPHANT states to Temi, "Some of the potted flowers are like that, but they do produce flower

Temi states, "Yes, they are regular plants that produce, but we've just only made them for flowers
and decorative things"

Karrin nods.

Karrin says, "Yeah, so we can talk about some other options - maybe needing less frequent tending or
producing nothing. We'll let you know our decision."

Karrin queries, "Anything else?"

Karrin says, "If not, I'll give you a few minutes back in your day, let you go wander and cause
trouble on grid. Again, thank you all for your patience throughout this week, and we *will* get
everything settled."

Karrin says, "And sniff your dolls, of course."

Karrin lifts a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls to her nose and sniffs at

Rambling says, "No thanks"

Karrin chuckles.

Sparkles waves.

Meiari gives a good shaking of her little ginger-curled doll, sending the top of its head, mouth
opened unnaturally to reveal rows of sharp teeth, flopping up and down wildly.

Scarry claims, "SCHNEEF SCHNEEF"

Karrin declaims, "Byeeeee!"

The following information is recorded about it:
The soft cloth doll has been stuffed with some sort of squishy, spongy
material that bounces back into shape after it is squeezed. The figure
itself is designed to resemble an awkward young fellow, vaguely bookish with
long ginger curls and poorly fitting robe. Something does seem a bit off
about how his mouth has been crafted, leaving it with a lopsided smirk.

It is priced at approximately 9 silver.
This 'a squishy doll, resembling a young fellow with ginger curls' is a kind of prop.
It appears to be made of cloth.
It looks to be in excellent condition.
It weighs around 1 pounds.
It can be worn as follows: take hold
It could be easily held in one hand. (Actual size: 10)
Its value should be approximately 9 silver.
This can be embellished.

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