- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, please address that with staff privately.
- This is not the correct forum for bringing up policy violations. If there are instances of
perceived policy violations, please address that with staff privately."
Karrin states, "No, no getting in trouble over OOC meeting gifts."
Baz states, "Whew"
Karrin claims, "Unless you're utterly ridiculous with it. In which case, yeah."
Karrin asks, "ANYWAY, how was RP this week?"
Baz robs a bank with it
Kalana pontificates, "Busy busy!"
Meiari states, "I've had a good time. Being late-stage pregnant gets me out of tedious, I mean
invovled, scenes :3"
Valora says, "RP was good. Missed a few days cause of being sick. Otherwise good week though. Plenty
of craziness."
Baz says, "Seems true to life, my sister in law was miserable near the end X)"
Karrin claims, "Lots has been going on this week. I hope there's been a bunch to interact with."
Karrin questions, "Alright, any one have any topics?"
Karrin claims, "... none at all? Alright. If something comes up, please let me know."
Karrin nods at Temi.
Karrin states, "I'll let you go first this week."
Temi states, "Alright! I have been helping out some with the plot stuff, but other than that,
mainly helping with requests and such here and there, and plotting for the future."
Temi nods at Karrin.
Trogdor queries, "Plotting for the future... or scheming?"
Temi flutters eyelashes innocently back at trogdor. "Who, me?"
Valora states, "Both? Both."
Karrin states, "I've handled a few scenes this week. Some last Sunday, and then a couple yesterday.
And, I see that I have a rather long list of plots to look at, and sort of think there WILL BE
MORE... but all good. I'll tackle as many as I can tomorrow, and then later, we'll handle more."
Karrin states, "I have stirred up many plotty things, admittedly. Some demony, and some not demony.
I am excited for the results of all of them."
Temi says, "She's been a busy little staffer, causing chaos for all you lot"
Baz claims, "A menace, like spider-man"
Karrin says, "For those who did not get to attend yesterday's scene, the people who DID attend were
tasked to get the news out, so ask for story time. It should be fun to see how the game of telephone
Temi nods in agreement.
Temi says, "Intended for it to be something to RP about, not just something that could have been a
post to all"
Karrin nods.
Scarry claims, "I did spread it about a bit but not too much since I was busy helpin' my brother."
Karrin claims, "Oh, that wasn't a grumble at anyone. Hah. more a reassurance for those who didn't
get to go that they can hopefully still hear about it."
Temi nods in agreement.
Karrin claims, "We had no topics, though! Did anyone think of anything? If not, I guess I can send
you all back to play with your demon traps."
Temi states, "Have definitely started to hear things being bandied about."
Meiari pulls on the string attached to her box trap's support stick, yanking it out from under it
and collapsing the little box onto the ground with a sudden thud, trapping whatever is beneath it.
Baz pontificates, "I have no points! I'm a sphere

Karrin declaims, "Alrighty, speedy meeting. I'll send you all back. Enjoy your time on grid!"