OOC Meeting 9-14-2024

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 35
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sun Sep 22, 2024 7:14 am

Temi gives a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate to InvestSouthside.

Meiari stops using a delicate ombre silk fan painted with Lilies of the Valley.
Meiari holds a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate in their hand.

Karrin has transferred Sparkles. [OOC]

Meiari positions one of their little chocolate singers in front of their mouth, singing out a solemn
"La la la" for it.

Karrin has transferred Valora. [OOC]

Temi gives a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate to Sparkles.

Temi gives a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate to Valora.

appraise choir

The following information is recorded about it:
The little chocolate figures are all approximately the same size and shape,
highly stylized with floor-length robes and small mouths opened in song, but
the smaller details like the shape of the facial features or the lines that
suggest hair give each of them their own unique identity. Each one is about
bite-sized, ready to pop into the mouth whole and let it melt there.

It is priced at approximately 16 silver.
This 'a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate' is a kind of food.
It has 3 bites remaining, which should be about 100% of the original batch.
It appears to be made of food.
It looks to be in excellent condition.
It weighs around 0 pounds.
It can be worn as follows: take
It could be easily held in one hand. (Actual size: 3)
Its value should be approximately 16 silver.
It should provide 55 energy per bite.
Popped into the mouth whole, the solid dark chocolate singer melts slowly on
the tongue, smoothly coating it and imparting the rich, bitter flavor of
good, dark chocolate, full of flavorful, almost fruity notes that last all of
the way through it.

HIEROPHANT stops using a small woven basket threaded with thin, glittering strands.
HIEROPHANT holds a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate in his hand.

HIEROPHANT positions one of his little chocolate singers in front of his mouth, singing out a solemn
"La la la" for it.

Karrin has transferred Taxius. [OOC]

Temi gives a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate to Taxius.

Baz lifts a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate to his nose and sniffs at it.

Karrin declares, "Hi, everyone!"

Valora claims, "Awww how cute... another awesome treat I refuse to eat because it's too cool."

Baz eats a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate.

Temi grins at Valora.

InvestSouthside declares, "HIYA!"

Meiari stares at Baz in horror as a singer is eaten.

Karrin gasps at Baz. "Heathen."

(visnet) Player Kahurangi: Missed me

HIEROPHANT says, "It will join my collection of weirdly-detailed meeting snacks. It can go right
next to the jelly-filled demon cookie."

Temi states, "You don't have to eat them, it's okay. But they are chocolate."

Karrin has transferred Scarry. [OOC]

(visnet) Staff Karrin: Sorry about that!

Scarry declares, "Good
mmooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing vietnam!!"

Temi gives a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate to Scarry.

Baz claims, "If I eat them, I gain their power"

Karrin chuckles.

Karrin wonders, "Ok! Do I have a volunteer for scribe?"

Valora claims, "Mines def singing along side the golden skeleton."

Meiari wonders, "Oh well then, carry on... and if that's the case can I get one of them demon

InvestSouthside states, "Of course if no one else wants it"

Scarry says, "I volunteer Southside."

Rambling claims, "How was prayer day my fellow Okran faithful. Hopefully no heathen
robots/aliens/witches/women or else we may have to send the INQUISITORIAL DEATH SQUAD for a
reeducation visit."

Rambling says, "Wait wrong game"

Karrin bops Rambling.

Karrin says, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, or specific policy violations, please address
that with staff privately."

Valora blinks confusedly

Karrin has transferred Capitalism. [OOC]

Karrin muses, "That said! How was RP this week, my lovely players?"

Temi gives a little choir of singers sculpted of smooth dark chocolate to Capitalism.

InvestSouthside sits with a pigeon taking notes

Baz declaims, "Went well!"

Scarry states, "I tried to pick up the ball with the rash thing and so far I did a decent bit of
progress there, I think! I had fun running around and bothering people with that."

Valora says, "I had a pretty good week. Some fun little scenes and lots of new faces I getting to

Meiari claims, "Pretty good. Glad I can blame my ooc crazy on my ic crazy. That's fun"

Karrin cheers. "I am glad to hear all of this."

Rambling says, "Debating Morals and Ethics with fellow fans of watching someone burn to death."

Karrin says to Rambling, "But it smells so good."

InvestSouthside claims, "Sadly i wasnt allowed out with kerosene and matches yet but otherwise good

Temi claims to Rambling, "For their own good, of course."

HIEROPHANT claims, "I had some very good and important dramatic scenes this week."

Karrin states, "I haven't been around as much as I've liked, but when I am, I'm delighted by the
number of people online."

Temi nods in agreement.

Sparkles claims, "Had some interesting scenes this week. Looking forward to upcoming stuff."

Karrin queries, "Anybody have a topic they'd like to bring up?"

Scarry states, "I only hope I am doing plots right. This is my first actually involved one."

Karrin says to Scarry, "If we ever need more than what you have provided, we'll let you know."

Temi nods in agreement.

Temi claims, "Yeah, make sure to check it again if we kick it back to needs input"

Temi claims, "But it's hard to get things wrong enough we couldn't help you sort it out"

Karrin nods in agreement with Temi.

Temi claims, "No - that's not a challenge."

Karrin states to Temi, "It totally is."

InvestSouthside says, "Bet"

Karrin states, "See/"

Sparkles says, "I had a bit of a thought, but only if there's time."

Karrin nods at Sparkles.

Karrin claims, "Ok, Sparkles is on the list. We'll go ahead and get started with Temi, then I'll
speak briefly, and then we'll move on to player topics. If anything else comes up, don't hesitate to
let me know."

Temi states, "More of the attack of real life for me, though I've still been trying to be around
every evening and keeping up on things like plots and some of the easier requests or typos or such"

Temi claims, "But nothing too big and exciting"

Temi nods at Karrin.

Karrin states, "Lochan also wants you to know that he's is also suffering the attack of real life,
but he is going to come back as soon as he can and is eager to start blasting bugs again."

HIEROPHANT says, "I will endeavour to find plenty for him to blast"

Karrin trails off, "As for me, I've been going on a book obsession this week. Because we have a lot
of them, like, a LOT, and...."

Karrin pats HIEROPHANT on the head, "You already do."

Karrin states, "ANYWAY, and where I am finding that things seem to be, uh. "Missing", so to speak,
I'm trying to rectify that. So, on the same lines, if you know of a book and think it would be good
to make sure we have a permanent copy of it (as we do have many wander off through liquidations and
other things, unfortunately), feel free to put up a request board and let us know. We'll take a look
and make sure we have it."

Scarry says, "Can you find my dad, he went out to buy milk and hasn't come back yet."

Karrin says, "Unfortunately, my focus is books this week. I'm unlikely to be looking for dads for
another fourteen weeks or so? Remind me then."

Scarry claims, "Will do."

Karrin states to Sparkles, "Feel free to move on forward with your topic of discussion."

Scarry claims, "Seventh of December, noted down."

Karrin murmurs to Temi, "Remind me to miss that meeting?"

Temi muses to Karrin, "Remind me to remind you?"

Karrin nods at Temi.

Karrin claims, "Deal."

Temi states, "Excellent."

Temi grins.

Sparkles claims, "So, I know it's always been the idea of the Census being 'fuzzy' to avoid giving
certain things away. And that makes sense for some info but I do wonder if it sometimes conflating
numbers in Guilds etc, might encourage against a proper picture if people use that to pick

Karrin wonders, "I haven't looked recently, admittedly. Is it ballooning some things?"

Temi says, "Hrm. Maybe fuzzy numbers should only be on actual secret things, like specific guilds
or religions or such"

Sparkles says, "I'd say having it on heretic numbers, etc, makes sense. But, yes, I'd say if people
can already see public Guild numbers if they do 'guildlist' etc, it's not really hiding the info."

Karrin nods at Temi.

Temi nods.

HIEROPHANT queries, "I think people are more likely to use guildlist over census in chargen anyway.
We have some new or new-ish characters in here currently - did y'all use either of them in your
decision-making process, or did you already have an idea coming in of what you wanted to do, guild-

Karrin states, "Can you throw up a bug board for that? Temi and I can flesh it out with what should
be exact and what ought to be slushy, and then Lochan can take a look at it once he gets a chance."

Katarina claims, "I used guildlist."

Baz states, "Used both, and just sorta winged it with no real idea anyways"

Sparkles nods at Karrin.

Sanura is idle.

Temi questions, "Anything other than covert guilds or mages or heresies that people would be
concerned about folks being able to pinpoint?"

Temi says, "I mean, that's half of the list."

Temi grins.

Karrin chuckles.

Scarry claims, "We should put up a new category"

Scarry trails off, "Everyone who has a great... personality (everyone app 1)"

Temi grins.

Temi asks, "App 1-?"

Karrin questions, "App 1s unite?"

Scarry claims, "Uggos unite"

Meiari trails off, "It is kind of funny we have 4+ but not... 1..."

Rambling claims, "Back in my day we called that the Circus"

Karrin states, "Well, obviously we only care to count the pretty people."

Scarry says, ":( I'm beautiful on the inside."

Sparkles states, "Well do I have news for you, Rambling."

Temi grins.

Temi asks of Scarry, "Excellent organs?"

Karrin states, "Ok, any other topic before I shoo you all back to grid? I saw everyone stuffed in
the cathedral, I hope that went well."

Scarry says, "Of the highest quality."

Capitalism claims, "No explosions."

Capitalism states, "So sad days."

Karrin states to Capitalism, "I don't know, no explosions in the cathedral might be a good thing.
Though, not for those who crave dramatics."

Baz claims, "The night is still young"

Eeel says, "I had a topic of sorts."

Capitalism questions, "So... what do we do with the elderly on the census when they show up? Just
escort them over to the pyre?"

Karrin nods at Eeel.

Karrin states to Eeel, "Sure, go ahead."

Temi says to Capitalism, "That's an IC decision, sounds like."

Rambling says, "We could lower the elderly age to 30 for the real Logan's Run experience if we're
going for Ancient references"

Eeel claims, "So player numbers have been kind of down from what they've been in the past, recently,
and I'm wondering what we can do as a community to attract more players back/more new players. I
feel like it's something we should be thinking a lot about. Do we ask for emails during account
creation? I can't remember."

Eeel states, "We're getting pretty good numbers around now though."

Temi states, "Players are getting back up, though they were lower for a bit there, yeah. Of course,
we'd still like to improve further"

Temi claims, "I think holding events and being around is the biggest help, but there's probably some
other things"

Karrin claims, "They got really low during the summer, but have actually been... quite good these
last few weeks? I think it has a lot to do with, quite literally, two owner changes within 3 months.
And, then summer months, too. For now, I'm willing ot keep watching and working to support the
players we have here."

Karrin says, "If it matters, for good or for ill (goodness, might be that everyone may not like me,
but hey), I'm not intending to be going anywhere anytime soon. So, you're stuck with me. No abrupt
staff changing in the near future."

Eeel claims, "Yippee"

HIEROPHANT finishes abruptly, "In terms of things you can personally do to aid recruitment -"

Karrin nods at HIEROPHANT.

HIEROPHANT claims, "If you think you have a solid grasp on the overall vibe of TI, vibe-check your
friends and decide if any of them might jive with the game/themes/setting/so on, and invite them.
You get a small bonus for referring new players and can improve their experience with direct
mentorship on how to operate a terminal and put on clothes and other such first-time MUD
difficulties, if you have the patience for it."

Karrin nods in agreement with HIEROPHANT.

Temi nods in agreement.

Temi states, "Plus peer pressure"

Scarry questions, "HIEROPHANT, do you REALLY want more people like me around?"

HIEROPHANT says, "Yes"

HIEROPHANT claims, "TI isn't for everybody, though, it's pretty niche, so, y'know, use some judgment
rather than just blasting out a mass email or whatever"

Karrin claims, "We do, admittedly, have a very niche sort of game. Not everyone is going to like it.
Some that do, it's not the best thing for them for whatever reason."

Karrin hears HIEROPHANT similarly. "Damn you."

Capitalism states, "It's how we got... the Seneschal, Grand Magnate, and Grand Master all at once.
Vibe checks passed."

Scarry trails off, "I do have some friends in mind but the real concern about the niche nature of an

Scarry states, "I am currently working on one of my buddies for it."

Capitalism thumbs up to all our new'ish people.

Eeel says, "I've TRIED so hard to get some of my nerdier, TTRPG friends to play, because what is a
mud if not an internet text based TTRPG, but none of them want tooo. I'll keep trying personally

Temi grins.

Karrin says, "But, in the last 25 years that I've been in and out of this game, no matter how far I
go to look to find RP as good as it is here, I don't find it. It's simply not out there. And I love
our crafting system."

HIEROPHANT claims, "If they're into other forms of roleplay it's probably possible for them to adapt
to the MUD experience, if they're the imaginative sort."

Karrin says, "Though, admittedly, the crafting system is newer. Back a long time ago, it wasn't

HIEROPHANT says, "TI is a story-engine; the best way to hook people who like stories is to do a cool
thing and then tell them a story about it."

Sanura is no longer idle.
Sanura has returned from AFK.

Eeel claims, "I told my friends 'I'm going to a council meeting' once and they all GROANED"

Eeel claims, "Council meetings are apparently NOT cool"

Karrin claims, "If they aren't into the nitty gritty stuff, we could definitely use some fun, pious
people! Though some might think that boring, I think it's good just social RP."

InvestSouthside states, "I heard they've gotten better then what they were"

Karrin says to Eeel, "Council meetings are a niche of a niche of a niche."

Sparkles states, "Have to tell them a story about one that kicked off a duel."

Temi muses, "It might help to call it a royal council?"

Temi grins.

HIEROPHANT gets his monolith-making mallet.

Karrin claims, "Political RP is its own category. Spoopy RP is another. Sneaky RP is another.
There's a lot of hats for people to wear, and slide into."

InvestSouthside states, "Stabby rp is also another rp and burny rp or crafting rp"

Karrin claims, "Some great crafters."

Rambling asks, "Who wants existential horror in their nightmare dystopia RP?"

Meiari claims, "Which means endless replay potential muahahahaha :3"

HIEROPHANT says, "One thing I will say about TI in general is it tends to become your 'main game'
after a while, so to speak"

InvestSouthside whistles looking at their hours...

HIEROPHANT states, "So people who already have a 'main game' they're on by 'default', as it were -
MMOs especially fit this niche - probably won't be too interested."

Karrin says, "It is hard to multitask with TI. Though I find other games go too fast for me, as a

Temi says, "It's definitely a different sort of pace"

Baz claims, "I gotta sneak away, no plotting any coups"

Baz begins to descend.

Baz leaves down.

Karrin questions, "Ok, anything else before I send you back?"

Scarry says, "Throw rocks at Ikeala."

Karrin considers, "Maybe.

HIEROPHANT claims, "I have better rocks."

Valora pontificates, "Make sure to get up and drink some water!"

Rambling finishes abruptly, "Write that down - execution by stoning"

Scarry states, "Throw better stones at HIEROPHANT."

Karrin declaims, "Go forth! Create chaos! Pray and be pious (at least when people are watching)!"

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