Temi has transferred Rambling.
A Comfortable Room
A plethora of gaily coloured silk pillows with fringes and tassels
completely conceal the floor. A large pillow in the corner stands out, a
brooding black mass of velvet and fringeless. Screens of nature scenes
painted with the spare strokes of a brush that hint at and outline the
subjects, leaving much to the imagination. Behind the screens, silk
curtains and sheets painted with bright patterns hide the walls, pulled
back only around the windows that pierce the southern and western walls to
look out over a lush garden filled with an untamed riot of plants and
[ Exits: down ] [ Air exits: none ]
Valora is here.
Sjinn is here.
InvestSouthside is here.
Faith is here.
Flower is here.
A roly-poly white-bellied puppy is here.
Temi is here.
(WARNING: This is an OOC room. No rpxp is earned in this room, and nothing said or done here is IC.)
Temi gives a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid to Valora.
Temi gives a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid to Rambling.
Rambling says, "PLEASE"
Temi attempts to look innocent again.
say I weep
Rambling says, "I weep"
Temi states, "Now, now, there's absolutely nothing anti-reeve here."
Temi grins.
Temi has transferred Meiari. [OOC]
Temi has transferred Capitalism. [OOC]
Temi gives a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid to Meiari.
Temi gives a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid to Capitalism.
Faith stops using a decorated ceramic mug of regular unsweetened black coffee.
Faith holds a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid in her hand.
InvestSouthside claims, "I LOVE THIS TEMI THANK YOU SO MUCH "
Meiari says, "I wish I had one irl"
InvestSouthside claims, "Jesters are great"
say I'll be over here lamenting
Rambling says, "I'll be over here lamenting"
Temi grins.
Valora says, "I wish I had bet on the item being mosaic themed... easy silver."
Faith stops using a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid.
Temi states, "Alas for it not actually being 'jokers' in Lithmorran card decks."
Temi claims to Valora, "You'd still have had to find someone to take the bet"
Temi has transferred Cuthbert. [OOC]
Flower opens a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid.
Temi gives a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid to Cuthbert.
Flower closes a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid.
Faith claims, "+10 to mult"
Temi asks, "Alright. Shall we go ahead and get started?"
Cuthbert claims, "Sup all"
Temi muses, "Rambling has volunteered to scribe. Anyone want to fight him for it?"
Temi has transferred ThatBard. [OOC]
Temi gives a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid to ThatBard.
Temi exclaims, "Okay, thanks Rambling!"
InvestSouthside claims, "If he volunteered go for it brother"
Temi has awarded you 3 QPs: Scribe
Flower states, "Have fun. "
[ INFO ] - Split-screen scrollback activated. Press <CTRL>+<ENTER> to cancel.
emote is scribing in tears.
Rambling is scribing in tears.
Temi says, "It's me and Puppy today, since Karrin and Lochan had other commitments."
Meiari states, "Roll over"
A roly-poly white-bellied puppy wiggles happily, jumping up happily at Meiari before it takes an
enthusiastic nose dive and rolls about haphazardly over her feet.
InvestSouthside states, "Play dead"
A roly-poly white-bellied puppy does a good approximation of a dead act, little paws curled up over
its belly and tongue sticking out a bit floppily. The exuberantly wagging tail does detract from
the overall effect, though.
Temi queries, "So, we'll do staff updates, player heartbeat, and then player topics. Anyone have
topics to get on the list at this point?"
Flower pontificates, "That's great!"
InvestSouthside asks, "WOO Puppy staff means we can be crazy right? since its like a substitute?"
Temi grins.
Temi says, "Well, maybe just crazy enough to make Karrin and Lochan jealous."
Temi exclaims, "Okay, so, I have a report from Karrin!"
Temi says, "Karrin has been working on balance things, as you likely already know based on the post
she made on the announcement board. First up is the demon system. It's not something that will be
shared publicly, or honestly even privately, but she has been working on balancing what we have
there so it can be put back into use."
Temi claims, "Lochan has been hit with a bad case of the OOC, but has spent some time on
investigating crashes and finding out places where code was not documented or according to plan."
say I can't wait for demons to be balanced (I've only ever seen one demon in a funny moment).
Rambling claims, "I can't wait for demons to be balanced (I've only ever seen one demon in a funny
Temi grins.
Temi says, "Hopefully it should make for some good times for folks."
Meiari claims, "Demons scare me so I'm worried when that rolls out D:"
Valora claims, "Demon balancing has me mildly concerned. Mostly I hope their might be more mild ones
for me to kill when bears get boring."
Valora states, "I am partly joking"
Flower claims, "They aren't scary.. underused for the scary perhaps though."
Temi says, "Most people who aren't dirty mages will probably never see a demon. But I wouldn't
worry too much about it. We want good experiences for players."
Temi states, "For me, lots of processing plots for people - I believe we are all caught up to date
at this point. I've started planning a little court event for next weekend for those who are
interested - a little birthday party for the queen, nothing too big."
Flower muses, "Time for a demon invasion, mm?"
Temi claims, "Other than that, the usual typos and requests and such."
InvestSouthside says, "I like to break things"
Temi asks of a roly-poly white-bellied puppy, "And what have you done this week?"
A roly-poly white-bellied puppy completely ignores Temi and wanders around in a haphazard path,
sniffing at the ground and waggling his tail.
Temi states, "Yeah, that sounds about right."
Meiari states, "Oof. Same."
InvestSouthside says, "You know what would be funny is if lochan programmed the puppy to give a
report of what he did when hes out"
Temi grins.
Temi states, "That would be cute."
Temi muses, "Alright! Player heartbeat then! How's the game been for everyone this week?"
InvestSouthside states, "Busy very busy this week its felt"
ThatBard states, "I had a good week. I'm currently finishing an IC book."
emote makes an ST to make up a demon for a one shot ({Wtee hee i love breaking policy{x).{/{/"As
for what I did I ran plots! The plots were okay I guess! I also knew the joy of hiring someone only
for them to resign."
Rambling makes an ST to make up a demon for a one shot (tee hee i love breaking policy).
"As for what I did I ran plots! The plots were okay I guess! I also knew the joy of hiring someone
only for them to resign."
Meiari claims, "I have found it amusing Elisabetta is out of the city and gets bombarded with mail.
Sorry all not sorry."
Sjinn says, "I'm in grad school while working full time so incredibly stressful. Oh you mean in the

Temi comforts Rambling.
Temi declares to Sjinn, "Well, hopefully the game is a break from the stress at least!"
Valora states, "Been good RP. Got some work/projects done, wrote a book, had some fun breaking
things on accident, met some new folks. Been fun."
Capitalism claims, "I knew the joy of forging more stuff for people and then waiting for them to log
back on. >_>'"
Temi states, "Things seemed a bit livelier this week from my vantage point."
InvestSouthside states, "That gave me a particular joy"
Capitalism applauds.
Temi pontificates, "Well done!"
Faith says, "Still slow with this char. Not sure if I'll keep her"
Valora asks, "Does that mean your items are normally useless?"
say Currently watching my character to make sure he doesn't jump into the Bren and making other
plans as well. Not looking forward to Her Majesty's Birthday Bonanza (no fun allowed!!!).
Rambling says, "Currently watching my character to make sure he doesn't jump into the Bren and
making other plans as well. Not looking forward to Her Majesty's Birthday Bonanza (no fun
Temi grins at Rambling.
InvestSouthside claims, "But its the best time to have fun"
Valora pontificates, "I can't wait to see what people make as gifts or show up in for the fancy
Temi claims, "Well, as long as the players have fun, we can put our characters through hell."
Temi grins.
Flower states, "I'm just trying to ease back in. "
Faith asks, "The board post didn't mention how to specifically apply to attend the party. Just says
good standing. Is there a process?"
say I gotta dress nice and bring a gift and stuff though and my brain is low on fuel.
Rambling states, "I gotta dress nice and bring a gift and stuff though and my brain is low on fuel."
Temi states to Faith, "Nope, just show up and not be a wanted criminal."
InvestSouthside states, "So its time to commission all of the tailors is what i heard"
Valora states, "Or a mage."
Valora says, "No mages allowed"
Temi claims, "Well, being a mage is illegal, so criminal too."
Temi states, "Please don't feel obliged to do gifts if it's not something you will find fun oocly,
though I know that some people do enjoy the chance to show off"
InvestSouthside says, "Also yes valora your earrings are useless"
Valora shakes her head causing a pair of gilt Saint Aelwyn's Sword earrings made of bronze dancing
in the light. "Are they though?"
Temi states, "Alright, well, has anyone thought of any topics you want to go over? I don't have
anything on the list so far. Or we can just keep chatting about parties and gifts. Or I can shoo
you back to the grid."
(visnet) Player Kahurangi: Hello I am here for the meetin'.
Temi has transferred Scarry. [OOC]
Temi gives a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid to Scarry.
Temi declares, "Welcome!"
Scarry claims, "Heya."
Temi states, "I was just asking anyone if they had any topics to go over."
Valora says, "No topics for me... just looking forward to the party."
Scarry states, "Don't got any"
InvestSouthside says, "I got nothing i can remember"
Temi asks, "Well, if no one has anything particular, I could point to Karrin's recent post and
wonder if anyone has any particular systems they want to make sure on her list for balance checks?"
Faith claims, "I didn't understand it"
Temi asks, "Any specific questions from it? Or just not aware of anything concerning and why we'd
bring that up?"
Capitalism states, "Can we bring up the possibility of dual guilding of public guilds at some point?
I'm aware it was removed when we had a slightly higher population and also that guildleaders
shouldn't hold multiple roles."
Faith says, "The post. Seemed like a lot of preamble, but it didn't mention any specific changes at
the end. Only implied some things would be changing but not what or why, or what the goals are. Are
mages too powerful and need to be reigned in? Or is the Order too powerful? Or is it more mechanical
focused? I just didn't know how to interpret it, or what I was supposed to get out of it."
Capitalism says, "Something for a future topic."
Temi claims, "We can certainly discuss it"
Capitalism says, "Got lost in the scroll, sorry for the interrupt"
Temi says to Faith, "Yeah, no changes announced yet, just a 'expect changes, here's where we're
Cuthbert nods.
Temi says, "Just making sure things don't come out of left field for folks."
Valora says, "I have some questions but not sure I'm ready to voice them fully yet. Trying to digest
it and wait and see a bit."
Scarry claims, "The only too powerful guild right now are the merchants."
Scarry says, "Not the Order, lol."
InvestSouthside claims, "In sheer numbers perhaps"
Temi claims, "I expect most of the most problematic things aren't super visible to the average
player. There will be the odd niche where it will be more felt"
Temi says, "But hopefully no one is too worried. We don't want to make this hurt."
Scarry trails off, "The merchants will doom us all..."
Faith claims, "Tjat"
Cuthbert claims, "There goes my ability to summon fairies to grant me a sword that detects mages and
lets me beat all other weapons"
Cuthbert grins.
InvestSouthside claims, "I already ate that one sorry cuthbert"
Temi claims to Cuthbert, "Very unfortunate, I know."
Faith states, "That's also kinda weird. Are we going to expect changes to theme? There are places
I'd be happy to see that, but this is all really kinda so vague and seems to be intentionally
ominous. "
Temi says, "I wouldn't expect any major changes to theme - it should be what it's always been."
Temi states, "But there may be some curtailing of places where things veered out of theme."
Temi claims, "More of a refocus on theme than changing it."
Faith wonders, "Anything like scheduled pwipes or term limits to certain powerful positions?"
Temi claims, "Nope, nothing like that on the radar."
Faith says, "Oh bummer"
Valora says, "I guess I do have one major question I'm ready for. If it's a mechanical change that
is your niche or one of the more broader changes... will players who use it regularly get notified
to the changes? Maybe not in detail but told what the changes were so they can get unaccustomed to
changes? For instance combat felt like it was a topic likely in the possibilities of change and if
there is changes I'd like to know to relearn how weapons feel if they are rebalanced."
Temi claims, "There's already term limits on Seneschal, and if someone wants to be an active engaged
GL for ages, we're pretty okay with that."
Temi claims to Valora, "Karrin has promised to be as forthcoming with info as possible. If it's
something we can let folks know about, I imagine we will."
Temi says, "If it's anything as wide-sweeping as combat, we'll definitely let everyone know that
we've changed things, just how much of the details would be given out"
ThatBard says, "If you want a powerful position then you have to apply yourself. There are lots of
Gl positions open."
Temi nods at ThatBard.
Temi says, "Yeah, there's definitely not a lack of ways to get involved in GLship at this point if
folks are intereste."
Scarry claims, "And powerful positions aren't all that fun anyway."
Sjinn is idle.
Sjinn is no longer idle.
Sjinn has returned from AFK.
InvestSouthside says, "Truuue"
Scarry says, "A lot of it is just paperwork, literal paperwork."
Temi says, "Only as much fun as you make them, anyways."
Temi grins.
Capitalism says, "They have their times of fun. But they are few and far between."
Scarry states, "Only germans would like this."
Capitalism states, "But when they hit they give giggles."
say Some of these are also open to apps in chargen, you just need a reasonable enough character
Rambling states, "Some of these are also open to apps in chargen, you just need a reasonable enough
character history."
say Please, our proconsul is an otter.
Rambling claims, "Please, our proconsul is an otter."
Temi nods in agreement with Rambling.
InvestSouthside declaims, "The best otter on grid!"
Temi states, "Not just GL roles too, but other higher ranking guildmembers. Maybe less paperwork on
Temi grins.
Temi says, "Though really, it's up to your guild what paperwork is required outside of certain
policy required things like cnotes."
ThatBard states, "On the topic of combat. Have we ever thought of adding an initiative system?
Because currently the initiative is: who ever types the fastest. And that is not always good for rp,
in my biased opinion."
Temi states, "Certainly something we could discuss."
Faith states, "Didn't mean to imply I was sour that I wasn't able to get a powerful position. I've
beeb there done that, I was just expecting some BIG change like that after the post is all. "
Temi claims, "It wasn't already on the list of things we're planning"
Temi nods at Faith.
Temi states, "We're still working out what the changes will be, but we're expecting them to be on
the system sides of things."
Cuthbert says, "I'll stand by to be amazed "
ThatBard states, "Same. I will be waiting for whatever happens next. XD"
Temi states, "No breath holding please, though, as Karrin promised, it may take a while."
Temi grins.
Meiari muses, "So long as it makes the game more fun and easier to manage I'm all for it. In the
famous words of Reggie: If it's not fun, why bother?"
InvestSouthside says, "Words to live life by"
Temi claims, "I think we can get behind that. The question will just be fun for who, sometimes."
Scarry claims, "Oh we weren't supposed to hold our breath? That's good I was about to pass out."
Meiari states, "Ah, the eternal tug of war :3"
Temi grins.
Temi states, "Always."
Temi has transferred Sparkles. [OOC]
Valora states, "I look forward to see what Staff targets and changes."
Temi gives a trinket box inset with a playing card mosaic upon the lid to Sparkles.
Temi says to Sparkles, "We were just discussing Karrin's post on stuff like balance, but I think
that's winding down. Not sure if anyone else has topics."
Sparkles nods.
Temi states, "Basically, nothing big coming right now, but just trying to not catch people by
surprise later."
Flower is idle.
Faith says, "The game is old. Maybe older than some players? I think some big fundamental changes
could be healthy."
Flower is no longer idle.
Flower has returned from AFK.
Temi says, "Probably. I know I was playing the game in '99, though the first version."
Temi grins.
say When Dav was an actual PC and everything was...
Meiari says, "A healthy revamp can also help bring in new and old faces too :3"
Sparkles claims, "My only question is if/when there are changes and people have questions, will the
answers be collected? Only to prevent the word of mouth/urban legend issue."
Rambling trails off, "When Dav was an actual PC and everything was..."
say ...'fine' is NOT the right word.
Rambling claims, "...'fine' is NOT the right word."
Temi states, "We'll continue posting any OOC chat logs, so anything there will be available
Temi claims, "And we'll be posting any announcements as wide as is possibly reasonable, I'm sure."
Sparkles nods.
Temi claims, "I can suggest we look for ways to additionally post any one-on-one discussions with
Temi states, "We definitely don't want to give folks away, but you're right, we don't want things to
rely on gossip, since that's not the best way to keep things factual."
Temi grins.
InvestSouthside says, "I like to spam the idea board with my random thoughts"
Temi states, "Yep, we're happy to see ideas there, though no promises on how quickly we might have
time to get to discussing any individual thing there. It still keeps them all in place to find them
at least."
Scarry says, "I would use the idea board but I don't think."
Temi grins at Scarry.
Temi says, "Well, I think we can forgive you that, then."
Temi muses, "Alright! Well, anything else on folks' minds?"
Sjinn says, "Yes, Total Revenue vs Total cost and all the ugly functions in between. But that's here
nor there.

Temi states, "I don't think we can help there, so you're on your own."
Temi grins.
Faith says, "Tell Lochan I still would like a secure port"
Temi questions, "Alright! Shall I send everyone back on grid then?"
Temi nods at Faith.
InvestSouthside dances!
Flower waves.
Meiari dances from a boat.
Temi exclaims, "Okay, have fun! Get into all the best sorts of trouble!"
Sparkles waves.