OOC Meeting 8-17-2024

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 20
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:25 pm

Log session starting at 18:01:50 on Saturday, 17 August 2024.

Karrin claims, "Alrighty, here we go."

Karrin claims, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, or specific policy violations, please address
that with staff privately."

Log session ending at 18:01:50 on Saturday, 17 August 2024.

Karrin asks, "So, how was RP this week for people?"

InvestSouthside states, "Sorta busy for me tbh"

InvestSouthside states, "But good"

Valora says, "It's been a good week. Some real fun variety."

Temi claims, "So long as it's got the good part, busy can be nice really"

Temi grins.

Faith says, "Same ol same ol"

A male voice claims, "I'm going to be honest, I'm finally back for an OOC meeting since Pathfinder
is on break and I come back to read the recent announcement."

Faith says, "Mostly.."

A male voice says, "So not great."

Faith queries, "What announcement?"

Capitalism states, "The one about GL stuff I'm guessing."

ThatBard states, "I made some ascii art for some of our IC authors. XD"

ThatBard states, "I made some ascii art for some of our IC authors. XD"

ThatBard says, "Oops."

Meiari trails off, "I've had a good time... busy preparing for things, but good :3"

Karrin states, "Just so you all know, that is only available to GLs. So those who aren't GLs won't
know what you're talking about. But, yeah. If you want to have a chat about that after the meeting,
glad to do that."

Faith states, "Ah that explains why, thanks"

Valora stops using a leather falconry gauntlet painted green, white and yellow.

Karrin says, "Anyone have any topics or other things bugging them in the meantime? I can keep the
GLs after, if need be."

Temi says, "Basically, we did note that we're going to need GLs to be active or to warn us when
you'll be away for OOC stuff."

Faith nods.

Rambling moves suddenly, revealing his position.
They aren't here.

Karrin says, "Basically that, yes."

Valora states, "No topics this time. I got my burning desire already :)"

Karrin states, "Alright, no topics so far beyond that. We'll do our updates as staff, if nothing
comes up between now and the end of that, I'll keep anyone who wants to chat about the GL thing and
send others back."

Karrin claims to Temi, "You can begin."

Temi claims, "No big updates from me. Some of the usual requests and typos and such, and I did add
a new type of horses to go at rank 75 husbandry - going a different direction than the Charali ones
of enormous. Called Chengridzshires."

Karrin has transferred Taxius. [OOC]

Temi says, "So, hopefully folks will be able to enjoy those. Charali are still definitely the

Temi gives a rocky, sloped road scene equipped with tiny toy carriages to Taxius.

Rambling says, "I'm going to ask questions about the Chengridzshires in the future for reasons."

Temi grins at Rambling.

Temi states, "Sure."

Valora wiggles excitedly at the mentions of horses.

Faith claims, "Gesundheit"

Meiari states, "They were absolutely massive, I was unprepared"

Karrin states, "I am in the process of making a horse helpfile that describes all of them - Temi did
make one for the new ones. But I figured it shouldn't be alone, and it's mostly been speculation
about the others without proof-proof. So, we'll give the description on what they absolutely are."

Karrin says, "But yes, questions are fine."

Rambling claims, "Ah, yes, help horse adventures"

Faith claims, "Someone make a ad campaign with the new horses selling beer please"

Temi grins.

Temi claims, "Well, horses make great tavern mascots."

Karrin has lost link.
Karrin has reconnected.

Karrin says, "Huh, weird. Ok. Sorry."

Karrin says to Valora, "I hope what we came up with satisfies what you were looking for. "

Karrin has lost link.
Karrin has reconnected.

Valora claims, "I like them a lot already! Plus Valora is a horse girl through and through. Says so
in her hooks. So definitely excited"

Karrin exclaims, "Goodness, I am having a time. Hope I'm not contagious. OK, anyway. Glad to hear

Temi states, "Not that there won't be possibilities of other developments in the future, but that
one didn't take new code at the least."

Karrin nods in agreement with Temi.

Karrin claims, "I refilled a bunch of rare restock rooms across the grid - so enjoy the metric
results of that. I am quite looking forward to seeing some of these things out on grid."

Meiari states, "Thank youuuuuu I can't wait to see what pops up"

Capitalism begins to count their money.

Temi says, "So make sure to poke at the metrics that control things that interest you."

Temi grins.

Karrin states, "If there is a restock room I seem to have forgotten, feel free to poke. Some were
down to 1 or 2 things, so it is possible that the chances haven't been pulling anything. I made sure
there were more so when the metrics are right, they will pull fun things."

Valora says, "I... well then I didn't realize that's how that works... well I can't wait to see what
hits grid now."

InvestSouthside claims, "Oh I was thinking of razing all the metrics"

Karrin says, "The stores will say it, usually."

Temi states, "Some of the restocks are at low metrics too."

InvestSouthside looks at carriages narrowing his eyes

Valora claims, "I know we all agreed last meeting to subvert metrics"

InvestSouthside looks at a rocky, sloped road scene equipped with tiny toy carriages narrowing his

Karrin says, "In their list, possibility of --- if --- is high or low. Etc."

Valora states, "I mean infrastructure"

Karrin chuckles.

Karrin wonders, "And that is the end of my general update, really. I have gotten tells that some of
the GLs want to chat about what was sent to them specifically (though I will ask you to re-send me a
tell, in case you don't want to attend - I won't assume). But, do we have anything else before I
send back and then chat with the GLs?"

Temi states, "But yeah, each of the restocks has a certain number of weeks at a metric threshold
before they restock, and one of the types of them is to pull from a hopper of a selection of items
randomly. Like one of books, or of gems."

Temi claims, "So it's not always the same ones."

Temi nods.

Meiari states, "Yeah I'm excited about the book one >_>"

Karrin says, "Books actually pull from 2 different stocks. So, it's even more fun."

Temi nods in agreement with Karrin.

Valora claims, "I see. I see. How interesting."

Meiari mouth drops open.

Temi says, "High piety or low piety, with different sorts of books."

Temi grins.

Karrin chuckles.

Musketeer claims, "Sounds like heresy."

Karrin questions, "Alrighty, I'll send you guys back. GLs, if you have not already told me you want
to be here, send me at tell if you want back, alright?"

Faith asks, "Azarial's bodice rippers?"

Rambling claims, "Don't worry about it."

Meiari says, "Muahahahahaha"

Karrin says, "Have a wonderful time in game this week. And we'll chat again next week... ah, Azarial
was one of the staffers back when."

AlleyGirl is idle.

Faith nods.

Karrin pontificates, "Have fun!"

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