OOC Meeting 8-3-24

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Joined: Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:04 pm

Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:27 pm

Karrin claims, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one player. If there are concerns about a specific player, or specific policy violations, please address that with staff privately."

Karrin asks, "Anyone for scribe?"

Capitalism volunteers as tribute.

Karrin nods at Capitalism.

Karrin pats InvestSouthside on the head.

Temi grins.

Meiari claims, "I never thought I'd see the day Capitalism did some work"

Karrin states, "Ok, so. How was RP this week? I had some stuff going on and couldn't be around as much as I'd like, but when I did peek in, it seemed a little scant on players."

InvestSouthside states, "Admittedly a bit slow I did find a new friend though "

Capitalism gasps, "I would be offended... I mean if it weren't true. My job is to make sure everyone else does the work and I profit from it."

Joss declares, "I dipped my toes into the rp scene, looking forward to more!"

Pippa says, "It has been a little quiet when I've been around, yeah"

Karrin says, "New friends are good, and dipping toes in can be sticky. Careful of that."

Trogdor muses, "... where you dipping your toes that they come back sticky? "

InvestSouthside queries, "Honey?"

Dreams asks, "That works for me. I have plenty. Anyone need some?"

Meiari states, "I haven't been around as nearly as much as I should have been. I'm sorry to anyone looking for me... I was keeping the honey safe from toe dipping."

Karrin queries, "Mud can be sticky?"

Valora says, "I apologize... I have been gone for the last week... I hope to be on more the next few days and coming week."

Karrin states to Valora, "Ah, nothing to apologize for."

Valora trails off, "Please don't stick your toes in the honey..."

InvestSouthside wonders, "Perhaps some tar?"

Dreams states, "I still vote honey."

Trogdor states, "I was gone too, coming back from vacation and then tossing my moms ashes in the ocean so i'm eager to get back :-)"

InvestSouthside claims, "Are you a tax collector cuz then it might be more pouring tar on someone"

Karrin wonders, "Alright then! Any topics we should be aware of?"

Karrin has transferred HIEROPHANT. [OOC]

Temi gives a choice selection of fruit candies shaped like little pigs to HIEROPHANT.

HIEROPHANT states, "Oink"

Karrin claims to HIEROPHANT, "We just spoke of dipping our toes in sticky things, and I asked if there were any topics."

InvestSouthside asks, "Does my disappointment I cant tell Lochan to roll over like I can the dog count as a topic?"

Karrin glances at Lochan.

Meiari says, "Roll over"

Lochan rolls over.

Karrin says, "Haha. Where is the puppy, anyway? We need it to play dead."

Valora claims, "Idk Southside... seems to work fine."

InvestSouthside goes back to being quiet

Karrin claims, "Alright, we'll get started. If any topics come up, please feel free to let us know! I'll let Lochan start today, once he's done rolling over and over and over."

Lochan exclaims, "This past month has been slower on the visible changes for TIL. I am working on a few behind the scene systems but should be back to bugs and new features soon. Keep them coming, the more we have, the more I feel the need to neglect real life! "

Karrin says, "Better neglecting real life than us. We need you."

Karrin nods sagely.

Meiari nods in agreement with Karrin.

Valora claims, "Real Life is scary and often unfunm, unlike TI."

Karrin defers to Temi.

Lochan says, "I should have more time in the coming weeks to get things back on the pace I first had, so, looking forward to getting back into my giant spaghetti bowl. "

Temi trails off, "Right right..."

Karrin states to Lochan, "We always appreciate your work."

Lochan states, "I know that you just say that to keep me locked up in the basement without complaitns"

Temi states, "Got past the worst of my work stuff, though still oncall for a few more days, but able to be more available now. Have not had a lot to get done then."

Lochan highfives Temi.

Karrin nods.

Temi nods at Karrin.

Karrin says, "I did something earlier this week. Like, I know I did, but for the life of me, I can't remember... what it was."

Valora notes down to bug Temi for things.

InvestSouthside begins writing one hundred staff boards.

Karrin says, "But anyway, more recently, I poked the GLs for more apps - we've had quite a few new cyans both returning and new players, and it gives some neato opportunities to slide into higher roles were appropriate. I'm still waiting to hear from a few, so you might see more pop up. Understandably, the more populated guilds won't have any openings as they have more people already."

Temi nods.

Karrin claims, "And, that's all for me. Things will be busy these next few weeks in my house as we get back into the groove and routine of 'school'. But, you'll be seeing me about."

Temi says, "We're excited to get people happily on grid and active as possible."

Karrin states, "Agreed. And sometimes having those higher up spots and not having to start from the bottom can be helpful for those who have enough knowledge to slide on in."

Karrin wonders, "Though, if we don't have any other topics, that... would be it for the meeting today. Nothing anyone wants to poke at or bring up in a forum for conversationalizing? Ideas?"

Lochan states, "I just bought a new couch today, that's conversation worthy"

Karrin claims, "New couches are, indeed, very nice."

InvestSouthside says, "I dont really have anything to bring up personally"

Karrin wonders, "Alright! No problem. Shall I send you all back with your cute pigs so you can nibble and RP?"

Valora claims, "I might have a quick question"

Karrin nods at Valora.

Karrin wonders, "Sure. What's up?"

Valora states, "I guess this could be a board but since no one else has anything... are imports/metric items in shops based on the 'true value' or the metric value? I know I have been waiting on a Race Relations one that hasn't spawned despite being legendary the last few weeks so just wanted to get clarification."

Karrin claims, "Huh, good question that I imagine we'll have to have Lochan dive into code for. But, throw it on a bug board for us? We don't mind looking in and checking on it, or seeing if maybe there is another reason it isn't spawning like it should."

Temi says, "I expect that it is the effective value of it."

Temi says, "I have seen items getting restocked and purchased though"

Karrin states, "It could be code-code, which is Lochan. Or, it could be another program."

Karrin nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "Not sure which in specific"

Lochan says, "Certainly don't mind taking a look, was planning to have a look in that system at some point anyway"

Valora states, "I guess if it's not a big issue... the item in question is in the artist shack. I checked after roll over and other resets... it's not important per se but made me wonder."

Karrin claims, "In the board note, you can give us a specific for what you're looking for, too."

InvestSouthside pontificates, "Back to the spaghetti with you lochan!"

Karrin claims to Valora, "You'd be surprised how we find bugs. Sometimes, it's with that stuff that feels unimportant, but ends up pointing us to a larger issue. And, sometimes... it's just small."

Lochan trails off, "I should make myself a spaghetti room..."

Temi claims, "It's not weekly rollover that handles restock items, but a weeknight"

Karrin says to Lochan, "You should. Full of squishy noodles. Like that lady in Patch Adams."

InvestSouthside queries, "Are we just going to see that on Where when you are digging through code?"

Lochan wonders, "I think that would be a good idea. Also, I might add Pastafarianism to the game, thoughts?"

Karrin questions, "Pastafarianism, hmm?"

Lochan states, "It's the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster"

Karrin states, "Only if you wear a colander on your head."

Valora claims, "Can we stop mentioning spaghetti... you're gunna make me hungry and I don't even like spaghetti. I checked the shop a few times. I can check again later but was more curiosity while it seemed no one had a more important topic. Happy to test it out and find out IC/IG"

Lochan nods.

Karrin states to Valora, "If the metric stays high and you still don't notice it in a few weeks, drop us a board? We'll look at it."

Lochan exclaims, "I will go back to eating bugs instead!"

Karrin asks, "As for stopping mentioning spaghetti, sure! How about fettuccine alfredo?"

Karrin asks, "More seriously, I will send you guys back to grid for some funsies. Everybody ready?"

Meiari queries, "Before we all bail - on the Merchant's end we will be celebrating Yule soon! Things will be slowly posted after this meeting and hopefully a party on Wednesday? So look out for that~"

Valora trails off, "Can do, Karrin... why would you say that... are you in my head? That's my ultimate weakness... "

Karrin states to Valora, "Ooooh, is it? I love that stuff."

Karrin pontificates to Meiari, "Let us know and we can post it on the IC board for you, too!"

Meiari says, "Will do :3"

Lochan says, "Don't forget to pasta it on the boards.. PASTE.. "

Karrin chuckles.

Karrin pontificates, "Have fun, everyone!"
Resident Savage Player / Expert - Currently Not a Savage though

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