OOC Meeting 4-7-2024

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sun Apr 07, 2024 8:00 am

Maeve queries, "We do! Any volunteers for scribe?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve has transferred Pippa. [OOC]

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Temi gives a little stag pin fashioned out of a piece of carved antler to Pippa.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
say aye!

InvestSouthside declares, "Aye!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve has transferred Valora. [OOC]

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Temi gives a little stag pin fashioned out of a piece of carved antler to Valora.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Paprika wears a little stag pin fashioned out of a piece of carved antler on her torso.
Paprika carefully fastens the pin into place on the cloth, giving a poke at its hind legs to make it
swivel in place briefly as if leaping once it is secured.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve claims to InvestSouthside, "Thank you."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve has awarded you 2 QPs: Scribe

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve finishes abruptly, "OOC Chat Agenda:
- Reminder to be kind
- Pick a Scribe
- Announcements
- Register Player Topics
- Staff Topics/Updates
- Player Topics
- Player Experiences"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve asks, "Announcements... I don't have any. Does anyone else have any Announcements? Anything
going on IC to share?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Pippa says, "There's the hunting festival still going on, I think"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Karrin claims, "Just the offer for QP to be used to open up old item colorings, if you have QP to
spare and don't wish to spend silver."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve claims, "Very cool :)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve claims to Karrin, "Thank you for that :)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve asks, "How about player topics? Anyone want to register anything to make sure we get to it?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Paprika exclaims, "That is so awesome!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve nods at Paprika.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Temi claims, "One time offer, so make sure you do it soon if you wanted to get things changed up."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve says, "Okay, some staff updates then. I'll kick it off. Last week, Eurus taught me a bit more
about programming, so I made a few small, safe changes. I also processed the Request Queue a few
times, and worked on general requests. Held a staff meeting, and we'll be doing another after OOC
Chat. Probably the same kind of week next week."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve questions to Karrin, "Would you like to go next?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Karrin states, "Yes, indeed. You have until the end of this Month. If you are low on QP, you can
always submit many, many valuable recommends to build some up."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Karrin nods at Maeve.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Karrin states, "I have mostly been handling player requests this week. And fumbling through helping
with random questions. If I ever miss one of your tells, I do apologize. I sometimes walk away and
forget to put my AFK tag on. Can always write me a note, if you need me."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve wonders to Temi, "Want to go next?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Karrin has returned from AFK.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Temi says, "Sure. No big progress from me, I'm afraid. Knocking out some typos and building
requests and recommends, but nothing too noteworthy."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Temi states, "A reminder to get craft ideas that you had in mind on the forums if you haven't
already mentioned them there. No promises on everything, but we'll at least consider everything

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Temi nods at Maeve.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve claims to Eurus, "Your turn :)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Eurus says, "Help news always the best place to keep up to date with anything I'm working on. Some
bug fixes, more work on roles, prog support, and some work on a small upcoming event area for people
to explore."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve queries, "That's staff updates - no registered player topics, so straight to - hey, how was
the game for you this week?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve hands the meeting over to player experience.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Paprika says, "Big thanks to everyone who helped organize the hunting festival."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sparkles claims, "Was an interesting week, had a few days of events/stories so, was pretty fun."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve claims to Paprika, "Do you know who organized it for everyone? I'd love to give that group QP,
and also remind people to post recommends."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
say uhh pretty good I would say I had a pretty awesome week

InvestSouthside says, "Uhh pretty good I would say I had a pretty awesome week"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve claims to Sparkles, "That's great news. :)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Pippa declaims, "Was doing excellent until a sneak attack from a wolverine!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve declares to InvestSouthside, "Nice!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Paprika questions, "I believe it was Aurele, Raylene and Theodora?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Pippa nods at Paprika.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve comforts Pippa.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve claims to Paprika, "Thank you for letting me know. I'll award them some QP for their effort."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn declares, "Yes, good week. Events. RP. Lessons. The works!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Meiari says, "Deep lore explorations are always fun, been a good time all around for me"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Valora states, "Been good so far. Eventful to say the least."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sparkles claims, "Wolverines seem to be the ones who get folks every hunting festival, they are
forever out there ... waiting."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
say and sadly we didnt get one pelt from them im a little perturbed

InvestSouthside says, "And sadly we didnt get one pelt from them im a little perturbed"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve claims, "To be fair, they only go after the tasty-looking folk. (That's not true.)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve comforts InvestSouthside.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Valora says, "I blame the mages. Earth mages out there sending their pets to attack innocent

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Meiari nods in agreement with Valora, "Naturally."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve claims, "Glad to hear so many people are having fun, enjoying lore and events. Even lessons

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Pippa sniffles miserably, nodding.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve asks, "Anything anyone is longing for that could make the game even more fun for you?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Paprika declares, "Change Litmorran from black to another color!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve claims, "Oh, we probably can do that."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve wonders, "Would that bother anyone?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Paprika says, "I have to highlight it to read it because my eyes suck."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve comforts Paprika.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn raises her hand

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Capitalism trails off, "Phone do be tough like that..."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve claims, "You can probably also change that color in most clients if it hurts your eyes."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Temi nods.
Maeve queries to Sjinn, "Yes?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sparkles wonders, "Maybe rather than change it for everyone, could we let folks designate colors for
language tags somehow? "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Temi says, "It should be a base color that you can switch in your client, as opposed to fancier
xterm ones"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve states to Sparkles, "That's also a good idea. I like it better, but it is a more complicated

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Sparkles nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Eurus claims, "Client side is def the easiest"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Capitalism nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn claims, "I'm new so this may already be a thing but what is the possibility of a command that
shows the last x-number of tells or emotes or says? Like.. 'last tell' displays the last 3 tells you
got. Or 'last emote' shows the last emote in the room, etc."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Eurus claims, "You can turn tell replays on to keep all of them logged to 'replay' them later"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve asks of Sjinn, "Do you use 'tell log' by any chance?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn muses, "I don't.. or haven't. Is that similar? "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Temi nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve nods at Sjinn.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve says, "Very similar."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Temi claims, "Similar at least. Not emotes, though."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve says, "It will log all tells until you deliberately type 'replay'"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:worked P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn questions, "Ah gotcha. That will be super helpful in big scenes and when traveling. Does it
replay -all- or a certain number?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Eurus states, "All"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Karrin states, "Once you replay them, though, you can't again."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Eurus claims, "Well, all since the last time you typed replay"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Temi nods at Karrin.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn exclaims, "Oh.. well. Hmm. Might be good to be able to just display a few. Just a thought!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve says, "All from the last time you typed it. I used to play a mud where you configured the
number of tells you'd keep in your buffer, and it'd show you the same number all the time, and I did
like that system though."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Temi says, "It should be just a few if you've checked them recently"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve states, "We don't have anything for emotes or anything like that."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve nods at Temi.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve declares, "I like the suggestion, but I'm not sure how feasible it is, at least for a quick
delivery, so I'll write it down. Thank you!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn claims, "I find myself scrolling back after travel to look for tells. And in a mud I played
you could use the same type command for emotes and says, just helps when the scroll eats up current

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Karrin claims, "You can put them in your buffer for travel, too."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Karrin states, "Type 'tell move' and it will buffer your tells while you are traveling. You won't
miss any."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Karrin claims, "Then you can 'replay' when you stop."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Sjinn nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve says, "Nod sjinn"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn pontificates, "I did!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve nods at Sjinn.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Sjinn smiles.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve claims, "Did I miss anyone else's suggestions or longings? I've got making language colors
configurable, maybe being able to configure tells, and to create a buffer for emotes and IC

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve wonders, "I wonder, should tell log default as on?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Temi states, "Might confuse people who haven't set it more than not."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn states, "Well one other thing that is just, since we're wishing. I'd love to have a command
that shows all my skills and their current level at one time without having to pick a category. An
overview if you will. "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve wonders, "Have you ever typed 'skill' with no arguments? Just 'skill'?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve questions, "That's not what you mean?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Temi queries, "I think the suggestion is all the stuff with ranks and the ranks in them, at once?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn states, "No I mean like when you type skill combat.. all of that info but for all my skills"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve nods at Sjinn.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve states, "We can probably whip up a 'skill all' or something."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn says, "Yasss. Muy perfecto."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Victor asks, "I gotta get going, can I get tossed back into the aether or if I log here will I be

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve states, "Sure - you can also just walk down at any time if you need to leave."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Temi claims, "But we can also return you if you like"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve states, "Or idle out here and find yourself here later."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Victor has been transferred out by Maeve. [OOC]

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve muses, "Anything bother anyone about the game this last week that staff ought to know

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Valora states, "Nothing here. Been a pretty chill day time... actually I just remembered... the NPC
healer in the Madison only treats the first wound in your list, not the biggest wound or one needing
treatment over non treatment needing ones... was wondering if that could be changed."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn states, "Ooh.. maybe base it on severity."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve says to Valora, "Our Mprog triggers can be a bit poor, but I'll jot that down for
investigation - thank you for raising it."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Sjinn Agosti tells you, "I gotta run an errand to Lowe's.. I'll be back this evening"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sparkles asks, "I know this has been a topic before but did we ever have any thoughts on how/if we
might have that 'wanted concepts' board in chargen etc?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
tell sjinn yays be safe have fun
You tell Sjinn Agosti, "Yays be safe have fun"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Maeve states to Sparkles, "Oh, we did, and I think I forgot to write it up. Let me re-add, and
thanks for reminding me, Sparkles."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Sjinn claims, "I too must away. Thanks, staff, for all you do. Players too."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Sjinn has been transferred out by Maeve. [OOC]

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve says, "Well, that's the whole agenda of the OOC Chat. :) What else would we like to talk
about? Or, we can wrap early, and Staff can go on to do our Staff Meeting."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Jiraiya waves

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve exclaims, "A big thanks for those who came and participated today, giving us some ideas and
thoughts :) Have a great week!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Capitalism nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Karrin waves.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Paprika waves!

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)

Maeve states, "Retransing in just a moment :)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:scratched MV:rested P:walk] (cloaked)(B&G)
Pippa waves.

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