Log of OOC Meeting - 02/10/2018

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:48 pm

Key Discussions:
  • SUPPORT REQUEST <emote> command added to make it easier to clarify when asking for someone's support ICly.
  • Clarifying that those who chose Latency (via the LOTTERY option at Chargen) cannot select their element. Instead, element will be chosen based on what the game lacks amongst active mages. Choosing AWAKENED MAGE at Chargen allows for specific element to be selected (I think!).
  • tPB Eion is working on creating more opportunities for Written Informtation and hopes those who need books made will contact him for RP opportunities!
  • Concerns were raised about Seekers to the Merchants being refused sponsorship unless they changed their desired skills. Split conversation for and against this ensued, and staff re-iterated that they generally allow Guild Leaders to run their guilds how they choose to. Suggests for both how to approach these scenarios were given as well as a few other options players have to put heat on a Guild Leader outside of Support/Gambit.
  • Rothgar wants to kill us all IRL.
~~ Team Farra'n'Stuff. ~~

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Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:48 pm

Kinaed questions, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Eion claims, "I have something minor to bring up. :)"
Eion says, "An RP hook of sorts."

Empena says, "I have a thought and a quick question. I'm on mobile I apologize in advance."

Kinaed states to Eion, "Got you. :) Please pre-write your topic intro."
Kinaed nods at Empena.
Kinaed questions, "Anyone else?"

Kinaed says, "Okay, kicking off Staff Updates, last week I didn't do much. Not a lot of policy, some board processing and request queue, but that's it."

Azarial claims, "I've managed a few smaller bugs; mostly string stuff. nothing major."

Kinaed says, "Still have jail automation and lore. Wonder if I'm missing something. Oh, we did ensure the system has properly registering when magery is open."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.
Kinaed states, "We also added a command to let people ICly ask for support."

Zarryka says, "That was awesome to see in news"

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, I think it's Temi's turn? :)"

Temi says, "Not a whole lot on my end. My big task has been going through and analyzing the current magecrafted items to make sure everything is in balance and they don't last too long. There'll probably be some updates coming from that."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, that's it for Staff Updates."
Kinaed muses, "Player Heartbeat! How was RP this week, folks?"

Maura hasn't played with magecraft since it's original introduction...

Rothgar says, "Had fun with the Order, shout out to those involved."

Farra claims, "Farra got her first Burning in last night but has an unfortunately short queue for more. Mages, please present yourselves to the Cathedral, addressed at 100 West Church Street."

Vlora states, "Niamh's pillars plot was really awesome. Gave us a looot of stoof to do in the order, and we had an awesome dungeon crawl last night. "

Kinaed says, "So glad to hear that, please remember the Recommend command :)"

Marisa claims, "I need to get active again, unfortunately."

Kinaed says to Marisa, "There's an event on after the OOC Chat that might help. :)"

Marisa states, "Unfortunately, I don't think it suits."

Kinaed comforts Marisa.

Norrig says, "My rp was minimal but I'm on vacation anyways"

Kinaed says, "Shame, I'm sure they'd love a moneybags showing up."
Kinaed nods at Norrig.

Empena claims, "I had some lovely scenes, kudos to everyone who is willing to go beyond a status to give Physicians RP, so if being pyred doesn't suit get beat up."

Norrig wonders, "What event? Is it public?"

Marisa states, "Nobles descending on things tends to mess up the convivial atmosphere, unless they're intended to be upper class."

Kinaed states to Norrig, "I think so. Eion's running it."

Rothgar claims, "IC event 15, gambling at the Queens tonite"

Temi finishes abruptly, "There's a gambling event - up on the IC Events board"

Kinaed asks, "How about the game in general this week, folks? Anything shitting anyone that they want the staff to know about?"

Norrig declares, "Oh right!"

Maura trails off, "Can't really say anything is shitting me about the game..."

Kinaed says to Maura, "Glad to hear that :)"

Vlora says, "One thing that could be considered in a staff talking point"

Norrig states to Kinaed, "Hmmm. Nothing comes to mind. I'm glad our average pbase head count returned to better levels. But nothing to complain."

Kinaed wonders to Vlora, "Yes? :)"

Kinaed nods at Norrig.

Eion has been having a great time.

Farra claims, "I'd really like to see people clam up a bit less around nobles; I'm not really sure why that happens, but it's frustrating to have a host of people chatting to each other and that suddenly to stop when a noble (or, in my case now, a Grand Inquisitor!) walks into the room. Even if I'm certain there wasn't anything troublesome or sneaky being discussed. :/"

Velcan comforts Farra.

Rothgar grins.

Rothgar claims to Farra, "Welcome to being an Inquisitor, mate."

Velcan promises not to clam up around you any more than he does normal people.

Farra says, "I get some of the reasoning; but it's very hard for Nobles to find RP out in public a lot of time because of that."

Kinaed claims, "That's a tough one, and double tough for the GI, but a reminder to please RP with those scary people can never hurt."

Vlora states, "Not a huge deal, but it might be worth sorta' checking in with every new GL to make sure they understand where important stuff is in the GH and whatnot. "

Maura shrugs to Farra "I'd that's not all on the other players part. Nobles have kind of developed a reputation for themselves..

Marisa says, "I'm generally happy to moderate where I show up, so people expect it a bit more, but it does make it tough. Just part of the balance of being noble, I'd say."

Kinaed nods at Vlora.

Kinaed says to Vlora, "I'll do that."

Farra nods in agreement with Marisa.

Marisa says, "I don't want people to just treat me like another 'one of the guys' since that doesn't work either."

Eion says, "I don't mind RPing with nobles. They are welcome to show up at the event tonight too if they want. I may run one at the Bluebird another time too."

Norrig states to Farra, "Ya don' scare me, fite me"

Eion claims, "For the upper class sorts. :)"

Kinaed says, "From a tell: the new thing where the element of an awakening mage nukes the other players chargen choice, it lead to some awkward RP."

Kinaed wonders, "I don't understand the tell though - what new element thing nukes other players? How?"

Maura is equally curious

Norrig claims, "Wot."

Velcan looks confused?

Rothgar questions, "If I read into that properly, the assumption I'm making is that you take the element of whomever awokened you?"

Kinaed says, "Sounds to me like a bug."

Temi muses, "Is that not being able to pick your element? Or not being able to pick latency, or?"

Kinaed says, "Oh, LOTTERY latents"

Kinaed claims, "If you're a latent, you get a random element."

Zarryka states, "That sounds fun"

Velcan agrees.

Maura claims, "So... I still don't understand the tell."

Kinaed states, "It's not the element of the person awakening, it's (as I seem to recall specing it) random based on which elements are most needed in game"

Farra says, "I think it might refer to people who picked latent and an element have found that, once awakened, their primary element that they chose is no longer their primary element."

Kinaed states, "Probably old latents that lost their choice when the setting became random on awakening."

Farra nods in agreement with Kinaed.

Temi states, "That shouldn't keep occurring, since you can't pick anymore in those cases."

Kinaed claims, "For anyone that has happeend to, we're happy to grandfather, just drop a request board. From now on, if you're latent, you'll get a random assignment though"

Norrig queries, "Grandfather?"

Farra claims, "Allow your choice to supercede the current system; ie, set your element."

Norrig nods.

Kinaed states, "It's when you let people under an old system retain the benefits of a system, but new people use the new system"

Maura queries, "So you can't actually choose your element anymore if you choose latent?"

Azarial says, "You dont; choose latency"

Kinaed asks, "Anyone else have anything bothering them they want to raise to staff?"

Zarryka asks of Kinaed, "Is it possible to get 'choose your alignment as a latent' added to something you can buy with qp? Probably costly, like awakening"

Kinaed says, "If magery is open, you can choose magery and your element. If it is closed, you can either go into a LOTTERY to be latent or elect NOT to be a latent."

A flurry of fiery-colored leaves sweep across the area, rapidly coalescing into the winged shape of Niamh. [OOC]

Farra says, "I'd really like Zarryka's suggestion too, but it wouldn't stop me from potentially rolling latents either way."

Niamh waves.
Temi gives a polished pair of carved wood dice with anchor-shaped pips to Niamh.

Eion agrees with Farra.

Niamh grins at Temi.

Kinaed says to Zarryka, "I'll add that to staff talking points. One of the reasons for random latency element is to help balance the system where everyone chooses a particular element or two and others are underrepresented"

Niamh says, "On mobile this is horrid"

Kinaed comforts Niamh.

Eion waves to Niamh!

Kinaed queries to Niamh, "Got time to do a quick Staff Update?"

Niamh waves to Eion.

Maura considers this "Hmm... I wasn't aware the full magnitude of that change when it was announced. I had assumed it was just a third option, to randomly possibly be a latent. hmm."

Zarryka nods to Kinaed in understanding.

Kinaed nods at Maura.

Niamh states, "Plot resolution + all the usual stuff"

Kinaed claims to Niamh, "You were away to miss some players who spoke highly and happily about your plot. Thanks for running it."

Niamh smiles.
Niamh states, "Glad folks enjoyed"

Farra exclaims, "Also Niamh updated some helpfiles in really fantabulous ways (well, one particular Order helpfile comes to mind, specifically!)"

Kinaed wonders to Farra, "?"

Farra says to Kinaed, "Help Order Quick Guide got a facelift and some clarification."

Kinaed states, "Oh, okay."
Kinaed says, "Okay, time for Player Topics. Eion, you're up! Please introduce your topic to the rest of us. :)"

Eion declares, "Okay! My topic is mainly an RP hook and a chance for characters who would have an interest in books or IC knowledge to get some RP and maybe buy custom books from an IC author. Its also a shoutout to any IC artists who can actually make books. Eion is turning into something of an aspiring writer. He cannot make books but he can write them and he has done pretty well so far I think! I have currently contributed one IC book and have another one being reviewed by staff. So! If anyone wants to do some RP around buying copies of these books or anything else that might be related, like criticing them or praising or helping to copy and distrubute them or whatnot you are very welcome to mail Eion or contact me OOCly. I plan to post some rumors about his writings. One is faith related poetry and one is a potistive themed book on race relations and social class. I would love to see some people interested in academic and religious RP, it would be very encouraging. Also if someone wanted to hire a writer IC to push propaganda? I will be happy to serve!"

Kinaed states to Eion, "Please don't forget to advertise your services ICly too. :)"

Eion nods and bows.

Empena says, "Some of those scenes have been rather lovely, the books are great."

Kinaed says, "And also, thank you sincerely for contributing stories and other literature to our IC world. It's always wonderful and inspiring when players help us."

Eion smiles. "You are most welcome. I had fun doing it!"

Kinaed states to Empena, "You're up! Please introduce us to your topic. :)"

Empena states, "I've have the experience on an alt and had it mentioned IC that some newer crafter types are being told they can only get Merchant sponsorship if they agree to be a certain type of crafter. I know it can be frustrating when some things are under available but ... if they aren't into that craft not sure that helps retention in that role."

Temi says, "Well, the guildleaders are under no requirement to accept people for roles they don't need filled. Part of their job is taking care of the business of their current members how they think best."

Norrig muses to Empena, ""Being told"?"

Kinaed says, "Hmm. I'm not sure about the drivers for that, but it's certainly in the realm of the Merchants' autonomy to make rules about their guild membership, etc."

Argus claims, "Well, I'm certain if we have our reasons for needing a bookbinder, they will arise. I'm certain I'll need one at ome point."

Maura given the vast number of guildskills merchants have a sway over, it does feel a bit... rude to hold that skill the person created their character towards hostage.

Kinaed states to Argus, "Yeah, that's been happening occasionally to me too. I wonder if something is up with our service provider."

Temi claims, "Mind you, they can't control what you actually do.. just whether they accept you or not, and whether you get kicked out."

Maura has also been having the last two days, but assumed it was on their side.

Temi states, "Or promoted, etc."

Maura lag*

Kinaed nods at Maura.

Zarryka is very laggy as well.

Kinaed says, "I might ask the pbase in general about lag."

Temi states, "But, if you say 'okay, I'll be a tailor', that doesn't stop you from doing whatever you want on the side. With the potential for it having ic repercussions."

Velcan is also suffering from some lag

Argus states, "I keep getting hit with these big ol' delays where it looks like it's just some awkward silence, but it's actually nothing coming through."

Temi says, "A few."

Temi nods.

Kinaed comforts Argus.

Kinaed states, "I'll contact our host. Thank you, everyone, for letting us know about the lag bubbles."

Argus pontificates, "Also, in terms of the Merchants: I'm a Blacksmith, but considering I try and do things entirely self sufficent, I have a variety of skills. If someone tells you that you can't do something, then tell 'em to stuff it!"

Maura trails off to Temi, "But lets say you created a character who is a grizzled old man from a family of blacksmiths, and you are told you cannot join the merchants to codely improve that intended skill unless you publicly take up tailoring. The character concept would be... well it wouldn't really exist anymore"

Empena asks, "True but as we don't have a rule about more than one alt in a Guild, in the Merchants that might mean that advice is given to protect ones own alts, and how would anyone else know that?"

Zarryka says, "I can understand player frustration, I mean you make a character and tailor it around a certain theme, and then someone says, " oh, do this instead, and we'll let you in." that could be frustrating"

Argus declares, "If a Merchant is denying your entry into the Merchants, then find another sponsor who is more sensible and less scared of competition, I say!"

Kinaed says to Empena, "We never had a rule like that to my knowledge."

Temi says, "But your character concept could instead be a grizzled old man who hates his guildleader and grumbles publicly about lace and sells weapons under the table"

Maura claims to Argus, "Again, when the improvement of a skill is directly tied to being a part of a guild, well you can't improve that skill otherwise, so you can't tell your gl to shove it"

Empena says, "It was debated at one point."

Eion nods and is also suffering from lag beast attacks. But as far as the merchant issue goes. I think people should be allowed to stick to a concept they enjoy...

Kinaed questions, "And if a population of 20 people, everyone wants to be a blacksmith?"

Niamh has reconnected.

Kinaed says, "That's not good for the game."

Eion questions, "If that concept is not currently allowed in the merchants then maybe they should try and find a away around that if they really like the concept?"

Kinaed nods at Eion.

Niamh peers.

Temi claims, "Or a grizzled old man who gasps at the affrontery of being told to tailor when he's a skilled blacksmith and gripes about the guildleader every chance they get, trying to subvert them and get someone else into the position, meanwhile having to focus on saving money and trying to do things along with their limitations"

Niamh claims, "I return, and with a real keyboard."

Empena queries, "But how do people know that before chargen?"

Kinaed claims to Niamh, "The issue raised is that the Merchants are apparently turning away people who want to join certain crafts for oversaturation."

Maura states to Kinaed, "But we don't have that population. The merchants as is is a broken guild... just look at their numbers according to census compared to any other guild. There's an issue somewhere in the merchants"

Niamh claims, "Ahhh."

Temi finishes abruptly, "Concepts don't have to change - instead, consider what your concept would do in an environment that is not friendly to it"

Argus claims, "Diversify your portfolio. Adapt. Overcome. If there's 20 blacksmiths, then whoever sells the best quality goods for cheapest wins."

Temi claims, "It could spur RP as much as it could stifle it."

Niamh claims, "I don't know that being popular means they're broken, or that they have an issue. Perhaps the other guilds have an issue the Merchants don't."

Farra states, "We keep getting killed :("

Niamh comforts Farra.

Sniff what for tampering?

Eion claims, "Well everyone needs stuff....and merchants make money. Everyone likes money."

Niamh nods at Eion.

Kinaed wonders, "I'd think the opposite from what you're saying, looking at the numbers?"

Maura claims to Niamh, ""Merchants are the only semi-reliable way to make tons of silver and or gold... that is the only benefit they have."

Zarryka states, "Now on the side of the Guild, turning away is totally cool. I actually feel not enough is done(saying no to people), instead people are allowed in just because."

Kinaed nods at Zarryka.

Eion wants to become a famous bard and author. No merchanting for me.

Argus states, "I mean, I got told 'no' to join a guild recently, and it didn't tear me up too badly."

Argus says, "Even though I was seeking it for a RL month."

Kinaed says, "I agree. I think people make a concept and often are guilded just because people want to support one another rather than considering 'is it thematically appropriate for this character to be in this guild', etc."

Norrig nods.

Kinaed claims, "I think guilds who get big and aren't in need of members have the right to be discerning to their standards."

Norrig nods.

Eion nods. People shouldn't be scared to say no. It can lead to some interesting conflicts and character development.

Kinaed nods at Eion.

Eion states, "Because when something falls through with a character that character has a chance to learn and grow."

Maura trails off to Kinaed, "I would agree with you, if such a vast majority of the games skills weren't LOCKED behind being in that guild... Well I suppose technically there is the route of being taught it by a member of said guild or someone with high rank in it"

Rothgar claims, "I don't know that this is such a huge deal, especially for such a non-critical guild like the Merchants. I think it was more of a point out for future character retention."

Argus declares, "Also, try and appeal to people's interests! I don't even have a phome on grid, but thanks to someone else who owns a shop, I can sell my goods THROUGH them and split the profits! For them, it's FREE MONEY!"

Kinaed claims, "I acknowledge that we may lose some players, or at least characters, if guilds say no - but I also don't like setting the expectation with new players that theme and politics go out the window just because they want something, so the game should bow to them rather than their navigating a world."

Kinaed states to Argus, "I agree with that."

Farra pontificates, "On THAT topic, if anyone wants to make an Order alt .. We have a fighty slashy side and a scholarly theologean side. Farra's very much stressing the scholarly and thoughtful aspects of the Clergy (as the 1600 word essay a player wrote about the sinful practicies of one of the Duchies gives credit to! x.x ) so if you're at all interested in Scholarly-Based RP, I'd encourage you to think about slinking into the Order!"

Kinaed claims, "Though I think the problem is that some guilds do appeal to people's interests more than others."

Kinaed smiles at Farra.

Velcan says, "I think the theme should be the same for everyone. Not bend to whims of certain people. If it is themeatic then that is how it should be handled."

Kinaed nods at Velcan.

Eion eyes Farra.

Argus queries, "Aren't we ALL members of the order, in a way?"

Kinaed states, "Staff generally leave running of guilds to guild leaders. I'm sure the Merchant GLs will hear these concerns and take the ramifications of their policies into consideration, then choose to act as they see fit."

Eion says, "You just want me in those dresses you call robes."

Maura glances at the total pop since reboot "Hard to believe 60 something used to be that number"

Niamh nods at Eion.

Kinaed claims, "I'm happy to point them to the log of this conversation to ensure they've seen it."

Rothgar states to Maura, "Awh yeah mate used to be loads of people on, I think we wound up hitting like 100 not too many years ago."

Farra claims, "Also, if a player is disgruntled with the performance of a Guildleader or a Guild's IC choices there are two people who have some extensive abilities to affect pressure: the GI and the Seneschal. While neither might be sympathetic to your concerns, they could be considered IC avenues to go to if a character is unhappy with a Guild."

Kinaed nods at Farra.

Eion blinks at Niamh. "Its true?! You want to put me in a dress!"

Niamh trails off to Eion, "Maaaaaybe..."

Kinaed states, "That is totally true - a Merchant GL brushes you off? You have options."

Eion is scandalized...not really.

Niamh trails off to Eion, "Dress, ruffles, lace..."

Zarryka queries, "We have a Seneschal?"

Vlora bawls at her lowly rank of Earl Marshal

Kinaed claims to Zarryka, "Think so."

Farra pets Vlora. "Go fetch the mail, puppy!"

Argus declaims, "If you type 'guildleaders', you can see where some guildleaders stand. You can easily see who is well liked and well hated, at the moment, even!"

Maura nods to Rothgar "Been around for 6 years I think now, through many different alts. But yeah it just amazes me how... small the game's gotten."

Niamh swats Farra.

Farra sulks.

Eion avoids Niamh and her dresses.

Rothgar says to Maura, "Hawh well, it happens eh, MUDs and player retention and all that. Best not to think too hard on it eh."

Kinaed says, "Actually, we're year on year high for this time of year, I think. We're floating around 20-22 players per day, and usually Feb-Mar is in the high teens."

Temi says, "Just a low point of the year, then."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Eion declares, "Just because I'm short doesn't mean I'm girly!"

Norrig asks, "What happened to giving some love to the facebook page?"

Argus questions, "MUDs are too cerebral for a lot of people these days. There are people out there eating TIDE PODS. Do you really think those people would improve this game?"

Maura chuckles and nods in agreeance with Rothgar "Yeah... definitely best not to think too hard on it."

Farra says, "Hell yeah."

Niamh states to Norrig, "I forgot to remind Kinaed to set me up with administrative privs."

Farra exclaims, "Those people would be the best kind of mages!"

Kinaed claims to Norrig, "It's been more active of late thanks to some players and Niamh. We should have a 'post the best Inquisition-related meme to our Facebook page' contest."

Argus questions, "Wildly self-destructive?"

Eion muses, "The crazy kind?"

Farra casts 'Squirrel dances with the Raindbows.'

Rothgar says, "Aye but to be fair tide pods taste fakkin great mate"

Niamh states, "It's official, Rothgar is trying to kill us irl."

Vlora claims, "Clean your insides too"

Rothgar claims, "Bleach is like 80% water and humans are like 70% water so humans are bleach, QED eh mate"

Argus claims, "Son of a bleach."

Kinaed claims, "Looks like Veilus is the Seneschal. Hmm."

Empena questions, "It's only an awkward convo as IC the world is larger than just PCs, so ... we have enough X in a huge city, eh. But point made, I just thought I'd mention something as I'm not sure the new player would know about the meeting to mention it. My next quick query is ... is Golden Lung still an IC thing or was that mostly for that one ST?"

Temi claims, "Yes, Golden Lung is still a thing."

Velcan attempts to run for Seneschal...barefooted.

Kinaed says, "That's a coded disease, yep."

Maura trails off, "Pretty sure it still exists... it's just a very late stage disease"

Temi nods.

Temi claims, "Only if health is very low."

Argus says, "Yippie kai ye, Mr.Velcan."

Temi gives a polished pair of carved wood dice with anchor-shaped pips to Prisca.

Norrig pontificates to Niamh, "Art contests, medieval cooking recipes, guides to dancing/courting/fighting in armor. Medieval perfumes. Ambient music. TV/film recommendations. All that can go into the FB page!"

Niamh trails off to Norrig, "Okay, you remind me to remind Kinaed to set me up and then we'll have a full circular reminding thing going..."

Maura states to Temi, "I thought it existed as the natural and final progression to the coughing related diseases"

Norrig smiles at Niamh and nods.

Kinaed claims, "I think it'd be cool if we can get a 'post to Facebook' feed going for blogs again (I think we used to have one) and maybe IC Events"

Niamh states to Kinaed, "We still have one."

Zarryka will remind Norrig to remind Niamh to remind Kinaed.

Niamh claims, "Also for IC events."

Temi states, "It's a coughing related disease, but is a separate disease."

Maura states, "Just no one has posted a blog since... december tenth I think."

Velcan trails off, "I shall be the first underage barefoot freeman ruler of this fine city! Or not..."

Argus states, "I don't use facebook, otherwise I'd be glad to help."

Niamh nods at Zarryka.

Niamh nods at Maura.

Niamh says, "I check the blog feed weekly. Hasn't been one in a very, very long time."

Norrig claims, "Lmao"

Norrig says, "Lord Mudditw"

Maura claims, "Been meaning to write a blog post, just haven't decided which character to start a new "Blog" with since Vicannia up and died."

Niamh nods at Maura.

Velcan would be awful at ruling. The first time he concluded a meeting by scrambling out a window and up a building it would be over.

Niamh states to Maura, "You were always excellent about keeping up a character blog. Let me know when you decide which one. I'll get you sorted out with a new one."

Norrig says, "I have never written a blog post and I find the practice a bit strange."

Velcan states, "I am hoping to get a blog up for Velcan."

Maura hasn't been doing much TI in general since that character died "And could I not just continue on the same blog as I've been doing since... Chirox I believe was the character."

Rothgar questions, "Cor, should do that for Rothgar. You get QP for it?"

Zarryka states to Norrig, "It's fun. I've seen letters done, points of view, all kinds of stuff."

Kinaed says, "That'd be awesome. If you don't have a blog and one one, please read HELP BLOG and write a Request Board post."

Niamh nods at Rothgar.

Kinaed nods at Rothgar.

Velcan put in a request note already. :)

Kinaed declares, "Nice!"

Velcan smiles.

Norrig claims to Zarryka, "Yeah just... Iunno. I'd rather see that in game instead if possible."

Eion debates this blog thing.

Maura remembers that they really need to pkill someone at somepoint... a bucket list sort of item incase they ever leave the game.

Maura makes a note that talking of pkills is a great room silencer

Vlora bares her sword.

Norrig states to Maura, "Fite me"

Velcan listens to the crickets chirp.

Farra claims, "Vlora's a weakling."

Farra nods.

Vlora pulls out a dagger.

Kinaed states, "We haven't had a lot of PK lately."

Velcan flips out of the way!

Maura claims to Norrig, ""If I still had a mage, I'd say bring it.""

Kinaed looks forelorn.

Norrig grins.

Rothgar states, "Probably for the best, considering the slow season. Lets people get a foot under them."
Maura muses to Kinaed, "I presume you also don't count pyrings as pks?"

Farra declaims, "We haven't had many pyrings lately, either!"

Niamh claims to Farra, "YESTERDAY."

Kinaed wonders, "Four minutes to go - anyone want to write a post/review on Reddit or Mudconnector to help new players find us to play with you?"

Farra claims to Niamh, "THAT ONE DOESNT COUNT"

Zarryka says, "We haven't had much of anything really of late."

Kinaed claims to Maura, "I do, actually."

Norrig says to Kinaed, "I was thinking of doing it."

Norrig muses to Kinaed, "Can I use the one from Mud Connector for Reddit?"

Maura has pyred and excuted plenty of folks, but doesn't count them as true pkills... not worth a notch on the ole belt

Kinaed claims, "Also, please remember to recommend other players, PARTICULARLY if they're giving you trouble ICly as conflict drives RP like no one's business, and everyone finds RPing knitting circles boring as frak."

Norrig nods.

Kinaed says to Norrig, "Sure can."

Farra says, "I have never in my life PK'd someone on a MUD."

Velcan makes a not to do annoying stuff so people try and chase him down...CONFLICT!

Norrig says to Kinaed, "Aight"

Kinaed says to Farra, "*cough* Oh boy are you in a 'new' kind of role."

Farra claims, "Farra wrote a warrant and it shook me IRL."

Farra nods in agreement with Kinaed.

Kinaed comforts Farra.

Farra states, "Luckily Farra don't give a frak so it'll be k."

Velcan runs circles around the local reeves.

Kinaed says, "Ironically, I felt that way when I first took up the GI mantle myself. I wasn't into 'torture' RP or PKing."

Norrig nods at Argus.

Kinaed asks, "Turned out I have a knack. Who knew?"

Norrig strongly dislikes torture rp.

Maura trails off to Farra, "Don't listen to the unicorn... pyring someone doesn't feel the same as hunting said person down and killing them secretly without being on the right side of the law"

Farra states, "I'll just ask Niamh to do the torturing."

Farra says, "She's a fk'n monster."

Kinaed says to Norrig, "It's more fun when you're behind the knife, mate."

Norrig nods.

Niamh beams at Farra.

Velcan looks nervous.

Norrig says to Kinaed, "Been on both sides."

Kinaed claims to Maura, "That's true."

Niamh states to Farra, "I'm sorry, I thought you LIKED face-shaped holes."

Niamh starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Farra says, "Psgogb."

Maura loves torture rp...

Velcan makes another note to get in more combat practice.

Kinaed says to Norrig, "Sadface."

Rothgar claims, "Much more fun to make 'em confess willingly."

Maura but more mental torture versus physical

Rothgar says, "Two plus two is whatever I say it is, other edgy shit."

Eion trails off, "I confess..."

Niamh finishes her note.

Farra exclaims, "I honestly have no idea how Farra will conduct her Reviews. Probably will discover at some point!"

Eion says, "I have sinned."

Norrig claims to Kinaed, "Not exaggerating, gives me nausea. Even if the other player is chill and I'm good at it."

Maura whispers "Lightweight"

Kinaed nods at Norrig.

Kinaed claims, "I don't get that, though I expected to, but I don't do a lot of gross torture, more mind games and stuff."

Maura is joking by the way. Everyone has their limits

Maura taps their chin "Even if I haven't yet met someone whose limits I met... and I've basically reduced someone to nubs."

Kinaed exclaims, "Okay, we're at the top of the hour! Thank you for coming everyone. Please DO attend Eion's event after the OOC Chat if you're at all available!"

Norrig claps politely.

Kinaed says, "Thanks for coming, and I'll catch you next week. :) Same time and place."
~~ Team Farra'n'Stuff. ~~

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