OOC Meeting 9-21-24

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Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:40 pm

Capitalism says, "I'll take care of the scribing if no one else will"

Karrin states to Capitalism, "Appreciated."

Temi says, "We appreciate it"

Temi nods in agreement.

Karrin states, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one player. If there are concerns about a specific player, or specific policy violations, please address that with staff privately."

Karrin has transferred HIEROPHANT. [OOC]

Karrin questions, "Alright! So, how was RP this week, lovely players?"

Temi gives a sculpted soap figure of a bedraggled bather in a tiny tub to HIEROPHANT.

InvestSouthside says, "Pretty good busy a bit"

Valora declares, "I had a very very good week! Many many much horses!"

Karrin chuckles at Valora. "Glad we got that working for you."

Rambling states, "I discovered something horrifying /s"

Karrin says, "I continue to be encouraged by the number of people online, AND in public rooms available for others to find and play with."

Karrin wonders to Rambling, "Oh?"

Valora wiggles happily in horse girl.

Scarry states, "I have had a modicum of enjoyment."

Rambling says, "Catty gossip not worthy of the rumor mongerer don't worry"

HIEROPHANT says, "A few good and spicy scenes, if starting to feel the lack of a Lochan of late"

Karrin questions to Scarry, "Only a modicum?"

Karrin claims to Rambling, "But, if it's horrifying, surely it's rumor-worthy."

Eeel says, "I had some great scenes"

Meiari states, "I was personally traumatized by an Orderly devouring all food in one swallow "

Scarry says, "In my culture having too much fun is verboten."

Karrin states, "Lochan will be back, he's just got some things on his plate. But yes, I understand that. We'll probably be opening up positions eventually for someone to assist my man Lochan, again."

Scarry claims, "That orderly must be a throat goat. Unlike some presidential candidates. "

Karrin has transferred Baz. [OOC]

Temi gives a sculpted soap figure of a bedraggled bather in a tiny tub to Baz.

Baz states, "Do I want to know"

Karrin says to Baz, "Project."

Valora says, "The... what... Valora will rotate you and dunk you in the River Bren, Scarry."

Karrin chuckles.

Scarry says, "They hate me because I speak truth"

Karrin muses, "Ok, glad that RP has gone well this week. Any topics of note?"

Karrin says, "For our discussion, I mean."

Temi grins.

Karrin says, "Two days from now marks my official mark of six months being a staffer."

Baz golf claps.

HIEROPHANT states, "I have a monopoly on goats and goat-basted accessories. You owe me royalties."

Meiari beats a celebration drum.

Scarry states, "Who would baste a goat."

Valora declares, "Been a greay 6 months!"

Baz says, "A greasy 6 months :p"

Karrin muses, "Ok, so I have an anonymous topic. Anyone else?"

InvestSouthside states, "Let it rip lets see things lit on fire."

Karrin claims, "You all love me, damnit. And if you don't, I, uh. Well, I'm not sure. I'll take that feedback."

Temi says, "We'll just have to grind them down into submission over long years."

Karrin says, "That's right. You're stuck with me, people."

InvestSouthside states, "Ah the corporate approach"

Karrin claims, "I shall persevere."

Temi grins.

Karrin states, "Alright, we'll pop into staff updates. And then we'll address that anonymous topic, if we don't have another one that pops up. If we do, feel free to let me know."

Karrin nods at Temi.

Karrin claims to Temi, "Your turn first."

Temi claims, "Well, have started plotting with Karrin a bit on, well, plots."

Karrin states, "Note the plural there. PLOTS. So, there will be more than one coming."

Karrin states, "But... not at the same time."

Temi nods in agreement.

Baz says, "By plots, karrin means graves"

Karrin states, "There might be some of those, admittedly, yes."

Temi claims, "But other than that, mainly typos and requests and things. Unfortunately busy oocly last weekend, though should be much more free this one."

Temi nods at Karrin.

Karrin says, "We had our second ever GL meeting today, and I feel it went really well. During that meeting, we decided to turn guild OOC channels back on. This should include a Guildleader channel, as well, in which people will be identified by their title and not name - so GLs can help each other and talk about GL only things. They will be subject to the same rule as the rest of our OOC channels (no sharing of IC information, etc), and CAN be turned off if anyone doesn't wish to see it. (Which, even if turned off, the history is available for anyone who has the ability to see the channel to look at.)"

Scarry states, "Oh that's cool."

Temi nods in agreement.

Karrin states, "Monitored by staff, of course, so you will need to behave. But, easier to collaborate for things like scheduling meetings, scheduling RP, and for asking and answering guild-specific questions."

Karrin says, "And sharing the occasional guild-appropriate shitpost."

Valora prepares daily devotionals for Order chat.

InvestSouthside states, "I will need to find my shitpost folder again"

Temi claims, "We feel like the removal of them ended up removing the ability to build ooc community in game and just pushed it off the game, which may be part of not retaining newer guild members"

Karrin nods in agreement with Temi.

Karrin says, "So, I loved that, and am eager to get that implemented. I've already posted it as a priority for Lochan when he has the opportunity. Theoretically, the code should still exist (maybe commented out), so should be easy to turn on. If that's not the case, it'll take longer."

Temi states, "It's still there and usable by staff"

Karrin claims, "Other than that, mostly yes, plotting with Temi, and hopping around grid helping people out as I've been the main one online during the day."

Temi says, "Should just be turning it back on for players"

Karrin nods at Temi.

Karrin states, "Alright! That's it for staff, for now, so let me touch on our anonymous topic."

Karrin claims, "A player has asked me to bring up, for those heretics of us, the addition of new (or more) NPCs where heretics can get their heretical books and learn a bit more about their heretical religion, that sort of thing. The destruction of the temple for the Path of Fire was brought up, as well. I have my own comments, but I'll let you guys speak first."

Baz pontificates, "Sure! More books is more better"

Baz starts handing out heretical library cards

Karrin says, "One player has told me: It is hard to talk about on an ooc level we have talked about this in past meetings. It is rather obvious they were not given those logs but I wouldnt mind a pather or someone of sort like the cultist in the bathhouse you can talk to and get directions and etc.""

Ikeala says, "Well ... I have my own thoughts, but I can say the last time this topic came up I admit the convo turned awkward."

Meiari states, "I always love more books and lore openings, even if I don't agree with them lol"

Karrin asks, "I brought up heretical stuff a few months ago. That one went ok, so I am hoping you mean another one?"

Valora states, "As an Orderite. I actually thinks this is awesome. More heretics means more chances for Orderite RP. whether it be guiding question members back to the light or breaking up cults. I like it."

Rambling claims, "That kinda sucks for the Path of Fire. Completely serious on that front, gives less room for heretical factions to get members for juicy potential antagonism. Absolutely give them the wiggle room through these NPCs, but of course they would have to be somewhere the ops can't find them because then uh... more temple burnings happen."

Eeel asks, "There was a PoF temple?"

Eeel says, "In the city"

Eeel asks, "?"

Karrin says to Eeel, "Not inside."

Rambling claims, "I think it might be a long story I don't know about."

Karrin says, "I greatly encourage heresy (I'm awful), as it does give Orderites more RP. I am not opposed to putting more NPCs and such in for this - though there are some that do exist, and people just need to find them, I imagine."

Temi claims, "The staff and I at the time discussed that maybe the new version of the temple should be more of a 'could exist anywhere in a private home' type of thing, instead of like... a big discoverable temple."

Karrin says to Rambling, "I unfortunately will not explain, as it is still RP on grid."

Karrin nods at Temi.

Rambling says, "Oh I wasn't suggesting that at all."

Karrin says, "But I think the new version of the temple never came about."

Capitalism claims, "A side note to keep in mind as well. If you have selected your religion, you will occasionally see or hear an odd message when wandering in places that hint where you should go to find more. Though these aren't obvious and could probably do with more help trying to find things."

Temi nods.

Karrin nods at Rambling.

Ikeala says, "So I'll cautiously comment."

Temi claims, "Not yet, though we should still revisit that. And for others as well."

Karrin nods.

Karrin claims, "I am absolutely for putting in these things for you guys. I just need to research what is already there, adn make sure that what we put in actually adds."

Rambling states, "We could use more cyclists"

Rambling says, "Not it"

Ikeala states, "Having things in phomes rather than person neutral introduces the feeling that involvement will be less ... available."

Karrin says, "It was must mentioned to me that Pathers do not get those echoes, and you guys are right. But that's because your temple went poof, and it wasn't replaced. We'll fix that."

Temi claims, "Sorry, that wasn't clear."

Temi says, "Not in a phome, but hidden in that kind of building."

Karrin states, "Someone else asked me anonymously how to become a heretic if you didn't already - you can just pray the prayer for the religion you want, and it will codely change it for you in your profile."

Karrin says, "I think we do have a current situation for Pathers that we can easily fix/bring in. We just have to figure out ONE thing. So, give us a bit of time, we can probably fix it sooner than later."

Temi says, "But maybe not one folks are comfortable discussing in a group"

Karrin says, "Oh yeah, that's why I've gottena lot of tells. BUT, that was my take on it, either way."

Karrin says, "Are there any other topics we have? We can move forward, I think."

Scarry trails off, "The secrets..."

Ikeala claims, "I "

Ikeala claims, "Sounds great "

Karrin nods.

Karrin says, "If there are no further topics, I can send you on back to grid. For what it's worth, I appreciate your participation in these meetings. It gives us the opportunity to get a feel for how you guys are doing. Which is more valuable than, perhaps, you realize."

Scarry claims, "I'm just here for the free item."

Karrin declaims to Scarry, "You and me both!"

Valora claims, "I enjoy seeing what people think and want. Gives me a lot of insight cause Im always learning more from these meetings."

Meiari says, "Gotta admit i needed that soap "

Karrin declaims to Meiari, "Temi to the rescue!"

Temi grins.

Karrin states, "Alright, until next week. You all have fun, and I hope you enjoy all of your RP."

Scarry says, "Seeeyaaa"
Resident Savage Player / Expert - Currently Not a Savage though

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