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Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:18 pm

In subject of: Gambling at the Queen's Inn
Date : Sun Feb 4 12:39:39 2018
Expires : Fri Oct 30 13:39:48 2020
To : all

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              Announcing a new and upcoming social event!

                     Hosted by: Eion le Valle

                    Game Night at the Queen's Inn

Come one and all to a social event that promises to be fun and relaxing. Mister Eion le Valle is loaning out cards and dice to those who wish to gamble or play a game with friends in the name of charity. He encourages those of all classes to come and relax, set aside worries and grudges and have a good time. Drink, chat and play cards and dice anyway you like for an entrance fee of only five silver a person. Gambling is allowed. Also, half of the money Mister le Valle makes that night will be donated to the Order. So come and lets have a party in the name of charity!
(OOC Note: This will take place Saturday the 10th of February after the OOC chat. All who wish to come are invited. I hope to see you there!)

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Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:18 pm

In subject of: Check-Up for the Knights
Date : Mon Feb 5 13:42:51 2018
Expires : Sat Oct 31 14:42:51 2020
To : all
So it seems that again the Royal Physicians are out tending to the well-being
of the various peoples of the city of Lithmore. This time, the efforts
spearheaded by the Bloodletter Empena Astartes, passes out a box of
preventative teas and tinctures amongst the Pages and Squires of the Knights
Lithmorran, along with some of her cooking oft discussed in the hallowed
stone halls. Rumor holds that peaches were involved, rumored to be the
woman's own favorite.

Orderlies and Nurses accompanying the Bloodletter help to give the budding
Knights checkups and offer general suggestions for well-being with a few tuts
for ignored bumps and bruises. A rotation is made during the next fortnight
to check through each Knight until the roster is worked through and every one
is deemed to be in proper health.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:18 pm

In subject of: The Reeves Hook a New Proconsul
Date : Mon Feb 5 14:50:45 2018
Expires : Sat Oct 31 15:50:54 2020
To : all
After a period of turmoil and controversy surrounding the Reeves there
seems to be news that a new Procunsul has been chosen. Although he's kept
rather quiet about it the tubori reeve known as Gael Longarm, better known
for his hook hand and laid back personality seems to have been chosen to take
on the role. Although he had spent a lot of time working out of the city it
would seem that he's back and quickly settling back into work within

When approached for statements he replied with "Look mate, me being made
procunsul? It's lovely and all sure, and I really hope to do a good job but
I'm not the man to make a song and dance about it. Right now I'd rather get
the message out that although the cobblestone conflicts may have subsided for
now things are still in a bad way, the Reeves are hoping to put together a
little masquerade shindig to bring folks together for a night. Sumptuary'll
be lifted for it and there'll be some fancy stuff available for the poor to
have for the evening so they can dress and feel nice for the day and not have
to worry about getting in trouble for silks. I think it's important we try
and bridge the gap a little, if only for the evening. Feeling like equals
for one night might help folks be more content with their places in life and
happy to get back to things. We all need an escape when life gets tough
after all. Anyway I'm really wanting to find some good help in setting that
all up so yeah get folks to mail me if you see them. City's in need of a
good party anyway."

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Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:19 pm

In subject of: A Bout of Depression(s?)
Date : Fri Feb 9 20:01:49 2018
Expires : Wed Nov 4 20:01:49 2020
To : all
Rural folk whose routes to and from the city had for weeks now led them past
the eerie faces of the black pillars have brought news in from the
wilderness-- just as suddenly as they'd arrived, the obelisks are gone.
Round depressions in the Urth are left where the structures stood; no other
evidence of their existence appear to remain.

Throughout the city, however, citizens flock to the Cathedral in
unprecedented droves, reporting hearing voices in their heads and seeking the
blessings of the Holy Order.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:19 pm

In subject of: An Unholy Body is Pyred
Date : Fri Feb 9 21:15:34 2018
Expires : Wed Nov 4 21:15:50 2020
To : all
Even as the crowds of Lithmore flocked to the Cathedral in the aftermath of the
dark pillars vanishing, the ringing of sacred bells called their focus to River
Square. There, a small contigent of Knights Lithmorran stood watch over Farra
dul Baildana, the recently (and unconventionally) appointed Grand Inquisitor
of the Holy Order. As Acolytes and Inquisitors hastily built a Pyre, the
noblewoman watched on, holding a crimson-swaddled body. Pale blue eyes stared
out at the crowd from the dead and dessicated thing, which was clearly dead in
the Lady's arms despite the motions of its eyes.

She spoke to those gathered, speaking of the consequences of a Tainted Soul
passing into death but also of the mercy and grandeur of the Lord of Springs,
who alone possessed the power to cleanse mankind from the Taint it has long
suffered. The body burned silently in the holy flames, and the woman's final
words rang in the minds of the crowd as they departed.

"Every soul longs for Peace,"
"The Villigance of Lithmore's citizens bring it peace."
"The Tenacity of the Inquisition bring it peace!"
"The Courage of the Knights bring it peace!"

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Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:19 pm

In subject of: Word from Southside
Date : Sun Feb 11 22:16:08 2018
Expires : Fri Nov 6 22:16:13 2020
To : all
The passing of the ebony hand is almost always bloody affair, though it would
seem such was not the case. Word trickled throughout the south that a new
Tenebrae had risen to power. However such rumors were met with a neutral
enthusiasm, with many of residents merely hoping for the newest in a
long-line of failures to amount to some good for their pitiful little section
of lithmore.

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Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:19 pm

In subject of: A Change in Magnates Announced
Date : Tue Feb 13 23:14:07 2018
Expires : Sun Nov 8 23:14:22 2020
To : all
On a sunny morning, with a cool breeze welcoming in the coming Autumn months,
a small gathering of the Merchants of Lithmore was seen in front of their
guild hall. Framed by ornately clipped topiaries, an announcement was made
by the Grand Magnate of the guild. "I want to thank Magnate Evani le Tavari
for her service to the Merchant's guild. As many of you you know, Magnate le
Tavari has decided to step down and focus on her woodworking business. We
wish her success and appreciate all she did for the guild. On resigning, the
Magnate put forward a replacement candidate, Laliene ab Hoffman. This was
communicated with the guild and I opened the floor to other applications,
received none. Missus ab Hoffman is a former Nursia and a recent local
business owner, tailor and she has spent many months working around the guild
hall and assisting with organizational tasks. I welcome her to the position
of Magnate, and look forward to furthering our service and role in the
community." The short announcement was received with some clapping and the
occasional handshakes before the group dispersed back to their respective
trades. A few Novices remained, taking notes with elegantly crafted quills
on fine parchment to post for those absent.

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Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:46 am

Date : Sun Feb 25 02:45:25 2018
Expires : Fri Nov 20 02:45:25 2020
To : all
Nominations for city Seneschal have begun! Residents of Lithmore are called
to present themselves as candidates for the role for the next two Sun Cycles.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:46 am

In subject of: A Magebane Feast Party
Date : Thu Mar 1 12:15:58 2018
Expires : Tue Nov 24 12:16:04 2020
To : all
Rumors circulate through the city that the young woman who hosted the recent
Soup Kitchen to raise money for the Order and feed the needy is hosting
another event. Jayne ab Seville apparently intends to have a Magebane feast
party in the Queens Inn. Invitations are open to all who wish to attend and
apparently the young woman will be offering refreshments, all you can eat for
20 silver per person. Bards are exceptionally welcome to come and play for
the guests and Magebane masks will be provided for 5 silver to those that
want them. The rumors also suggest that the young gentrywoman will be making
an annoucement to those that attend as well.

OOC Note: This will take place after the OOC chat on March the 3rd. Please
feel free to come and party. Jayne will also be making a brief statement to
reveal something she is attempting ICly. Also if you play a bard, please
consider coming to entertain!

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Sun Apr 08, 2018 2:28 am

In subject of: The Order Burns the Manus Guildhall
Date : Fri Mar 2 15:23:04 2018
Expires : Wed Nov 25 15:23:04 2020
To : all
As Magebane of 376 came to a start, rumor spreads of a bright fire along the
Bren as a house burned. While the fact of a manor catching fire was not
inately interested in and of itself, the few whispers about the
conflaguration -- which was centered in a patch of forest unfrequently
visited -- say that the watchmen and huntspeople who approached the fire to
assertain its intensity and see if anyone needed to be rescued were turned
away by a large contigent of armed and armoured Knights Lithmorran with the
assistance of crimson-clad Inquisitors. Whatever the burning was about,
those lot are not saying much more about it, leaving the work of the
Inquisition to the Inquisition.

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