Child Characters

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Should we restrict child characters on TI?

Total votes: 26
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Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:11 pm

mattc wrote: some people obviously have a deep-seated fixation on recreating childhood that goes far beyond a normal/healthy interest in storytelling. Let them sate their needs.
Exactly. Thank you.

Though I wouldn't go as far as saying that it's not 'healthy' mainly due to the fact that some people didn't have a rewarding childhood.

So they try to recreate it, even if it happens to be a street urchin in a medieval society based around the burning of mages at the stake. :P

They tend to find it more rewarding to play it out now, since they can enjoy it more then they did as a child to begin with. Some RP may be 'terrible' but, if someone can do better, then by all means, show us the 'correct' way instead of hiding behind your opinion and using that as fuel to restrict them just because "I don't like them."

All it is, is bias and prejudice.

I mean, granted, I apologize for my attitude throughout this thread, but really, I'm just sick and tired of kidchars being treated like lepers. And as I said, it strikes me on a personal level. There's really no reason for it; shallow RP and such, is just as Mattc says, it's opinion. And opinion shouldn't be the reason why these types of characters should be restricted.

It's like highschool all over again. Just because one person doesn't like someone, they tell their friends, and their friends tell their friends. And then you find yourself an outcast, because of some stuck up witch who thinks she's the queen of the world. Forgive me for the comparison, but it's true. Maybe not here, but that's generally how it all starts.

My solutions may not have been viable, but it's damn sure not going to limit people's creativity, by forcing apps. Or forcing RP onto people. Poll or not. I say it stays the same with only stat restrictions.

Also, to touch Jei's point. Yes. I agree that it should be treated ICly, if a kid wins a strength contest with an adult. Infact, I've actually caused something like that to happen, when I had a run-in with a particular kidchar in Other-TI. I won't name names, though. However, thinking about it, it can be abused by people who don't like kidchars just to get them killed off. So, maybe it's not that good of an idea.

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Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:18 pm

This has been solved ICly. I'd like to request this discussion be locked, and discontinued please.


Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:53 pm

I am really against the idea of restricting kid characters. More complaints are made about mages and what they can do than kid characters. I have played a child before, having been Keneth Regal's little girl, Anaise. She was so much fun to play and I never has any complaints about her, that I know of.

My opinion in this is that people should be brought aside individually and made aware if they are playing in a manner that is offensive to others or in any way unfair. I don't think it is right or fair to put a blanket ban because 'a couple of rotten eggs spolit the batch', so to speak.

I don't think kid characters should need to be attached to parents as the orphan play can be a lot of fun, but I do think there needs to be an amount of accountability placed on playes that shouldn't be removed just because your character is a child. If you keep on misbehaving, someone's going to punish you.

This all really comes back to being a responsible role player. What is the aim of your character? Why do you RP on TI in the first place? I really like to RP and make characters focused around making other people's RP more fun. That is why I like to create family connections, or friend connections with people before I bring a character into game. If my character does something stupid and dies in the process, so be it. It was my fault, it probably created a lot of role play, but my aim is always to have fun and make it fun for other people. If the way your playing your character is something you wouldn't find fun to have inflicted upon you (And really, seriously think about that) then it's probably not the best idea. Conflict can still be fun, having to fight hard to achieve a goal can be fun, having some ruin months or hard work and get away with no consequence.... Not fun.

So, more than just applying to child characters, I think we all need to be more aware of what we bring to the game. This is all meant to be fun, after all.

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Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:36 pm

So another "solution" proffered is to individually take child players aside who are irritating people and say:

"Watch your Ps and Qs, or..." or what exactly? We remove the character? Dock xp?

I liked the suggestion earlier to write child culture files, and who knows, maybe I'll do that sometime when I'm at work with a free moment to spare and send them to the staff to consider adding.

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Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:30 pm

Yes. Punish the player. Not the playerbase.

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Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:14 pm

I play a child right now, but I wouldn't mind there being some kind of regulation on them, like that admin supervisor idea to make sure that they're being done right. I'm always looking to improve after all.

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