Color Suggestions 46 color mode

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Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:08 am

My brain cannot parse with the wrong names for the colors.

Some nice colors and moving things around though.

I think where we started is good, but we can take advantage of some of these colors.

cce may be an improvement to t teal
cbc, dae may be a better v and V violets
Then bac, cae could be good i and I indigos
And cba, dca for u and U umbers

{f dba, {F fca, {h fea, {H ffd, {j aba, {J bfd, {k dcc, {K fdd, {l bcb, {L dfa, {n abc, {N adf all look good for fawn, hazel, jade, khaki and lime.

So maybe:

Here's sorted into color families a bit:

Obviously, the original 16 are not 'right' and people can adjust those themselves on some clients, but this approximates what they would be like in many clients to avoid anything too close to those.

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Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:20 am

It could be done so that the base 16 colors are likewise uniform when in xterm color mode, instead of client-settings.
Any reason not to do so? I'd be in favor of more consistency across clients.

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Discord Handle: Eos#5637

Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:42 am

Some clients still don't support more than the 16 standard colors (and none other if I understand correctly, no other code representation) - so for their sakes, we kept the 15 standard colors as they were.

Right now, in xterm mode, standard color codes are not converted to their xterm equivalent like they were (their conversion is skipped). The reason for that is that we don't want old garments to change how they look to the user. But if we take the 15 colors that aren't uniform across clients and exchange them with uniform colors - that means that things WILL look differently, even if it's code wise the same.

There's also weird color wonkiness even with the standard colors - the big D was shown as much darker even though codedly it is the exact same color as before, so that's the one standard color that actually has been replaced with an xterm color.

So, we can't change how colors look in the 15 color mode because some clients can't do xterm, and we can't change how the 15 standard colors look when you're in 47 color mode because there will be a mismatch.

EDIT: I love Temis suggestion - I'll implement this but change the khakis to kumquat to get pastel orange/peach and yellow in.

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Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:21 am

Eos wrote:
Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:42 am
Some clients still don't support more than the 16 standard colors (and none other if I understand correctly, no other code representation) - so for their sakes, we kept the 15 standard colors as they were.

Right now, in xterm mode, standard color codes are not converted to their xterm equivalent like they were (their conversion is skipped). The reason for that is that we don't want old garments to change how they look to the user. But if we take the 15 colors that aren't uniform across clients and exchange them with uniform colors - that means that things WILL look differently, even if it's code wise the same.
I personally wouldn't mind if it doesn't look the same to me as it did before, as the standard ANSI looked different to most anyone before anyway.
There's also weird color wonkiness even with the standard colors - the big D was shown as much darker even though codedly it is the exact same color as before, so that's the one standard color that actually has been replaced with an xterm color.

So, we can't change how colors look in the 15 color mode because some clients can't do xterm, and we can't change how the 15 standard colors look when you're in 47 color mode because there will be a mismatch.
The escape codes between the default and xterm color modes for the same color are already very different (as I found out when all my color-based scripts broke)
e.g. red:
default: \e[0;31m
xterm: \e[0;38;5;1m

Seems to me it wouldn't be too hard to substitute to a uniform color just in xterm mode.

I don't know if it'd be worth doing, in might be a thought to let players set their own custom colors to the { codes as a setting in-game if for some reason they do want to tweak it for their own preferences.

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Discord Handle: Eos#5637

Fri Dec 04, 2020 7:59 am

While a change to uniformity would not be too hard, having pre-xterm colored garments keep their colors is something we decided on already.

I've finalized a good color spread - thanks for all your suggestions. It should be played in soon.


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Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:13 pm

We also use the standard colors in code, not just to display items, so having those remain the same keeps people's basic game play consistent, even if they also want to see people's new outfits in fancier colors. Having issues reading every word of a dress string is not game breaking, but not being able to configure the shade that your text or thoughts or that npc that is going to kill you appears in can create an accessibility issue for people that may have issues with certain colors. Thus those people would not be able to turn xterm on without an impact to game play. Plus we got immediate feedback that some people have strong feelings about things like their default color, even without accessibility issues.

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Discord Handle: Eos#5637

Fri Dec 04, 2020 8:38 pm

Added some more pastel-y colors and red tones and did some small changes, this is the final version now - it's live and all. Hope you'll enjoy your rainbows.

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Fri Dec 04, 2020 8:55 pm

A few extended colors might still need some adjustment in standard mode.

   {e emerald {E bright emerald  {p pink    {P bright pink    
   {l lime    {L bright lime     {q quartz  {Q bright quartz  
   {j jade    {J bright jade     {6 thulian {7 bright thulian
   {0 fern    {1 bright fern     {8 garnet  {9 bright garnet 

   {t teal    {T bright teal     {h hazel   {H bright hazel  
   {n navy    {N bright navy     {k kumquat {K bright kumquat
   {i indigo  {I bright indigo   {o orange  {O bright orange 
   {2 sky     {3 bright sky      

   {v violet  {V bright violet   {f fawn    {F bright fawn   
   {4 lilac   {5 bright lilac    {u umber   {U bright umber    

   {s silver  {S bright silver   {d dark    

some suggestions:
emerald to green
bright lime to bright green
fern and bright fern to green and bright green
teal to cyan and bright teal to bright cyan
bright violet to bright magenta
lilac to magenta
hazel to yellow

I'm unsure on some of the mis-matched ones like jade, kumquat, and fawn.

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Discord Handle: Eos#5637

Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:21 pm

Thank you! We're gonna fix those.

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Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:34 pm

The colors now set are beautiful! Great work, staff. It's going to be lovely watching the MUD transform into rainbows of color.

I was reading the recent OOC Meeting log, and had an idea that maybe color restrings in chargen, or even outside of it and in the game, should be restricted the 16 basic colors -- leaving the new colors solely for the merchant guild. Has anyone else also been thinking about this?
Old As Dirt

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