Jail Automation Requirements

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Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:34 am

I do have one question, that doesn't seem to have been answered in the initial post, but what is the general consensus of a reasonable time to process folks in jail? A week, two weeks, etc?
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Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:36 pm

So my two cents are:

1) Jail RP is as much about people handling the cases as anything. What I have found is people say: "Oh Reeve ____ or Inquisitor ___ is handling that case." I think if automation is going to be added, then it needs to create a gnote and the respective guilds need to be more cooperative such that anyone can handle the case if they have a key to the tower. That won't keep people waiting as long if they aren't waiting on one person.

2) PK Policy timing can be problematic. I have been guilty of this as well. Arrest someone do a review and then decide to do a pyre and have to wait the requisite time that a cnote has to be in place. I am not saying that the policy is flawed. In fact I think it is a good policy and should be kept intact. I don't have a good answer to this one, however, other than if you are going to arrest someone and you think there is a chance that they will be executed, put that in the cnote when you do the cnote for the arrest so that if you decide to do the PK you don't have to wait.

3) Reviews and interrogations take time. The fastest Review I ever did was an hour and a half and that was only because the person confessed to everything the moment I walked into the common cells. You need to coordinate RP and be flexible. These aren't ten minute scenes if you want to do them right.

I think automation can lean out -some- of the process but at the end of the day it comes down to people being able to work the cases. Don't hog work, trust your guild mates, document everything, and it is better to have too many cnotes than not enough.

I think the process flow, at the 10,000 foot level, would look something like:
-Investigation and Documentation in gnote
-Issue warrant: Must have supporting gnote AND cnote. Cnote should include clauses for all realistic contingencies. (Review, Execution, Release, etc)
-Arresting body does the arrest: gnote is updated, guild wide Pboards are sent
-(Human Factor) People coordinate RP: Inquisitor A is available this window, B this window, C this window. Prisoner when works for you?
-(Human Factor) People need to process quickly. ICly, Reeves don't always execute people. It may be a whipping. Either way they are public affairs and need to be done as soon as possible.
- Gnotes are updated with what happened.

There are also some OOC things to consider:

I have had my ass chewed on (forgive the language) for dealing with a prisoner right before or during an ST. Sorry guys, you can't have it both ways. Sometimes these schedule conflicts happen and people are just going to have to cope. That is not saying you have to leave an ST or delay an ST for an execution but realize if all the people are available then we have to get things done.

People avoid the RP, particularly prisoners, then complain that no one is on to process them. Coordination for this kind of thing is important.

For the love of Dav use the Jail channel or send a tell! I don't spam "who" all morning so if you flick on, and I am just idling, and then you get mad that I don't notice you. Not cool, bro.

So in summary:
-Code will help somethings, but people and their OOC commitments, as much as anything, are at fault.
-Unless people are flexible no amount of code or policy is going to fix it.
-I know it is a pain OOC, but you, prisoner, did decide to play a thief or a mage. Want to get things rolling? Organize a time where you can commit to getting it worked.
-Reeves and Order, get them processed as quickly as humanly possible. If you can, do the arrest, review/interrogation, and punishment all on the same day but everyone has to realize that will likely be a six hour commitment.

Anyway, that is just my thoughts on it.

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Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:42 pm

Gerolf wrote:Don't hog work, trust your guild mates, document everything

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Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:18 pm

Honestly, STs/events are not that common - I think it's entirely reasonable to ask that people not preempt scheduled events with non-scheduled events. We want to encourage events, which are a lot of effort for not a ton of reward. Events/STs are lengthy and need full evenings in many cases; you can literally destroy an entire planned scene by deciding to hold a punishment.

Beyond that I largely do agree, and I'd also like to encourage - at least for the Reeves - more on-the-spot punishment. You don't ever HAVE to take anyone to Ahalin. If the punishment is going to be a whipping, arrest them, drag to River Square and whip them then and there! Harder to do as an Inquisitor, because heresy/magery cases usually require interrogation, but for Reeves any number of small issues don't necessarily require jailtime at all. Remember, you are judge, jury, and executioner (at least at the higher ranks of the guild). Modern-day standards of proof and due process don't need to apply, and probably SHOULDN'T.

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Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:37 am

Dice wrote:Honestly, STs/events are not that common - I think it's entirely reasonable to ask that people not preempt scheduled events with non-scheduled events. We want to encourage events, which are a lot of effort for not a ton of reward. Events/STs are lengthy and need full evenings in many cases; you can literally destroy an entire planned scene by deciding to hold a punishment.
I am just saying it goes back to the coordination argument. Sometimes you have to say, sorry that time wont work, there is already an event planned and people need to be ok with that. Likewise if we hold a public punishment early enough in the day but it pushes the start time of the event or the ST Half an hour, that is probably ok too.

You are absolutely right: Events and STs are rare and typically scheduled days, or weeks, in advance and should be respected. I guess I was just trying to point out that there are other things that have to be considered when evaluating how long someone has been in prison.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:18 pm

What I'd really like to see is a low-security jail option for low-risk inmates where the public could come and go and interact with the prisoners, but the prisoners couldn't leave or equip/unequip items. A stockade of some sort. If we could automate people being there for a period of time that'd be nice too, but even as a holding area to await processing, it would at least afford a lot more RP opportunities.

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Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:33 pm

Geras wrote:What I'd really like to see is a low-security jail option for low-risk inmates where the public could come and go and interact with the prisoners, but the prisoners couldn't leave or equip/unequip items. A stockade of some sort. If we could automate people being there for a period of time that'd be nice too, but even as a holding area to await processing, it would at least afford a lot more RP opportunities.
+1 for sure!

Timed would be great to avoid having to sync up with particular players for a release.

And no kind of "three strike" law or anything, hopefully, to encourage career petty criminals. But that part would be an IC issue I guess.

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Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:01 pm

Yah. I definitely don't want some sort of 3 strikes rule. Or maiming for petty crimes either. We can't have pick-pockets if we don't have repeatable punishments. I think some time in an RP-friendly stockade is a reasonable deterrent without being extreme

This is off topic to an extent, but I'd like to see the Thieves able to do some sort of similar thing in the Southside to people who piss them off.

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Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:40 pm

Just as somebody that doesn't really play knights and reeves partially because the arrest process is such a pain in the butt and is currently playing a Reeve, having a nice, clear POLCA with nice clear lines of what I should have that automatically puts notices on the relevant party's boards and such would be lovely.

One problem I do want to address is the issue of on the spot take ins, which seem to be have to be the majority of what's going on in some cases. Like, if I have a mage that is publicly there, and there is no knight on, what do I do? As a Reeve, do I just let that person go? More than likely, I would just arrest them and rpecho a knight helping me out because I know the process, but I don't really know how I feel about doing that...

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Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:22 am

Annalesa wrote: Like, if I have a mage that is publicly there, and there is no knight on, what do I do? As a Reeve, do I just let that person go?
It's certainly reasonable from a player perspective. Yes, codewise you could certainly take them in. But ICly Reeves are trained to take down criminals, and Knights are trained to take down mages. I don't think it's unreasonable RP to assume that, as a Reeve, you are simply not prepared to wrastle a witch at the moment and instead you'll just give whatever info you can to the next Knight you come across.

A lot of people have a strong desire to "win" scenes, but really it's not a failure if a Reeve can't bring in a mage or a Knight can't/won't/doesn't bother with "petty" crime.

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