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Should resurrection be possible through magic on TI?

Poll ended at Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:05 pm

Maybe, comments below.
Total votes: 18
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Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:55 am

Some ideas I find personally intriguing:
- Massive scars
- No natural mv/hp regen
- Perhaps requiring periodic 'recharges' through RPA, and if the mages can't be gotten together for the recharges, you begin to slowly die - hence this serves as a potential time limit (recharge requirements COULD be less stringent than initial casting requirements)
- Mental instability from having been on the other side, albeit not remembering it well
- Lack of certain lifelike functions (could be no ability to give birth, no heartbeat but fake breathing, no bleeding when hurt, whatever)

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Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:11 am

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Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:40 am

How about... no? This is the most insane idea I've ever heard. Mages already have a spell to bring corpses to life. That's plenty.

Unless the staff and pbase is prepared to accept that the game is no longer permadeath, which I absolutely am not, resurrection would be an insane addition. It changes the game from low-midlevel magic to a high magic setting, where vampire-zombie pet semetary type characters are now running about after being killed once.

If something like this goes into effect, I hope mages/staff/everyone is prepared for the idea of tweaking the entire culture of Lithmore too, because it means no more burials, it means everyone would need to be cremated after death. Once this spell gets found out and understood, that is. =/

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Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:41 am

Hmm, okay, I've given this some thought, and I've spoken to a LOT of players.

Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to speak directly to me on this topic.

Secondly, I'm sorry, Geras, but the staff will not be taking this suggestion up at this time. The split is pretty narrow, and those who are in favor seem to be in favor in a "that could be cool" kind of way, whereas those not in favor are "I'll claw your eyes out if your ruin my game with this horrible suggestion!!!". So...

Yeah, not at this time. Sorry folks!

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Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:55 pm

Well then I think people need to look hard at what kind of "win" the villains have available to them on par with a burning, and how it is supported by code. Because as is the playing field is not level at all.

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Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:58 pm

Geras wrote:Well then I think people need to look hard at what kind of "win" the villains have available to them on par with a burning, and how it is supported by code. Because as is the playing field is not level at all.
I agree here with Geras. The playing field is very, very, very skewed in favor of the good guys. We should think of something to throw them.. a reason the good guys really need to be afraid of them.

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Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:02 pm

There are *plenty* of theme reasons to be afraid of mages. We've had towns burn down, we've had revenants attacking citizens, we've had mages go after characters (harassing them, killing them, etc.). I haven't seen it so much on this incarnation so don't know if options like changing the weather or skies of fire are options, but those are pretty frightening things to do. There's plenty of things that characters have lived through that give meaning to the 'evilness' or 'badnesses' or 'frightening-ness' of mages. If it isn't being felt IC, then do something about it. Have the Church do events focused around it where they make it apparent. Start a survivors club or have survivors tell tales. Start IC rumors or tell pub tales about mages of old (who was the guy who had the bags made out of human sinew and bone? Gross! That should be a household name.) If the fear isn't being felt IC, it's not solely because they don't have spells to represent it, it's because we're not incorporating it into our RP.

Edit to add: For new spells, perhaps we need to look at a revamp of the Magic Revamp thread that was being posted to previously?

Editted again to add: Starting a thread with some nasty tales of mages that might be common knowledge/rumors/scary bedtime stories might be an interesting idea. Otherwise maybe we need to be making some up. Much like books, perhaps that's something that staff could reward with QP or something?

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Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:14 pm

Most of those things weren't generated by player mages though wimple. Why play a bad guy if the bad guy's can't do much more than make the batman symbol in the air?

I know it's not that bad, but you get the point. I remember on oldTI when I played a Knight, that was actually a pretty dangerous position. I'd argue that it's now one of the safest, where it should really be almost as dangerous as being a mage or a thief.

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Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:09 pm

Hmm. Burning down a town requires RPA and is the sort of thing htat staff members need to be involved in, but that was the same on every game. Revenants attacking - they can be icly created by a mage if they want to - as can the sky burning and so on.

Also, on TI:L our first three months of Pdeaths looked like this:

Rabek Dead - Mage
Ethelene Dead - Mage
Machivel Dead - Grand Inquisitor
Veronica Dead - Justiciar
Zanthia Killed - Mage
Firo Killed - Thief
Nilissa Killed - Innocent Bystander Sacrificed by Mage
Rafael Killed - Justiciar
Paere Killed - Knight (by Amethyst - later nulled by Amethyst, Paere, and Rafael)
Adelbert Killed - Mage
Jochen Killed - Cardinal

That's not showing an overwhelming bias towards "good guys winning". Strictly speaking, that's 5 bad guys to 5 good guys. My gut feeling is that the people in the bad guy roles just aren't choosing to be particularly vicious towards the good guys these days, whereas the good guys are theme constrained to actually do something about bad guys.

I wonder what's holding the bad guys back? Is it that they're just not murderous, or is it that they don't want to offend anyone?

Also, I think the playing field between "good and bad" guys probably ought to be opened in a new thread.

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Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:12 pm

Then this is a matter for the magic revamp thread. I've never played a mage on any incarnation, so I can't really comment on the current spell limitations. But resurrection isn't the answer.

I'm not willing to budge that some of this isn't due to a combination of lazy RP AND a combination of current IC politics (mages not attacking people, etc). The laziness is both on the part of lawfulls who brush off any dealings with mages/thieves/south side to baddies not being more... outrightly bad (assaulting and/or kidnapping first responder type characters or randoms, blackmailing characters, thieving from houses/rooms/pickpockets).

Maybe I'm naive because I don't know how the magic system works, but I'm hesitant to believe there aren't options there.

Edit: While sky burning and weather changes don't seem really flashy, ICly that should be really terrifying - it could ICly bring on an economic depression or famine. People should react to such things accordingly.

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