Investigation Disclose: Reddit Rape Report

A place to put old policy disclosures so they don't clutter up general discussion.

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Posts: 429
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:22 pm

Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:43 pm

Hello all,

We have recently had questions about an accusation posted on Reddit, in which there was reportedly a rape IC, and the eventual report resulted in both the accuser and the perpetrator being banned, along with the accuser being accused of RP avoidance. As this post called into question Kinaed's involvement on the matter, she has stepped back as policy and asked me to review the matter. Obviously rape RP is not allowed at all on The Inquisition, and we also do not approve of victim blaming. So we take these concerns very seriously, and we do not want anyone to feel unsafe here.

I have been a member of staff since 2011, and we keep records of all policy cases. I reviewed these records for situations which could be related to this report. We have never had a rape reported to us on TI. I could not find any instances which mention rape, except in referring to our rape policy - an accusation of 'repeated creepy behavior that does not violate the rape policy but certainly skirts the edges', or that someone felt that accusations of stalking should not be allowed due to the policy. We have seen examples of predatory behavior, for which we have banned the person engaging in such behavior, including the creepy behavior mentioned above, but not the victim. Those have all been announced to our playerbase, asking you to help keep an eye out for them if they tried to avoid the ban.

I also reviewed our list of active bans. There was policy information for all of these bans, and I could find none which matched the given situation. No one on the list was banned for rape. No one on the list was banned for reporting a policy case. Additionally, we have never banned anyone for RP avoidance.

In the cases where we have gotten involved on RP avoidance cases, the common result has been that someone who logged out to avoid being arrested was transferred into custody. I could not find any instances where players were punished for not logging in once arrested beyond enacting puppeted executions to wrap-up a character that was avoiding execution. In those cases, we also generally wait 4 weeks for the player to return before we step in to wrap things up without them.

As part of my review, I spoke with Kinaed about her recollections, and she was not aware of the situation that was reported in this post or any that were similar to it. Based on these investigations, I could not find any circumstances which could have been meant. If anyone is aware of any of the information involved in this case, which may help us to identify something we missed, please do let us know. And if anyone has ever or does ever experience something like what was described in this post, please let us know. It is absolutely not something which is welcome in our game.

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