Log of OOC Meeting 1/31/2015

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 166
Joined: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:45 am

Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:12 pm

Kinaed wonders, "Today's Agenda:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

We're skipping plots today because staff have a meeting about them later.

Is there anything anyone wants to add to our agenda to make certain we talk about it today?"

Rain says, "I'd like to bring up pulling color strings from items."

Kinaed states to Rain, "Added."

Kinaed questions, "Anyone else?"

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak states to Kinaed, "I'd like to talk about covert stuff."

Kinaed wonders, "Added. Anyone else?"

Rachel states, "Hidden exits, the new system."

Kinaed questions, "Added. Anything else?"

say I have a couple of things actually

Albrecht claims, "I have a couple of things actually"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

say filtering roster and mob healing for the sparring mobs

Albrecht says, "Filtering roster and mob healing for the sparring mobs"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed states, "Okay, added."

Kinaed says, "Looks like this is going to be a long chat, so we should probably crack at it. Staff, I'd encourage you to keep your updates short and sweet."

Kinaed trails off, "So, I'll kick off with my update: I put up the spec for secrets, the change in search, and hidden door ownership. Fern's requested we speak about this further, my understanding is that the code was just completed today, so I'm not sure where everyone is at..."

Azarial claims, "Yesteryda, but yes. untested, so I anticipate bugs"

Kinaed states, "I've also been using my gamification course to get a sense for what is good and bad about TI's play, and that's resulted in a staff meeting later on to discuss the static nature of the theme."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, that's me. Azarial, you're up."

Azarial says, "Bugs! secrets, as of last night, wirking on archery now."

Kinaed asks of Azarial, "Is throwing finalized?"

Azarial claims, "And a little bit of the screaming leather book."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial says, "I'm witing for feedback, and quivers from archery to finish it. it is in game though"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard claims, "Omg"

Kinaed says, "Staff, take an action item to test throwing and get back to Az."

Kinaed queries to Azarial, "That cover your update?"

Azarial claims, "Has been for a while, actually. I figured tossing knives at other staff made that clear."

Azarial shrugs eloquently with more tail than shoulders.

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard wonders, "How long are we looking at if it's taht far along now?"

Azarial says, "Yup."

Azarial claims, "Then it;s builder work to add the throwing stuff recipes."

Kinaed states to a swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard, "It depends on how much time Az gets to program. She has two small children."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Takta starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Kinaed states to Temi, "You're up."

Takta finishes his note.

Kinaed says, "I think Temi might be IAW."

Kinaed says, "Takta, you're up."

Temi claims, "Oops, sorry."

Kinaed states, "Nevermind, Temi's back :)"

Takta grins.

Temi claims, "Not a whole lot! Puppy is still at a distracting stage. But I'm working on documentation for other staffers to do more other RPA stuff"

Temi says, "And then I'm going to get on to seasonality"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "And that's it"

Kinaed states to Takta, "Now you're up :)"

Takta says, "Two major things this week:"

Takta exclaims, "1) Woodworking. All recipes are now in game, at least in terms of 'existing' and having skill ranks set. A lot more work remains to go live but the craft itself is largely fleshed out, minus any suggestions y'all have. Please pboard those to me!"

Takta claims, "You can check what exists with craft_ woodworking -all. It's about 170 recipes atm."

Iris boggles.

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard says, "170 beautiful recipes."

Takta claims, "2) A map! I've been tooling around with ZMud's auto mapper."

osay I can't wait to craft my exotic decorated peg leg

Albrecht says OOCly, "I can't wait to craft my exotic decorated peg leg"

Kinaed pontificates, "Yay!"

Takta says, "I posted about this yesterday, but have a new updated version at: http://s869.photobucket.com/user/jennac ... b.jpg.html"

Takta says, "This should be reasonably correct, complete and labeled minus up/down exits, phomes, hidden exits/secrets."

Takta says, "Enjoy. :D"

Takta says, "And that's it for me this week."

Kinaed states to Xinoe, "It's you, Xinoe."

Xinoe declares, "This week I wasn't very good about logging my work, but I completed 7 building tasks and a handful of typos, requests and key fixes. I haven't finished updating phome and ghall information, so that's extending into this week for me, along with IC books and papercrafting. And that's my update!"

Hunapo le Marama trails off, "Mmm papercraft...."

Delilah has left the game.

Xinoe smiles.

Kinaed cheers for the fastest staffer in the West.

Kinaed trails off, "There goes del..."

A curly, blonde-haired green-eyed lad is idle.

Kinaed wonders, "Iris, care to introduce yourself and give us a quick update?"

Iris claims, "Hi, I'm an eyeball, and I'm here to torment you all."

Iris claims, "I've been getting my see legs, doing small stuff, learning the ins and outs, and meanwhile taking on a few projects - including a small little area for our next plot that the more culturally adventurous among you might enjoy. I'll also be working on bringing sexy back by touching up the Cult of Ecstasy stuff -- so bring ideas about that to me! Pnotes welcome."

Iris exclaims, "Eventually I'll get to a forum thread about the Cult. Not a whole lot of stuff to change - it's pretty solid - but suggestions are good. That's it!"

Kinaed claims, "Thanks, Iris."

Kinaed states, "Delilah's got the Spirits of the Light, apparently, but she had to go - dinner time with family, I think."

Kinaed asks, "Okay, so that wraps up staff updates. Player Heartbeat - how's RP been in the past week, folks?"

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard says, "Rather good I think. Quiet mostly but good."

Takta exclaims, "(Spirits of the Light thread on the forums, drop ideas/thoughts there!)"

Karrina ab Vazien says, "I forgot how nice it is to have a second as a GL."

Kinaed trails off, "Aaaaaand on that note..."

Kinaed muses, "Let's kick off player topics. Honor, shall we start with you?"

Rain declaims, "Whee!"

Kinaed states, "Pulling color strings from items."

osay I should totally name my horse as high steward just to be a bit eccentric

Albrecht says OOCly, "I should totally name my horse as high steward just to be a bit eccentric"

Karrina ab Vazien says to Albrecht, "I currently have horses name Honor, Justice, and Virtue."

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard queries, "So you can 'mount high steward'?"

Rain questions, "viewtopic.php?f=28&t=896&hilit=string"

Rain claims, "A while back I put this on the forum for consideration. Basically I'd like a way to pull color strings from items in game. As a crafter I spent a lot of time on color strings and even when I'm not crafting, I've frequently come across something I wish I had a copy of but retyping all the code can be daunting. You can already get strings from notes so I was hoping there could also be a way to, like, inspect an item to do the same."

Kinaed states, "Seems fine, I'll write it up after the chat is over."

Rain declaims, "Woot. Thanks!"

osay Omg Rain, I love that idea. I have wanted to do that as well. That would be awesome

Kinaed muses, "That wrap it up?"

Albrecht says OOCly, "Omg Rain, I love that idea. I have wanted to do that as well. That would be awesome"

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard claims, "I have something myself if possible when everyone else is done. I forgot to mention earlier."

Rain claims, "Ayup, that's it."

An aquiline-nosed man of a dark umber complexion asks, "Would be very useful. Can make sure it lets you get extra descs, @apply, taste strings as well?"

Kinaed claims to a swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard, "Write it down so you don't forget if I have a chance to call on you."

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, next..."

Kinaed asks of a person wearing a featureless leather cloak, "Care to introduce your topic re: Covert stuff?"

A curly, blonde-haired green-eyed lad is no longer idle.
A curly, blonde-haired green-eyed lad has returned from AFK.

Kinaed has transferred a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes. [OOC]

Maxwell le Wattkil is idle.

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak says, "Sure. The short of it is that I'd like to float the idea of removing Thieves cant as a regular skill, in favor of giving the (currently only) covert guild easier tools for IC communication. Would be nice if we just gained access to this particular skill upon joining."

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak states, "We already have a lot of covert skills to sink XP into - but this one would improve quality of life for organizing covert activities."

Kinaed claims, "Seems fine to me."

Takta states, "Yeah, that makes sense."

Kinaed states, "The whole point of locking that skill down the way we have is to limit it to Thieves. Turning it into a command instead of a skill seems reasonable. I'd also like to change how it outputs a bit."

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak nods.

Kinaed says, "I just remember it looking a bit clunky."

A cerulean-eyed young woman with pale golden curls has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Temi nods in agreement.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, adding that to the todo list. I think the first step is just de-skilling it and making it a command. Fixing up how it looks might be later."

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak exclaims, "Thank you for considering it!"

Kinaed asks of a person wearing a featureless leather cloak, "That cover your item?"

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak nods.

Kinaed says to Rachel, "Okay, you're up. :)"

A slim, strawberry blond-haired man says, "What if someone leaves the guild. It doesn't seem feasible they'd just forget how to cant"

Kinaed claims, "Actually, it is. Thematically, it's an evolving language."

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard states, "Thematically, you don't leave the Brotherhood either."

Kinaed claims, "And people don't ICly leave all that often without major reprocusions."

Iris claims, "Only way out is in a box, anyways."

Kinaed nods at a swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard.

Kinaed nods at Iris.

Rachel trails off, "Alright, well..."

Kinaed says, "But if someone DID leave, it'd be like changing the locks on the doors."

Rachel claims, "I tend to worry that the changes to hidden doors and secrets greatly stifle one of the most unique and appealing parts of TI. Sometimes, wandering around exploring, you just -find- things, and that has been incredible. It allows a degree of intimacy with the game world that doesn't have to come directly from long-established characters or players. And it makes sense, IC, to be able to poke around and find something without exhausting yourself or carrying a dozen loaves of bread to stave off the weariness of looking around."

Kinaed politely gives Rachel her attention.

Rachel says, "I understand it can be really challenging to strike a balance between administration and playability. I really do. This particular change just seems a little heavy-handed, as if it's assuming the players will misbehave so they must be stopped. I wonder if it might be better handled by adding to cnote policy that discovery of a hidden exit must have an IC method, rather than making finding them either require Staff assistance or searching specifically for them (which... still, isn't going to stop people who know of them OOCly from just searching in that spot). "

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes pulls closed his cloak, hiding his garments.

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak asks, "Could we get a brief overview of the change so that we understand the context?"

Kinaed says to Rachel, "Well, we found out that people weren't even using the search command in favor of just walking into a room and code typing 'open <exit>' in all directions to find things."

Kinaed states, "That's clearly not how the game is intended to work, at all, else we wouldn't have had coded search."

Kinaed claims to a person wearing a featureless leather cloak, "Sure. :)"

Rachel nods.

Takta states, "(It made several plots of mine awkward when people immediately emoted finding hidden doors in their very first pose in a new room.)"

Maxwell le Wattkil is no longer idle.
Maxwell le Wattkil has returned from AFK.

Rachel says, "It's definitely possible I'm misunderstanding how they're going to work. But from what I do understand, it won't prevent people who already know of the hidden exits from searching to locate them."

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes flips a flowing, high-collared silk greatcoat with feathery cape back over his shoulder.

Rachel claims, "OOCly knowing, that is. If you've been here 10 years you probably have a pretty good idea about where things are."

Rachel says, "..That is a gorgeous cape."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, so the way it works as of today is that:

- Players who own a room see and can interact with hidden exits the same way staff can
- Searching a room's success rate is based on your wisdom stat
- You can search any given room once per week for secret exits
- If you find a door, it enters your secrets list
- If it's in your secrets list, you can share it with others."

An aquiline-nosed man of a dark umber complexion has no idea where anything is.

Azarial states, "Well, in ten years, we;ve had two complete city replacements."

Takta states, "Some rooms are searcheasy, i.e., a search WILL definitively succeed. This includes almost all sewer entrances/exits."

Kinaed says, "If you own a room, it's also added to your secrets list. The help file isn't in yet because it's not tested and released, but we'll make that a priority today."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Rachel muses, "Does searching drain MV?"

Kinaed states, "Also, it's worth noting that we had an OOC Chat about how this should work, and we generally followed the guidlines in the output of our last OOC Chat."

Kinaed claims to Rachel, "I think it might a bit."

Rachel nodnods.

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak questions, "Does searching a room reveal all hidden exits or only one per week, if successful?"

Rachel says, "It's not so bad really. I think this might be more of a personal concern, rather than one anyone else is having. I have -loved- finding things."

Kinaed claims, "Also, I have to acknowledge that this was handled a bit poorly. A notice went to staff that people were just opening directions to 'search' and we turned that off, which immediately blocked legitimate use by owners."

Azarial states, "Depends on each exit"

Kinaed says, "I'm sorry about that, this is what made getting the rest of the code in such high priority."

Kinaed claims to a person wearing a featureless leather cloak, "It'll show everything you find, I think."

Takta says to Rachel, "I had my own doubts, but I think it may be extra fun now, honestly."

Takta claims, "Because not everybody will know everything."

Rachel nods.

Temi nods.

Kinaed asks, "You can search a room, and find everything, or just one, or two of four, I -think-... Az, that right?"

Takta claims, "And you'll be able to introduce the things you -do- find, via search, to others."

Temi says, "We'll have to add some more fun searcheasy things just hiding about too."

Azarial states, "You'll find what your wisdom lets you find"

Iris states, "I'm about %500 in love with it as far as coverts goes. Protects your guys' new investments, and also if you have to move your HQs."

Temi states, "More stuff to find that isn't immediately just everybody runs into it"

Rachel pontificates, "Code support is always really great, for just about anything. And @Temi - That's amazing!"

Hunapo le Marama needs to go searching more.

Takta claims, "I had a great scene on my PC the other day where someone took me around an area and ICly introduced me to secret after secret. It's even better supported now."

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak states, "I was thinking of floating the idea of being able to "conceal" exits, but it sounds like that might not be necessary, in this new system."

Takta claims, "Btw, the grid is just FULL of secret things everywhere."

Takta claims, "There is a secret in Southside I think nobody has ever found since the grid went in two and a half years ago."

Kinaed queries, "I think what might cover Fern's concern is if there's a chance to autodetect something?"

Rachel asks, "My immediate response: "What is it?""

Rain asks, "So for those of us who know of hidden things already, we'll need to find them via the new system now. What if you fail the search, you're just kind of stuck until you get it?"

Azarial says, "Mmm, not exits."

Rachel states, "Yes, Kinaed, I think it would."

Takta asks, "Autodetect could be sweet, a very small chance on entry? Checked once a week too? "

Temi claims, "Maybe especially for searcheasy stuff."

Temi nods.

Takta nods at Temi.

Takta claims, "Ooh, yes."

Rachel claims, "It just feels like there might be something missing to lose out on the accidental "I just tripped and fell through a wall"."

Aios Draiski tugs on all the books in the library.

Rain nods at Rachel.

Rain mutters: 'Un.e.. ..e.. .r. -cro.odi.es. behind ..at wall.'

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard states, "I'll admit that I do feel the same way there."
A person wearing a featureless leather cloak grins at Aios Draiski.

Rachel claims, "I didn't even know hidden exits -existed-, for example, until I dropped through one. Scared the crap out of me. Was awesome."

Temi grins at Rachel.

Kinaed states to Rain, "We'd rather drive home that if you OOCly know it, you probably ought not to be searching over and over and over again ICly to try to find it ICly. It's sort of textbook metagaming. But we allow future searches rather than saying once ever to facilitate IC impacts."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, I'm happy to add a chance to notice something off and search for it."

Azarial claims to Rain, "The rp croc misses you."

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard wonders, "Why not just punish the abusers when they use it to benefit themselves?"

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes asks, "Someone mentioned there have been two city replacements... does that mean they were completely redone with new descriptions and coding? For what purpose? "

Rain says, "Yeah, I was talking specifics of places you already know about IC that you'll have to OOCly rediscover. I don't think it'll be a huge deal, personally."

Kinaed claims to a swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard, "Because we have no way to detect them at all. It doesn't differ from normal gameplay."

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak states, "I think where you run into problems is when someone sends you a letter about finding a secret, and you know it ICly, but it isn't codedly added to your secrets list."

An aquiline-nosed man of a dark umber complexion begins to descend.

Kinaed claims, "Especially in the old system."

osay I do really like that idea of a chance to notice something off. even if it is just a small chance and what not. it can be fun

Albrecht says OOCly, "I do really like that idea of a chance to notice something off. even if it is just a small chance and what not. it can be fun"

An aquiline-nosed man of a dark umber complexion leaves down

Azarial says, "Well, the first one replaced what was little more than a restrung midgaard from ROM."

Rachel says, "Code is better than over doing person to person administration, imo."

Kinaed says to a person wearing a featureless leather cloak, "Just ask a staffer, we'll hand it to you."

Hunapo le Marama says, "Just a thought, and I may have missed this, but have you thought about increasing odds based on number of searches? If I am checking the same room for something every week it makes sense that I wouldn't look the same place twice."

Kinaed states, "But in that instance, we can make sharing secrets happen at a distance, similar to imprinting keys."

Takta states to a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes, "The old grid had a lot of lower-quality descriptions, it was difficult to navigate, had some issues with location with landmarks, etc."

Rain says, "Totally happy to try out the new system and request any difficulties or suggestions."

Kinaed states to Rain, "Thanks."

Azarial says, "Travel had issues finding things, so the new one is smaller"

Takta states to a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes, "The new grid let us move the river down through River Square, clean up the city to open up more exits, improve room quality, add foreign quarters, etc."

Kinaed claims to Hunapo le Marama, "I think if you're searching every week, it's a symptom of a problem. You should ICly believe your search results."

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes nods at Takta.

Hunapo le Marama states to Kinaed, "Your right, I just wanted to through it out there :D"

Kinaed says, "We decided not to make it one search ever because IC circumstances might make a person go back and do another search, but generally speaking, if you search a room, and find nothing, your character should believe they searched the place thoroughly and nothing is there."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Hunapo le Marama.

Kinaed asks, "Okay, does that wrap up the questions around the new searching system?"

Azarial keeps shaking an empty can of tea, fooled by the weight of the metal.

Rachel claims, "I think it does"

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak muses, "Odds increased by thorough searching vs quick searching? Only one 'type' of search allowed per week, or one search overall?"

Takta muses, "Are we doing autodetect?"

Kinaed states to Albrecht, "You wanted to introduce some topics: Filtering roster and mob healing for the sparring mobs"

Kinaed wonders to Albrecht, "Care to introduce it?"

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes smiles.

Kinaed states to a person wearing a featureless leather cloak, "Only one search, we've removed quick and thorough for a single search."

A slim, strawberry blond-haired man muses, "Can I get transfered back? I gotta run :("

Kinaed claims, "Help file updates to follow."

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak declares, "Gotcha. Thanks!"

A slim, strawberry blond-haired man has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes queries, "Is this place like limbo? You cannot leave without transfer?"

Azarial says, "You can leave down for the alms"

osay Yes. For the roster. roster is rather large and unwieldy a bit right now, it can be hard to find specific things becasue it's like a great big wall. I was wondering if we could maybe set it up in such a way that it could be filtered to like search for all player run shops (for those of us whow ould rather give our money to pc's rather than NPC's where available) things like that.

Albrecht says OOCly, "Yes. For the roster. roster is rather large and unwieldy a bit right now, it can be hard to find specific things becasue it's like a great big wall. I was wondering if we could maybe set it up in such a way that it could be filtered to like search for all player run shops (for those of us whow ould rather give our money to pc's rather than NPC's where available) things like that."

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes nods.

osay I'll bring up the mob healing for sparring mobs after this, just to keep topic discussion clear

Albrecht says OOCly, "I'll bring up the mob healing for sparring mobs after this, just to keep topic discussion clear"

Kinaed nods at Albrecht.

Temi states, "It's just a helpfile, is the thing."

Kinaed claims, "We can probably do that, though. We're looking at setting up a system to register phomes, and we have roles coming in eventually, which may have roles for rostered places."

Kinaed says, "But it does make it clear that the roles stuff probably needs some good filtering and searching functionalit.y"

osay I know, but I wasn't sure if there might be a way to like set up a roster command that could maybe be filtered rather than a helpfile?

Albrecht says OOCly, "I know, but I wasn't sure if there might be a way to like set up a roster command that could maybe be filtered rather than a helpfile?"

osay I am not sure how big/complicated that would be though

Albrecht says OOCly, "I am not sure how big/complicated that would be though"

Kinaed states, "So the answer is: Awesome suggestion, thanks! I've written it down, and we'll do this through the roles stuff. That's awhile off, so in the meantime, we appreciate your patience with the existing roster flat file."

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes says, "Is there a command recognized by the game that will allow for pauses between strings? I have a performance alias that has actual holds and beats and it would be nice to know."

Temi nods.

Temi states, "It'd need a separate system... but could be good."

Kinaed states to a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes, "Not at the moment; instead we have {/ which causes line breaks."

Temi states, "Ah, I don't think there is currently."

Takta says to a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes, "Usually, bards here use separate emotes, one verse at a time."

Kinaed claims, "A lot of performers break up verses to songs

like this."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Rain claims, "Maybe not immediately helpful but if your client has that feature, that should work for performances. I've used waits before."

osay okay cool. Now the mob healing for the sparring mobs (namely the park street ones). I know we slowed mob healing, because of ST's and situations where mobs were healing right back up. I've noticed though that the mobs in the training areas are painfully slow to heal. I've gone in after someone has been there at some point and I've faced mobs that were still somewhat hurt and that's made for less time sparring and It feels like you aren't getting your monies worth. So I was wondering if there could maybe be a mob flag for the sparring mobs for like quick healing while out of combat or something like that so it doesn't effect -other- mobs

Albrecht says OOCly, "Okay cool. Now the mob healing for the sparring mobs (namely the park street ones). I know we slowed mob healing, because of ST's and situations where mobs were healing right back up. I've noticed though that the mobs in the training areas are painfully slow to heal. I've gone in after someone has been there at some point and I've faced mobs that were still somewhat hurt and that's made for less time sparring and It feels like you aren't getting your monies worth. So I was wondering if there could maybe be a mob flag for the sparring mobs for like quick healing while out of combat or something like that so it doesn't effect -other- mobs"

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes trails off, "I'm using cmud... and #wait #WA isnt working"

Rain queries, "Is the computer in the bottom right crossed out?"

Takta states, "Yeah, we really need that fix."

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak claims, "You gotta #WAIT 1000 where 1000 = 1 second"

Takta says, "For the trainer."

A curly, blonde-haired green-eyed lad is idle.

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes states, "No, full computer icon"

Kinaed says to Albrecht, "That might be a reasonable thing to fix up."

Takta states to a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes, "To be honest, that system may not fit super well into our RP culture here."

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes states, "I'm using #wait 800 to 3000 in the strings"

Takta states to a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes, "People typically tend to enjoy pose order, albeit it's flexible and performers often don't wait a full round for each verse."

Takta starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Takta finishes his note.

Delilah wanders into the vicinity. [login]

Delilah got her family fed. Has returned!

Kinaed claims to Albrecht, "That cover your items? We'll do something about mob healing."

osay I know that if I was short on funds and spent the money for some training and got kicked out after just af ew hits due to the mob not having healed from the last guy, I would be frustrated. very much so. I was when I spent for some spars and got booted out, more for the quick getting booted out than the lost money

Albrecht says OOCly, "I know that if I was short on funds and spent the money for some training and got kicked out after just af ew hits due to the mob not having healed from the last guy, I would be frustrated. very much so. I was when I spent for some spars and got booted out, more for the quick getting booted out than the lost money"

osay but yeah that's it for me

Albrecht says OOCly, "But yeah that's it for me"

Kinaed states, "Well, in the training hall."

Kinaed nods at Albrecht.

Kinaed muses to a swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard, "You wanted to introduce something?"

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard says, "How possible would it be to be able to look at items in a shop? Like, look at them to see if they have descriptions and the like? If this is already possible just point me to the helpfile. I've never seen the ability to do so."

Kinaed claims, "I think you can, I just can't remember the commands."

Takta states, "There's appraise shop but that doesn't provide ed descs, I think."

Kinaed says, "Certainly, you can appraise them. We can probably add the descs, etc, to appraise."

A swarthy hillman with dark hair and a thick beard states, "That would be awesome."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, will do that."

Azarial claims, "Look shop should work"

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, anything else?"

Kinaed states, "Wow, with so much to go over, we actually closed everything raised 10 minutes before we're officially scheduled to close! Amazing."

Rachel cheers.

Kinaed muses, "I guess I'll take a moment to tell people what we're up to plot-wise?"

Maxwell le Wattkil is idle.

Aios Draiski pontificates, "Wait! I have a twenty minute argument! (kidding)"

Kinaed smiles at Aios Draiski.

Rain claims, "There was another item on the forums I would like to draw attention to? It should be quick too."

Kinaed questions, "Okay, as many of you know, I was working on my gamification analysis of TI: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_zoZZ ... authuser=0"

Kinaed says to Rain, "Sure"

A curly, blonde-haired green-eyed lad is no longer idle.
A curly, blonde-haired green-eyed lad has returned from AFK.

Kinaed states, "During this, I asked people what made TI fun (and yes, I know that analysis is very much staff-perspective, please add comments or things you'd change)"

Rain asks, "Is it possible to drop the price of editing your headers from 1000 to 100? Right now you have an hour grace period to edit for free but if you find a typo or if you want to make a minor tweak later it costs you the full amount over again. viewtopic.php?f=28&t=981"

Kinaed states, "During that discussion, ti came up that TI's plots tend to always (and quickly) revert to the status quo."

Rachel nods.

Kinaed claims to Rain, "Hmm. I'll make a note to review prices after, but can't promise 100 silver until I think on it."

Kinaed claims, "Might also just extend how long you get free edits."

Takta claims, "Well, it seems like changing 1 line - even months later - shouldn't cost the whole price over."

Maxwell le Wattkil is no longer idle.
Maxwell le Wattkil has returned from AFK.

Delilah has returned from IAW.

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "After this meeting, the staff are getting together to do an exercise:

- We're going to decide what about the theme we will not change, really lock it down
- We're going to lay out a desired thematic end state to a series of plot changes
- We're going to lay out a '5 year plan' to get there
- We're going to divide up responsibilities to enacting that plan"

osay Yeah I think charging the full price over again is excessive, I think a lesser price point for an alteration is reasonable, but the full price is too much

Albrecht says OOCly, "Yeah I think charging the full price over again is excessive, I think a lesser price point for an alteration is reasonable, but the full price is too much"

Kinaed states, "It'd be useful input if any player wants to tell us what they think absolutely ought not to change about TI's theme through plot progression, as a starting point."

Kinaed claims, "For the record, we assume that people get their stuff together with edits, and changing one like actually would be buying a new seal or new stationary. Otherwise, having purchased a profile once, you could literally redo it to be anything, and we cannot detect the number of lines changed, etc."

Kinaed claims, "Or we could, but serious waste of precious programming resources."

Karrina ab Vazien states, "As far as theme, One thing that should stay is that mages are tainted and need to be purified."

osay I never, ever, ever want to see mages/magic legalized. I think that is too core to the game the inquisition. If mages were accepted, a lot of the bite/purpose of the inquisition would be gone. I like it being that big moral grey area/debate for the various religions and it drives conflict

Albrecht says OOCly, "I never, ever, ever want to see mages/magic legalized. I think that is too core to the game the inquisition. If mages were accepted, a lot of the bite/purpose of the inquisition would be gone. I like it being that big moral grey area/debate for the various religions and it drives conflict"

Kinaed nods at Karrina ab Vazien.

Rain states, "I think there should always be a clash between magic users and mundanes."

Kinaed says, "I agree, that's sort of my big one, though for me that is also about protecting the Order as an institution."

Kinaed nods at Rain.

Iris trails off, "Damn. Maybe in the ten year plan we can have mage overlords..."

Iris ponders.

Rain says, "I put that pretty vaguely because I think it might be neat if mages got the upper hand and the Order became an underground resistance force."

Takta nods at Rain.

Kinaed trails off, "There's some themes that we can't change simply because they're so deeply and powerfully written into the theme and help files. We have almost 2,000 help files, iirc, so... rewriting something that was born of almost 20 years of work from multiple hands..."

Rain claims, "But that basic struggle's still there."

Takta states, "I'd be cool with that too."

Karrina ab Vazien states, "That is something that can change; what the division of the Patriarchy from the Royal line really means."

Kinaed says, "I wouldn't be cool with that."

Takta says, "I think we should always keep class tension and class struggle as well, with the idea of some Legally Better people."

Rain claims, "I think I'd also say that some level of class-"

Rain nods.

Kinaed says, "Er, Order turning into the underground force - I don't think it'd work."

Rain states, "Well, specific example of a general idea. I think you can have a lot of movement without losing the central theme."

Kinaed nods at Rain.

Kinaed questions, "Anyone else have anything they want to ensure the staff consider later?"

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, I know we only have one minute left, but I have to ask before I start sending you back..."

Kinaed questions, "Are there any specific changes you would LOVE to see, plot wise?"

Maxwell le Wattkil says OOCly, "Oop."

Maxwell le Wattkil states, "Perhaps Order should just have less power as the other religions gain a bit more traction based on a seperation of ideas. I really don't know why Cyclists would be branded as heretics."

Kinaed nods at Maxwell le Wattkil.

Kinaed says, "Definitely something to consider."

Rachel claims, "Mages even temporarily having a leg up, during the course of a plot."

Hunapo le Marama says to Kinaed, "I need a few more cookies and milk, otherwise I am fine."

Kinaed smiles at Hunapo le Marama.

Kinaed nods at Rachel.

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak states, "I'd like to see more emphasis on grittier aspects of the game."

Kinaed states, "I'll give it another minute or two for people to input, but we're on a tight-ish time schedule, so I'll be putting people back shortly."

Kinaed wonders to a person wearing a featureless leather cloak, "For example?"

A person wearing a black cloth cloak with a large hood claims, "There is... perhaps... the potential for a political struggle type of theme, if mages were to gain a foothold and reach a point of power that they could no longer be hunted brazenly... but maintain high tensions between the two 'factions'."

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak says, "Whether introduced via plot or made grittier as time goes on. I think those of us who look for something edgy and dark - things in TI can seem a little fluffy bunny at times because the community itself is so supportive."

Kinaed nods at a person wearing a featureless leather cloak.

Kinaed claims, "Our theme is definitely NOT fluffy bunny, but our players certainly can be."

Kinaed states, "Er, no offense."

Kinaed ducks.

Hunapo le Marama jots down a note to arrest every person wearing a cloak, just because he can.

Maxwell le Wattkil states, "Well, I have a fun idea."

Rachel pontificates, "We need more corruption in institutions!"

Kinaed nods at Rachel.

Kinaed questions to Maxwell le Wattkil, "?"

Kinaed trails off, "Btw, mages, there's a new air spell that I think you'll find lots of fun... *cough*"

Takta says, "I blame universal literacy for a lot. ;)"

Kinaed chuckles.

Temi claims, "Now, that's something I'm okay with changing."

Temi grins.

Kinaed claims to Maxwell le Wattkil, "Spit it out? Time crunch, I only have a couple more hours today, and I need to get on this."

Maxwell le Wattkil says, "Daravi envoy arrives, and claims an end to the war and a massive shipment of resources and wealth in exchange for their practices and kingdom to remain intact, complete with magery still allowed. Of course this is hotly debated, but in the meantime that mages are encouraged to go to the nearest Daravi Embassy."

A person wearing a featureless leather cloak states, "I think I'll just be the change I want to see and start collecting fingers like a mob boss."

Rachel claims, "Oh god."

Kinaed states to Temi, "That'd be a dog to manage code-wise though. :/"

Maxwell le Wattkil says, "Of course, none of it works out."

Temi nods in agreement with Kinaed.

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes wonders, "As far as Rp... wouldn't most followers of Davism run for the hills when encountering a heretic or mage for fear of guilt by association?"

Kinaed high fives a person wearing a featureless leather cloak.

Iris says to a person wearing a featureless leather cloak, "Worked out great for me! ^.^"

Takta says to a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes, "Well, to some extent, there can be a gap between theme and practice."

Iris states to a person wearing a featureless leather cloak, "Fingers and eyeballs. That's where it's at."

Takta states to a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes, "It depends on the actual percentage of heretics and mages in the playerbase as to whether or not that works out in RP."

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes queries, "As far as Rp... wouldn't most followers of Davism run for the hills when encountering a heretic or mage for fear of guilt by association?"

Kinaed claims to a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes, "You'd think it'd be that way, but it tends to work out that people don't turn their friends in and still RP with people outted as heretics, etc."

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes claims, "Oops"

Kinaed claims, "Well, it's not 'still RPing' that's the problem, it's 'RP friendly-like' that's the problem."

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes questions, "What about the other organizations... do they all resist magery? Are they allied at times with the brotherhood?"

Kinaed claims, "They do, and some do."

Kinaed nods at a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes.

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes states, "Hmmm"

Maxwell le Wattkil states, "Brotherhood aren't neccesarily heretics."

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes muses, "So it is possible to form a balanced group even if you are playing a hunted mage?"

Maxwell le Wattkil trails off, "Sure, they have a loose definition of 'property'..."

Rachel says, "Criminals. Not necessarily heretics."

Kinaed states, "I don't think it's quite as bad as suggested, but there are a few 'modern values' that players sometimes bring into play, which frustrates some of the more hardliner players."

Takta nods at Kinaed.

Azarial claims, "Pants. <_<"

Rachel says, "REALLY agreed with Kinaed."

Kinaed claims, "It reminds me of that post by someone in the SCA about people who are into full realism getting on the backs of people into fantasy play."

Hunapo le Marama claims to Rachel, "The Italian Mafia are all very devout Catholics :D"

Rachel says, "You should be able to bribe just about any official with a couple gold >_>"

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes queries, "What about a military force cooperative with mages.... or do they simply use demons for muscle?"

Iris states, "Brotherhood = sinners = heretics."

A young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes trails off, "The equivalent of knights... a tank function"

Takta claims to a young, ebon-haired man with light green eyes, "Mages aren't really an 'organization', per se."

Takta states, "Most mages are either solitary or in small covens."

Kinaed says, "But we're working, slowly, on bringing the Manus back."

Kinaed states, "But we need some tweaks and stuff there."

Kinaed declaims, "Okay, it's 10 minutes after the hour!"

Kinaed states, "Firstly, THANK YOU, everyone who attended this week to give us input and help make our game better."

Kinaed states, "Secondly - I'm about to start transing people out. Hold onto your hats."

Posts: 291
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:13 pm

Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:41 am

Maxwell le Wattkil states, "Brotherhood aren't neccesarily heretics."
Hunapo le Marama claims to Rachel, "The Italian Mafia are all very devout Catholics :D"
Iris states, "Brotherhood = sinners = heretics."
Just wanted to mention for reference and posterity: HELP ATONEMENT shows that you can commit a wide variety of sins without being considered heretical. Maxwell and Hunapo are right in that devotion to a religion and devotion to crime aren't mutually exclusive, even when crime is also sinful.

Sin traditionally includes doing stuff to yourself or other people (drunkenness, thievery, even murder). Heresy is a much more direct opposition to a religion, its deity, or its church. The Reeves wouldn't need to exist if all sinners were heretics, but they do because there is both a secular punishment for crimes as well as the religious atonment of confession and penance. For heresy there is only religious punishment.

HELP HERESY talks vaguely about there being "minor heresies" but also says that heretics are viewed with more disdain than mages. If we're going to lump everyone who lies, argues, or has extramarital sex into the heretic bucket, I think we're gonna need a much bigger bucket...

Edit: vvv Oh, duh. Well, leaving this here in case anyone (like I did) misses the light-heard intent behind the comment.
Last edited by Applesauce on Fri Feb 06, 2015 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.


Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:23 pm

Sorry, that comment was meant to be tongue-in-cheek and I probably could have made that clearer. I agree with your analysis of the help files.

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