Log of OOC Meeting 12/6/2014

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Sun Dec 07, 2014 5:22 am

Kinaed pontificates, "Okay, it's time to start!"

Kinaed nods at a young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad.

Kinaed queries to a young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad, "I think we have a brief mode for that?"

Zeita yays.

A young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad says, "Oh"

A young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad nods.

Kinaed queries, "Firstly, to start us off, may I request someone act as our Scribe and post a lot of this meeting to the forums?"

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair states, "Help Brief :D"

Emma states, "I'll scribe."

Kinaed states to Emma, "Thank you, Emma."

Emma nodnods.

Kinaed has awarded you 2 QPs: Scribe

Kinaed claims, "Okay, today's agenda is:

- Priorities
- Staff Updates
- Player Topics
- Plot Discussion"

Azarial stirs chex mix.

Kinaed asks, "Does anyone have anything they want to add to the Agenda to make sure we discuss it today?"

Emma pontificates, "@scent tag!"

Kinaed nods at Emma.

Audric exclaims, "Yes!"

Kinaed queries, "Noted. Anyone else?"

Noah says, "Not reeeally."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair says, "I got nothing"

Kinaed says, "Okay, I'm going to assume it's okay to move on. Emma, I'll ask you to introduce the @scent tag query a bit later."

Kinaed states, "Priorities."

Kinaed says, "Right now, Staff are focused on two items:

- Ranged Combat
- Bug Fixing"

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair cheers!

Azarial is fluctuating in the 90s atm on the bug board.

Kinaed says, "This week, a bug in hidden doors becoming obvious when people found them and not re-hiding, etc, has come to the fore."

Kinaed claims, "Due to it, the Order found a room that they really ought not to have without some investigative RP (not their fault, it left a blatantly heretical shrine out in the open)."

Kinaed trails off, "Naturally, the Order wanted to burn it to the ground..."

Zeita whistles.

Kinaed says, "But because these things are pretty limited in-game and are there to support the players of alternative religions, we didn't want to destroy it (it makes work for Staff to rebuild them, etc)."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair pokes Zeita in the ribs.

Kinaed says, "So, coming out of this, two items:

- Firstly, I created a spec for secret and hidden doors. I'll share that with players in a few minutes because it is not complete, and I'd really like feedback to improve it.
- We're looking at our policy about burning places down, etc. We want to balance 'players can do what they like ICly' with 'gee, it's a lot of work to rebuild a zone, and a bit disrespectful to the work of a builder (who may have literally put hours and hours into creating an RP place) to just destroy it with a flick of IC fingers."

Kinaed claims, "And thus, I'd like your input on those items. A moment whilst I open the secret spec as it stands at the moment."
Kinaed starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Kinaed has written a new note, OOC Chat Materials - Secret Spec DRAFT, on the General board.
Kinaed finishes her note.

[ #14 ] General Board
A note has been posted by: Kinaed
In subject of: OOC Chat Materials - Secret Spec DRAFT
Date : Sat Dec 6 16:09:34 2014
Expires : Fri Dec 26 16:09:45 2014
To : All
Syntax: secret share # <name> <reason>
secret remove #
secret list

Staff : secret # remove <name>

Add an @owner to rooms. Similar to @owner on objects, a room @owner can be a player name or a guild.

In a room @owned by a player, if they enter, automatically give them knowledge of any secret doors in the area, with an automatic note that they learned of the exit automatically.

All secret doors will have a unique code that is the room vnum and the letter for the direction. Eg, a secret door to the east in room 12516 will have an identifier of

When a player shares a secret with another player, please automatically cnote the exchange in both player's cnotes as follows:

Kinaed shared her secret knowledge about the <direction> <exit name> of <room title> with Azarial.

The same message can be given to both players when the player shares the secret:

Kinaed shares her secret knowledge about the <direction> <exit name> of <room title> with Azarial.


Secret Exit Room Title Learned From
e12516 East A Bechaliced Hallway Azarial
u12516 Up A Bechaliced Hallway Temi
w12517 West A Non-chaliced Hallway Owned
w12519 West A Non-chaliced Hallway Reeves

Kinaed queries, "Also, wow, you guys are remarkably quiet today...?"

Noah states, "Gradin' gradin' gradin. Hmmm."

Noah muses, "Is there any way to discover a secret without being the owner?"

Emma shrieks to break up the silence.

Kinaed claims to Noah, "Staff can give it to you if you can provide a decent reason why your character might find it."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair claims, "I was thinking, it takes a lot of effort :P"

Noah questions to Kinaed, "Seems a lot of work... what about quarter?"

Zeita says, "I see ownership being extremely useful for things like houses and shops too, to automatically calculate tax."

Kinaed says to Noah, "It'd remain to find hidden objects."

Noah states, "Er. Search. It's not quarter anymore."

Kinaed has transferred a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a defaced gold coin to a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair.

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair claims, "So, you can't search for hidden exits, at all, anymore. "

Noah claims to Kinaed, "I think the system could be improved by letting search give a chance of finding secrets, albeit not a certain chance and only one check a day or something."

Audric claims, "...I kind've dislike that we can't search for hidden exits"

Noah says, "And still the high mv cost so you can't go search every single room."

Kinaed states to an extremely tall female with dark blond hair, "You can, but you'd need a staff member to impart the knowledge."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair says, "Hmm.."

Audric says, "Half of the fun about this grid is finding those secret things when running around occasionally. Losing that kind've feels meah to me."

The Cardinal claims, "I just want to add that we were kind of joking about burning the building down. We would have done whatever was deemed appropriate. I acknowledge the work that goes into building buildings.""

Karrina has left the game.

Kinaed states, "So, if you found out the Thieves Guild had an entrance somewhere, send a staff member a tell and explain why you're searching somewhere, we'll do a roll for you and tell you if you found it. But, if there's no IC justification, no searching would happen."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair says, "So, what about all the secret exits, that my alt already knows, because there are a -ton-"

Noah states, "I think "I'm exploring" really is a legitimate IC justification in many cases, especially in areas like Southside."

Noah trails off, "And there are so, so many hidden exits in Southside..."

Emma agrees with Noah.

Audric claims, "Agreed."

Azarial has transferred Tomas. [OOC]

Azarial has created a defaced gold coin[1].

Azarial gives a defaced gold coin to Tomas.

Kinaed says to Noah, "Exits that aren't owned would probably have a higher chance of being discovered easily, and I don't see why "I'm exploring" wouldn't be considered legitimate. But, I would like a human to check the IC reason. With a computer, the search issues are: 1) If you OOCly know it's there, you just keep searching."

Kinaed states, "2) We've had guild raids, albeit not in recent years, that the way the people figured out where the guild hall was to raid was suspicious."

Kinaed says, "That said, searching can still work, because we can add a 'search once, found it or not' to the list, and just have the item hidden."

Noah claims to Kinaed, "The problem is, if we accept "I'm exploring", then the human checker will probably never have a reason to say no."

Azarial questions, "'why are you exploring here?'"

Kinaed muses, "Just keeping a list of what people knows or doesn't know is, in itself, useful, because then we can say 'did they ever search for this'?"

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair queries, "I know I'm coming in here late. But maybe certain exits should have different requirements to be able to find them? And maybe you can't research an area over and over, put some sort of time limit on when you can research the same room"

Noah states, "Some hidden exits, like guildhalls, could be no-search-find."

Noah nods at a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair.

Audric claims, "I feel like recently a number of things have been cropping up that's implying the players here can't be trusted with OOC knowledge, tbh. I know that's kind've silly of me to say in some ways but first the keys and now this."

Noah nods at Audric.

Kinaed says to Noah, "The human checker will not let you roll for the same door 30 times."

Kinaed says, "But we can similarly, as I said, build that into code and leave search alone."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair asks, "What about portal style exits?"

Kinaed asks of an extremely tall female with dark blond hair, "If they're unseen, they're hidden, else they're not...?"

Noah questions to Kinaed, "Not quite sure what you're suggesting there; could you clarify?"

Kinaed says to Noah, "This is basically create a 'remember list' for hidden exits."

Kinaed states, "The obvious way to learn a new secret is to have someone tell you."

Noah nods.

Azarial says, "Interestingly, the current system fails becuase i hvae been good about fixing issues to the point that I broke the cludge that was 'fixing' secrets becasue it was predicated on the assumption that the mud crashes or is rebooted regularly."

Noah claims, "I gotcha there, I just think you could code a method to find them on your own with appropriate shortcuts/protections against abuse."

Kinaed says, "But if we *do* allow searching, we can either: 1) let you find the exit and add it, or 2) add it to the list in an invis place that specifically is *not found*."

Noah states, "Ahhh, okay."

Kinaed says, "Now when you go to find it again, you can't use the search route 2x."

Kinaed claims, "'cause the game determined that you did search, you didn't find it."

Noah says, "I like that."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair states, "I understand why you want to do this Kink, but I am not a fan. It just seems like a lot of work, and I know personally, I will lose a lot of hidey holes, because I just knew about them, or someone else did, and just brought me in. "

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair queries, "Is there something like a search skill? Something that.. if you got better at searching you could give it another shot?"

Kinaed says to a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair, "It's not a skill right now, stat related."

Zeita states to a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair, "Could add functionality to city lore."

Noah says, "Oh, that's intriguing."

Emma muses, "So, for example, say I'm walking around the grid and hit "west" one too many times. End up in an area I've never seen before and wasn't visible on the grid. I just accidentally stumbled in. With the new system, that can't happen any more? Or I would just need to contact Staff to have it added to my list once found? "

Noah states, "City lore tie-in seems very cool."

Kinaed states to an extremely tall female with dark blond hair, "If you have hidey holes that you ICly know about, just ask, the staff will give them to you out right, provided they're not guild or owned room hidden stuff."

Kinaed claims, "It has to start somewhere. New characters would be in more strife."

Kinaed says to Emma, "It depends on if you went through a hidden exit. It's my view that people shouldn't 'stumble' through exits that are actually hidden."

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair states, "To champagne I think if you don't know about an exit you shouldn't be able to stumble into it unless you're specifically looking for it"

Kinaed says, "Hidden means you can't see it, it's concealed."

Noah says, "I admit I'm not sure I feel this is the best way to go forward, but I think so long as there are options to be able to find places without going through staff, it's pretty workable."

Azarial says, "I can tweak travel and commands to ignore those."

Emma says, "God it."

Captain Haze wonders, "So will there be difficulty levels based on this stuffs?"

Emma states, "Errr. Got."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair states, "I will take a week at least for all the secrets my alt knows"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed states to Azarial, "Probably good. Please put that down with the 'make sure newbies have not walking through rivers with travel' on."

Kinaed writes down an action item.

Azarial sighs and stares at the cookie ingredients.

Captain Haze claims, "Take for instance, a hole behind a bookcase is easier to find than a mechanism that seals the bookcase against the wall, and needs to pull books in an exact order to open"

Kinaed states, "Either one, you wouldn't just be walking and walk through accidentally."

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair says, "Yeah, that's why there should be different levels of hidden. But in both those cases someone isn't accifenally going to use the secret passage because they hit west too many times"

Kinaed says, "Both would require some activity in the area."

Captain Haze claims, "My point being that you /might/ just find the hole behind the bookshelf in, say, a reeve or inquisitor raid"

A young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad is idle.

Kinaed nods at a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair.

Captain Haze says, "A passcode mechanism would be nigh impossible to know about without prior knowledge of it being there."

Kinaed states to Captain Haze, "Which is why searching would still exist (refined in the earlier part of the conversation) :)"

Kinaed questions, "There is no passcode being suggested here?"

Noah says, "Portal exits as secrets/findable might be nice too, if I didn't say that already. I forget."

Captain Haze says, "Was an example"

Kinaed claims to Captain Haze, "I'm sorry, I think I'm confused."

Noah says, "So you can't spam 'enter <likely keyword>' in hopes."

Captain Haze questions, "Will these hidden exits be for sale when petitioning staff for building?"

Azarial claims, "Passcodes tend to be mprogs."

A young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad is no longer idle.

A young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad claims, "Actually to clarify i wasnt using travel when i went for that swim yesterday it was just i went north not realizing i was going to fall in the river"

Noah asks of Captain Haze, "You mean different levels of difficulty of finding an exit when using search, right?"

A young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad blushes

Captain Haze states, "Yes"

Noah says to a young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad, "Happens to us all. ;)"

Kinaed states to Captain Haze, "Hidden exits currently are for sale, and I don't see why they'd change. This is more about making finding them be reliant on IC ability/knowledge."

Azarial states, "You should be able to look a direction and get a feel for what is there"

Kinaed smiles at a young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad.

Noah says to Captain Haze, "To me it seems too granular to worry about difficulty settings for specific exits except for maybe a no-find setting for ghalls and stuff."

Azarial claims, "Or reuse the lock difficulty flags."

Emma trails off, "As ridiculously entertaining as it would be to accidentally wander into the Brotherhood guildhall and be like "What." when somebody finds you there..."

A young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad claims, "In all honesty i didnt know i could do that"

Azarial claims, "A pricey lock and well hidden"

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair says, "I don't like the idea of an ABSOLUTE no-find flag. "

Noah grins at Emma.

Captain Haze queries, "Why's that?"

Azarial claims, "Though the exit flag range could support another set of hidden difficulty flags."

Kinaed says to a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair, "Given the danger that rests on some situations, I'd definitely make covert guildhalls no-find by search. Those would have to be spread with IC contact with those in the know."

Noah states to a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair, "It might not be realistic but it's a protective measure we might need to keep certain guilds alive."

Kinaed claims, "We're talking the IC lives of 10+ players on someone typing 'search' in some of our past scenarios."

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair says, "Say someone wants to play a super clever sherlock holmesian reeve. With lots of experience with searching for exits etc. There should still be IC justification for why he's searching there, but.. A char like that should also have dedicated a lot of their XP to the relevant skills or stats to find the exit codewise. "

Kinaed says, "Anyway, thank you everyone, for the refinements on that draft."

Noah says to a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair, "Eh - wisdom has a lot of other uses, and he won't have put as much XP into wisdom as all those thieves have into everything else. *grin*"

Temi skips in down a rainbow, which sparkles away behind her. [OOC]

Kinaed claims to a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair, "I think that one character in the host of experiences that we have had is catering extremely to the exception, rather than the rule. That player can go to staff if they want to, but really, I don't think it's wise."

Temi exclaims, "Didn't miss the whole thing!"

Azarial waves.

Azarial has created a defaced gold coin[1].

Azarial gives a defaced gold coin to Temi.

Kinaed declares to Temi, "Not much at all, but it looks like I managed to spend 30 minutes of time before my own update!"

Temi grins at Kinaed.

Kinaed muses, "So saying that, I think we should move on, if that's okay?"

Temi declaims, "Whoops!"

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair nods.

A young curly blond blue eyed Lithmorran lad nods.

Kinaed states, "My update: Last week, I rewrote that awful HELP PLOT file to make it more legibile and wrote up that spec."

Kinaed says, "This coming week, I intend to focus on getting OOC Chat items written onto the bug board."

Kinaed says, "That concludes me, Azarial, you're up."

Azarial claims, "Bugs! crash and otherwise. strings, grammar, and a spell."

Kinaed queries to Azarial, "Any progress on Ranged Combat?"

Azarial claims, "Poked it some. i've had more time for small bugs than big projicets."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial needs a beter baby jail.

Kinaed states to Temi, "You're up."

Temi says, "Okay! Lots of time spent on trying to do good fun for the plot system with you guys."

Temi says, "Other than that, I've been working more on jeweling."

Noah claims to Temi, "Thanks Temi. :D"

Emma says, "Temi's awesome. Had a lot of fun with the plot system this week."

Temi states, "Goal for jeweling is to make that finished system a Christmas present."

Kinaed wonders to Temi, "How are they coming, if I may ask?"

Kinaed exclaims, "Nice!"

Temi claims, "Maybe I'll make you guys grab bags of rocks instead of plants this time."

Temi grins.

Kinaed smiles.

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair claims, "Can't wait till I get my PC pulled into and/or involved in plots somehow."

Temi claims, "Right now I'm working on putting threads in for all of the hundred-some recipes, with 5 to 8 steps each, so... that's a little bit."

Noah claims, "Whew."

Emma wonders, "Is there a way to look at the new jeweling system? I remember being able to glance over the recipes at one point"

Temi claims, "But mostly after that is doing up the individual special gems and making sure prices are set."

Temi states, "Craft_ jewel -all I think"

Temi claims, "They're all marked as unknown until I finish with them."

Emma says, "...ieeeee"

Temi claims, "As for plots, they are coming along well, I think, but that's more of a question for all you folks."

Temi grins.

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair flips a voluminous cloak of soft woven fabric made without a hood back over her shoulder.

Temi claims, "Depending on what all Kin wants to talk about today"

Kinaed claims, "I've heard a couple of people saying they like the plot system."

Emma claims, "Love it."

Azarial states, "The ic event portion and the private notes were added this wek"

Temi nods at Azarial.

Temi says, "We're keen on getting feedback from folks and we've been adjusting slightly to account for how we actually use it"

Kinaed trails off, "I've put up a few things that we're going to add to it on the bug board: - IC Events will be in there to go along with the plots rather than Temi having to write them all (though she still might if she thinks something deems it and the player didn't)..."

Emma wonders, "The only thing I might suggest is on the private notes portion - maybe if you have listed another person specifically by name as a contributor (rather than 'all'), they could see the private notes and add to them?"

Noah claims, "I'm definitely liking plot a lot as a RP generator. I have so many lines of RP provoked from various plotty things right now. The next plot should definitely be lower-class and reach out to the 'ordinary folks'. *grin*"

Azarial stares at the grapefruit spoon, then tosses it in the sink to find a spoon better siuted for bwon sugar.

Kinaed claims, "Also, it's not written up yet, it's my challenge today: but bids and GL Approvals/Disapprovals are going to be moved to the plot command."

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Noah claims, "Huhhh. Well, I guess that makes sense."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair declares, "GUYS! I just found my favorite Christmas movie on NEtflix!"

Kinaed wonders to Temi, "Is your update concluded?"

Kinaed claims to an extremely tall female with dark blond hair, "Nice. :)"

Temi says, "Feel free to discuss notes and such in the advance section, then the private section (previously called notes) is the stuff you don't want other people on it to know"

Temi nods at Kinaed.

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair pontificates to Kinaed, "Bill Murray's Scrooged!"

Kinaed claims, "Yes, the private section is stuff only staff/the original author can see."

Audric is no longer idle.

Audric has returned from AFK.

Emma nodnods.

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair muses, "Are there private plots?"

Kinaed trails off, "You can put stuff in there like "And since I'm a mage, I was using auspex in that meeting...""

Noah claims, "GASP."

Emma claims, "Oooh."

Temi states, "You can put up plot advances on stuff that's not related to header plots."

Emma states, ""And since I'm a prude, I was wearing three separate chastity belts during the meeting""

Kinaed claims to a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair, "Plot headers are always public. Plot advances are private unless their owner chooses to share. If they do, a red asterisk will appear next to the plot advance in their plot list."

Temi says, "Header plots are public, and then other stuff you can do on your own."

Kinaed nods at Emma.

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair queries, "Random thought! Could we add a section, like mini-goals, for the plots?"

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair states, "I would like something that I could do, that isn't -super- huge. "

Kinaed gives a defaced gold coin to a willowy woman with copper hair and pale eyes.

Temi wonders, "On headers you mean?"

Temi muses, "Or on advances?"

Zeita says to an extremely tall female with dark blond hair, "You can use plots for big or small things."

Kinaed claims to an extremely tall female with dark blond hair, "The sections are already pretty big, I'd prefer you just shoved that into the private messages."

Temi exclaims, "Advances cretainly don't need to be big!"

Noah says, "I think so far all our headers have been pretty big, but that's just what the system started with."

Kinaed states to an extremely tall female with dark blond hair, "I don't think Headers would be appropriate to pre-script goals into."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair says, "I mean, like, hrmmm.. .One sec."

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Temi says, "Headers don't necessarily need to be big eitehr, but the staff ones will probably continue to try to be widely applicable."

Noah says, "We'll probably get problems like "People Starving in Southside" you could do tiny advances for."

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Kinaed trails off, "I'm just conscious of time, sorry folks - I want to get to @scent and whatnot..."

Kinaed states, "Xinoe couldn't be here today, but she left an update:

I've been pretty busy off game with holidays and home repairs but I've been catching up with typos and building requests. I also wrapped up LNoWriMo, which brought in a lot of great content for the game. I may continue to be less available through December, but his week I hope to get back on track with help files and cleaning off my personal agenda board. "

Azarial states, "Header: starving people i southside! small plot advance: iw as pegging southsiders with tomatoes from the city wall."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, so that wraps up Staff Updates - with regards to Plot Commands, which I cut short (sorry!) please send us ideas on the forums."

Azarial states, "Neds' been making sure that the hack on the website is resolved. it;s looking pretty clean, and he;s moving back to woodworking"

Kinaed exclaims, "Nedyra didn't leave an update, so now we're on to Player Topics! With only 15 minutes of meeting left!"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed questions to Emma, "Care to introduce @scent to us now?"

Emma trails off, "Yes! Okay..."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair trails off, "For example, With the FArin/Lith trade road, one of the mini goals or objectives that could help move it along would be, "Donate Supplies to either side!" MY character could make a suit of armor, and donate it, to help advance it, because honestly, My alts aren't concerned with the over all bs, they just want to help now, feel good. So, smaller objective to complete, with lesser effects, that would stack... If any of that makes sense "

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair claims, "RE: mini goals/ objectives. "

Emma states, "For Perfumes, when they are used the @apply shows up on the character wearing it in dark cyan under their description. I propose adding a @scent flag that works similarly, but for scented candles, incense, pot purri, etc., which when used applies the tag to the room it's in."

Kinaed nods at an extremely tall female with dark blond hair.

Kinaed says to an extremely tall female with dark blond hair, "That's just fine right now."

Emma says, "It would GREATLY up the demand and use of candles and such. There's just about zero market for them right now."

Azarial claims, "Hmm, interesting"

Emma says, "And it would be very fun."

Kinaed nods.

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair exclaims, "Sorry to interject that into your thing, Emma!"

Kinaed states, "I can write that up."

Emma declares, "No prob!"

Noah says, "I'm in favor, though honestly, candles are the best light source. No reason NOT to use 'em already."

Noah says, "But fancy candles adds a nice upper-market demand."

Kinaed wonders, "(Did I start the OOC Chat an hour early today?)"

Emma says, "'Course. It would just make all the pretty scented candles Chandlerers can produce have a purpose beyond what a simple tallow one can do."

Noah claims to Kinaed, "It was 4 pm EST."

Kinaed claims, "That's right. Thanks."

Emma claims, "And the IC utility would be awesome just in general."

Azarial muses, "Is there still the reicipe to resue the candle stubs that should still be geenrated?"

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair queries, "What would the scented candles do? Would it work like a cross perfume/light source? "

Temi states, "A room scent instead of a people scent I think is the idea."

Emma says, "Same thing a scented candle does in a RL room - makes it smell gorgeous. And yes, what Temi said."

Audric says, "They'd append a desc to the room with the scent."

Noah states, "I don't see anything with stubs but my chandlery ain't high."

Kinaed claims, "I think it's just that when one is lit and burning, it might add the @scent desc to the room like a mood. Maybe we can even count it as a mood."

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair claims, "Ah, oh that's excellent"

Emma exclaims, "Right!"

Emma claims, "If I have perfume on and you look at me, it provides you with the scent the perfumer designed as worn on me. Same thing, but to the room where the candle is burning."

Zeita says, "Nothing about stubs, afaik."

Kinaed trails off, "Similarly, the @scent attached to an object (perfume perhaps) might be something you can detect with a 'sniff' command on objs..."

Emma nods!

Noah says, "(This house smells sexy.)"

Emma claims, "So, so sexy."

Azarial has created a burnt out candle stub!

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair sniffs Zeita.

Azarial has created a burnt out candle stub!

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair sniffs Zeita.

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair sneezes.

Kinaed states, "I kind of like that because people would actually have to learn the scents of poisons rather than get a roll to scent poisons."

Zeita says, "Candles get so little use as it is, tbh."

Kinaed twiddles.

Temi claims, "If you want to check the stubs later, let me know with a typo note if there's no use for them."

Azarial gives a burnt out candle stub to Temi.

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair claims, "One think Zeita and I discussed would be sniffing perfumes (and candles) in store lists so you know the scent you're buying"

Azarial gives a burnt out candle stub to Temi.

Kinaed wonders, "Why do people not use candles? I thought newbie candles fail after a long while and need replaced?"

Noah claims, "Getting a roll to scent poisons seems only fair though."

Noah says, "I use candles, extensively... and solely."

Zeita says, "I've sold candles to one person."

Emma claims, "I'm not sure honestly. The demand is just very, very low for them."

Noah says, "My alt NEVER does because he's never in the dark."

Noah states, "Every room he's ever in is going to be lit except in rare situations."

Kinaed muses to Noah, "How does he avoid the dark?"

Audric states, "By not going outside most likely"

Noah says to Kinaed, "Don't leave the city or go in the sewers."

Audric nods.

Zeita claims, "This character never sees the dark by staying in the city."

Noah claims, "Most all of the city is lit outdoors and indoors both."

Noah states, "But I think the low demand for candles is better than making everything realistically dark, tbh."

Audric asks, "Maybe make it so you need candles and lighting in a home to keep it from being dark?"

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair says, "On the Burning Post, candles could go out in the rain or in heavy wind. I don't know if that's how the code here works, but even ICly it seems that lanterns are a more functional light source if that's what you're using them for"

Noah says, "It's so FINICKY to worry about lights in your house, I'd really hate it, to be honest."

Kinaed claims, "Is that too much for a medieval town? Is making candles demand-worthy worth the irritation of being in a dark room? Mind, blind isn't like it used to be, you can still see everything."

Kinaed says, "And manip your inventory, etc."

Noah says, "The walking spam in dark rooms drives me so crazy, I really prefer the current situation. And maybe @scent."

Emma states, "I don't feel it is, personally. But I do think that by making candles a little more expansive in use chandlerers could sell more of them."

Noah nods at Emma.

Audric nods.

Captain Haze gets Plot Commands Specification.

Captain Haze studies Plot Commands Specification.

Kinaed says, "I think it might be worthwhile to at least make lamps require candles to be stuck in them or oil replacements; ie, they're not a perm solution for not needing candles."

Noah states, "Lamps do need oil."

Tomas says, "I really really don't like the idea of having to buy and maintain a bunch of candles for a home"

Kinaed nods at Tomas.

Zeita muses, "I'm actually not sure if perhaps oil lamps are too advanced technologically?"

Tomas claims, "I think that is one place where I prefer game over realism"

Noah nods at Tomas.

Noah states to Tomas, "(aaaaamen)"

Noah says, "I wouldn't mind if we killed oil lamps entirely, anyway."

Zeita claims, "Candle lanterns would make more sense to me."

Kinaed claims, "I think oil lamps were pretty common even in ancient times. They're just dirty as hell because they burn and leave more residue."

Noah claims, "They do seem a little weird technologically."

Zeita claims to Kinaed, "Not the carryable variety"

Kinaed states, "We're not talking keroscene, but fat."

Zeita says, "I think if we called them fatoil lanterns they'd be less popular. :P"

Emma gags.

Noah says, "Haha."

Kinaed says, "Pretty sure they were carry-able, but they'd be more like a 'dunny lamp' than a kerosene lamp"

Zeita isn't personally too concerned about selling candles, tbh.

Noah claims, "Well, I think the viability of candles is a teeny problem (sorry chandlers) but @scent is dope."

Kinaed grins at Zeita.

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair says, "Oil lamps have been around since the ancient erra. Think hanukkah"

Emma states, "Anywho - Chandlery is good for basically perfumes right now, if you want to be able to sell your wares. I think having a scent added to a room when you light a scented candle, it'd make them more interesting, more fun to make, and more useful to buy."

Kinaed nods at a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair.

Emma pontificates, "Spiel done!"

Audric claims, "@scent's really the coolest thing of the convo honestly."

Kinaed nods at Emma.

Kinaed claims, "Consider it on the agenda."

Emma cheers.

Kinaed queries, "Anything else anyone wants to discuss?"

Kinaed claims, "Oh! Plot."

Tomas claims, "Yes scented candles that add scents to a room, I like that much more"

Kinaed claims, "Last week, we discussed that we'd like to pick a plot once a week"

Kinaed states, "Players pushed back saying they'd like to let the current ones run their course a bit further before introducing a new one."

Temi claims, "Or at least discuss if we want another one."

Zeita says, "I felt sad for not having a new plot this week."

Kinaed states, "Over the week, a player said they didn't really want players to be a part of the discussion."

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair says, "I think the idea of candles being purchased to light up and scent rooms is a good idea and something rich nobles should blow money on. I'd be okay if the duration they lasted was super unrealistically long to make it fair"

Noah wonders, "Huh, geez, really?"

Kinaed asks, "Can I get a sense for how people stand on that?"

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Zeita states to Kinaed, "That isn't what I said."

Kinaed states, "Some players would prefer that it be a surprise, what the next plot will be."

Kinaed questions to Zeita, "Okay, what did you say?"

Noah states, "Ahhh. I'd like to be part of the brainstorming, personally."

Zeita states to Kinaed, "I said that all players shouldn't. I said that 1 or 2 players should be picked to help staff with the plot to let it be a surprise to everyone else."

Noah claims, "But I always feel that way."

Kinaed muses, "I was thinking maybe we can have a seperate, few minute thing after the OOC Chat for players who are interested?"

Noah states, "Works for me."

Kinaed claims to Zeita, "I don't recall that, but maybe I wasn't listening to you (as usual) :P"

Azarial rescues grandma's wii from the baby. -_-

Zeita is used to that. P

Kinaed pouts.

Noah snerks.

A willowy woman with copper hair and pale eyes cheers for Azarial.

Azarial claims, "The plots should expire today, unless theya re extended"

Temi nods.

Noah says, "The plots are definitely winding down and it's a good time for a new one."

Azarial states, "So a new plot would not be bad"

Temi muses, "How are people feeling on them. Wanting them extended?"

Noah trails off, "Edessa Withdrawal probably needs to stick about a little (sorrrrry...)"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, so... can I get a show of hands with regards to who wants to think-tank with staff about this week's plots? I'd like to add 1 or 2, but no more."

Zeita wonders, "Could close Edessa Withdrawl and recast it in a new light?"

Noah raises hand.

Emma trails off, "Plot advance 24 Flogging Farins in the streets..."

Kinaed claims, "Based of the City Report and current events."

Zeita states, "Along with something brand new"

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Emma raises hand.

A woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair raises a hand

Noah claims, "True, the next stuff we have for the Edessa stuff is a little different in taste/nature/etc."

Kinaed nods at Emma.

Kinaed nods at a woman with sunkissed skin and inky black hair.

Tomas claims, "I am up for discussing plot stuff, but am good with whatever"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, it's about time to wrap up the OOC Chat."

Kinaed nods at Tomas.

Kinaed muses, "Any last minute things to add or discuss?"

Kinaed states, "Okay, I'll take that pause for a no. Thank you, everyone, for coming."

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair declares, "I love everyone!"

Azarial states, "Critters not reporting as animal corpses are typos"

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair declares, "Oh! "

A willowy woman with copper hair and pale eyes waves.

An extremely tall female with dark blond hair declaims, "Random outside city mobs, inside the city!"

Kinaed says, "We always appreciate the feedback and creativity/brains that you guys put into whatever we're doing with these sessions."

Zeita claims, "There was a bird flitting around the merchant guild the other day."

Emma claims, "Oh my god I saw that."

Noah states, "That can be typo-boarded for a fix"

Emma states, "I thought it was a pet."

Noah says, "Pretty easy change for builders"

Zeita trails off, "I decided it was a Leman spy..."

Kinaed claims to Zeita, "Doesn't that always happen at the malls in Australia? Birds in the food court. Weirds me out, and I've been here since 2005."

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Emma says, "I swear it was following me from my office to the kitchen. Staring at me while I was sneaking sweets."

Kinaed claims, "Just typo them."

Kinaed now wants sweets.

Temi asks of Emma, "Well, did you give it some?"

Kinaed pontificates, "Okay, take care everyone. And please typo!"

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