Log of OOC Meeting 8/30/2014

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Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:19 pm

Meeting Transcript for the August 30th, 2014 OOC Meeting

Temi claims, "I'll be running today for Kin, since she's feeling a bit cruddy, but she's here to observe at least a little."

Temi points over at the cask.

Kinaed has transferred Lakali. [OOC]

Temi gives a glass goblet encircled by cheerful bumblebees and daisies to Lakali.

Kinaed has transferred a golden-eyed lass with braided chestnut curls. [OOC]

Temi gives a glass goblet encircled by cheerful bumblebees and daisies to a golden-eyed lass with braided chestnut curls.

A Comfortable Room
A plethora of gaily coloured silk pillows with fringes and tassels
completely conceal the floor. A large pillow in the corner stands out, a
brooding black mass of velvet and fringeless. Screens of nature scenes
painted with the spare strokes of a brush that hint at and outline the
subjects, leaving much to the imagination. Behind the screens, silk
curtains and sheets painted with bright patterns hide the walls, pulled
back only around the windows that pierce the southern and western walls to
look out over a lush garden filled with an untamed riot of plants and

[ Exits: down ]
A large wooden cask with a corked stopper is here. (western edge)
A golden-eyed lass with braided chestnut curls is here. [App: 3]
She appears to be pregnant.
Lakali is here. [App: 3]
[IAW] Karrina is here. [App: 3]
Carmen is here. [App: 3]
Brynieve is here. [App: 5]
Temi is here. [App: 5]
Azarial is here. [App: 5]
[AFK] Kinaed is on a mobile phone and feels unwell. [App: 5]

Temi says, "Feel free to fill 'em up over in the cask."

Kinaed has transferred Agnese. [OOC]

Temi has transferred a dark-haired man in his mid twenties. [OOC]

Lakali fills a glass goblet encircled by cheerful bumblebees and daisies with red wine from a large wooden cask of new red wine for the Wine Festival.

Temi gives a glass goblet encircled by cheerful bumblebees and daisies to a dark-haired man in his mid twenties.

Temi gives a glass goblet encircled by cheerful bumblebees and daisies to Agnese.

Lakali drinks red wine from a glass goblet encircled by cheerful bumblebees and daisies.

Agnese claims, "D'awwww"

Temi claims, "We'll give people just another minute or two."

Temi has transferred Chesmal. [OOC]

Temi gives a glass goblet encircled by cheerful bumblebees and daisies to Chesmal.

You fill a glass goblet encircled by cheerful bumblebees and daisies with red wine from a large wooden cask of new red wine for the Wine Festival.

Temi asks, "Okay. Let's go ahead and get started! Do we have any volunteers to scribe for the meeting?"

Gerolf says, "I can"

Temi declaims, "Okay, thanks!"

Temi has awarded you 2 QPs: Scribe

Temi queries, "So, our agenda for today is:
1) Staff updates
2) Player heartbeat
3) Player Topics.
Does anyone have any topics they want to get on th elist already?"

Temi states, "I was just asking if anyone has any topics they want to add to discussions on the agenda"

Terryn stops using a glass goblet encircled by cheerful bumblebees and daisies.

Terryn says, "Can't think of one atm"

Temi says, "Okay. Let's go on ahead with staff updates! I'll take the privilege of starting since I'm running the meeting."

Temi claims, "So, I finally have gotten some things finished up that have been on my plate for a while. Firstly, brewing is sufficiently rounded out now with the new recipes that I meant to add to it, including some bulk requests."

Carmen states, "Yay. :D"

Temi says, "I've also gotten on to my work in leather and such... I think I still have a few of those things left on my list for before I start jeweling, but most notably... there's now recipes to do full suits of armor."

Temi claims, "In case you were having problems with your money spent per second ratio."

Carmen claims, "My dreams are coming true."

Terryn can relax now.

Temi says, "I should be able to start on jeweling this week after filling in a couple more small holes on leather and tailoring, I think."

Gerolf muses, "Any plans on papercraft?"

Temi states, "Aand... I have an update for Nedyra I thik. Let me check back on that."

Karrina questions, "What about full suits for blacksmithing?"

Temi says, "That's in there already."

Temi states, "Part of what I added today."

Temi declares, "Anyways, I don't have the exact report from Nedyra, but he's working on stuff, going to get on to putting things for seasonality in soon, at least assessing in game materials and such things. And he wants to solicit more pvents, blog posts and donations, so everyone should feel encouraged to do any of those things!"

Temi muses to Kinaed, "Feeling coherent enough for an update?"

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties raises an eyebrow toward Kinaed "Why would Kink not feel coherent, someone drug her?"

Temi says, "She's feeling bluh today, and it's early there. So I'm running the meeting on her behalf."

Temi muses to Azarial, "Okay, here for your update?"

Azarial claims, "Mostly."

Azarial says, "Pardon the typos, split my fing open on a spatula while washing dishes."

Azarial claims, "Cleared a ferw more bugs off the board, which lefd to a few crashes taht have been waiting for years to happen. so i've been laying low and poking at other things. most of the old grid should be gone, so there won;t be any more accidental wanderings into it, portaling into it, or the like."

Azarial says, "I gcae the tools to nedyra to continue to check for deprecated rooms, and i'll working foguring out where objects are in those zones so that I can decide if they can be safely removed or not as well."

Carmen questions, "I lost my garden. :( I'm presuming I'll have to pay to get it back?"

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties begins to count their money.

Azarial says, "It looks like roughly 5200 rooms are player accessible from chirch square wihtout portal objects, mprogs, or the like."

Azarial claims, "Though with the guild taxation coming in, i expect that to fall."

Lakali states, "Ive only been at a few hundred."

Temi declares, "Plenty of places left to explore!"

Temi grins at Lakali.

Azarial claims, "Currently looking at seasonality for nedyra's projects; that's going to take a few mods to objects and a new olc entirely to handle some of the implied requirements."

Temi claims to Carmen, "And I'd check with Nedyra on that."

Lakali grabs hiking pack. Finds where Carmen Sandiago is.

Azarial says, "Once i hvae test data back form ned on meat decays, i can look at that."

Agnese is idle.

Temi nods.

Temi questions, "Okay. Let's see. Still no Kin?"

Temi asks, "Okay, so player heartbeat! How's RP this week? Anything getting in the way of your having fun, anything we need to do to improve your general experience?"

Agnese is no longer idle.
Agnese has returned from AFK.

Terryn makes a shameless plug for someone to app for Justiciar.

Lakali claims, "Yes, requirement of a new keyboard and 1,700$ medical debt."

Carmen claims, "Been feeling TI a lot less. Everything feels inactive."

Lakali claims, "Other than that RP's been wonderful if a bit slower on my end."

Lakali says, "Ya it does feel a bit less active this week rarely as many people on but that might be school."

Temi nods thoughtfully. "Is there something we need to do to improve activity? Is it because of something, or just OOC time constraints?"

Gerolf says, "/Carmen I wonder if that has to do with people going back to school and trying to catch the last few good days of summer"

Carmen shrugs.

Carmen states, "School, lack of active GLs, lots of things I'm sure."

Karrina says, "It also feels like people are wishing to hole up somewhere behind closed doors rather than be out there in the public."

Lakali states, "Even when idle Lakali is public."

Carmen says, "I've spent more time idling than usual, I guess, and I idle behind closed doors."

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties claims, "I personally miss the manus as a hard-set constant villain for the order, other than that RP is great"

Temi nods.

Temi muses, "Alright, okay. Well, does anyone have ideas or topics they want to discuss?"

Lakali states, "The Order only gets occassional RP then 90%% is pretty... Off-screen and RPA and trying to figure vague cryptic things."

Carmen claims, "I admit I get annoyed when I hear people complain on OOC about people behind locked doors."

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties says, "Come to think of it, I don't think we've seen much activity out of the brotherhood either that I know of"

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties shakes his head. "Nope, nothing else"

Carmen claims, "You get told you should be online if you can be online, but then if you're online when you're not intending to RP people also complain about that."

Brynieve states, "I have no worries and a ton to do in game and not enough rl time to do all the rp sessions I need to do. I could use a time machine."

Temi says, "Obviously, online and available to RP is ideal, but we certainly prefer people who aren't completely available than are not available at all."

Temi grins at Brynieve.

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties muses, "Is there any place we can get a list of holidays put up? So we know of them before they appear in the date / time command?"

Carmen says, "Help holiday holidays"

Temi claims, "Well, there's worse problems to have! I don't think we can help with that time machine thouhg."

Temi nods.

Temi queries, "Yeah, help holiday holidays should handle that, I think? Unless you need something else to it?"

Terryn has been working on a time machine, will share when complete.

[OOC] Lakali: "When the eff was Jay-Z relevant to The Great Gatsby?"

Lakali states, "When I get my computer I can always apply and make Justiciar. <.<"

Temi nods.

Temi claims, "Do people have other roles that need to be up for application? I know Justiciar's the highest need, but GLs can certainly provide others that they want people to fill."

[OOC] no-AH!: "Gee, it's not like the Great Gatsby was about super rich people living lives of conspicuous consumption."

Lakali claims, "More Inquisitors but Im not a GL so not my call. Id like to see more though. Putting that out there."

Gerolf states, "We can always use more priest/inquisitors but I think other guilds hae needs too."

Temi nods.

Agnese says OOCly, "More orderites would be good in general, whether inquisitors or preist"

Carmen claims, "Order is really hurting, but has been for like, a year."

Lakali says, "But thats been a thing for like. Ever."

Lakali says, "Maybe we do need the Manus back."

Temi says, "Order has frequently had issues in general. I don't think it was especially better most of the time with the manus about."

Carmen claims, "No, the Manus didn't help."

Carmen claims, "Now maybe a Manus with an explicit goal of causing trouble might, but even then, I think the problems lie deeper than 'not enough to do'. Sometimes there's TONS to do."

Temi claims, "With the exclusive guilding requirements, I think it actually hurt some."

Gerolf states, "We don't need Manus. Census says there are about 30 mages out there. That is lots of work to do tracking them down and pyrying them."

Lakali says, "It just feels like as the Order we have little and do save on occassion."

Lakali states, "As a whole."

Temi questions, "To some extent it's just a need to make your own RP, I think?"

Carmen says, "Priests have TONS to do."

Lakali says, "Thats likely why we have less of them."

Carmen states, "I've found it very hard to get into my priest PCs but every time I log in somebody wants Priest RP."

Carmen claims, "You want stuff to do, be a priest. *grin*"

Kinaed says, "I never, once, as an Orderite, felt like there was "nothing to do"."

Kinaed claims, "Sorry, folks, I have an OOC, locked out of the house emergency. Still afk."

Terryn needs to seek confession again.

Lakali queries, "Can we have plots to undermine the Regency awesome things like that? Is that doable?"

Kinaed nods at Lakali.

Temi claims, "Sure thing, have at."

Kinaed claims to Lakali, "Of course."

Temi claims, "You don't need staff permission to do any sort of plots like tht."

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties states, "I'm going to be working on a couple of plots, or rather resurrecting plots previously approved before I took a break from playing."

Carmen states, "I need to get the interest back to finish my ST. :/"

Carmen says, "I doubt anybody's waiting with bated breath for the next installment or anything, but."

Temi questions, "Any other sort of issues or concerns that people would be interested in discussing? Ideas?"

Temi states, "People do love stories."

Temi nods at Carmen.

Carmen claims, "Heh, you wouldn't know it from the lack of recommends/recompense for running 'em."

Carmen says, "Sorry, I'm a downer today."

Temi says, "I don't remember a single story that's gone by lately without recommends in response to it"

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties queries, "I'd support the addition of a "Have you made any needed recommendations for todays roleplay?" question every time a user types 'quit' to be honest"

Carmen says, "My last story got one recommend from 10-ish players, then I think another recommend from my husband who felt sorry for me. ;)"

Agnese states, "I need to put together a proposal for an october ST"

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties says, "I think most of the lack of recommends is forgetfulness"

Temi nods.

Carmen states, "I don't worry about the rec or QP but it's a lot of effort for such little recognition."

Temi says, "That might be a good idea. A reminder of some sort. Though I don't know that on quit would help."

Lakali says, "Recently I started reccing people from previous RP to show love."

Carmen claims, "Reminders can be annoying/jarring, though recs are less so."

Lakali claims, "Its rewarding to receive I know from exp."

Temi questions, "Would on log in help?"

Carmen says, "Log-in would be nice."

Azarial states, "There is that wall of text, though. it might eb lost on login"

Temi nods at Azarial.

Temi claims, "Yeah, there's a lot on log in."

Agnese says, "I like the idea of on log in something that says 'last session you rped with these people' and it lists off the people you interacted with and then asks if you want to recommend any of them"

Lakali claims, "Many games come off as demanding in recommending action."

Lakali states, "Just make it sound like a recommendation to recommend and not a demand."

Temi nods.

Carmen states to Agnese, "I'd like that as a command that covered the last week."

Carmen states, "Like Rpcheck; who have I RP'd with this week? Oh, me and that person had a great scene."

Temi states, "It's not supposed to be a primary thing - just an extra goodie for special stuff."

Temi nods at Carmen.

Carmen states, "That'd probably be enough to remind me to recommend the good stuff that occasionally slips through."

Lakali says, "One game I play makes you feel like shit if you dont vote or donate for example."

Temi says, "That's an interesting idea."

A golden-eyed lass with braided chestnut curls states, "I wouldn't like to be made to feel like shit for not donating."

Lakali claims, "I like Carmen's idea."

Terryn says, "I would like that command, type it, see who you rp'd with"

Carmen states, "I will admit I feel like we're pressured to vote for TI."

Carmen says, "By the frequency of various reminders."

Temi asks of Azarial, "Any idea how hard a 'RPed with in last week' command would be to do?"

Lakali claims, "It is not as bad here that some places have."

Carmen says, "Sure, I buy that, and we aren't generally pressured to donate or anything."

Azarial says, "It;d take a bit. that;d change how rpxp was handled to enable tracking."

Lakali claims, "One game I play staff used to only talk to you OOC for assistance if you voted."

Lakali states, "Until the voting site was like thats not how we roll."

Carmen queries to Azarial, "Wouldn't work with familiarity or anything?"

Temi claims, "Yeah, we don't want to make it like that at all. The only stuff you need to do to play here fully is RP here fully."

Lakali nods.

Lakali says, "One thing that will destroy a game also is donations giving IC benefits."

Temi claims, "Yeah, we won't do that."

Azarial says, "Familiarity doens;t track when you earn it. just that you earned it."

Carmen nods.

Carmen claims, "I'm sure it's small benefit if it requires much coding."

Lakali wonders, "Maybe a cutoff with a specific amount of RPxp?"

Temi says, "Would you guys use a reminder list? In good RP - jot down - hey recommend for this later."

Lakali wonders, "Like if you get over 500xp or so RPing with the one person for example?"

Temi muses, "And then you can check it later when you aren't in RP?"

Carmen claims, "Hmmm."

Carmen states, "If it was something super easy to use, it could be useful for a LOT of things."

Carmen says, "'Cnote this later', 'recommend later', etc."

Temi asks, "Like 'snapshot' and it puts a look of the room and who is there into a todo list thing?"

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties has lost link.

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties has reconnected.

A golden-eyed lass with braided chestnut curls has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

Temi wonders, "With date and time?"

Brynieve has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

Carmen says, "Huh, I hadn't thought of look."

Lakali begins to move up.

Carmen claims, "Just date/time."

Lakali looks around for something to climb, then gives up.

Temi states, "Seems like an easy way to remember who was there and what was going on, I thought."

Lakali flails at mobile key.

Carmen nods.

Temi claims, "But if it wouldn't help, no point."

Carmen claims, "I think it'd help so long as you could just note by a single quick command, no editors."

Temi nods at Carmen.

Kinaed has lost link.
Kinaed has reconnected.

Gerolf begins to move north.

You come to a stop.

Lakali twirls Kinaed's moustache.

Kinaed bites.

Lakali gets rabies.

Temi says to Kinaed, "We were just discussing a snapshot reminder command to remind people to cnote, recommend etc, later when they get back to it."

Temi says, "Since they feel like a lot of recommends lapsing is just forgetting."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Lakali states, "I'd recc more kinda if I remembered ya."

Temi nods.

Temi claims, "Anything else people want to discuss? We have a few minutes left."

Lakali questions, "AFK tags for players on who?"

Temi claims, "It's an idea, though we like to respect player's privacy too"

Lakali claims, "Could bw optional."

Lakali states, "I just find it hard sometimes to find who is available and ask if they up for public RP sometimes."

Temi nods.

Azarial says, "There's the page command for those in another window"

Carmen states, "I think in most cases people are going to be out there if they're up for public RP."

Kinaed states, "Where should tell you"

Temi states, "Well, whererp is only designed to show people who aren't afk."

Kinaed says, "Where should tell you. If not, you can send a tell."

Lakali states, "True."

Carmen claims, "If people are in private rooms they're probably not feeling up for public RP."

Temi claims, "That's not necessarily true, but worth sending them a tell or messenger to see what's what."

Lakali trails off, "Ive seen most the game on before though and like only 4-5 on whererp and private though so ya..."

Kinaed states, "It would be nice if people who were in private rooms and don't want to RP would be kind enough to turn whereRP off, however."

Carmen claims, "People then complain there's not enough people on where."

Lakali pontificates, "Then they can kinda complain all they want!"

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties says, "I try to when I remember. More often than not I do toggle whererp off."

Carmen says, "It's kind of a lose-lose proposition."

Kinaed claims, "People complain no matter what, but turning off whereRP when you're not available to RP is a functional courtesy."

Lakali states, "I care more with what's on whererp than who is actually online sometimes."

Carmen states, "But whereRP defaults to on when you log in and it's hard to remember."

Kinaed nods at Lakali.

Agnese claims, "Yeah I just plain forget most of the time"

Kinaed states, "There's no way we can tell or guage if you want to RP or not. We have to rely on people to self-identify if they want to RP."

Lakali states, "Shoot when NOONE is on whererp I just go like. Yay, time for craftwork."

Kinaed nods at Agnese.

Lakali states, "Ya it can be a thing to forget."

Kinaed states, "That'll happen from time to time, it's not a huge evil sin or anything. But, please do try to remember to turn whereRP off if you don't want to RP."

Lakali claims, "Afk will auto take you off whererp however I think."

Kinaed nods at Lakali.

Kinaed says, "I think it does, yes."

Temi nods.

Temi states, "Yeah."

A dark-haired man in his mid twenties states, "I'm ready for a trans out when a staffmember has a moment, I think I've covered everything I had to ask."

Temi queries, "Alright, well.. shall we wrap up now?"

Kinaed wonders, "With the advent of pvents, do people tend to RP more when they otherwise might not have?"
Temi nods at a dark-haired man in his mid twenties.

Lakali says, "Its 6 anywats."
A dark-haired man in his mid twenties has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

Carmen states, "Pvents won't make me RP when I didn't intend to."

Lakali says, "I like pvents yes they add flavor but more tool than anything."

Kinaed claims, "Oh, sorry. Happy to wrap up."

Terryn rps about the same, I reject if I can'tdon's want to rp.

Kinaed nods at Terryn.

Carmen claims, "Sadly in practice I'm finding them not so fun, but I think I'm a minority."

Temi states, "I know pvents have made me instigate RP when I might otherwise have just sat and wait. But doesn't change from not interested in rp to interested."

Lakali says, "I use them manually to find fun stuff to do."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Carmen states, "The fact they pop up randomly when I don't want to RP mostly, the spamming until I reject/accept, and the topics often being ones I don't like has made me actually end up negative on pvents in total."

Azarial states, "They don;t popup if youa re afk."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Lakali claims, "I use pvent roll until I find something fun to do sometimes."

Carmen states, "I'm often not afk but actually here, just not intending to RP."

Lakali is silly.

Kinaed nods at Lakali.

Carmen states, "I guess I could just use afk like 'idling'."

Kinaed nods at Carmen.

Lakali states, "Afk is best for if you're not RP available."

Lakali claims, "I use it like that."

Kinaed nods at Lakali.

Carmen shrugs. If people are talking to me in tells and I'm actually HERE AFK misleads them.

Lakali says, "I mean all my tells get buffered but hey."

Carmen wonders, "Can I get transed back?"

Temi nods.

Lakali says, "Pffft Ive had entire convos with Kin's ghost while she afks."

Temi states, "Yeah, let's send everybody back."

Lakali spooky.

Carmen has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Lakali has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Terryn has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Karrina has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

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Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:09 am

I feel rather offended when people say that the Order doesn't have enough to do! Between both my characters I feel I'm giving the whole lot a big puddle of different flavored RP to sink into, from morally ambiguous decisions, to book clubs, to covert operations, and into huge magic arcs. Personally, I'm starting to feel it's a choice among a select few between wanting to join RP, and wanting RP handed to you in exactly the fashion you choose.

It seems it's always the same old song and dance. "So and so guild isn't doing enough." "I don't see enough happening from Blank and Blank." It's honestly very disheartening, and I know for a fact that the current Southside has a few great and active RPers. Just because a building doesn't blow up with a Brotherhood calling card left at the scene, doesn't mean there isn't Brotherhood RP.

It just means you're not a part of it, and you should take measures to try and be a part of it. Again, same old song and dance. Proactive instead of reactive.

Edit: As a note, I'm currently very anti-guild at the moment, and believe that mages can do a hell of a lot more without a Manus than they ever could with one. One advantage to this is not having to deal with guild policy. Personally, also, I feel like as a Manus GL I wouldn't ever do anything because I could do so much more by writing lore for my guild. If I died, I'd feel I let people down and ruined the continuity of my guild. I'd be worried that the next GL wouldn't incite RP.

As a guildless mage I don't have to worry about that. Covens provide an easy flexibility and bend and break as easily as friendships. And I swear to almighty Dav, if somebody says 'but I can't find mages' I will lose it. I used to think that argument held water... now that I've gotten experience on the subject, I no longer feel that way.
Player of: Alexander ab Courtland

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Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:43 pm

Hi Leech,

I have to admit, the last OOC Chat was very difficult for me - though in large part that my well be because I was sick as a dog from too much partying the night before (man, that stuff doesn't go over as well when you're 34 as it did when you were 24...)

Anyway, I felt like a couple of people are disillusioned with TI lately, and those feelings somewhat colored their general take on some things. After the meeting, the staff sat down and debriefed. We asked ourselves if each complaint raised were valid, and if some where hypochondria. Ultimately, we decided to do a few tweaks (because they were good ideas, regardless of whether or not complaints were valid - so pvents have a toggle coming in soon, for example). We also decided to take some polls about the broader spectrum of players to see if the opinions raised in the meeting were genuinely the general populace's views, or just the specific views of a few players who were unhappy with things of late.

We did decide that a system to remind people to recommend others is a nice to have, but low priority. We won't be seeing that for awhile. Pvents are getting an update.

Like you, I don't see an issue with Order RP. We do have problems keeping Orderites in game, but I don't think that has anything to do with the availability of Order RP. I've played a few Orderites in my time, and I know it's a tough job. In my view, a lot of people who are playing for fun aren't up for responsibility above and beyond the fun factor, and that is the key reason it's hard to keep the Order well-populated. I've never, once, had trouble finding RP for my Orderites.

Anyway, just a quick response to your post.

Kinky & Crew

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